.7 1 i ! : MM . .. ; . i . vv Blind VA Therapist A -H r r r . r c r Gazette Times, Heppne r, Oregon, November 21, 1946 Dairy fus!ry ?i So Vrv3d 7 r A Strong America Best l-icue of World Peace a f.T H.e H.oiy o. a m- trained and become carvtr of.iofrs They now haw adequate pay, se curity in employment and in re tirement, but they lack jhe on thins the all-important thins -acceptance by oiir citirenry of their stature and importance hich dig nifies their profession to the point 'where they can announce to the 1 ' o i U S. Army is main h. national belief that . .i"oc of peace is an i nn-n in a state of pre-A'.;I-.oush the United -ore than willing to par a war'.d disarmament, a no-i f. uys must be preserv ed ur.tii the time when world dis armament begins as an actual fact until that time when there is no , world: 'I am a professional soldier S"-.d:dtv o ' s in : ; 3. -uw:-o 5 i i it- . rerr-'urc dy-icmitt b!c 5 v -h ,k,c A'ttv Ccrr-: j irord T. Fey, S9-yeo ,jn, recently camo ' :c ( Tie i . art n i the trie ro- , ovomoat, :' q-jr.i- t act a di- 1 and e v-I i b-vth butter i .'.oo ;he fro h:;c yc3- ci tucccv-ji adjustment t cz'.zl crd occvccticia! p uf tv i t A'J ib f. ;Vcicon; Adrrimsirotio! s rrsl''"'.. p'oo-am, Frey y.0I c-2t-t : ' c! '"a t j-t, v ersity or fc"is ivc- 3 ct "ih.rcry as c r"ViCv-: ' He is sh-n crc : rr.S !;r trccmc-t ,o' vc-cv r- c ; n to a patient's knee tn o VA r.osp.Uii. 0rc2?n Series Win AvcrJ fcr Service longer the danger of either another Pear! Harbor attack or a disruption of our oommited policies and duties in occupied territories overseas. This was the announcement yes terday of recruiting headquarters, ."th Army, Presidio of San Francis co, which called upon the citizens aerica to back up the prepar- r-osrcm by according the ana! so ldier who is perform - .'?s.,:y service for his gov : '-ho stature and import- i.h is :.:s clue. ...U p.'icnt..ie of the mem o regular army at . e a., a io-haol and college k..' r.anouncement .'.rt-.( and I am proud of it'.' At the same time recruiting head quarters announced ttiat hundreds of partially disabled veterans of World War II, who were wounded m combat, are being given an op portunity to participate in the es sential task of keeping America strong. Hundreds of army jobs fall ing into 103 different categories are now open to them, not as a sym pathy move, but because of the conviction that they can perform a satisfactory job. Oi the 103 MOS, only 23 require previous qualified experience. Applicants who meet the revised physical requirements will rceive training in the other SO army needs many ' 'ICS. Coaniy Court rrcc: j For I, ovH The p :. incd i i .e. in: '. er.teenth consecuti . ? . ; l... L'.:L.:.S Lt lime . .. . .VH-, , I t ..ecci'arv to '001' 1K point av.-ard whhh v... in c.:tipe:iti,:nl ;s made tnn;tily by the itjriculf.i'. -it.i-:ed at prices a; c. r.'.nu.-jion of the Amen, 1 i e t. o..i.etd. j Bankxrs p?-:oc:ation. according to '". '..-i'. ., s s .igeested ri.e'-r:'11.-. tr.nnter, Hepp: --:: better d:.ir-1 branch. rir National Bank I tt-t.n, tnproedjportltojd. wh. represents the bar' ss control and im- J jn K vn-cw county as county 1: i:nii'.i.T.i1y and banker. Pinckney was notified t 'y pr jt.uets. the a'.varj was made Friday at wh.ch may be ob-1 a. B. A. Aj.-icultural commiss :i ns for -a; os of September term : atti artttoved. t nrdc s the Bang's dis ..nt of S!.09 to Henry C A orders ,f th: the publication .lowing county i Block 2. Avers' Second n to the City of Hepp v the ntiith.um price of cash. xs d::av, ox '. .. Fl'MD li, sta :n try extension oi ... a brief history of dai !. eat in Orejen as well en the nturaxTs of dai ry C0V.S, 7: id.ietion of dilferent p-oducu and .rta on disease con tiol by c ant.:-;. Joint a'- s of the report are E. W. M-r-c. II. P. Ewalt, S. B. Kail, O. E. j:ikcse!L H. A. Schoth, J. K. Shaw !.a G. H. Vi'ilster of tue centil i.nj county staffs. meeting he'd at Louisville, K- -tucky. Each year the A. B. A. contna -sion rates banks m all of the sta. s on the basis of country bank ..c tivities which benefit agriculttite. In the numerical evaluation of the. activities, the commission consid u work done by individual banks and programs which are carried out by the agricultural committees of Ine state bankers associations. Poims are given for "regular" and "extra" Read th. Want Ads. It pays. services rendered by the banks. iilUllll!illi.)li.liillli!UllilllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIi:ill:lilillililililllllillllllllllL B. 115.70 140 00 58.00 119-30 25.00 33.33 4.95 HEAR ! t."- j- : 1 b a in es, Deputy Sal...$ 132.30 icheii. Dep. Sal. 147.80 .r. Office Clerk Hughes, Deputy Salary "ralie Fairish, Sttpt. Asst Tilrtian Iiottue, Janitor Sal. Dr. A. D. JUcMurdo. Phys. Salary Susie V. Miller, Court Rep. State Dep. of Agriculture District Sealer P icif r Stationery & Print ing Co., Clerk $16.00; Tax Collector $119.03 - " 135.03 T.'. it Coat Printing & Bin ding Co, Election Ft: Ttl & Tel. Co., Cur- unt F::;ense .$ ;1e Library, Li- rou tation .. r oi Light Co., ow, Court House r Sn Light Co- 16.83 68.62 Oiv-r-n F. .. 199.74 33.04 3.50 1 Lvcngelistic Services ci'::,cu o? ch:jgt L, cv3;y nic;!.. xcopt Saiurchy I NOV. 17 to DZC. 6 I .7:30 P. M. iiiii:iMi:!:;;,,..o..;;:ii:::iiii:iii:iiiiiiiiiuiiiiii:ii:iiiii:iiiii!ini:!,'T;!::i;i;;!:r: Ah'ivii your Photogi opine 'I ' Problems to Us Gtzette Times, Publications $15; Election $12.50; Clerk S18.55; Assessor $13.75....- Central Market, Jail C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff... Harry Tamblyn, Sheriff Fred Hoskins, Sheriff Children's Farm Home, Ju venile Court Fannie G. Grifith, Insurance Margaret Gillis, Co. Nurse Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Insane Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. S10.75; Supt. Mileage . c'2,C9 Ee. t Johnson. County Ct TJ. 'dl, County Court ... ! C :r.mb?r3. Inaane "Ml. E-n'.t of Port tni. V'lih'ioMlns Tax .... Ii iui'-ia! Accident : 1. , s::.-T;f $3.04; Shor. 1. ,-';.;; Deputies S0.30 . v ;;. Vt -. Jr., Bangs' , '. , 0 Gai-'al J. ii. li.a.mm. Stamps 2.61 65.85 9.36 108.74 30.00 30.00 5.00 74.00 258.69 10.00 43 44 12.80 43.07 12.50 186.75 3.64 BOARDMAN . . . News came as a surprise to friends of Boardman of the mar riage of Louise Hamilton to Mr. Bert Crockett of Portland on No vember 1st. Louise is the daughter of Mrs. Lewis Hamilton and a grad uate of the class of '45 Boardman hiah school. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett will make their home in Portland for the present. Thursday night was the regular P-TA meeting and in the order of business was the election of offi ces, lhose elected were: rresident, Zelda Zivney; vice president, Daisy Giiiesoie; sccrtaiy-treasurer, Miss j Ann Jones. Thut s lay evening the junior boys j and girls classes of the community church held a party in the church , basement. Games were played and i the committee chosen for the next party. The group was chaperoned by their teachers, Mrs. Claud Coats and Wyn Dyer. Sunday visitors on the project were Mrs. Esther Frickey and children of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root and son of Ath ena spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root Mrs. Etta Nichols left this week for Ewan, Wash., to spend most of the winter with her sister, Mrs. Mary Paul. Saturday night the Greenfield gTange met in regular session. The main feature was election of offi cers, with those elected being: Master, Nathan Thorpe; overseer, Russell Miller; chaplain. Hannah Downey; lecturer, Marie Lehman; steward. Cecil Hamilton; assistant steward, Dan Ransier; lady assist ant steward, Anna Skoubo; gate keeper, Wilbur Lehman; treasurer, Hazel Miller; secretary, Evelyn Black; Ceres, Nora Ransier; Flora, Beatrice Daniels; Pomona, Margar et Hamilton; executive committee, Arthur Allen; musician. Mary Mar low. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson spent Monday in Portland attend ing to business. Teachers from here attending the turkey dinner and teachers' meet ing at Irrigon Monday evening were Supt. J. Lewis Johnson, Miss Ann Jones, Mr. Jaros, Mrs. Velva Bech dolt, Mrs. Mabel Montgomery, and Mrs. Catherine Christensen. Oregon's Churches Will Launch Drive' For Relief Funds A thrvepoint program for imme diate overseas r lief to be sent to Kap and Asia this winter will be IdoaTvhcd by the churches of Oregon vut Sunday, Novemlier 10, accord-u-v to Charles A. Pprague, former vernor. and prvsident of the Ore- t. ooncu ot t hurches. The drive, to be conducted thru! the appeal "Share the Plenty j SvU-e tlte Waste." will be for cash to buy foodstuffs, clothing of all 1 kinds, and for cifts of money for i heif; rs. All Protestant churches will serve as collection centers. ' Cans and material aid coming 1 from local communities will be sent j through the Oregon council relief committee in cooperation with Uni- I d Church Overseas Relief. This oroanizaion is a unit of Church World Service, representing all Ptotestant denominations. Oreron of.'icos of the committee ore in 305 Y. M. C. A. Building, Porland 4. Members of the state committee conducting the relief drive are M. G. Blickenstaff. Myrtle Point, chair man: Dudley Strain, Salem; Miss Mabel Downs, Portland; H. C. Sto ver. Wit. rpnse: rorrest orott, Jol ferson: Clark S. Enz, Dallas; Lloyd B. Thomas, Hood River; Jarrel Ri chardson, Ontario; Glen A. Morton, Malin: Oscar W. Payne, Coos. Bay; and Gilbert B. Christian, field s c retary. Oregon Council of Churches. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stone who have I man area have moved to Spokane I been employed at the Reed Lumber ' resided several years in the Hard-1 to make their home. Mr. Stone has company mill. CARD OF THANKS Having sold my interest in the business known as the Heppner Cleaners & Dyers, I wish to thank my friends and the public for their patronage. Mrs. Anna Snyder. Today's young modern has a keen eye for quality, demanding the best and the newest when select ing a diamond or setting. . . . . . But we like that. Our diamonds are styled to please the most discriminating, and are designed and executed by craftsmen. Make your selection today-availab'le in bridal sets or solitaires in all popular price ranges. pes a...., Jud;; .., r Jud as. .;i2S :.j at Chlia- . J '.SS1SU 1.00 75.00 112.34 .'. vj 1 e, Gen. ;o, Old Aid to :n Sp lice $5.00 598.80 Chris Edward is the name given their baby by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, ihe baby was boin Satur day night, Nov. 10, at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland. Chris tavva.d upped the beam at six pounds. r . . 1 . i f fi -tor;, Screens, Filters, Splicers, rcis end Accc;:ories- i r-cv Mercury 1 1 35 MM .: r h ('rejectors v'c cc Pro'ectcrs S.V.E. Prc.ec tors "Our ccicity-Quolity Photo Finishing" EXi-CUE METERS- Vv'caion Master II General Electric De Jur Kcclcguides DARK LOOM SUPPLIES- Enlcrrjers-Dc Jur I, Federal 219, F6.3 kr., Federal 250 F4.5 Ec.::, Paper & Chemicals, Trays Gr "i i ... i :.,omc'ers, bllvo !. k. ,1V J t - . J Universal, with case MELO'S Yt ., v mo!' c at IM it I.-, I.. 2v.l : i. THE D.M.I. US. OI.rX.ON r !- of l'fu i.'j i-o! 1. v ?!'ajre . v r,ome Jewelry left that would rv ifcg CHRISTMAS GIFTS and XI D PRICES. Get it new while S DRAWN ON 1UMD I XND or & Ii,'at Co., r,-iv.",re h Elec- I jcts Co. a. or Dep. r Pro ier V Ta d. Corp ; Ilirdo.vay Com. 5.48 1.56 6.47 6.75 37.80 20.05 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wick at The Dalles, Oct. 31. Ke has been named Charles Jerry. Mrs. Wick is a sister of Mrs. Alfred Lovgren of Hardman. The Wicks reside at Lone Rock. Independent Garage 314.36 Standard Oil Company 30.00 E. R. Lundell 203.03 fclaadard Stations, Inc 13.1.5 Lnglifch & Co.npany 253.75 i-'een,.ughty .iachinery Co. retnauaaty i.iaciunery Co. 9.71'jlU Heppner Gai a:J SU'iidard Oil Company ai.aO 100 u.i Alien Supply Co lU.li ItSA'tlN ON ROAD ,'. po o .Jo-aid ) P.oi.."rt 1 it'-'l E-'okor ... Guy Galeahiock rn U Kibbe 5,000.00 i 44.94 ir 170.76 182.36 124.67 Haiold Sherer 294.75 Wiil am C. Heath . 206.27 Chas. Williams 88.18 Frank Nixon 29.85 V. Cunningham 183.95 Wm. Harrison 150.35 A. J. Chaifee 181.05 Walter Oilman 174.46 Allr-i Johnston 1 164.46 Ha. al l Wilson 165.1 in Vllorn 12.3 it 1 An- :r'.-.! ! Jv'- : ,v!, : Lia- ' c- P'O I'oi' w, Iner T.. id 1, & H. ... L V 74.90 n 193.56 iitirknum 114.85 :y 111.86 . a.tor & Equip. 86.85 1.22 101.25 36 04 4.54 4.74 23.14 14.10 23.92 370.30 X36.05 43.52 others Tfr Company .'vo,,,' a-i .,y Ward tt Co Jo- ' n , a oloinetlt Co bla li (;.l company Hode Chevrolet Co O.K. Rubber Welders Western Auto Supply Co... Standard Oil Company Columbia Equipment Co. . Scritsmcier Company aiiato Inati i..i Acci. Com. rii.-.t i.at. Bank of Port land ' Rosewail Motor Company ... lone Standard Stations WARRANTS DRAWN ON AJlSCbLLANEObS HJND H. Tamblyn, Hospital Fund Henry George, C o y o t e Bounty 2.11 182.30 'il.'ii 86.00 20.00 3.00 DOES YOUR WORK OFFER A PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE FUTURE? If you have ambition and a (ilrrnin atiun to nucceed, lh;n you'll du wfll to iiiveHtiKUtu your own ctiancf'H In the new UmterJ tilHti-a Army. TiiIh Kf;it orK'iniatirri doei off r a ph aMiint, profitable, anl g-narauteed future to thone who tun qualify, li you hav an Arrny, Nfivy, Murine Corps or C'umhI (iuanj RHj.S, you can r:-nh.Ht In a grade appropriate lo your (ruining and experience. Chuck your MUti today, tin;n uoe your itul army roru!tin Htatifn tniiniidiatuly for an aaHunjd profitable and pleasant career. V. B. Povtofflca Bldtf. Ptndieton, Oregon Dance BAZAAR -TURKEY SUPPER WILLOWS GRANGE HALL SAT., NOV. 23 Music by JIMMY HALL'S Orchestra of Goldendale, featuring Jim my's Electric Organ and Soloist Adm. to Dance: 83c, Tax 17c Total Sl.Ofl EVERYBODY WELCOME! Pztiona&zzcl JixitLonsxij Makes an appropriate and acceptable CHRISTMAS GIFT Place your order now in order to assure early delivery Resist that impulse to look where you're not going. 'Cause it takes only a split second to split a fender So just get your mind's eye focused on our sign of authorized Ford service. It's "Home" for your Ford But if it should happen to you, don't be downhearted, Unwrinkling sheet metal is one of our talents 6 r- Yes, grim turns to grin as you see the results of our workmanship. We stake our reputation on it Authorized Ford service means you get the services of mechanics who know your Ford like a book ; that these experts are trained in Ford methods, use spe cialized Ford equipment and genuine Ford parts. So for any kind of service on your car, body work or mechanical, bring your Ford "Back Home." We can promise the work will be done promptly and ak a fair price. For prompt Service Fairly Priced YOUR IFQ)li3P DEALER TUNE IN "THI FORD SHOW" STARRING DINAH SHORE CBS WEDNESDAY 6i30 P