Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, November 28, 1946-3 Want Ads FOR SALE Embroidery work scarfs, table cloth and napkins, pillow cases. Mrs. Paul Winters, CCC camp. 36-37c. FOR SALE OR TRADE for cattle, 1942 Oldsmobile sedan. See Bob Runnion. 36c. FOR SALE A larRe enamel coal and wood range. Phone 1485. 36-7 FOR SALE One medium size cir culating heater, excellent condi tion. Phone 1114. 36p. FOUND Wrist watch. For inform ation see Mrs. Charles Stout, CCC camp, Heppner. 36c. LOST In Heppner, leather purse with small amount of money. Purse valuable as keepsake. Suit able reward. Walter Luckman. 36tfc. WE WILL guarantee you 6 inter est on your investment on our real estate mortgages. Write Fox Realty and Accounting Service, 415 S. W. 11th Ave., Portland. Oregon. 35-37c. FOR SALE Automatic Electric Water Pressure System. Complete with 525 gallon tank. Newport, Kern & Kibbe, Lexington, Ore 35tfc. FOR SALE 550 gallon gas tank; '30 model A pick-up; '29 Interna tional light truck. Cloy Dykstra, Heppner, Ore. 35-36p. FOR SALE One 10-ft. Oliver disc plow; new discs. Price $150. E. M. Baker lone, Ore. 34-36c. FOR SALE 1107 acres creek ranch. With or without stock and equip ment. A. V. Wright. 33-36p. FOR SALE 16-acre creek farm 9 milsw from Heppner; 6-room house, bam and outbuildings. In cluded in sale: Fordson tractor & mower; good milk cow St chick ens; cream separator; 7 tons of hay in barn; 75 fence posts. Price $3000.00. Turner, Van Marter & Co. 32tf. husband, the unknown heirs of D H. burroughs, tli unknown heirs of bin M. Wtluole, the unknown heirs of Alex Parker and the unknown heirs tit Marx i'arker Bluunt, If any are douwaed; also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the reul estate described In the com- f'l.ilnt herein, the above named de endants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OlittiON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff s complaint Iiled against you in the above entitled cuurt and cause within four weeka from the dabs of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fall to ao appear or answer, for want thereof, uuunliffa will apply to the above entitled couit lor the relief prayed for In their com plaint, to-wit: Kur a decree quieting title to the following described real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots U U M 7, 8. . 10, 11, and U in Block 32 In the town of lrrtgim. Morrow County, Oregon, and plaintiffs be adjudged the own ers in fee simple of said real property and that you and all persons claiming by, through or under you be forever barred of and from all right, title, ea tate. Hen or Interest In or to said real property and that whatever Interest you may claim therein be null and void, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks In the Hepp ner Uazette Times, a newHpaper pub lished In Morrow County. Oregon, pur suant to an order of Hon. Kalph S. Hamilton. Judge of the above entitled court, which order la dated October 26. 1946. and the date of the first pub publication of this summons Is October 31st, 146. JOS. J. NTS. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Post pfflce and residence, Heppner, Oregon. 32-34 HOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, AdiiuuiHlralrix. de honiB nun. of the Estate of Kia B. Howell, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor Murrow County, her final account of her administration of the said estate and that the said Court ha set Mon day, December 16, 1946. at the hour of 10:00 A. M. in the forenoon of twin day at the County Courtroom at the Courthouse at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and the set tlement of the said estate, and all per sons having objections to the said Klnal Account or the settlement of the said estate are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the lime Bet for said hearing. Dated and first published this 14th day of November, 1946, JOSEPHINE MAHONEY, Administratrix de bonis non. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Administratrix, Heppner. Oregon 34-38. Legal Advertising BBTLDntO rOS BALE Bids will be received up to and In cluding December 20, 1946. for pur chase and removal o( the I. O. O. K building In Lexington. Oregon. Itight reserved to reject any or all bids. Mull bids to Archie Munkers. Secretary. Lexington Lodge No, 168. LemiKtun. Oregon. 3V37C. NOTICE OP ANNUAL ELECTION OF AAA COMMUNITY COMMITTEES To all Morrow County farmers who have signed AAA farm plans for the 1946 year or have taken Federal Crop Insurance: Notice la hereby given 'that on the 26th day of November. 1946. the annual election will be held of AAA Com munity Committeemen In the Districts of lone, Morgan. Eightmile, Lexing ton. Alpine. North Heppner and South Heppner-Hordman. The place of meeting and election will be in the Courthouse between the hours of 1:30 and 6:00 P. M. HENRY BAKER, Chairman Morrow County AAA Committee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administratrix of the eatate of John M. Hannaa de ceased and all persons having claims againat the estate of Bald deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned administra trix with proper vouchers at the law office i.t Jos. J. Nys at Heppner, Ore gon, within six montlis of the date hereof. Dated and first published this 21st day of November. 194fi. ADELL HANNAN, Administratrix. 36-311 HOTICH TO CHEDITOftS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administratrix of the estate of David Zivney, deceased, and all persons having claims against the es:ate of said deceased are nereby required to present the siiine to the undersigned administratrix with prop er vouchers at the la office of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner. Oregon, within six . mcnth of the date hereof. Dated and first published this 21st day of November. 1946. CAMMILLE. ZIVNEY. Administratrix. 86-39 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor of the Eatate of Charles H. Luckman. deceased, has fil ed with the County Court of the State ol Oregon, for the County of Morrow his Final Account of his administra tion of the said Estate, and that the suld Court has set Monday, December is. l46. at the hour of lll uo oc hick A M In the forenoon of said day at the County Courtniom at the Courthouse at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and the settlement of the said estate, and all persons having objections to the said Final Account or the settlement of the said Estate ar hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the lime set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 21st day of December, 1946. . WALTER W. LUCKMAN. Executor. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for the Executor, Heppner. Oregon. 36-89. NOTICH OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice, is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Augusta Mason has filed his final account of his administration of said eetate with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Ceunlv and said Court has fixed Monday the cm aay 01 uocemoer, ly-io, at the nour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of saia day at the Court House at Hepp ner, Oragon as the time and place foi hearing objections to said final ac count and the sattlnment nf snid oh- tata v:d )1 persona having objections therete are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated ami iirst published tills 7th u .y ot now.:;, her, 1946. b::;.. ulASON, Administrator. , 83-37. SUMMONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATU OF OREGON FOR MOlt ROW COUNTY. IRWIN PIERSON and CORRINE riHKHON, Ills wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Morrow County, a Public corporation, D, 11. Burroughs and Jane Doe Bur roughs, his wife, whose true name Is unknown to plaintiffs, Etna M. wai pole and John Doe Walpole, her husband, whose true name Is un known to plaintiffs, Alex Parker and Mary Pnrker, his wife, and Mary 1'arker Hlount and John Doe Blount. her husband, whose true name Is un known to palntlffs, and all the un known heirs of Etha M. Walpole, if deceased, all the unknown heirs of Alex Parker, if deceased, and all the unknown heirs of Mary Parker Blount If deceased. Also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Inter est in the roal estate described In the complaint herein, Dotenuaiua, To D. H. Burroughs and Jane Doe Burrnuirhs. his wife. Etha M. Will- pole and John Doe Walpole, her nusDana. aiox raranr ami iwaiy , in ker, his wife, and Mary Parker Blount and John Dos BUunt, her SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREiON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. MARY ANN WALLACE. Plaintiff, vs. L. C. WALLACE, Defendant To L. C. Wallace. Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agiunst you in the above entitled Court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plainl iff will apply to the said Court for relief as prayed for in plaintiffs compaint. to-wit; for a Decree of this Court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and granting to plain tiff an absolute decree of divorce; This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of four consecutive weeks in the Heppner W. L, McCaleb returned home Monday after spending two or three weeks at Willamette valley points. He vsiited relatives at Corvallii and Dallas. Gazette Time by order of the Honor able Bert Jonlisoii. Judge of the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, which said or der was made and entered on the 25th day of November. 1946. and the first date of this publication of this sum mons Is the lli day of November, 1946 J. O. TURNER. Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofflce Address, Heppner, Oregon. 36 40. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. NATHAN ELMER THORPE and MARGARET RUTH THORPE, his wife, Pluiuliffs, vs. Annie H. Betts and Gladys J. Betts, E, K: Mulkey and Bessie G. Mulkey, his wife, and Elizabeth V. Dickens, and John Doe Dickens, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs; and also the unknown heirs of Annie H. Betts, the un known heirs of Gladys J. Betts, the unknown heirs of E. K. Mulkey. the unknown heirs of Bessie G. Mulkey and the unknown heirs of Elzabeth V. Dickens, if any of said persons are deceased. Aso all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. To Annie H. Betts and Gladys J. Betts, E K. Mulkey and Bessie G. Mulkey. his wife, and Elizabeth V. Dickens, and John Doe Dckens, her husband, and also the unknown heirs of An nie H. Betts, the unknown heirs of Bessie G. Mulkey and the unknown heirs of Elizabeth V. Dickens. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in me real escaie uei.nij ed In the complaint herein, the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are heieby required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their com plaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting title to the following described real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the nor theast quarter and the east half of the east half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section sixteen (16) In Township 4 North. Range 25 East of the Wil lamette Meridian, and plaintiffs be adjudged the owners in fee simple of said real property and that you and all persons claiming by through or under you be forever barred of and from all right, title, es tate, lien or interest in or to said real property and that whatever interest you mav claim therein be null and void, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper published in Morrow County. OreRon. pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated iovemoer zo. ixrm. uo the date of the first publication of this Bumnions Is November 28th 1946. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Postofflce and residence, Heppner, Oregon. 36-40. Avoid Arfnoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. - Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Advcrti$mnt k , From where I sit ... Ii Joe Marsh, KM ft A Lesson In Conservation We were sitting on Bill Webster's porch the other night, chnttinp; over a glass of beer when the talk turns to forest preservation, soil erosion, and other things that affect a farm ing community. Judpe Cunningham speaks up: "It's all right to worry about con serving our natural resources," lis says, "but there's a fnr bigger problem when it comes to conser vation and that's preserving our democratic way of life, our sense of personal freedom, our respect for one another's rights." From where I sit, the Judge is right All America's great re sources, our abundant natural wealth, are lost the minute we lose the right to work them as free people in a free land I Whenever you see or hear of an encroachment on our rights whether it's the right to free speech, or the right to vote as we see fit, or the right to enjoy a friendly glass of beer in licensed, law-abiding places . . . watch outl C"r. ' "i J9"i United States Bnwert Foundation ) VV ,' HERE'S A TEAM READY TO WORK FOR YOU FREE! Farm Guide These free pamphlets will help you tackle the tough job the right way. They go all-out to save you time, money. Check the ones you need and ask us today 1 I""" Gear Lubricant L-J Pamphlet r" Fleet Service (charts, records, cost-forms for operating trucks and tractors scientifically). Lubrication rl Tractor 1 Guide Tractor Roller Lubri cant Pamphlet - I I Wheel Hearing Service 1 Booklet L.E. (ED) DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon 1 ifl ET mm Yes, Chevrolet has the lowest-priced line of passenger cars in its field! Today, more than ever before, only Chevrolet brings you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST for Chevrolet has the lowest-priced line of passenger cars in its field. In fact, the great majority of Chevrolet body types list at prices substantially lower than those of any other cars in Chevrolet's price range. And, of course, only Chevrolet brings you Big-Car beauty, Big-Car comfort, Big Car performance, BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST in all items of purchase price, operation and upkeep! HODGE CHEVROLET CO. Phone 403 Heppner, Oregon t We give Thee thanks for bread this day, Broken for Thine own sweet sake; Dear Lord, be merciful, we pray To those who have no bread to break And teach us generosity To those less fortunate than we. Amen), Delivery NOW on the following Electrical Appli lances " The grain is garnered from our shining acres, fruit from our rich orchards. After years of war, our land is still ours, unscarred, bene ficent. Our children are fed. Few of us arc intimate with hun ger. But to people of many lands, hunger is a constant companion. In the midst of our bounty, we give thanks. We have much. Surely we can spare a little to share with! those who have none. A crust of bread to a well-fed man may be an other day's life to a child in Europe. Fiiosno mn k light company ELECTRIC WOOD CARVING SETS O TABLE MODEL RADIOS O , HOLLYWOOD BROILERS O ' TOASTERS O ELECTRIC KITCHEN CLOCKS O RADIO BATTERY for any Radio O ELECTRIC HEATERS O RADIO TUBES O PREMIER VACUUM CLEANERS O DOOR CHIMES . o SUN KRAFT THERAPY LAMPS O and many other items Come in and see us for your ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Located Hodge Chevrolet Co. Building Corner May and Main Streets Heppner Appli lance Heppner, Oregon Co. Phone 403