H From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh Jl A I r WIUIIU American Tradition Th Cuppers had a frrand old family rennioa last week lor the trnt time since the war. Big and little Cuppers came, ly car and train, from as far west as Nebraska and as far east as Vermont. They crowded Pee and Jane's house, set up quarters in the barns, or stopped with rici."'n bors and a jollier gathering j ;u couldn't have imagined! I was asked fa their fin.il r-'-r- day right supper, when tlic;- . :.: - -ir.e, beer or cider, old Borers, drank beer and c '.'.z:, reminisced. Dark Cuppers t.r.J blonde ones Vermont accents and Alabama drawls doctors and farm ers ... all with their differences of facte and politics, yet as close and harmoniona in spirit as a troop could be. From where I sit, it's a great American tradition not just fam ily reunions, but the ability to get clong as one harmonious family, r. : jardless of differences of taste t '..c'.her it's taste for politics or Highways To Health Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, December 12, 1946-5 By ADA R. MAYNE 19:6, r.uW States Brcwcn Foundation ArPLE COOKERY A bumper harvest of crisp juicy Northwest apples is riding the crest of the fruit market now. To the homemaker who is looking for var iety to spice her winter meals, the increased apple supply comes as a boon. Eaten as-is for dessert or a snack, apples spare the cook and the su gar bowL Apples are a most ver satile fruit, and are equally good cooked with meat or vegetables or mixed in a salad, used in pastry, quickbreads and cake, or puddings and custards. Apples contain varying amounts of vitamins and minerals and pro vide bulk, a necessary addition to the modern diet Apples maintain their Vitamin C content while in TOILETRIES Lovelt torteme is porcelain chiru ind (lau replicai of prkelest Old Vvirs tmiquei tn ramoua Old South murnscej thai weminglt Ian torevac Trait Inspired cirt tot ihi moos who baa rMrruuBj." Oarioton Bos Sacfcets storage and may be substituted for citrus fruits during the seasons when apples are abundant and mod erately priced. Helpful hints for apple cookery: Three medium-sized apples weigh pound. Keep apples cool and moist, away from strong-flavored foods. Chill apples for best eating. Cook no longer than necessary, serve raw often. Apple treats add zest to jaded meals: Serve spicy applesauce over ice cream. For lunch nibbles, cut apple wedges and spread with cheese. Add diced apples to pan cake and waffle batter. Try apple up-side-down cake for something different. Don t forget apple pie and cheese, apple dumplings with cream and apple fritters. Here's a new twist for baked ap ples and the children will love 'em! Prepare apples for baking and place in a buttered baking dish. Fill centers with mixed Christmas can dies and bake 45 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven, place a marshmallow on top of each ap ple, cover and return to stove. Serve warm with cream. Apple crumb custard is another easy-to-make dessert that requires no sugar but will please the family sweet tooth. APPLE CRUMB CUSTARD 3 cups milk 12 cup dry bread crumbs 2 eggs well beaten 12 cup molasses 6 apples 34 cup seeded raisins Scald milk in the top of a double boiler over boiling water. Add the bread crumbs and stir carefully to prevent lumping. Cook for 3 min utes longer. Set aside to cool. Add the eggs and molasses and mix well. Peel and core the apples and par boil 5-8 minutes. Place apples in a shallow rectangular baking dish and and add custard mixture. Fill centers of apples with raisins. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees, for one hour or until custard is set Serve warm with cream or with whipped cream. Serves 6. parents and the county agent, thru which this jlub may become out standing. Reports on feeding were given by three members on calf feeding. LOOK AHEAD! There is Opportunity Waiting for You In the New Regular United States Army! Especially if you were an Army, Navy, Ma rine or Coast Guard specialist. Qualified veterans who held an occupational specialty rating (for a period of at least six months) Jn any of some 400 skills, may now enlist in The Regular Army in a grade commen surate with their for mer rating. New high pay and opportunities formerly unheard of in an Army career await you in the Reg ular Army. Check your MOS, then, for full details, go, or call in, to your nearest Army Recruiting Sta tion' immediately. Army Recruiting Station TJ. S. Post Office Building, Pendleton, Oregon Ronald Baker discussed calves on feed; Dwane Baker gave pointers on proteins and hay, and Dean Graves' subject was on dif ferent feeds. The next meeting will be held at starting , Willows grange hall in lone De cern t'r zi wnere me -n ciud win have a Christmas party. Fay and Vesta Cutsforth and Barbara Sher man will give reports at this meeting. BENEFIT DANCE Lexington High School Gymnasium Saturday, Dec. 14. 38c Natchet toscjai 4.50! Humphreys Drug Co. Beef Club Hears Reports on Feeding By Ingrid Hermann 4-H Beef Club Reporter The meeting of November 30 was held at the O. W. Cutsforth ranch near Lexington, when 19 members were present Letters of thanks were written to Mr. Wilcox, president of the Pari fic International exposition; Mr. Williams, in charge of sleeping quarters, and to Mr. Holt, general manager of P. I., by Jo Ann Graves, Betty Graves and Fay Cutsforth. Mr. Anderson read a letter from the state club leader in which he stated that he was very interested in our club and urged close coop eration between club members, HELP YOUR CAR GIVE YOU TROUBLE-FREE SERVICE THIS WIHTER BY BRINGING IT "BACK HOME" TO US FOR A WINTER CHECK-UP NOW! WE WILL , 1 Completely " lubricate all fittings.U-joints, clutch and brake shafts. 2 Drain, flush and refill transmission and differen tial with proper lubricant 3 Remove wheels re pack wheel bearings and adjust. 4 Replenish fluid and ad just shock absorbers. 5 Clean fuel pump screen. 6 Add water to battery and check connections. 7 Check generator and regulator charging rate. 8 Check and adjust clutch pedal clearance. 9 Clean oil bath air cleaner. 10 Wash car clean and vacuum interior. 1 1 Tune and adjust en gine (parts additional). 1 2 Adjust brakes. 13 Adjust front-wheel toe-in. 14 Focus and align headlamps. ALL FOR ONLY 90 Rosewall Motor Co. 4aBJSaSB5 - - - - - V 3 SI m si si SI SI SI & SI 5 SI s SI 53 SI 3 SI SI 53 SI 3 SI SI SI sen POCKET KNIFE Black bone handle 3 blade knife. Super quality in every detail Tool steel blades. Hand sharpened. $3 00 m SQUARE 12 - inch adjust able steel square combined with accurate spirit level. Calibrated in 116 inches. $1.60 This year choose a useful gift . . . something that the homemaker or the man about the house will appre ciate. You'll find all you need here. SMOKING STANDS 54-piece DINNER SETS CANNISTER SETS Irish Mail RACERS Billy Boy WHEEL TOYS li.v.'i'yl The mi-vtr eof f e mjVcf I SnUU do Sr.cd j net dfO tic ha-idie, stand treasuring cup. Include! glass Iter red. $,,.50 Glass Whistling Teakettle $1.95 JUICERS $4.35 n m m m ft ft ft ft si m. si m si SI si SI SI SI 5 si SI 5 SI S3 SI SI SI m if iiippw- 7T i I . r y j 1 1 i ml- Miim Ff-hliFffli J I JIIIL14iir TZK PRESEiVTTMft . f) filWW01 . r iv i vs ii PRESENTING And for every member of the family . . . brighten up that corner with a hand some desk . . .an inviting lounge chair '.4. ..enhance each and every room in your home with a Christmas gift of furniture and you give added attractive ness, color 'n beauty! See our holiday homcgifts today while stocks are completed! LIVING ROOM KITCHEN CHILD'S ROOM Chief Scooting Star SCOOTER $15.45 MIXING BOWL SET Nesting sets of glass mixing bowl sets. PYREX 95c I Heppner Hardware' & Electric Company SI ft LSI IS SJ? ft H?. rtW ft k R '? til I ft 4 .. ... BEDROOM A 'L, 1 DINING ROOM It ?. lit iv' Easy Time Payment Plan Ask about it today Case Furniture Co. (mi ,!0t