6-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, December 12, 1946 IRRIGON NEWS Mr. t.r. . rm&U Ti f lt.rs fit l.J w li t J ! Mr. :i! '.' St. !a ) ..; ; ing plant in Hermiftoo. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller art On.-ir H.iHoway and having a party to celebrate Mrs. Arthur Taylor'i birthday at the Miller home with games and re freshments. ! W. B. Dexter te landscaping the ' land east of town that he purchased recently. i W .a were vis .i aunt and j ::r.-. T..m Caldwell, s. D.-.a I ;.. Taps, Mr. s,i,d Mia. Carl Knigh i' at U.e turkey dress- it & m 5 Christmas Trees FOR SALE AT Lee Cantwell Residence 404 South Court Street OR PHONE 2213 Mrs. Robert Smith had a banquet for the Irrigon teachers Saturday evening wtih all those present hav ing an enjoyable time and plenty to eat J. A. Shoun left for Camas, Mon tana, Thursday for a two weeks vacation. H. M. Duus will be care taker at the depot during his absence. Henry Swaren spent the week end in Portland. The high school is putting on a three-act play Friday evening at the school auditorium, called "Maid to Order." Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Markham of all descriptipn, Dolls, Games Irish Mail FOR CHRISTMAS . . . New Sterling Silver Gold Overlay BELT BUCKLES New is the time to order Loyd Bros. Saddle Co. Coaster Wagons Tricycle 14.95 12.95 up 15.95 Marshall- Wells Store CASE & NIKANDER returned home from Portland where they spent the week. The Loyal Ladies league met at the church basement Friday after- noon and finished a quilt The lad- ies are studying India. Mrs. Simms of Patterson is the leader. J The band women had a very suc cessful bazaar and chicken dinner Friday evening at the schoolhouse. The proceeds go toward paying for the spring band trip. The Irrigon basketball team played the Helix team and was defeated 47-6. Mrs. Doris Erkkila of Fort Lewis returned Friday after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cosner and other rela tives. Mrs Mary Rand was honored at her home Wednesday evening as twelve friends met to help her cel ebrate her 82nd birthday with vis iting, gifts and refreshments of ice cream and cake. Miss Julia Ann Clarke and Will iam Clair Rutledge were married at the Methodist parsonage in Pen dleton by Rev. Johnson December 3 at 8 o'clock in the presence of a few relatives and friends. Mrs. Leroy Minnick was matron of hon or and Leroy Minnick, best man. Mr. Rutledge is the son of Mrs. Lillian Rutledge of Irrigon. He finished school here and spent two years in the army. They had a wedding supper in Hermiston after the wedding. They will make their home in Walla Walla. fT V I S? li "i -.'.....to' At f : - i ! "!"-fl ' V- I l: S ; i 'S'i t- $ f ! 1 w&&s&&&&& Just What You've Been Waiting For SLACKS Plaid Slacks, 100 wool 12.95 Black Gabardine Slacks 100 wool 12.95 SLACK SUITS, Rayon Suiting 12.75 Wrap Around Skirts Dressy, 100 pet. wool-in blacks and browns only 5.95 lorah's Shop STAR mm REPORTER Sbow Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. at p. m. Jn ci;:p'-.--.n 5 with the Federal Tax Requirement. Children's Admissions apply -niy to liioie under the leal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Froframs Program Subject to Cbuae Watch local newspaper tor weekly announcement Priday-Saturdiy, Dtctinber 1S-14 Roll cn Texas Moon Boy Roi'i-E, G..siy Hayes, Dale Evang, Bob tin!! kwx I.? Sons of the Pionecn Fa.-1 h'i-'-.i tuii'rs und funny situationa make up thiS wtv:l'.irii aijii. PLUS Deadline for Murder Paul Kelly, Xtit Taylor, Sheila Ryan, Jerome Cowan Thi iri';t-:v r- all the ingredients for 'All fe v. Kiiity iS-rasv aid the JohiiEtown riood Saturday, Dwi-Zotr 14 CK:LV?.; 3 MATINEE, 2 P. M. Tht great horse story TISUMDERHEAD :u Technicolor . -PJ.US Amateur Talent on the Stage ANOTHER BIG AUCTION Beginning at I o'clock P. M. Thursday, Dec. 19 at the EScppner Sales Yard Runnion 6 Erwin, Owners and Operators Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Ward and three daughters of Minneapolis are visiting Mr. Ward's mother, Mrs. Ola HoUoway, at Lexington. They have been in the northwest several weeks doing some football scouting and visiting relatives. Mr. Ward, a former all-coast end at Oregon State college, is backfield coach at the University of Minnesota. Mrs. Ward informed the Gazette Times that she scouted the Oregon State Washington game in Portland, rhey will return to Minneapolis after Christmas. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their lovely floral offerings and words of sympathy in our time of sorrow. The Gerard family. Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing To make this simple, no risk hearing test with Ourine drops used with sim ple syringe. If you are deafened, both ered by ringing, buzzing head noises due to hardened or coagulated wax (cerumen), try our Ourine Home Me thod test that so many say has enabl ed them to hear well again. You must hear better alter making this simple test or you get your money back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Drops to day at- Humphreys Drug Company Sunday-Monday, December 15-16 Centennial Summer Jeanne Grain, Cornel Wilde, Linda Darnell, William Eythe, Walter Brennan, Constance Bennett, Dorothy Qish A tuneful, eye-filling Technicolor musical spec- tarjp. Tuesday, December 17 COME AND GET IT Edna Perber! mighty novel of our own North went and the lumber industry with Joel MoCrea, Edward Arnold, Andrea Leedi, Walter Brennan. Wednesday. Thursday, December 18-19 Badman's Territory Bwdolph Scott, Ann Richards, Oeorga Hayes, &ay Collins Tha Junes Brothers ... the Dal ton Boys. . .Belle Starr . . . Hank McOee . . . Bam Bus ... a saga of tiie frontier outlaws during one of the moat exciting periods of American history. i;;!i!ili'i;;';!!i'ii!ijiji'ijPS t - Gas & Ah Howdy Folks: A friend of ours thinks that the old wheeze should be changed to read, "what the five cent cigar needs is a good country. Of course thre are good five cent cigars for sale now days for more money. If women ever take to smoking cigars as they have cigarettes, the men will be able to get even with them at Christmas. According to a girl in our neigh borhood, a well bred man is one who steps on his cigarette so it won't burn the rug. Men who smoke cigars without bands are sure of a quiet smoke. If you happen to get caught with matches and nothing to smoke, just make light of it. Don't get short on quality. When you need oil buy our Val voline Penn oil in sealed cans and be sure you're getting Penn oil and not a substitute. UNREIN MOTOR SERVICE Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 38 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppnei Times, established November 18 1891. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1012 Published every Thursday and en tared it the Post Office at Hepp ner. Oregon, as second clan matter. Subscription Price $250 a Year O. O. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor jtfJtes. ftJ? I GIFTS for .. .. ,.. .... -S A the HOME fX J - Both Mat Sets lsltiSl - A Set consists of 1 QO lUrjiil I J Aa444el44r Tufted Chenille Ml ' ftCCe550lie5, tnjt.nd.djustabie.t llll I ' THE PERFECT GIFTS FOR HER!. B 1 j jj J ) Accessories head the list of prefer Golden Dawn I w V M I red gifts for her! So be sure lo shop I I " i Penney's for smartest chin-to DLANKETS I L.-VV WLLS toe fashions. Large size 14 75 rV,1yi I A. DICKEYS. Ryon. D. HANKIES. Bright 5-yeir guarantee against 1 I JY Highor V-aock.Cy print! and white! moth damage. ' colois. QQ Linen and cotton. ft Crepe Blouses. E. SCARFS. Hand, Tuft Chenille A warot West Long sleev- painted no vertyrayoil 1 Utted thenille . White fjg .heer oblong,. 1 SPREADS C. HANDBAGS. Double bed size g QQ H Plastics, leathers, fabv Choice of colors, f Hca, Many ityle.. ' Blue, Green, Peach, or 3 ; . . 05r Dusty Rose; ' q 1 J' AsyO C xAcomains,; JO ' JQc M J fS- 30tnvcfup Box fyMf Huba! Huba! $ rsfi ' 100 percent wool A QQ V StP They're the rage ,yo in the teen age crowd. ' m& :tAM a .Jan kM- Mi fm s-ll Mm wfa m- RAYON GIFT SLIPS. CHENILLE ROBES. PRETTY APRONS MISSES' MITTENS D.h, onH sotins Rich deen nils chenille in Pert Drints and novelty Colorful laskin lamb back ! Tailored and lace trimmed gay, cheery colors. Misses', checks. Ruffle, bias and mittens. Cape leather j styles. 32-44. 1 f C 12-20; women's g gC rickrack trim. palms; fleece lining. - Luggage ror JWJ&mryXssi Smart f- ' '' Men's 20-inch Kf FtlT M P II Inside packets 3 75 '','7'imJ' . lip 1 rLStkin, case.' 0 fWHAT S I BRIEF SHORTS i & Athletic Shirts Jr Boy's Knit BRIEF SHORTS dress shirts, giftties. au sweaters, socks. Favow Top quality, bright, tasteful Varm,!icaltlifuI eel slack model, ' Sanf.t "man-crs"l 93c coats. 4 93 part-wool. 49c X SPORT SHIRTS. MUFFLERS. HANDKER- BELTS. Stylish Long wearing Bright plaid-, CHIEFS. I '"1"'! Western ' Boys' Athletic Sflnf' 3.98 ' all-w.o1' l.r;3 or cotton 42 g' 1.49 Shirts 25c 'sbte'