Want Ads FOUND Bunch of keyi on ring on Jones street Owner may reclaim tame by identifying and paying for this advertisement 34c. FOR SALS-One 10-ft. Oliver disc plow; new discs. Price $150. E. M. Baker, lone, Ore. " 34-3Gc. FOR SALE Weaned Shetland po ny horse colts and one yearling all gentle. Also gentle bay saddle mare, 5 years old. Zoe Bauern find, Morgan, Ore. 34-35c. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, 3 years old, will freshen in Janu ary. Vernon Brown. lone. 34-35c FOR SALE Ofte Presto cooker. In quire Gazette Times office. 34p OPPORTUNITY of Ufetime supply ing DDT and other profitable products to farmers in Morrow county. No experience or capital required. Must have auto and good reference. Permanent. Write or wire McNESS COMPANY Dept. D, 2423 Magnolia St., Oak land 7, Calif. 32-34p LOST Scooter on Main street Co lor orange. Finder return to Hep pner Bakery. 34-35c FOR SALE Mahonany single bed with box springs and mattress. Four piece, light colored bed room suite. Phone 1011 or write Box 143, Lexington Ore. 34c FOR SALE 1107 acres creek ranch. With or without stock and equip ment. A. V. Wright. 33-36p. LOST 10k gold case Croton watch; aquamatic; radium dial face; substantial reward. Leave at Ga zette Times office. 33-34c FORSALE Seed rye. A. V. Wright. 32-35p publication of this summons Is October 31t. 146. JOS. J. NTS. Attorney fur i'Uiritiffs. Pout office mid residence, llepiiner, Oregon. it; -36 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK KTATK OK ol!Ki;o.N KOK THE COUNTY OP MOHUOW. JAMKS H. PECK. Plaintiff, VI. MIT- Z1K B. FECK. IMendaiiL To Milne B. Peck. Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OhECio.N : Yuu are hereby required to iupear and answer the complaint filed Ojaliust you in the above entitled court ind caurte within four weeka from the date of the fust publiratlon of thu fuinniona, and if you fall to ao appear ilid aitawer. for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the said Court for relief an prayed for in plulntllf complaint, to-wit; for a Decree of this Jourt dissolving the bolida of matri mony now exiHtiiiK between plalntilf ind defendant and KrantiiiK to plain tiff an absolute decree of divorce; ind for a further decree awarding to the plaintiff absolute ownership In the 1!41 Chevrolet automobile now owned by plaintiff arid defendant. This aummoiia is nerved upon you by publication thereof for a period of four consecutive weeks In the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, fur the County of Morrow, which .aid order waa made and entered on the 18th day of October, 1U46, and flmt date of publication of this numinous is the 24th day of October 1946. J. O, fUrlNEK. Attorney for Plaintiff. Poatofflce Address. Heppner, Oregon- 31-35 ESTRAY Picked up at my place one bay saddle horse about fifteen (15) years of age, 1 stocking foot right back, heart brand on right front shoulder, white spot in fore head, diamond shaped. Owner may have same by paying feed and advertising costs. E. D. Bea vct, Boardman, Ore. 32-34 FOR SALE 16-acre creek farm 9 miles from Heppner; 6-room house, barn and outbuildings. In cluded in sale: Fordson tractor 4 mower; good milk cow & chick ens; cream separator; 7 tons of hay in barn; 75 fence posts. Price $3000.00. Turner, Van Marter & Co. 32tf. OPPORTUNITY of lifetime supply ing DDT and other profitable products to farmers in Morrow county. No experience or capital required. Must have auto and good reference. Permanent Write or wire McNESS COMPANY, Dept. D, 2423 Magnolia St., Oak land 7, Calif. 32 & 34p I ADVISE the parties, some of whom are known to me, that got posts from my camp at Rock Springs unbeknown to me last winter to make arrangements for payment or they are going to get into trouble. C. W. Phegley, Box 91, Spray, Ore. 31-34c FOR SALE 2 new glass doors 2T x68". O. M. Yeagir, 415 Jones St., FOR RENT Sleeping room with privilege of bath. O. M. Yeager, 415 Jones St. Legal Advertising JIOTICB OF TVS AIi ACCOUNT Notice is herebv trivpn that thA tin. dersiKned administrator of the entate oi Augusta Mason bins filed hit final account of hla administration of said entate with the Comity Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and said Court has fixed Monday the Hth day of December, HH& at the hour of lu:U0 o'clock In the forenoon of aaia aay at the Court House at Heno- ner, Oregon aa the time and place for noarinjr objections to said final ac count and the settlement of said es tale, and all persona having objections therete are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before tne time set lor said hearing. ImtiKi and first published this 7th aay or iNovemoer, iy. UKHT MASON. Administrator. . 83-37. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STA'l Jfi Or OREGON FOR MOH ROW COUNTY. IRWIN PIERSON and CORRINE 1'IERSON, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. Morrow County, a Public corporation, 1 D. H. Burroughs and Jane Ooe Hur rough, his wife, whoue true name is unknown to ptalntiifs, Etna M. Wal pole and John Doe Wal pole, her husband, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs, Alex Parker and Mary Parker, his wife, and Mary Purkpr Mount and John Doe Blount, her husband, whose true name is un known to palntlffH, and all the un known heirs of Etna M. Walpole, if deceased, all the unknown heirs ol Alex Parker, If deceased, and all the unknown heirs of Mary Parker Mount, if deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Inter eat In the real estate described In the complaint herein, Defendants. To D. 11. Burroughs and Jane Doe Burroughs, his wife, f.tha M, wal pole and John Doe Walpole, her husband. Alex Parker and Mary Par ker, his wife, and Mary Parker Blount and John Doe Blount, her husband, the unknown heirs of D. H. Burroughs, the unknown heirs of Etha M. Walpole, the unknown helm of Alex Parker and the unknown helm of Mary Parker Blount, if any are deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in thu ronl e; l..te described In the com plaint heiuii, the above named de lcndantrt; i.. Tl..- NAME OF TUB STATE Ct Ui.iA,,..., you and each of you are hi.iuj infilled to appear and answer pitiiiitifts complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the flint publication of this summons upon you and If you fall to so appear or answer, for want thereof, pluinllffn will apply to the above entitled court for the lellnf prayed fur In their com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree quieting title to the following described real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 1, 3. 8, 4. 6, , 7, 8. 0, 10. 11, and 13 In Block 33 In the town of Irrltron. Morrow County. Oregon. and plaintiffs be adjudged the own ers in fee simple or sum real property and that you and all persons claiming by, through or under you be forever bur rod of and from all rltfhL title, es tate, lien or lnterost In or to said real property and that whatover imerem you muy claim therein be null ami void, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. Title summons Is served upon you by uublication thereof once a woek for four successive weeka In the Hepp ner Uasette Times, a newspaper pub lished In Morrow County, Oregon, pur suant to an order of Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled court, which order Is dated October 36, 1948, and the date of the first pub- 8UMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Ja:kon Implement Company ,a cor poration, plaintiff, vs. Lois A. Young and John Doe Young, her husband .the unknown heir oi Lola A. Young, deceased ; Burton White and Jane Doe White, his wife; Myrtle White Blomant and Lewis B. Blornant. her husband; Ef fie White Hazeiwood and Richard Hazel wood, her husband ,the un known heirs of Eflie White Hazel wood, deceased; Vernon Hazeiwood and Jane Doe Hazeiwood, his wife; Michael B. Ward and Jane Doe Ward, his wife ,the unknown heirs of Michael B. Ward, deceased; L. Hexter, L. May & Sol Blutnaer, do ing business under the firm and style of Hexter. May & Company: L. lluxter and Jane Doe Hexter, hu wife, the unknown heirs of L. Hex-U-r, deceased ; L. May and Jane Doe May .hia wife, the unknown heirs of L. May .deceawd; Sul Blu nifter and Jane Doe Blumaer, his wife, the unknown heirs of Sol Blu maer, deceased; also all other per sons or parlies unknown claiming any right title .estate .lien or in terest in the real estate described herein. Defendants. To: Lois A .Young and John Doe Young, her husband, the unknown heirs of Lois A. Young, deceased; Myrtle White Blomant and Lewis B. Blomant .her hufband, Effie White Hazeiwood and Richard Huzelwood, her husband ,the unknown heirs of Effie White Hazeiwood, deceased ; Vernon Hazeiwood and June Doe Hazeiwood, his wife, Michael B. Ward and Jane Doe Ward, hia wife, the unknown heirs of Michael H. Ward, deceased; L. Hexter and Janu Doe Hexter. his wife: L. May and Jane Doe May, his wife; Sol Blu maer and Jane Doe Blumaer. his wife, the unknown heirs of L. May. deceased, the unknown heirs of L. Hexter, deceased, the unknown heir of Sol Blumaer, deci-awcd. also all other pereons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate .lien or interest in th real cHtute describ ed herein, DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE(iON: You are hereby required to tnoear and answer the Comululnt fil ed against you in the above entitled Court ana cause wmnn weens iroin the dHte of the first publication of this Summons and If you fail to appear and inswer. for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief a. prayeii for in the said Complaint, to wit: For a Decree that the Plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the fol lowing described real property situ ited in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to-wit: The West 25 feet running across the Lot North and South In Lot 6; The South 20 feet of Lot 2 and the North 40 feet of Iot 3; the Eaet half of the Ka.it half of Lola 6 and 7; Lot 9; All in Mock 10 in the Town of Lexington. Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon. And that the plaintiff in the owner in fep simole of the said land, free from any right .title, estate, lien or interest of you and of each of you, and that you. or any of you, have no ri:lit. title, estate, lien or Interest in the iaid land, or any part thereof, and perpetually restrain and enjoin you nd each of vou. your heirs and as- inm, fnm averting or claiming any right, title, estate ,hen or interest In the said land, or any part tnereol, au verse to the olaintiff. Tlits Summons in served upon you bv nub ieation thereoi lor consecu live weeks in the Heppner Gazette rimes, by ortier oi me iionoraoie eri Johnson .Judge of the County Court if Morrow County. State of Oregon which said Order was made and en tered on the 18th day of October, 104o, iiid the first date of this publication is October 2, iy4tt. P. W. MAHONEY. Attorney for the Plaintiff, 'ostofflce Address. Heppner. Oregon. 31-35 Highways To Health Heppner Gozette Times, Heppnerf Oregon, November 14, 1946-5 By ADA R. MAYNE PEAKS AND CHEESE Winter pears are riding the crest of a thinning fruit market now. and many homemakers are buying tap ering, russet-skinned Fall Russets and juicy yellow Anjous to add sweetness and variety to winter menus. A favorite combination at many dining tablis is that of fresh pears and cheese, whether it be cottage, American or cream. This combina ation not only tastes good it's good for you. Pears are a grand quick energy food, being chuck-full of levulose sugar, which provides quick energy and makes pears taste so deliciously swett, yet with a minimum -of calories (70 to 75 per pear). Cheese balances the ledger nicely, providing muscle - building protein, calcium, phosphorous for strong teeth and bones, and vitamin A for high resistance against in fection. Here are a number of fresh pear and cheese combinations that will add sparkle to winter menus: Fresh pear halves, grated Am erican cheese and mayonnaise CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. YP.F. Bible Study, 10 a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. The Bishop's committee will meet at the morning service. Wednesdays, Holy Communion, 10 a.m. CHURCH OF CHK8ST Bible School, 9:45; C. W. Barlow, uperintendent; Mrs. Everett Smith. acting superintendent of junior de partment; Mrs. Robert Walker, su perintendent primary department. Morning worship, 11; communion and preaching; sermon topic, "Con quering ; missages by Frank Chap- po, Conquering by Faith." "Con quering Through being Transform ed"; Mrs. Everett Smith, "Conquer ing Through Service." Adult Cristian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Two sound motion pictures on the Life of Paul will be shown, "Grace for Forgiv eness and Urown of Kigmeous ness." The public is cordially invi ted to share these services and es pecially these pictures on the Life of Paul. Choir practice Thursday evening at 7. Bible study and prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8, C. W. Bar low, leader, Nov. 21. NOTICE OF SALE OF KEAL PROPERTY IN TUB COUNTY (X)UHT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOK UMA TILLA COUNTY In the Mutter of the Guunllaiiahip of the entitle oi Anna LarKin, an l ti inne pci'Hun. NOTICE IS HEKEHY GIVEN tlml from and after the 22ml day of N embfr, 19-16, at the htw uffice of uawia ft Wells, Title Insurance tiulld ,11. l'eiidletnn. UinaUUa County. Ore ;un. the underpinned. a guardian of he estate of Altha Iirkin. au Insane person, wll proceed to sen ai private 41110 n 1 1 inn n lt in. nut: nnu ino-i -.-.i if the said ward In and to the follow- ,HK described real properly, lo-wu An undivided one-sixth U-fi) In terest In and to the Southwest Quarter of Section 22 In Township One (1) North, Kanse 2li East of Willamette Meridian; and. An undivided one-sixth interest In and lo lot Klve ifi) lllock Eluhleen ONI In the original Town of Lox- l..i,.n llrniriin Said real property will be sold In np nureel. delivery 01 iiur ucms i guardian e deed t.n-wia WELLS. Altornoy ir riM.rriian Tlllo Insurance Build Dated this Hth day of October. 1946. M. A. LEACH Guardian. Lull 30-34, Inn. l'endletiin. Oretton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS M..H,.. Is hnrohv irlv,n that the un derslRned has heen duly appointed by me eouiiiy omii oi i,) - State of Oregon, Administratrix of the K.slate of Albert H. Hen, deceased, am ill persons having riinms against " laid estate of said deceased are here by required to present tne same wun proper voucners uuiy vt: u m quired by law lo the said Annitnls ir.ori. t the law office of P .W. Ma honey, at Heppner, Oregon, within tlx months from the date heroof, Dated and first published this 24th ,,y , October. IMS. y M W00D Administratrix. Attorney for Administratrix, P. W. MAHONEY. ITentiner, Oieon. 31.1.1. are a familiar salad combination that is always popular and always good. Pear and cottage cheese salad is an old favorite, but' for var iety fry mixing the cottage cheese with chopped nuts or rais ins, or chopped celery and a hint of onion. A grand luncheon salad is made of fresh pear halves, orange slices and cottage cheese mixed with raisins. Garnish with walnut halves. Here's a tasty combination: Fresh pears, oranges and avoca dos with Roquefort French dress ing. For Roquefort French dress ing, crumble Vt cup Roquefort cheese and shake well with cup French dressing. Children go for a salad of cream cheese balls rolled in chop ped nuts on fresh or canned pear halves. For that bridge lunch try cream cheese squares and pear halves molded in lime jello so easy, and so good! For dessert, fresh pear pie, warm and spicy, served with a wedge of nippy American cheese will make a hit with the men anytime. You make fresh pear pie just as you do apple only using less sugar. The sophisticate will find that her guests like nothing better for dessert than fresh Anjou pears served with golden cheddar. crea my Camembert or pungent Ro quefort cheese and crisp crackers. For something different, try fresh sliced pears, sprinkle with lemon juice and spread with sof tened cream or Roquefort cheese, and garnished with a salted nut meat Serve chilled. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass at 9 am. on first and third Sundays; 10:30 on the second and fourth Sundays. lone: Mass at 10:30 on the first and third Sundays; 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays. On the fifth Sunday of the month one mass in Heppner at 9 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 9. First Fridays of the month: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Pastor Morning worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Sunday church school, 9:45 a. m. Thursday mid-week devotions, 8 p. m. W. S. C. S. meets the first Wed nesday of the month. and that the said Court has set Mon day, December 16. at the hour of Hi. (10 A. M. Ill the forenoon of said day at the County Courtroom at the urinou.se at Heppner. elregon. as the time and place for hearing objections the said rimil Account and the set tlement of the said estate, and all per sons imviiig oujeeuons to me said Kinal Account or the settlement of the said entato are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the tune set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 14th da) ol November. 11116, JOSEPHINE MAHONEY, Administratrix de bonis lion. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Administratrix, Heppner, uregon 34-30. IRRIGON NEWS . . . By Mrs. J. A. Shoun The ladies of Irrigon met in the Baptist community church base ment Wednesday with a potluck dinner. Miss Katherine Monahan gave a lovely lesson on remodeling and putting in a zipper. A very entertaining and educational meet ing was had. Miss Viola Hockhalter and Mary Margaret Kennedy spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. John James was an Irrigon visitor Tuesday. Mr. James is em ployed in Pendleton. Rev. A. B. Turner went to Pen dleton to a church conference on Monday. Rev. Wayne Fagerstrom and Mrs. Emma Steward went to Pendleton I Tuesday. James Phillips, Glen Aldrich and Marshall Markham left Sunday to hunt elk. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompson spent Friday in Walla Walla. Jack Sabranski of Olex is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sabranski. Clarence Snuffer of Bend was a Irrigon visitor on Saturday. Rev. Wayne Fagerstrom is prea ching and singing each night of the week except Friday night. Every one is invited. Pat Markham spent Thursday and Friday with her mother, Mrs. Harry Smith and family. Charles Markham spent Saturday at the Harry Smith home. He if attending I ning in the Pendleton hospital. the E. O. C. E. a La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jennings and Mr. and Mrs. Hilde-gard of Pendle ton spent Saturday at the Ruth Umikcr home. Arthur Edwards and Glen O' Brien went to Pendleton to visit their wives and new daughters. Don Kenny, Earl Leach and Ben ny McCoy all brought elk from the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dexter went to Tacoma Friday to visit their son Bert and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht and baby of Ellensburg spent the long week end in Irrigon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and Delorts spent Sunday at Ordnance visiting Mr, and Mrs. Robert Waters. The seniors Eunice and Shirley Miller, Arlene Russell, Robert Brown and David Rand wnt to Pendleton Saturday to get their pictures taken. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards are the parents of a baby girl born the 5th of November in the Pendleton hospital Marie Healy if recovering from I Healy. who saw arrvk mnt" The Irrigon football torn lost to the lone football team Friday af ternoon, 13-6. Mrs. Thelma Johnson left for her home at Raymond. Wash, Thurs-s day after visiting her brother, Glen ; E UBrien and lamiiy. The Irrigon grade school is pre-' is paring a musical Magic Piper for Friday evening. All of the grade school is represented in it js Mrs. Ida Holden spent the week end at Baker, returning Sunday night I E The telephone men have been ; s stringing wire on the telephone poles here but they are having a vacation as they are out of wire. They have been living in the Sparks cabins. Mrs. Boardman left for Portland Tuesday. She has been visiting at the home of Mrs. W. L. Suddarth. Mrs. Arthur Edwards and small daughter got home from the Pen dleton hospital Tuesday evening. a major surgical operation per formed at St Anthony's hospital in Pendleton last week. Miss illinium 11111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 willing. durin th war. has been ill fur many months and it is xpcti he will now recover her hlth. John Weimer, Ralph Porter and Arthur Yager of Condon attended She is named Carol Di- a meeting of directors of the Co lumbia Basin Electric Cooperative Mr. and Mrs. Glen O'Brien are in Heppner Tuesday.. also the parents of a baby girl, 1 0 Glenda Grace, born Saturday mor- Read the Want Ads. It pays. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING! NOTICE is hereby given that a pub lic hearing will be held before Melvin J. Conklu. Examiner for the Depart ment of Agriculture, Milk Control Sec tion, State of Oregon, at the County Court House, Heppner, Oregon. at the hour of 1:30 P. M November 19, 1946. to receive evidence and testimony on matters relating to production, sale and distribution of fluid milk and cream: minimum wholesale and retail prices and minimum price distributors snail pay to producers In Morrow county, Oregon, Marketing Area. DATED at Portland, Oregon, this 7th day of November, 1946. THOS. L. OHLSEN. Chief. Department of Agriculture, Milk Contro Section, State of Oregon. 34, THERE'S A JOB WAITING FOR YOU IN JAPAN ALL EXPENSES PAID AND $90 PER MONTH toilified voune men IS to 34 (17 with narents' cuiisenO may now sign up for an interesting job in the 2.1th Infantry Division In Japan. The an is iiuneu for heroic action on Guadalcanal. New fiulm.a Vella LaVclla and Luzon. Its members wear two Disllnguisnea unit citations. Clerks, stenographers, typists, machin ists, truck drivers, plumbers, carpen ters and specialists in more than a hundred other fields will find profit able extension of their trades and opportunity to learn new ones. Living conditions are excellent. Sports, entertainment and travel opportunities are highly developed in this divisions area. High overseas pav (20ri above domes tic Armv base pay), excellent medical and dental care, and a generous retire ment plan make this opportunity too good lo nitsst Young men who can meet prescribed standards, and all who enlist for 3 years, nre entitled to designate the 2.1th Infantry Division at time of en listment. Initial training given before departure from U. S. Oct full details at your local U. S. Army Recruiting SUllou. a U. S. Pnitofflco Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon .10T10B OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned. Administratrix, de bonis non, of the Estate of Hosa B. Howell, deceased, has filed Willi the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Morrow Countv. her final account of her administration of the said estate HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Hie Hoppnar Gniette, established March K0. 1883. The Heppnet Times, established November 18 189V. Consolidated Fob. 15, 1912 Published every Thursday and en tered it the Post Office at Hepp nvi. Oregon, ai second clast matter. Subscription Price tZSO a Year O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor New Bus Schedule - Gray Rock Lines Effective Nov. 4, 1946 FOSSIL BUS SCHEDULE READ DOWN l,v. Fossil 10:30 A.M. l.v. Mayvillo 10:42 A.M. Ar. Condon ...11:10 A.M. Lv. Condon ...11:25 A.M. Lv. Olex 12:10 P.M. Ar. Arlington 12:30 P.M. l.v. Arlington 12:45 P.M. Ar. The Dalles 2:10 P.M. READ UP Ar. Fossil 7:00 P. M. Ar. Mayvllle 6:49 P. M. Lv. Condon .... 6:20 P. M. Ar. Condon .... 6:05 P. M. Lv. OK'x 5:15 P.M. Lv. Arlington 4:55 P. M. Ar. Arlington 4:35 P.M. Lv. The DalK's 3:10 P.M. Lv. Kinzua 7:45 AJU., Ar. 7:40 AJU. (On Call) HEPPNER SCHEDULE READ DOWN Lv. Heppner 10:30 A.M. Lv. Lexington 10:45 A.M. Lv. lone 11:00 A.M. Ar. Arlingion 12:25 P. M. Lv. Arlington 12:45 P.M. Ar. The Dalle, 2:10 P.M. P. M. P.M. HEAD UP Ar, Heppner 0:45 Lv. Lexington 6:30 Lv. lone 6:15 P.M. Lv. Arlington 4:50 P.M. Ar. ArliiiBlon 4:35 P.M. Lv. The Dalles 3:15 P.M. Owned and Operated by A. L. BRITT Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KE.Tr.LEY HEAR ! John D. Runyan in Evangelistic Services at LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST every night except Saturday NOV. 17 to DEC. 6 7:30 P.M. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiir From the feillPlliai TINGLING TOILET WATER-to keep you flower fresh and fragrantly sweet. . .White Phlox, Night Scent ed Stock, Lilac, Green Moss and Royal Purple 1.75 INTRODUCTORY HERB SET -give delicious variety to your foods. . . set of 12 herbs. . . delectable flav ors, to make your sauces poetry, your stews miracles and your sal ads the talk of the town. Ideal gifts, too 1.00 HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY (LIKE YOU'RE HYING0 That's what Chevron Supreme Gasoline brings to youf car, folks skyway performance adapted to the highway. War-born improvements in flying fuels paved the way for this premium gasoline a gasoline that is tailor-mad, for your car's requirements. Chevron Supreme means quicker starts, extra power smoother performance, ill traffic and on the open load, Try it I . ' L. E. (ED) DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon ISUPREME CASOUK J - There simply are not enough new Chevrolets to go around We are getting our fair share of the current production of new Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks. And as strikes and short ages decrease, as the Chevrolet plants are able to produce more new passenger cars and trucks, we'll get more and more of them to deliver to our customers. Meanwhile, as long as shortages do exist, it is our purpose to apportion our share of the new Chevrolets available fairly and justly among the many customers, new and old, whose con tinued friendship and patronage are the keynote of our business. So that you may have no doubt as to our method of distribution of new Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks, we make the following DECLARATION OF POLICY 1. PRIORITY OF DELIVERY. New Chevrolet cars and trucks will be apportioned on the basis of (1) Essential public services, (2) Veterans' occupational requirements, (3) Priority of date in placing orders. 2. PRICES. All new Chevrolet cars and trucks will be sold at the authorized prices current at time of delivery. 3. TRADE-INS. No trade-in will be required from any customer who does not have a car to dispose of at the time of the transaction. Customers who do have cars will be given allowances based on honest appraisal and fair value at the time of delivery. 4. ACCESSORIES. No customer will be asked to purchase accessories as a condition of securing delivery. 5. STATUS OF ORDERS. Customers will be informed, upon request, of the true status of their orders in our files. 6. NEW ORDERS. We welcome your order for a new Chevrolet at any time. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND LOYALTY IN AWAITING DELIVERY OF YOUR NEW CHEVROLET Hodge Phone 403 Chevrolet: Co. Heppner, Oregon