Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 05, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Hcppncr Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, December 5, 1946
Should We Have a Community
o n ?
That's a qtiv;
chamber 1 1
pilK.rul JiMU.-.-iv
. As far as the
the luncheon g:.i:
drive should K
the various ca'.l
agencies. Tiicrs
as the Salv.u.on
Christmas Sea! S
have not bed,
- f;avt a community chest of its
a King studied by the Heppner
and the subject (or the
.ci at ntM -Mondav's lnucheon
uhject has been discussed by
1 the o,;iion prevails that one
to build up a fund to meet
c:r.ir.g ft an local and outside
c.rta.n dependencies, such
. v.., the Kcd Cross and the
.c, ubivii ate not included, or
he War Chut drives conducted
here the past thr.e seasons. It has so -happened
that following the canvass for the War Chest,
some of the cc.-s t.iat have always solicited in
dependently have put their representatives in the
field asking for lc::ds. This has confused many
people who have already given to the War Chest
and they natuiahy have sought the reason for be
ing solicited when they thought they were giving
once for all the agencies.
The Seal Sale and the Red Cross are classed
as membership drives and will remain that way.
It is doubtful if the Salvation ' ny will come in
with a quota, relying more i;:r. the efforts of
authorized representatives tc ;:n:ir.ae their work.
In the War Chest drive r ,ly completed here
certain amounts were alht.-J for the Boy Scout
and Girl Scout movements. It develops that the
sums are not sufficient and that another drive
may be made to raise the required amount. Pro
ponents of the commnuity chest idea feel that
local neds should be t.iken care of first, at the
same time deeming it necessary' to provide a fund
that -va ill meet the quotas set up by agncies for
- which we have been providing and which will
continue to look to us for support.
The principal idea tack of a community chest
is to get away from so many financial drives by
-establishing a fund which, if not all used in one
'year can be retained as a starter for the next
year's campaign.
!t is hoped the chamber of commerce will find
good reason for t-king the proposal to the business
houses and the people of the community. It can't
- be calimed that it will require less giving, although
there may be individual cases where the one
check will effect a saving to the donor. The chest
idea should also prove a protection to those who
subscribe to its funds. There are many bogus so
licitors who, when confronted with a card denoting
the holder is a subscriber to the community chest
will not remain long in the commnuty. It might
be added that we can expect a crop of solicitors
of one kind or another at the first signs of a
tightening of business. When that time arrives
wc should be in position to protect ourselves.
Dictatorship Costly
While one might wish to see a much heavier
fine pinned on John L. Lewis, in all probability
the judge gave him about all the law allows and
the public will have to be content. It may be that
Judge Goldsborough had a yearning to make the
fine stiffer but being restrained by legal limita
tions took the satisfaction of putting the UMW
chief in his place by administering a thorough ver
bal spanking. And a plugged nickel says that Joh"
L. would prefer paying more money and hearing
less from the judge.
It remais to be seen what the coal dictator's
next move will be, for he is a dictator of the first
order. So long as he is in the saddle as ruler over
some 400,000 subjects whose labor so vitally af
fects industry and the comfort of millions of peo
ple he will hold on to every advantage within his
power. He has defied the governmnt, but in the
words of the presiding judge he is promlugating
a "monstrous thing a threat which, if successful
would reduce the American people to cold, hunger
and destitution, overthrow their government and
set up a dictatorship over them."
ludsre Goldsborough then issued a note of
warning to Lewis and his followers when he said:
"If it becomes a question of the destruction of
this union, or the preservation of the country, the
country is going to be preserved."
It is not the will of the dictator to listen to
warning. Huey Long couldn't be bothered, and
Huey Long was stopped by an assassin's bullet.
Hitler believed firmly in the abuse of power and
his dream of world conquest faded into oblivion
Hitler along with it. And now we have John L,
Lewis defying the United States government and
it may be that he is treading on thin ice. Public
opinion has not been aroused to a desperate point
but once it is it will spell the doom of the man
with the iron jaw.
- V
There will be super steering com-
mittees, branch steering committees
and sub-steering committees at the
coming session of the Oregon legis
lature. State, oificials here at the
capital reveal that at the meeting
of the Multnomah delegation, "the
little legislature," held last week,
all were apprehensive of a record
number of bills. Legislators who are I
now in a "receptive hypnotic state"
for their constituents declare there
also is a preponderance of proposed
Under the order of first things
first, the problem of state building
will receive major consideration.
The state has $14,000,000 allocated
for badly needed state buildings and
buildings to replace badly dilapida
ted structures. This amount will
now construct only 64 percent of
the number planned when the
money was allocated. "Humanity
demands that we care for state
Ground We;! ' " 'fecl Meaid Meot-Potatoburgers
Uvtt ' Liver t UwC UfLf
Frankfurters Frankfurter Spaghetti . Fronkfurter-GreenBeonCosserole Borbscued Fronkiurieyt
i v v
A fog-maker similar to that used In World War II to screen troop move
ments, is a powerful new weapon In the peacetime war on insects and
other pests. Produced by Besler Corporation of Emeryville, California, and
called the "Bes-Kil Aerosol Generator," the machine sends out a lethal
fog which destroys pests on crops and livestock; In orchards; and In
barns and other buildinas. It is also belna used In cities and towns for
warns, vve must not let tne tncreas- controlling flies and mosquitoes.
ea cost violate our duty towards
them," says Secretary of State Rob
ert S. Farrell Jr. The weight of
his statement will be adhered to
by the Multnomah delegation. An
additional $5,000,000 will be requir
ed to augment the state building
program of the 1945 legislature,
which when adopted was consider
ed to be conservative compared to
Oregon Junior Growers
Win Top Western Awards
Meets Every Monday Noon at the
Lucas Place
Veterans of Foreign
Meeting 2nd and 4th Mondays at
8:00 p. m. in Legion Ball
All kind of carpenter work.
Modern Homes Built or Remodeled
Phone 1483 415 Jones St.
Turner, Van Marter
and Company
A 19-YEAR OLD Oregonian,
George Grenz of Albany, was
declared regional champion grow
er for 11 western states as mem
bers of the National Junior Vcge-
.1. . T. 1 ii UCia Ul LI
me emergency, u is oniy good dus- tabie Growers' Association gath
iness, argues farrell to keep state ered in Boston, Mass. for their
buildings in good . repair, not let
them deteriorate to the point where
they will become a total loss.
12th annual three-day convention.
In addition to
the regional
residents of the
Beaver State
also walked off
with two sec
tional and three
state awards
from the $6,000
in scholarships
provided a n -naually
by the
George Grenz
During the past thirty days state
police arrested 2210 persons for vi
olations of motor vehicle registra
tion, equipment and operation laws
which resulted in fines totaling
$15,575.67 and sentences totaling
1778 days in jail or the penitentiary,
2C3 eases are still pending. Drivers 'A & P Food
without licenses lead the list of vio- Etores for the competitive pro
lators with profligators of the rules duction and efficient marketing of
of the road second and drivers of i
cars without tail-lights in third tnbuted west of the Rockies,
place. Stolen motor vehicles with a i National champion, and winner
value of $28 085.33 were recovered. I of the $500 top scholarship award,
In the same 'period 259 general law I "-year-old Jim Spell of Mis-
vmlatrrs were arrested resultinff n W. . J , H'"
sentences totaling 33.53 years and
Although more meat is, available
today, Mrs. liuiiscv.-iie can continue
to make pood use- o the meats she
relied on iluftbjr tl.e period ol
scarcity. There ure a number oi
these which d rr.kvy opportuni
ties for vanity and at the same time
are easy on tne bu.i;: t.
The meats ict'-.rf! .v ive are ex
cellent exam: i-'S. h' U-.ewives
include them in I: ;r far. ily meals,
but more often tl ;.n ii jI. tr.e ways in
which they ale served are very lim
ited. As a ma'ter of f-sl there are al
most endle.-s !" -:' for ufinq
these meats hi ! ' Min;' dir pes that
are different. A lew suggestions are
given here.
Meat Cups Creamed Potatoes
Combine 1 poui.J ;;.jur.d beef, '1
cup dry bread cru'i...-, i cup milk,
1 U'a.'-'poon faitar.fi t' :,. poon pep
per, line ur.cn a: a r..'i"sn pstis with
meat mixture to a t:,:. :.
inch. Fill with &('! potatoes and
bake in a mow oven 4 minutes.
Combine 1 pound hamburger, 2
cups coarsely grated unpeeled po
tato, J,i cup grated onion, Vt tea
spoons prlt and hi teaspoon pepper.
Mix wt-11. Shape into 8 patties and
broil or panbroil slowly until done.
Liver Chop Suey
Cut 1 pound liver in 1' X "
strips. Cook in 4 tablespoons lard or
drippings 5 minutes. Add 1 cup
sliced celery, 1 cup sliced onions.
Cook 5 minutes. Add 1 can Chinese
vegetables and liquid and 4 tea
spoons soy sauce. Simmer until meat
is thoroughly cooked, about Vi hour.
Season, thicken. Serve over hot rice.
Liver Spoon Cakes
Cook 1 nound sliced liver in 1 ta
blespoon drippinps in frying-pan
about 5 riiii.uies. Grind liver; add 1
ti.r.cr.nr.n Knlfc. V teasDoon Depper,
and 2 eegs, well beaten. Mix well.
Dron bv tablespoonfuls into hot
Meat and I
Combine I1 j poi
cup I'tr.u.'.
cup milk ar i
Spread ou
thick ne.-s, ii.,
6 X 10 ii,-.h
mnsl "il pi't.'.
fctrOS if !r;i'-:1 i
roll. I'lace ii
V h
(ato Roll
i" -round meat,
criit.!.!', 1 eg?,
. t'-a poon pepper
,1 paper
to ,4 -inch
trie about
1 with 2 cups
o pweet pota
Hi.ll like a jelly
- pan and bake
lours iii a moueiaie oven.
e i: ipiiauow iara or unuuuiKo. wvnu
weu on oeLn siuua.
liver Loaf
Cook 1 pounds sliced liver In 2
tablespoons drippings 6 minutes.
rmil livor Combina with 1 CUP
bread crumbs, hi cup milk, juice of
V4 lemon, 2 tablespoons tomato cat
sup, 'a cup pork sausage, H tea
spoon paprika, 1 small onion, finely
chopped, 1 egg, beaten, 1 teaspoon
3alt, and U teaspoon pepper. Mix
well. Turn into a loaf pan lined with
bacon. Place bacon strips on top,
Bake in moderate oven, 1 hour.
Frankfurter Spaghetti
Slice 1 pound frankfurters in Vi-
inch pieces. Brown frankfurters and
Vi cup diced onion in 1 tablespoon
lard or drippings. Add 1 teaspoon
salt. 1 teaspoon allspice, V teaspoon
cloves, hi teaspoon pepper, 1 cups
tomato juice and 3 cups cooKea spa
ghetti. Simmer until tnicKenea.
Brown hi pound whole frankfurters.
Serve around spaghetti
Frankfurter Green Bean
Slice 1 pound frankfurters, -
inch thick. Brown in a tablespoons
drippings. Stir 5 tablespoons flour
into dnppings, add z cups mine ana
1 teaspoon salt. Cook until thick
ened. Add 1 tablespoon W orcester-
sh re sauce, hk cud trrated cheese
and 2 cups green beans. Combine
with frankfurters, uaite in moaer-
ate oven 40 minutes.
Barbecued Frankfurters
Arrange 1V4 pounds frankfurters
in shallow pan. Pour Barbecue
Sauce over them, Bake uncovered
for 30 minutes in a moderate oven.
To make Barbecue Sauce: Brown
1 medium onion, chopped, in 2 ta
blespoons margarine or butter. Add
2 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons
brown sugar, 4 tablespoons lemon
juice, 1 cup catsup, 3 tablespoons
Worcestershire sauce, M tablespoon
prepared mustard, V cup water, hi
eup chopped celery, salt and red pep
par, Simmer 30 minutes.
$1,832.70 in fines. There were 373
arrests made for violation of the
game code resulting in $13,572 in
fines and 3.77 years in sentences.
Attorney General Neuner this
week released the following deci
sions on state laws: Only the public ;
employer, and not the employee,
can move to defer the retirement 6f
a superannuated employee, on and
a.ter the effective date of compul
sory retirement. . . .The secretary of
state's department is not authorized
to issue a motor vehicle dealer's
license to one who deals exclusive
ly in trailers The Oregon law,
regulating the conduct of a business
under an assumed name, the filing
of only one assumed name is per
mitted An alien, unlawfully in
this country, but who resided in
the state of Oregon for the legal
period of time with the intention of
making his home here, has suffi
cient legal residence within the
meaning of the Oregon law to ob
tain a valid divorce decree The
Oregon law requiring the payment
of wages upon end of employment,
makes no exception in regard to
employers whose pay roll records
are not readily available at place
where employment ceases. The law
requires immediate payment, whe
ther the work ceases by discharge
of the employee, by mutual agree
ment or by resignation after notice.
Secretary of State Robert S. Far
rell Jr. will start distribution this
week of the first printed copies of
the Oregon high school driving
course booklets. The course has
been designed to conform with the
state's required' curriculum in
health, physical education and acci
dent prevention program. The
course is in eight parts arranged
for high school students to instruct
them in the technique of handling
a car and their responsibilities as
ject were announced by Prof.
Grant B. Snyder of Massachusetts
State College, adult adviser for
the young vegetable growers.
George, who collects a $200
scholarship for his year's efforts,
is the son of John F. Grenz, op
erator of a'137-acre farm in Li in
County. George entered his
den project of sliehtiv ovei nii ;
acres in the 1940 NJVGA co.. ..
He sold much of the produce froi
his 25 crops, used the rest at
home, and recorded a neat profit
of $2,633. He attributes his suc
cess this year to four factors
good seedbeds, maximum use of
fertilizer, over 90 per cent top
grade produce and early market-
Grenz is a veteran winner, hav
ing captured over 60 awards in
earden. poultry - and neld com
petition. He has been president of
his 4-H Garden Club for two
years and holds an FFA "Oregon
larmer Dearee.
Marjorie Zeller, 16, daughter'of
Mr and Mrs. Dale Zeller of
Brockway, and Lynn Hoefer, son
of Mrs. E. Hoefer, of Albany,
were crowned sectional cham
pions, each receiving a $100 A it P
scholarship. Marjorie, Douglas
County 4-H garden titleholder
this year, grew produce valued at
$722 on two-thirds of an acre at
cost of only $95. Lynn, who
graduated from high school a
year ago, has the entire respon
sibility of running a 60-acre farm
with the help ot his mother, tie
nevertheless was able to show a
net profit of $2,034 from his vege
table project of 22 acres.
The three state winners in Ore
eon. each receiving a $10 prize,
are Ted Schattenkerk, 17, of
Brockway. Jo Anne Lang. 14. ot
Sublimity and Rex Volistedt, 16,
of Albany.
1. 1
Miss Zeller
Lynn Hoefer
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1S32 . Heppner, Ore.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens havinfl matters for discus
sion, please bring before
the Council
J. O. TURNER. Mayor
Peters Building. Willow Street
Heppner. Oregon
Pboaa 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
Attorney at Law
. Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing
Heppner. Oregon
OK Rubber Welders
First class work guaranteed
Located in the Kane Building
North Main St. Heppner, Ore,
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co. A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Office in Peters Building
Merchants Credit
Accurate Credit Information
F. B. Nickerson
Phone 12 Heppner
225 Byers St. Pendleton, Ore.
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each
month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's
Office in Heppner
Trained Nurse Assistaat
' Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office up stairs I. O. O. F. Bldi
House calls made
House Phone 2383 Offico 2572
Blaine E. Isom
All Kinds of
Phone 723
Hoppnpr. Or
i,' "" t .-j !:.;,..- ; i
, ' . w. ,;- , 4
: W -r - yZf: A
1 - -.. ,1 1 til i
Cabinet Model Philco Radio
In excellent condition Beautiful tone quality
Also one table model Admiral Record
Player with playing attachments.
Inquire at Gazette Times Office
Pin-up pulchritude inspired Navy chief petty officer Don Wolf
to compose the liltin? song hit "Get a Pin-up Girl." The same
' Walter Thornton models who were Wolf's Inspiration come to his
' aid again and pose (above) before the largest pin-up photostat ot
the song cover mat couiu De rep.ouuceu. nun inciii oaiu uuaia
hue, once a Navy band leader but no the man who introduced
"Get a Pin-up Girl" to the airways ..iu. started it on its way to
becoming the nation's biggest song hit.
NEW LAWS EFFECTIVE ures are constitutional amendments
There are six more laws on the ' providing for succession of gover
statute books of Oregon than there I nor, permitting legislative bills to
were a week ago. The six measures
passed by 59.22 percent of the reg
istered voters at the November gen
eral election became effective when
the official canvas 'of the vote was
made last Friday. The new meas-
te read by title only, allowing Chi
nese to hold real estate and mining
claims; and bills to create a basic
school support fund, regulating
commercial fishing, and to create
rural school districts.
Pre-School CI
I Thursday, December 26
s from 2 to U p. m. e
Under supervision of s
H Chiropractic Physician s
H Oddfellows Building Heppner, Oregon
Make an Early
For a
10 Pet. Discount on ol Permanents
Alice s Beauty Shop
' . Christmas Ms
Send -
a 5003 of -friendship
Saagers Pharmacy
M 7jM. tel l Ml VUJ1IM