Heppner Gazette Times Heppner, Oregon, November 7, 19463 lone Women Given Pointers On Good Taste in Clothes By Mn. Echo Palmateer Those coming from distance to the Fred Lindsey funeral were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crabtree, Mr. and Mn. Leo Crabtree, Mrs. Roy S ten der, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brock, all of Sa lem. Dixon Smith is a patient at the veteran's hospital at Walla Walla. Remember the P-TA auction Fri day night at 8 o'clock at the school house, and the Maranatha sale at the Congregational church parlor at 1:30 p.m. Hallowe'en was fairly quiet here with some vandalism at the Co-op- erative church where the picket fence was torn down. Some tires were deflated and windows soaped. The youngsters enjoyed their "trick or treat" foray. - A home demonstration meeting was held at the Congregational church parlor Monday afternoon. "Developing Good Taste in Clothes" was the subject. Katherine Mona-1 han explained good taste in select-1 ing a wardrobe. Lunch of cookies : and coffee was served. Mrs. E. M. I Baker and Mrs. Cleo Drake con ducted group singing. The next, meeting will be December 17 in the afternoon. The subject will be ' "Party Phnning." Mrs. E. M. Baker and Mrs. Cleo Drake were selected as leaders, and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and Mrs. Ernest H liker as alter nates to attend a meeting in Hepp ner to receive instructions on par ty planning and then will conduct the December meeting in lone. Funeral services were hld Wed nesday of last week fur Fred Lind siy at the I. O. O. F. cemetery with Rev. R. L. Casselman officiat ing'. Mr. Lindsey died at his home in Salem October 24. He was born at Gerard, Kansas, Octob-jr 7, 1878, and came to Oregon when a boy. He lived in this community a few years before going to Salem. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Crabtree and Mrs. Hattie Brock of Salim, and one brother, Frank Lindsey of Morgan, five nieces and nephews, among whom are Mrs. 0l UNION PACIFIC ANNOUNCES JSrh EFFECTIVE MOV. 10 THERE will be changes in schedules of many Union Pacific trains effective No vember 10. These changes are designed to improve the present serv ice and connections for resi- h$ Sftitfh- iayUn!onPatiiV dents of the Pacific North west who desire to travel comfortably for business or pleasure. For complete information, inquir of General Agn', 1st National Bank Bldg.. 2nd and Alder Streets, Walla Walla, Hash., Phone 30 or Local Agent WINTER VACATIONISTS! Remember,. Sun Valley reopens Pecambw 21 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD OA of tn "atatMm am mt AtUUttftH T H I SEASONED TRAVELER COES BY TRAIN Legionnaires DON'T FORGET THE ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION NOVEMBER II Annual HEPPNER-HERMISTON FOOTBALL GAME at 2:30 P. M. Buck-Burger Feed at the Odd Fellows Hall for Legionnaires and their families DANCE at Rhea Creek Grange Hall lone, Boardman, Arlington and Hcrmiston posts attending as well as district officers Everyone will meet at the Legion Hall prior to, and following the football game where all necessary entertainment will be provided. Heppner Post No. 87 Legionnaires please meet at the 0. K. Rubber Welders at 1 :30 P. M. for formation of parade. WEAR YOUR LEGION HATS. Lewis Halvors-n of lone nd Mr. Archie Munkera of Lexington. The nallbearers were Carl Trordson, A. C. Swanson, M. Fitzpatrick, Omar Rietmann, Walter Rietmann and "red Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely and Mr. md Mrs. Fred Ely of Morgan at tended the A gee 50th wedding anni versary at Boardman Saturday light. A "Youth for Christ" meeting was held at the Congregational church parlor Friday evening of last week with a potluck supper. Rev. Winquist of Irrigon was the .peaker. Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Holt and daughter Marjorie of Pilot Rock will conduct services at the As y.mbly of God church Sunday. C. G. Welmore of Salem is visit ing his granddaughter, Mrs. Don ald Heliker. Among those going to Walla Wal la last week were Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Ed Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely, Mrs. Echo Pal mateer, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, Elmer Shiffer, Mrs. Etta Bristow, Melvin Brady. The high school girls going were Francine Ely, Laurel Palmateer, Rose Mary Doherty, Virginia Smith, Lorraine Sherman, Betty Ball and Patricia Drake. Mrs. Bertha Severin, the eighth grade teacher, gave a party for her room Hallowe'en evening. Omar Rietmann and Oscar Peter son went to Corvallis Friday to attend Dad's day at O. S. C. Satur day and to attend the football game between O. S. C. and Stanford. lone football team won at Uma tilla Wednesday of last week at Umatilla. The boys of the high school spent the week end at Walla Walla where they played Prescott Friday but lost the game. They attended a banquet at the Marcus Whitman hotel Sat urday and attended the Whitman Linfield game in the afternoon Sat urday. Guests at the Ernest Heliker home the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Carrell Hearst and family of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Mrs. Hearst lived here when a girl and will be remembered as Lois Devine. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Devine of Longview, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Grass Valley are the guests of their daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney. Recent guests at the Harry Yar- nell home were Mrs. Gladys Crider and daughter Beth of Bickleton, Wash. Mrs. Crider is a sister of Mrs. Yarnell. Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea and fam ily went to The Dalles Monday. Willows grange initiated five can didates in the first and second de grees Sunday afternoon. After the initiation a luncheon of creamed chicken and biscuits and coffee was served by Mrs. James Lindsay and Mrs. Berl Akers. A pinochle party was held at the grange hall Saturday night with Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn as hostesses. There were 27 pre sent. Those winning scores were, high for women, Mrs. Donald Heli ker; low, Mrs. Earl McKinney; high for men, Earl McKinney, and low, Donald Heliker. Refreshments of chicken sandwiches, salad, angel food cake, coffee and cider were served. Recent guests at the Garland Swanson home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hedlind and Mike Miller of Salem. Mrs. Bonney is a niece and Mrs. Hedlind and Mr. Miller, sister and brother of Mrs. Swanson. Miss Eva Swanson was a Salem visitor last week. She returned Fri day, bringing' her mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson, and Miss Beverly McMillan home with her. Miss Mc Millan is a granddaughter of Mrs. Swanson. O. E. Palmateer, specialist in in stitutional publicity with the Stan dard Oil company at Salem showed moving pictures at the schoolhouse Tuesday. Mr. Palmateer is a cousin of Mrs. H. O. Ely. He is a former state commander of the American Irrigon Woman's Car Damaged in Highway Collision Miss Luella Minnick badly dam aged her car Wednesday above Ir rigon. She was shaken up and bruised about the chest. She was driving behind another car that stopped suddenly. In trying to stop she put on the brakes, causing the car to turn around in the road A car coming from the other direction ran into her car, damaging both cars but not injuring the passen gers in the other car. Miss Katherine Monahan, home demonstration agent from Heppner, met with the Irrigon women at the Paul Haberlein home Wednesday, talking taste in clothes. Mrs. Hab erlein served cake and coffee for refreshments. 'C. N. Lois Markham and C. N. Betty Acock are at Palo Alto in a veteran's hospital. It is a very large hospital, caring for the boys who are still suffering from shock. Three girls were chosen from the Spokane class of nurses. Mrs. Lavern Westcott was called to New York Tuesday to be ready to sail to Frankfort, Germany, to live there. Her husband is Staff Sgt. Ralph Westcott and has been there only a few months. Mrs. Birdie Connell and two sons and her mother, Mrs. Anna Jaynes, and a sister from Portland were Irrigon visitors Thursday. Mitt Connell of Los Angeles ar rived home Monday. His home was here, hut he has been gone several years, some of the time in the South Pacific in U. S. army service. The football team went to Walla Walla Saturday, accompanied by Coach Golden and Fred Adams. They saw Linfield win over Whit man, and attended the pigskin par ty at the Whitman hotel. The football team, accompanied by the band, went to Pilot Rock Thursday. Pilot Rock won 33-6. The men of the Community Bap tist church have the material to put up the bell and worked on the frame Tuesday. They have had a large bell for several years but it has been sitting on the ground. Rev, and Mrs. Winquist and a car full of young people attended ! if.hing up the deal. the youths' rally at lone Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. Charles Simmons I kota. and family got here Saturday eve ning and are getting settled in the Arthur Sires place, as there is no E. S. Peltnn Mrs. IMge and Mrs Verne Smiih bought the other piece of land for and one more. Miss AiU-n will his brother-in-law in South D.kota. biing a snul-stirrin and impirinjt The brother-in-law and Mmily are message at 7 Aj. to spend the winter in South Da-' R, v. Wayne Faeerstrom is hol.l- The Loyal Ladi s league of the Baptist Community church will en tertain a missionary team consist- house on the part of the Steward j ing of Miss Thomasine Allen who dace that thev purchased. Earl was a missionary in Japan before Steward is up from Roseburg fin- the war, and Miss Isabelle Gates, I as soon as they can get passage Ltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiimiimimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii'j in? a revival meeting at the Assem bly of God church every evining except Friday nitilit. Rev. and Mrs. Morse occupied the pulpit at the Assembly of God church SumL.y mornini. They are going to China FREE Pre-School Baby CLINIC Legion and also will attend the American Legion meeting in lone Tuesday night Office of DR. C. C. DUNHAM Chiropractic Physician Odd Fellows Building, Heppner Thursday, Nov. 21 SiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiimm Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing To make this simple, no risk hearing teal with ourine drops used with sim ple syringe. If you are deafened, both ered by ringing, buz?ing head noises due to hardened or coagulated wax (cerumen ), try our uurine Home Me thod teat that so many say has enabl ed them to hear well again. You must hear better after making this simple test or vou get vour money back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Drops to day at Humphreys Drug Company Another Big LIVESTOCK Runnion Sales Yard on Heppner, Oreg BEGINNING AT 12:30 P. M. Thursday, N Vo PREVENT A COLD by using Vacagen COLD TABLETS -the oral vaccine. Nip a cold in the bud and avoid use less suffering and loss of time from Business or social duties. SAAGER'S PHARMACY All Kinds of Livestock Cows, Calves, Yearling and2-Year-0ld Steers Bred 2-Year-old Heifers, Bulls, Saddle Horses, Work Horses, etc. All cattle must be brand inspected. All dairy type cattle must be tested. Persons having livestock to sell may enter them in this sale. Stock arriving at the yards the day before the sale will be fed and watered The Oct. 17 and 31 sales were big successes This is the land of good livestock If you want to buy or sell, patron ize the RUNNI0N SALES YARD. TERMS OF SALE: CA SH V. R."Bob" RUNNI0N Auctioneer HARRY DINGES Clerk in