Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, November 21, 19-16-5 Want Ads FOR SALE Embroidery work carls, table clothi and napkins, pillow cases. Mrs. Paul Winters, CCC camp. 35p FOR SALE 60 tons alfalfa Ture Peterson. hay. 35c. WE WILL guarantee you 6 inter est on your investment on our real estate mortgages. Write Fox Realty and Accounting Service, 415 S. W. 11th Ave, Portland. Oregon. 35-37c. FOR SALE Automatic Electric Water Pressure System. Complete with 525 gallon tank. Newport, Kern & Kibbe, Lexington, Ore. 35tfc. FOR SALE 550 gallon gas tank; '30 model A pick-up; '29 Interna tional light truck. Cloy Dykstra, Heppner, Ore. 35-36p. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Dober man Pincer puppies. First apt. in rear of Norah's Shop. Case Bldg. 35p. FOR SALE One 10-ft. Oliver disc plow; new discs. Price $150. E. M. Baker, lone, Ore. 34-36c. FOR SALE Weaned Shetland po ny horse colts and one yearling all gentle. Also gentle bay saddle mare, 5 years old. Zoe Bauern fcind, Morgan, Ore. 34-35c. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, S years old, will freshen in Janu ary. Vernon Brown. lone. 34-35c LOST Scooter on Main street Co lor orange. Finder return to Hep pner Bakery. 34-35c FOR SALE 1107 acres creek ranch. . With or without stock and equip ment. A. V. Wright 33-36p. FORSALE Seed rye. A. V. Wright. 32-35p FOR SALE 16-acre creek farm 9 miles from Heppner; 6-room house, barn and outbuildings. In cluded in sale: Fordson tractor & mower; good milk cow St chick ens; cream separator; 7 tons of hay in barn; 75 fence posts. Price $3000.00. Turner, Van Marter & Co. 32tf. Legal Advertising BtTILDnfO FOB BALB Bids will be received up to and in cluding December 20. 1946. for pur chase and removal of the I. O. O. F. building In Lexington, Oregon. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. 3d all bids to Archie Munkers, Secretary, Lexington Lodge No. 168, Lexington. Oregon. 3 " -37c. JJOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION OF AAA COMMUNITY COMMITTEES To all Morrow County farmers who have signed AAA farm plans for the liH6 year or have taken Federal Crop Insurance: Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of November, 1946. the annual election will be held of AAA Com munity Committeemen in the District of lone, Morgan. Kightmlle, Lexing ton, Alpine, North Heppner and South Heppner-Hardman. The plate of meeting and election will be In the Courthouse between the hours of 1 30 and 5 00 P. M. HENRY BAKER, Chairman Mrtrrw County AAA Committee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of OreKon for Morrow County, administratrix of the estate of John M. Hannan. de ceased and all persons having claim againil the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undemlgned administra trix with proper vouchers at the law office . Jos. J. Nys at Heppner. Ore gon, within six months of the date hereof. Dated and first published this 21st day of November. 1W6. AD ELLA HANNAH. Administratrix. . 35-39. HOTICB TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given thAt the un derslgned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administratrix of the estate or Lmvld Zlvney, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of aald deceased are hereby required to present the s.;tie to the undersigned administratrix with prop er vouchers at the la office of Jos. J Nys at Heppner, Oregon, within six months of the date hereof. Dated and first published this 21st aay oi November, ltHtj. CAMM1L.LK ZIVNFT Administratrix. 35-S9 NOTICE OF PIHAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor of the Estate of Charles H. truckman, deceased, has til ed with the County Court of the State of Oregon, f,,r the County of Morrow, his Final Account of his administra tion of the said Estate, and that the aiUd Court has set Monday, December 23, 1946, at the hour of 10 00 o'clock A. M., In the forenoon of said day at the County Courtroom at the Courthouse at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and the settlement of the said estate, and all persons having objections to the said Final Account or the settlement of the said Estate are hereby required to file the sama with said Court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 21st day of December, 1946. WALTER W. LUCKMAN, P. W. MAHONEY, .' Attorney for the Executor, Heppner, Oregon. 85-39. HOTICB OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice la hereby given that the un deralKiiod administrator of the estate of Augusta Mason haa filed his final account of hla administration of wild eatate with the County Court of thr State of Oregon for Morrow County and nald Court has fixed Monday thr 9th day of Docflinber, 1946, at the hour oC1JluJ:0 o'clock the forenoon of eairt day at the Court House at Hepp ner, Ortjgon as the time and place foi hoaring objections to nnlri fiiml i.. count and I , .rttlninenl of said en tnt n-.J. . ptVMona having objection? . . te are ..ureby required to flit i - .mo t. t i said court on or before i a i nit; in i mr sai a hearing. . I ;1 first published thii 7th day of November, 1946. BKRT MAHON, Administrator. 83-87. SUMMONS IN THR CIRCUIT COURT OF THE piATW Ur OHKUON FOR, MOH ROW COUNTY. IRWIN PIERSON and CORRINE rnuiwun, nia wire, J 'lain una, v. Morrow County, a Public corporation. D. H. Burroughs and Jane Doe Hur roughs, hla wife, whose true name it- - unknown to plaintiffs, Ktha M. Wnl pole and John Doe Walpole, her nuabanu. whose true name Is known to plaintiffs, Alex Parker and aiary I'arker. his wife, and Mar; Parker Blount and John Doe Blount her husband, whose true name la un li-Tmwrt tit mi 1 1. 1 f f m tiH all tin. known heirs of Etiia M. Waloole. tl deceased, all the unknown heirs of Alex Parker, if decoased, and all the uiiknown not re oi Mary Parker Blount If deceased. Also all other persons or pur ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Inter eat In the real estate dettcribed In the complaint herein, Defendants. To D, H, Burroughs and Jan Doe Burroughs, till wife, JCthft M. Wai- i! and John Doe Wslpole, her usbaiid. Alex barker and Mary Par ker. his wife, and Mary Parkef Blount and John lxe Blount, her husband, the unknown heirs of D. H. Burroughs, the unknown heirs of Etna M. Wulpole, the unknown helm of Alex Parker and the unknown heirs of Mary Parker Blount, if any are deceased; also ail other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described In the com plaint herein, the above named de fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKLOON, you and each of you aie nereny required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the (list publication of this summons upon you ana 11 you tail to so appear anHwer, lur warn mereoi, piainiuis will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed lor In their com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree quieting title to the following described real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: LoU t 2, 3, 4. 6, ft. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, and 13 in Block 32 in the town of Irrigon, Morrow County. Oregon, and plaintiffs be adjudged the own ers In fee simple of said real property and that you and all persons claiming by. through or under you be forever barred of and from all right, title, es tate, lien or Interest In or to said real property and that whatever interest you may claim therein be null and void, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks In the Hepp ner Gazette Times, a newspaper pub lished in Morrow County. Oregon, pur suant to an order of Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled court, which order Is dated October 25. and the date of the first pub publication of this summons is October 31st, 146. JOS. J. NTS. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Post office and residence, Heppner, Oregon. 32-36 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. JAMES H. PECK, Plaintiff, vs. MIT- ZIE B. PECK Defendant To Mitzie B. Peck, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of thU summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, U. Jluintiff will apply to the said Court or relief as orayed for In niaintiff's complaint, to-wit: for a Decree of this Court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and granting to plain tiff an absolute decree of divorce; and for a further decree awarding to the plaintiff absolute ownership in the unevroiei auiomooue now owned by plaintiff and defendant. This summons is nerved UDon vou by publication thereof fur a period of four consecutive weeks In the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, which said order was made and entered on the 18th day of October, 1946, and first dale or publication or ims summons Is the 24th day of October 1946. J. O. TURNER. Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice Address, Heppner, Oregon . 31-35 8UMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Jackson Implement Company ,a cor poration, plaintiff, v vs. Lola A. Young and John Doe Young, her husband .the unknown heirs of Lois A. Young, deceased ; Burton White and Jane Doe White, his wife; Myrtle White Blomant and Lewis B. Bio man t, her husband; Ef fle White Hazelwood and Richard Hazel wood, her husband .the un known heirs of Eflie White Hazel wood, deceased; Vernon Haze I wood and Jane Dire Hazelwood, hia wife; Michael B. Ward and Jane Doc Ward, his wife .the unknown heirs of Michael B. Ward, deceased; L. Hexter, L. May & Sol Blumaer, do ing business under the firm and style of Hexter, May & Company; L. Hexter and Jane Doe Hexter, his wife, the unknown heira of L. Hex ter, deceased ; L. May and Jane Doe May .his wife, the unknown heirs of L. May .deceased; Sol Blu maer and Jane Doe Blumaer, his wife, the unknown heira of Sol Blu maer, deceased; also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title ,eatat .lien or in terest in the real estate described herein. Defendants. To: Lois A .Young and John Doe Young, her husband, the unknown heirs of Loia A. Young, deceased , Myrtle White Blomant and Lewis B. Hlumant .her husband. Effie While Hazelwood and Richard Hazelwood. her husband .the unknown heirs of Effie White Hazelwood, deceased ; Vernon Hazelwood and Jane Doe Hazelwood. his wife. Michael B Ward and Jane Doe Ward, his wife, the unknown heirs of Michael B. Ward, deceased; L. Hexter and Jane Doe Hexter. his wife; L. May ana Jane Doe Mav. his wife: Sol Blu maer and Jane Doe Blumaer, hitj wife, the unknown heirs of L. May, deceased, the unknown heirs of L. Hexter, deceased, the unknown heirs of Sol Hlumaer. deceased, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right title, estate .lien or interest in the real estate describ ed herein, DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint fil ed airainst vou in the above entitled Court and cause within 4 weeks froinJ the date of the first publication or this Summons and if you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to trie court ror renei as prayed ior in me saici uompiairu, io wit: For a Decree that the Plaintiff is the owner in fee simple or the toi lowinir described real nronerty situ ated in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to-wit: The West 25 feet running across the Lot North and South in Lot 6; The South 20 feet of Lot 2 and the North 441 feet of Lot 3; the East half of the East half of Lots 6 and 7; Lot 9; All in Block 10 In the Town of Lexington. Morrow Coun ty, Stale of Oregon. And that the plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of the said hind, free rom any right .title, estate, lien or interest of you and of each of you, and that you, or any of you. have no right, title, estate, lien or interest In the ald land, or any part thereof, and nernetuallv restrain and enjoin you. iiid eacn or you. your neirs aim as ilgns, from asserting or claiming any riicht. title, estate .lien or Interest In the said land, or any part thereor, ad erse Lo the niainiui. This Summons is served upon you bv mibllealion thereof for 4 consecu tive weens in me ueppnr uazeuc rimes, by order of the Honorable Bert Johnson .Judge of the Ccunty Court jr Morrow county jUte or Oregon which ttaid Order was made and en tered on the lHth day of October, 1040, ind the first date of this publication is ocioDer Ah. ihio. P. W. MAliONKY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Postoffice Addresa, Heppner, Oregon. 81-35. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hcrebv Kivrn that the un lorsigned has been duly appointed by Jie County Court of Morrow County, ttnte of Oregon, Administratrix of thv Estate of Albert H. Rea. deceased, and til persons having claims against the ;aid estate of said deceased are here y required to present the same witl iroper voucners uuiy vermeu as re in (red by law to the Bitid Admlnts tratiix at the law office of P ,W. Ma honey, at Heppner, Oregon, within ix months from the ante hereof. Dated and first published this 24th lay oi October, iiti. MARY M. WOOD, Administratrix. Attorney for Administratrix, P. W. MAHONEY, Heppner, Oregon. 81-35 jtOTIGE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Administratrix, de bonis ion. of the Estate of Uosn B. Howell, leceased, has filed with the County r"ourt of the State of Oregon, tor Morrow County, her final account of her administration of the said estate and that the said Court ha set Mon lay. December 16. 1046. at the hour of 10:00 A. M. In the forenoon of said Hhv nt the County Courtroom at the lourthouse at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place lor Hearing oniecuons to the said Final Account and the set tlAmmit of the said estate, and all ner- oni having objections to tlx said fole usb WHEN YOU FLY YOUR OWN third of m Series of Article on the Pleasure and Convenience of Flying Your Own Private Plane By A. P. Peck Managing Editor, Scientific American Free as the birds, yet in constant ra'lio communication, the private safety and peace of mind to those men in the electronics industry who have concentrated on the development of aircraft equipment, Of these men there is one whose name, ever since 1930, has meant much to airplane pilots. That man is W.lliam V. Uar Before World War II, more than half of the radio equipped personal planes in the country used Lear apparatus, and Lear direction finders and other n a v i g a t io nail equipment on air planes were prov ing their worth. Bill Lear was born in Hannibal, Missouri, on June K P. Peck 26, 1902: Like many another successful man of to day, he spent little time on formal education, but a great deal of time in investigating the fascinating field of electricity. His first home-made radio set furnished a burning incen tive that still glows at fever heat. It started him along the path that led to the perfection of B-battery elimi nators, dynamic loud speakers, midget coils for radio receivers, one of the first successful auto radios, wire re corders, a direction finder for air craft, an automatic pilot that is light in weight and inexpensive, and other inventions too numerous to list here. In the course of his career, Bill Lear foresaw the desirability of radio communication for small planes. He worked along these lines and suc- CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Church School, 9:45 a. m. Y.P.F. Bible Study, 10 a. m. Morning Prayer, 11 a.m. Tuesday, Holy Communion, 10 a. . The Rev. Lane L. Barton is to be consecrated as bishop of Eastern Oregon on this day. Thursday, Thanksgiving day, Holy Communion. 10 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45; C. W. Barlow, superintendent; Mrs. Everett Smith, acting superintendent of junior de partment; Mrs. Robert Walker, su perintendent primary department Morning worship, 11. Communion and preaching; sermon topic, "Con tinuing Steadfastly in Thanksgiving and Praise." Anthem, "Prayer of Thanksgiving," choir. Adult Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening Evangelistic service, 7:30. oermon topic, bix Kingdoms, a chart sermon one every person should see and hear. Union Thanksgiving service Wed nesday evening, Nov. 27, at the Assembly of God church, J. Palm er Sorlein, speaker. The young people of the adult Chiislian Endeavor are having a waffle supper at the C. W. Barlow home on Monday evening, Nov. 25, at 6:30 p.m. There will be games and much fun following the dinner. METHODIST CHCRCH J. Palmer Sorlein, Pastor Promotion day service for our Sunday school with special program at the morning service hour at 11 a.m. bunday church school, 9:45 a.m. Thursday mid-week devotional practice at the parsonage at 7 p.m. Thursday mid-weke devotional service at the parsonage at 8 p.m. Sunday afternoon, November 24, our young people of the Youth Fellowship will go to Pendleton lor youth rally at the Methodist church ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a.m. on first and third Sundays: 10:30 on the second and fourth Sundays. lone: Mass at 10:30 on the first and third Sundays; 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays. On the fifth Sunday of the month one mass in Heppner at 9 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 9. First Fridays of the month: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m. Final Account or the spttlcmpnt of the b.U1 estate are herehy required to file the same with said Court on or before the time set for said hearing Dated and first published this 14th day of November. 1!I46. JOKKI'HINK MAHONEY, AduiinlHtratrlx de bonis non. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Administratrix, Heppner. Oregon 34-38. ATTENTION PARTIALLY DISABLED COMBAT WOUNDED VETERANS! Your army is now offering you an op portunity to re-enllHt in an MOK ap propriate to your training and exper ience. More than 1U1 grades now open to you. Check your MOtf. then see your local Army Hecrultlng Station TODAY! POSTOFFICE BLDO. PENDLETON, OREGON QUECK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free BookTalls of HomeTreatnwnt that Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing n..,. million hotllnnof theWIIXATin T It B ATM K N T have been sold for relief of yinpuimsnf distress arising from Stomach and Duadsnal Ulcsr due to Ciestt Acid- Poor Dlsattlon, tour or Upset Stomach, GattlmM. Heartburn, f iMOlmnni, ate due lo Cxcstt Acid. Hold on 1A days' trlall Ask for "Wlllard's Mill" whlcb fuUf eiplauia tola treatment lre at SAAGERS PHARMACY touch with the earth by means of pilot of today owes much of his ceeded in starting the manufacture of personal plane radios. This pre-war market was too small, however, and Lear turned his attention to other things, but always with an eye toward aviation. Thus it was that, while de veloping "The Magic Brain" now used by RCA, a simplified direction finder for aircraft came into being. This unit was called the "Lcar-O. Scope." Still later came the "Lear, matic" navigator for aircraft and the Frank M. Hawks Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to air craft navigation was placed at Bill Lear's feet. More will be told about specific aircraft radio developments in other articles of this series but emphasis here should be placed on the fact that, through Lear's efforts, it was recognized that radio equipment for small planes could be produced at low cost, yet with at! the refinement and precision necessary for this im portant work. This was a distinct de parture from previous thought, in which cost was disregarded and hence equipment prices were too high for the average private flyer. And, quite naturally, Lear has brought the same philosophy of precision equipment at low cost to the manufacture of home radios and wire recording units. You are going to hear a lot more about Bill Lear in all these fields in the near future. Services to be Held at Gooseberry Sunday There will be communion services services at the Lutheran church at Gooseberry on November 24 at 11 a.m. by Rev. Philip Ellman of Port land. You and all are invited to come and hear this man. The Valby Women's Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. Leonard Carlson on November 17 with a very nice attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker and Oscar Peterson attended the na tional grange in Portland this last week. Wilma Dobyns and Marjorie Pet- C the lo (3) 3. Phone 403 Cash With Order Not Required For Surplus Property Veterans who desire to buy sur plus property by mail order, need not send funds of any type until in formed the ordered items are avail- an'e and in requested quantities, C. i T. Mudge, regional director o V'ar j Assets administration, stated this I week. WAA stressed this procedme will i , avold a Ue-uP of veterans' funds v hose orders can not be filled im mediately. Refunds on unfilled orders are usually delayed in accounting pro cedures. Several dayj are necessary to rout the refund request through the local U. S. Treasury office for issuance of a refund check, WAA said. erson were home from Portland, visiting their parents over the week end. Henry Peterson is the proud own er of a new K-5 International truck these days. New Bus Schedule - Gray Rock Lines Effective Nov. 4, 1946 FOSSIL BUS SCHEDULE READ DOWN Lv. Fossil 16:30 AJW. Lv. Mayville 10:42 AJH. Ar. Condon ...11:10 A.M. Lv. Condon ...11:25 A.M. Lv. Olcx 12:10 P.M. Ar. Arlington 12:30 P. M. Lv. Arlington 12:4S P.M. Ar. The Dalles 2:10 PJH. Lv. Kinzua 7:45 AJVI., Ar. HEPPNER READ DOWN Lv. Heppner 10:30 A.M. Lv. Lexington 10:45 A.M, Lv. lone 11:00 AJW. Ar. Arlington 12:25 P.M. Lv. Arlington 12:45 P.M. Ar. The Dalles 2:10 P.M. Owned and Operated by A. L. BRITT 81, So ihat you may have no doubt as to our method of distribution of new Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks, we make the following PRIORITY Of DWVttY. . ...l. will be app' of ) essential public serv.ce. basis of: UJ es reaUlrements, t-.onal requires veterans Ottup priority of date in Chevrolet cars trucks will be s- of delivery. current at time .a In mNo trade-m TKAUI-.." HVArio does i trom any f HODGE mmfmm'm ,n...i. wrj V ) IN jo& ! Mrs. Leon M. Brown PRESIDENTS, SECRETARIES IN ANNUAL CONFERENCE Presidents and secretaries of the American Legion Auxiliary's 52 de partments met at national head quarters in Indianapolis, Indiana, on November 7 and 8, for their annual conference. The conference studied or made a study of pro grams for !!)47 activities and draft- READ UP Ar. Fossil 7:00 P.M. Ar. Mayville 6:4 P. M. Lv. Condon .. 8:20 P. M. Ar. Condon .. 6:05 P. M. Lv.Olex 5:15 P.M. Lv. Arlington 4:55 P.M. Ar. Arlington 4:35 P.M. Lv. The Dalle, 3:10 P.M. 7:40 AJ. (On Call) SCHEDULE READ UP Ar. Heppner 6:45 P.M. Lv. Lexington 6:30 P.M. Lv. lone 6:15 P.M. Lv. Arlington 4:50 P.M. Ar. Arlington 4:35 P.M. Lv. The Dalles 3:15 P.M.. THERE SIMPLY ARE NOT NEW CHEVROLETS TO GO t .nAs4 on . .Jare. placing oi- anc will be required win " Y0UR not have a car . ,ransC sacti'-' IN CHEVROLET CO el plans for putting these into ye Uon in all departments. Mrs. Nor ton H. Pearl, of Detroit, Mich, nev-ly-flccted nati nal president, pre sided. The department of Oregon waj fpiesented at the conference by Mrs. Leon M. Brown, department president, and Mrs. E. Whitcomb, department secretary. Read the Want Ads. It pays. Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Saagers We are getting our fair share of the current production of new Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks. Ana" as strikes and shortages decrease, as the Chevrolet plants are able to produce more and more new passenger cars and trucks, we'll get more and more of them to deliver to our customers. Meanwhile, as long as shortages do exist, it is our purpose to apportion our share of the new Chevrolets available fairly and justly among the many customers, new and old, whose continued friendship and patronage are the keystone of our business. POLICY t0 purchase accesso-s as securing delivery. - .e nt OROIRS-Customers will be 5. SUTUS OF 0R01W Wormed, request of of their orders in our 6NiW0R0m-Ve welcome your order tTnew Chevrolet at anytime. WE THANK YOU FOR PATIENCE ANP AWAITING DEUVtK. . NEW CHEVROLET YOUR KKQ I.AK HI.OOI I HOUNDS Al'lcr Cu-ilntiu'i-i Our Want Ads GROOMING ESSENTIALS Pharmacy ENOUGH AROUND Heppner, Oregon