Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 07, 1946, Image 1

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    W ti ,
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tte Times
Oil i
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 7, 1946
Volume 63, Number 33
Heppner Post To
Entertain District
On Armistice Day
Football Game,
Buckburger Feed
On Day's Program
A revival of pre-war observance
of Armistice day is seen in the pro
gram prepared by Heppner Post
Amrican Legion for the entertain
ment of neighboring and distrist
post here next Monday. Invitations
have been accepted by lone, Board
man, Arlington and He rm is ton
posts as well as district officers to
spend the day here and participate
in tne festivities.
A featured number on the pro
gram will be the annual Armistice
day meeting between the Herrnis
ton and Heppner high school foot
ball teams. This gives promise of
being the number one game for
the local squad, since Heppner is
one up on the Hermiston boys. A
parade is being organized to start
at the OK Welders shop at 1:30
and lead the procession to the Ro
deo field where the pigskin gladia
tors will uncover their bags of
tricks on one another.
The Legion has invited the Hepp
ner school band to play during the
game and Director Billy Cochell
has consented to present the young
musicians in their first public ap
pearance tiiia year.
All legionnaire guests have been
requested to meet at the Legion hall
prior to the game and to return
there following the game. Enter
tainment will be provided for guests
at the hall.
In the evening two events have
been plannd to keep the local mem
bership and guests interested. At
6:30 p.m. the annual buckburger
feed will be served at the L O. O. F.
hall. Following that there will be
a dance at the Rhea Creek grange
hall to which the public is invited.
The football game is scheduled
to start at 2 o'clock.
Youngsters Have
Opportunity to
Win Essay Prizes
Salem. Oregon's 22,000 Green
Guards, the junior members of the
Keep Oregon Green association, ai
invited to participate in the annual
Green Guard essay contest to com
pete for cash and other valuable
prizes, according to Dean Paul M
Dunn, state chairman of Keep
Forty-two prizes will be offered
the boys and girls of Oregon who
are numbers of the youth division
of Keep Oregon Green for the best
essays on "Why I am a Green
Guard." In order to insure equal
competition. Green Guard partici
pants will be classified by age
groups:: Seniors, over 15 years; in
termediates, 10 to 15; and juniors,
under ten years.
First prize winner in the senior
group will receive a 15-jewel Bul
ova wrist watch, second prize will
be $10 in cash, and there will be
six third prizes of $5 each and six
fourth prizes of $3 each. In the
intermediate group the first prize
will b a bicycle, with second, third
and fourth place cash prizes same
as seniors, and the junior group
will be a bicycle, with second, third
with cash prizes identical with the
two older classes.
All essays must be submitted to
the Keep Oregon Green headquar
ters at Salem prior to November
30, closing date for the contest, ac
cording to Chas. E. Ogle, executive
secretary of the Keep Oregon
Green, who is in charge of the an
nual contest.
"We would like to have all of
the Green Guard members partici
pate in this essay contest," said
Dean Dunn in his announcement.
"These 22,000 Oregon boys and
girls have done a magnificent job
in helping reduce the number of
man-causd forest fires during the
six years since Keep Oregon Green
was formed.
Ture .Peterson returned home
Sunday after spending several
weeks at The Dalles where he took
medical treatment.
Tax Levies Zoom To All
Timo High in County.JState
1 oi-lnn ', Ore. (Special) Taxes
on all property in Oregon, includ
ing homes, farms, pastures, sky
scrapers and timber, for current
1946-47 fiscal year, zoomed to an
all-time high of $53,280,111, or $9,
083,861 more than was levied in
Oregon, 1945-46.
This peak of property taxes was
announced by Oregon Buslnoss eSi
Tax Research, Inc., and was com
piled from assessors' summaries of
taxes levied this year, first quarter
payment being due November 15.
Of th $9,083,861 Increase In total
taxes this year over last, tax levies
for school purposes accounted for
$6,360,564 of the total. Total local
school district taxes, Including spe
cial voter approved levies, amount
ed to $22,134,545, AFTER $8,000,000
of Income Tax Revenue had been
applied as a property tax offset.
First four counties in Oregon with
Vows Taken Oct. 24
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hansen of
Burbank, Cal., announce the mar
riage of their daughter, Genevieve
Ethel, to Harold A. Sanders Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Sanders,
The wedding was solemnized at
the rectory of St. Peters Episcopal
church, La Grande, Thursday, Oct.
Harold Jr. saw action with the U.
S. Army Air corps on the Burma
front in India, being with the first
convoy which went overseas Jan
uary 1942 and where he remained
for three years. He is attending
Eastern Oregon College of Educa
tion at La Grande.
Veterans Eligible
For Assistance if
Earnings Are Low
World War II veterans who are
farming or in business for them
selves but not earning $100 a month
are in most cases eligible for fed
eral subsislnce payments, Charles
M. Cox, Veterans Administration
representative in this area, pointed
out today.
Up to August 1, 2897 Oregon vet
erans had received a total of $1,
196,756 under this provision of the
G.L bill, Cox said. Self-employ
ment benefits are intended to make
up the difference between monthly
earnings and $100 for a maximum
period of 10 2-5 months if the vet
eran has more than 9 1-2 months
of service to his credit.
In Oregon 36 claimants had used
up their entitlement. Among the
357 self-employed veterans receiv
ing subsistence during July, 189
were engaged in agriculture, fores
try or fishing, five in mining, 18
contract construction, 52 in man
ufacturing, 10 in transportation,
communication or other public util
ities, 30 in wholesale or retail trade,
seven in finance, insurance or real
estate and 46 in service industries.
Huston Leading
Vote Grabber in
City Balloting
Although he didn't pass out ci
gars or do a lot of baby kissing,
City Recorder E. R. Huston proved
te most popular vote getter in the
Hppner city election. Huston top
ped the ticket. He beat LaVerne
Van Marter, treasurer candidate, by
a margin of one vote Huston 300,
Van Marter 299.
Dr. C. C. Dunham proved the
star vote getter in the council race.
He was accorded 92 votes in South
Heppner and 172 in North Heppner.
Next in line was Francis Nickerson
with 240. O. M. Yeager came up
third with 238. There were no con
tests. Conley Lanham received 255
votes for mayor.
Precinct balloting showed P. W.
Mahoney with 153 votes for repub
lican committeeman and 132 for
Mrs. J. F. Lucas for committee
woan. Henry Aiken received 56
votes for democratic precinct com
mitteman in North Heppner.
Twenty-four elk were killed by
the 62 hunters participating in the
special elk hunt held in the Troy
area (Umatilla county) from Octo
ber 24 to Octobe r 28, it is announc
ed by the Oregon State Game com
mission. Animals killed were in
ine condition and included 8 bulls,
11 cows, 3 bull calves and 2 heifer
Threcfourlhs of the hunters came
from the western part of the state
and the rest from east of the Cas
cades. Practically all of the hunt
?rs were pli ased with the hunt in
spite of the disagreeable weather
which ctmtinued throughout the
season and made roads almost im
passable. Success ratio of the hunt
ijproximated 30 percent which is
considered very good on account of
the poor hunting weather.
The special season was held for
the purpose of reducing the herds
in an area where damage to prop
erty had been reported earlier in
the year.
highest percentage of total tax in
crease, 1946-47 over 1945-46, nil
purposes, were Curry, Jefferson.
Polk and Linn, with, increases of
76, 60, 55 and 54 percent respective-
The four counties with lowest
perci ntage of 1946-47 property tax
increase, (his fiscal year over 1945
46, were Wheeler, Multnomah
Sherman and Baker. These coun
ties showed only 8.6, 9 and 9.1 pcr-
cint Increases respectively.
Property taxes levied in Morrow
county for 1916-47 total $398,820
compard with $290,670 , for 1945-46.
Schoel tuxes in Morrow county in
creased from $134,232 in 1945-46, to
188,088 for the 1946-47 school year
an Increase of 40 percent. This am
ount does not include the county
school levy of $10 per census child
which is included in the general
county levy.
Chaffee's Observe
50th Anniversary at
Boardman Home
Saturday evening Nov. 2, some
250 relatives and friends attended
the golden wedding anniversary
party held at the grange hall in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Agee,
who had been married 50 years on
this date. Mr. and Mrs. Agee have
spent the past 22 years on the
Boardman project and prior to that
lived 23 years on a wheat ranch
near lone. During the evening there
was a program which consisted of
songs and readings, a family history
given by Mrs..Mary Messenger, fol
lowed by a mock wedding enacted
by the children. Parts played were
Bride, Grace Miller; Bridegroom,
Donald Gillespie; Maid of Honor,
Marie Potts; Bridesmaids, Quannah
Cropper and Sharon Fussell; Best
Man, Lynn Gillespie; Ushers, Mark
Fussell and Larry Thorpe; Flower
Girl, little Carolyn Baker, and Ring
Bearer, Billie Anderson. The hall
and dining room were appropriate
ly decorated for the occasion with
golden bells and candles, with a
huge wedding cake in the center
of the bride's table, which was cut
by Mrs. Agee. On Sunday the
family had a dinner also at the
grange hall, and all six children, ten
grandchidren and three great
grandchildren were present as were
several other relatives and friends.
There was also a program in the
afternoon put on by the children
and grandchildren. (
Those present for dinner Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Agee,
their daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest (Ada) Christopherson
of Hubbard and their children, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Christopherson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christopher
son Jr. and Urscl, and their grand
children, Gloria, Chuck and Shar
on; their son, Jess Agee; daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester (Dorothy)
Shaffer of Mikkalo and their
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. (Freda) Biddle; daughter,
Mrs. Etherl Fellel and her daugh
ter, Iva Mac, of Aurora; a daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle
(Irene) Hubbell of Stanfield and
their children, June, Keith, Wan
da and Carl; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
(Emma) Gililland and their son
Paul of College Place.
Other relatives of Mr. Agee pre
sent were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Agee
of Boardman, a brother; Mrs. Em
ma Reeves, a sister, of McMinn-
viile; Mr. and Mis. Chas. Ottinger
of Stevenson, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Agee
and family; Mrs. Walter Agee and
son, all of Stevenson, Wash.
Others attending were Kenneth
Yancey and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
Thorpe, Boardman; Mrs. Jake
Christopherson, Portland; Mrs.
Frank Lewis, The Dalles; Mr. and
Airs. Fronk Young, St.mfield; Mrs.
Earl Gililland and daughter, and
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Knowles, College
Place, Wash.; Mrs. Clifford Chris
topherson and son of Cornelius; Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Ravert and sons,'
Charles and Robert, Stanfield, and
Juhn Kufner, Salem; Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Ely, Morgan.
Mrs. S. C Russell snent Thursday
in Hood River with her sister and
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rippee mo
tored to Heppner Thursday on bus
Dorothy Storment of Ontario was
a week-end guest at the I. T. Pear
son home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Johnson
motored to Pendelton Saturday.
Rm .1 W Smith will hold ser
vices at the Community church on
Sunday, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. He is
rwimini, no a nnmiiAnla fnr this
church and to live in Boardman if
selected. Everyone welcome.
Christmas Seal Sale
Opens November 25
The 40th annual Christmas Seal
Sale will-open Monday, Nov. 25, and
will continue until December 25.
Funds raised through the sale of
seals will be used to support the
tuberculosis control programs of th
2.900 associations affiliated with the
National Tuberculosis association.
These voluntary asseiciations are
locate d in every slate, the District
of Columbia and U. S. trritories
and are carrying on programs plan
ned to meet the specific needs in
their area.
Of the money raised in the 1946
Seal Sale, 95 percent will be spent
in the state where it was contribu
ted and five percent will be sent
to the national association to surf-
port the services which it performs
on a nationwide basis to further
Ihe camimign against the disease.
Mr. and Mi's. Joe Green and
childnn, Bobby and Joan, and Mr
and Mis. Wallace Green and child
ren, Richard and Dolores, of Port
land, spent the latter part of the
de-cr season here with relatives.
A. E. Watcnbtirgcr of Pine City
transacted business in Heppner
We dnesday.
Ivan Cox f Pilot Reick, who owns
realty in Morrow county, was trans
acting business at the tax collec
tor's office Monday.
. Alfred Lofgren of Portland was
a Heppner business visitor the first
of the week. He owns property at
Sweeps Democrats Out
Of Congress Control
The old slogan,"As Maine goes
so goes the nation," came back into
reality Tuesday when most of the
states outside of the solid south
swung back into the republican
column. Important gains had been
expeced but no predictions of such
sweeping changes in the political
complexion of the country had been
Result of the landslide is to place
the GOP in control of both houses
of congress, reversing the situation
of 1930 when a democratic con
gress thwarted Herbert Hoover in
his efforts to bring the country out
of a nationwide depression. There
was no depression this time to make
an issue of but in the language of
Senator Taft of Ohio, the people
are against giving an arbitrary cen
tral government the power and
money to regulate their daily lives.
With the election of at least 23
senators, the republicans have a
majority in that branch of congress,
while there is a majority of 14 or
more in house of representatives, i
In addition to congressional gains,
twenty republican governors were
News Briefs
Here to attend the funeral for
John M. Hanan, which was held
Sunday at the St. Patrick's Catholic
church, were Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Enos and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Baker of Bremerton, Wash., and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Tisso of Vancouver,
Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Enos are Mrs.
Hanan's parents and Mrs. Baker is
her sister. Mrs. Anna Snyder, Mr.
Hanan's mother, and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Scure and Mr. and Mrs.
William Ffeifer, the women being
Hanan's sisters.
Lawrence Brady dropped into the
GT office Wednesday morning to
have his paper changed from in
care of Ralph Thompson to in care
of Orian Wright. Brady has been
employed by Thompson as a herd r
for many years but now that the
newly-elected county commissioner
has retired from the sheep business
he has to find a new home.
W. E. Ashton of Helena, Mont.,
who accompanied Mrs. J. E. O'Don
nell here to visit their sister, Mrs.
L. E. Dick, left the first of the
week for Portland before returning
home. Mrs. O'Donnell will remain
for awhile to assist in caring for
Mrs. Dick.
William W. Weatherford III is the
name given a baby boy, born to Mr.
and Mrs. William W. Weatherford
October 27 in Portland. The Wea
therfords are among the newer res
idents of the county, having pur
chasd the Clive Huston ranch early
in the fall.
Regulars Learn First Hand How to Grade Meats
That Ihe new peacetime Regular Army effort many opportunities for ,
learning a skilled trade ii illustrated above, ei Army Regulars art shown
studying the grading factors of meat in the Meat and Dairy Hygienists
Course, supervised by the Veterinary Dctochment at tha Chicago Quarter'
master Depot. This class of "soldier students" is determining whether th
meat is up to Army specifications.
i jk - - ?m
fc'SjJ I.Y v . e 'Ht f'W
The Grand Rapids. Mich., Valerani Administration sub-regional office be
came tht first to number two Congressional Mtdal of Honor winners among its
contact staff when Dirk J. Vlug (right) joined tht staff. Vlug and his baiooka
disposed of four jap lanki on Ltytt. Standing Is I. Carlton Sjorgren, awarded
his CMH for knocking out nlnt jap pillboxes In tht Philippines, who wtnt to
woik lot VA itvtral months ago, Manajtr W. L Aiman prttidts.
Oregon kept in line with the na-
1 tional trend and returned a solid
republican dc legation to congress.
Re-election of Governor Earl Snell,
Secretary of State Robert S. Far
rell Jr. and W. E. Kimsey, labor
commissioner by huge majorities
was followed by election of an al
most unanimous republican legisla
tive assembly.
A surprising upset to democratic
hopes was the un-sovietizing of the
state oi Washington, lhis was a
key state and outcome of the elec
tion was in doubt until the vote
counting started. Washington very
definiely swung into the republican
column. Gains were registered in
California, another state that has
profit: d directly from New Deal
spending. New Dealers, headed by
James Roosevelt and supported by
Henry Wallace, failed to hold the
state in line and the republicans
are in the majority.
So the story goes in many states
that once were solidly republican
but fell under the spell of the late
President Roosevelt for 12 years or
Around Town
lone citizens transacting business
at the courthouse during the week
include Garland Swanson, Charles
A.' Carlson, Jesse Warfield, Mrs.
Elmer Griffith, Mrs. Mattie Ray,
George? Carkhuff and Sam Esteb.
Others settling accounts at the tax
collector's office were Frank Holub,
Hardman, and Mrs. Ola Redding
and Alex Hunt of Lexington.
Mrs. A. W. Gemmell of Veneta
writers that she and Mr. Gemmell
have been informed that their son-in-law,
Lee Pearson of Boardman,
is in a hospital at The Dalles suf
fering from a serious heart ailment.
Marion Finch, Butter creek stock
man, was a business visitor in
Heppner Wednesday, coming pri
marily to settle his tax bill at the
court house.
Business visitors in Heppner
Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs.
Cy-? Tannihill of Boardman.
R. M. McCoy of Irrigon was trans
a cting business in the county seat
Ralph Skoubo of Boardman was
a Heppner business visitor Wednes
day, being interested in tax mat
ters at the courthouse.
Mrs. Arthur Allen of Boardman
paid a visit to the tax collector's
office while in Heppner Wednes
day. Ed Tucker of Walla Walla, Mor
row county landholder, was a bus
iness visitors at the courtouse
-Urud Kamdi l',M I hcM.
1'r frT frrf "rr'timr wnwrrrtH mrl an maikt ,
Auxiliary Getting
Ready for Annual
Gift Shop Benefit
Christmas is here for the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary the time for
the ladies to prepare for the annual
Christmas Gift Shop program, the
date deadline for which is Nov
ember 20.
The Christmas Gift Shop is con
ducted at the veterans hospital in
Portland. Gifts are sent there for
veterans to make selections for
their families. Donors are asked to
send new gifts only, but paper and
ribbon may be enclosed.
A suggested list of gifts suitable
for the gift shop includes bath
towels, pillow cases, tea towels,
stockings, children's hose, pot hold
ers, cosmetics, stationery, shaving
sets, brushes, ties, children's dolls,
toys. If you are including talcum
and bath powders, it is urgent that
you leave them m the original store
wrappings so they will not crush
and spill over other articles.
Do not send dishes, glassware or
other fragile articles as they are
sure to break in mailing. Any gift
you would select for a member of
your family is suitable for the gift
Gifts may be left at the Heppner
Hardware & Electric company
Road To Monument
Should Be Club's
Number I Project
Construction of a highway lead
ing from the Parker's Mill turnoff
on the Heppner-Spray highway to
Monument should be the No. 1 pro
ject of the Heppner chamber of
commerce, P. W. Mahoney told the
luncheon group at the Lucas Place
Monday noon.
Such a road is highly desirable
from Heppner's viewpoint and it
would give the Monument section
a more direct outlet to outside
markets," Mahoney stated. "It also
is desirable in the interests of the
forest service, the lumber compan
ies operating in that part of the
Blue mountains, the stockmen in
that section of the John Day coun
try and to the general public. I
urge that the camber of commerce
direct its efforts towards securing
construcion of this road," Mahoney
The matter of holding a celebra
tion dinner in recognition of com
pletion of the HeppnerCondon high
way was presented and C. F. Tolle
son and O. G. Crawford were asked
to probe the possibilities of holding
such a meeting and to make ar
rangements for it.
P-TA Dinner And
Carnival Attract
Many Customers
Marguerite Glavey,
P-TA Reporter
Under the able leadership of Mrs.
Tress McClintock, president, the
potluck dinner and carnival held
at the school cafeteria and gymna
sium Saturday evening was a gala
Approximately 200 persons were
served and the evening proved en
tertaining for both children and
parents. There were numerous and
colorful booths, manned by willing
and cheerful workers.
Popular among these booths was
the fortune-telling tent, whose
beautiiul mystic, under her gay
paint and eye-catching earrings, resembled-
Mrs. Tom Wilson, and
whose knowledge of the future at
tracted a seemingly unending queue
of anxious children intent on learn
ing of their future.
The barker, Frank Connor, with
his quips and banter, enlivened the
scene and made good use of his tal
ent as an auctioneer.
Where there's a barker there's
usually a banker and in this in
stance Tress McClintock had help
in Edmond Gonty and Conley Lan
ham, when the coffers grew too
h: avy.
People responsible and helping in
the various stands included Mrs.
Edmond Gonty and Harold Becket,
Bingo; Mrs. Ted Pierson and Mrs.
Frank Connor, ring toss; Mrs. Paul
Hisler, magazines and records; Mrs
Oral Wright and Mrs. Paul Jones,
fish pond; Mrs. R. B. Rice and
Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, food and
farm produce; Don Fleck, shooting
gallery; Mrs, Cornett Green and
Mrs. Rufus Piper, plant and flower
stand, and Mrs. Ed Bennett, roul
ette wheel.
The P-TA is most grateful for
the cooperation given in this affair
and for the community s interest
and help in making the carnival
and dinner a success.
Advance information indicates
that trappers will receive less this
year for pelts of fur-bearing ani
mals. Muskrnts are reported to be
if 20 to 30 percent, mink 30 pre
cent, and marten 25 percent. Ani
mals with long fur such as coyotes
bobcats, raccoon and skunks will
be very hard to sell as mest ware
houses already are loaded with
ihem and about the only dealers
who will be in the market for such
polls will be those with available
storage facilities. It is realized that
Action years frequently affect the
fur market and it is pewsible that
with the elecion over there will be
mor activity on the exchanges.
Billy Cochell, band director, has
issued an invitation to parents and
others interested in the welfare of
the band to meet with him at 8
o'clock next Thursday evening in
the music room at the schoolhouse
to discuss the school band. He is
interested in promoting better
understanding of the band's work
and in developing closer coopera
tion with school patrons. It is only
through this cooperation that the
band can be built into a creditable
musical organization, Cochell con
Donald Robinson
Victim of Hunting
Accident Saturday
Sgt. Donald Robinson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Robinson of Hard-
man, suffered a broken right arm
Saturday in a hunting accident
which occurred in the Dale country
which occurred in the Dale country.
Incompany . with Murl Kirk of
Heppner and some Salem men,
Robinson was hunting elk. He was
not mistaken for an elk but when
one of the hunters shot an elk the
bullet was deflected by a bone and
struck him. He was taken to the
Prairie City hospital where bis in
jury was given emergency care and
arrangemnts were made to fly him
to Fort Lewis, Wash., today.
Sgt. Robinson had been home
about ten days, having been releas
ed from the base hospital at Fort
Lewis. He was on terminal leave
and was in line for discharge soon.
From all accounts Portland will
be the mecca for many Morrow
county people this week end, the
attraction being the football game
between the University of Oregon
and the University of California at
Los Angeles. It will be an oppor
tunity for sports fans to see the
Pacific coast's outstanding team in
action while at the same time lend
ing moral support to the Webfoot
Th Women's auxiliarv of AH
Saints Episcopal church sponsored
a Halloween party for Girl Scout
troop No. 3 Wednesday evening,
October 30. The parish house was
gaily decorated in autumn colors
which made a fitting background
for the young ladies in their Hallo
we'en costumes. The party was a
masaucrade affair and the young
sters had a lively time. Refresh
ments of apples, donuts and cider
rounded out the evening.
The home economics club of the
Lexington grange held an all-day
meeting Thursday at the home of
Mrs. J. A. Troedson in Heppner.
Mrs. William Smtthurst will be
hostess at the next meeting to be
held at her home in Lexington on
November 14. This also will be an
all-day meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith drove
to La Grande last week end to at
tend homecoming at Eastern Ore
gon College of Education. Being
president of the EOCE alumni asso
ciation, Mr. Smith acted as toast
master at the annual banquet held
Saturday evening, as well as pre
siding at the alumni meeting and
tea that afternoon.
Also attending the homecoming
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis
who saw the EOCE team come off
victorious in the homecoming game.
Two carloads of members of the
Heppner. Church of Christ drove to
Pendleton Wednesday evening to
attend revival services being con
ducted at the Church of Christ
there by Evangelist WilUe White.
Melvin Moyer has returned home
after several weeks in the hospital
at Pendleton where he received
treatment for pneumonia.
Mrs. Marvin Wightman and two
youngest children drove to Port
land to spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thompson of
Echo spent election day in Heppner
at the home of their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Latest Returns Indicate
Both School Bill Approved
Late returns indicate that both
school bills carried in Tuesday's
ele etion. A tabulation of 1693 out of
18-16 precincts showed House Bill
80 with a lead of 19,351, while the
basic school support bill had a
much smalle-r margin, 3790.
Returns indicate that the Mult
nomah and other western Oregon
counties' vote gave support to the
school bills while upstate counties,
particularly eastern Oregen regis
tered heavy vote against them.
Complete returns are not in and
it is possible that the basic bill may
County Sanctions
Only One Measure
In Tuesday's Vote
No. 300 on Ballot
Carries Here by
Strong Margin
Morrow county voters generally
did not like the several measures
on Tuesday's ballot and when re
turns from all precincts were in it
was found that but one measure
had carried the constitutional am
endment providing for succession to
office of governor.
A tally of the unofficial count
gives the following results
Governor succession Yes 539, no
Armories bill Yes 174, no 657.
House Bill 80 Yes 320, no 579.
Chinese real estate and raining
claim bill Yes 413, no 467.
Amendment permitting legislative
bills to be read by title only Yes
321, no 430.
Amendment increasing number of
senators to 31 members Yes 248.
no 564.
Fish bill-Yes 385, no 412.
Old-age pension bill Yes 241, no
In voting for candidates, the
county followed the general trend
where both parties were represent
ed and voted strongly republican.
For congressman, second district:
Stockman 800, Townsend 224. Stock
man's majority 576.
For governor: Donaugh 208, Snell
827. Snell's majority 619.
For secretary of state: Epps 185,
Farrell 853. Farrell's majority 668.
For labor commissioner: Kimsey
601, Peoples 371. Kimsey's major
ity 230.
With no contests for state senator
and state representatives Ellis for
senator received 817 votes arid
French 517, Peterson 919.
Official tabulation of the county
ballots will be made this week end.
Oregon Advertising
Brings Wide Response
" In addition to current thousands
of requests for Oregon information,
pulling power of Oregon's ravel ad
vertising program was shown this
week by receipt of answers to ads
placed over ten years ago, the state
highway commission travel inform-
a tion deparment reported.
The day that the mail brought
an inquiry from George Jacobs of
Brussels, Belgium, in response to
the September 28, 1946, Saturday
Evening Post ad, also arrived five
requests from the east for Oregon
folders, as advertised in National
Geographic in 1936. The next day
a query arrived from Brooklyn, N.
Y, in answer to the second Geo
graphic ad placed in the same year.
The department inserted its tirst
ad in National Geographic shortly
after the formr was established to
inaugurate Oregon's bid lor more
visitors to travel Oregon highways.
Since then the state has carried on
consistent travel promotion activ
ities, with the exception of the war
years when advertising was author
izd on an institutional basis.
With the coming of peace an ex
panded program has been under
way, with several ads already ap
pearing this fall in the Saturday
Evening Post, Colliers, Sunset and
Geographic, bringing responses
from every state in the union and
froeign countries.
Travel dpartment officials point
ed out that advertising campaigns
of past wars are continuing to
bring results, adding to the appeal
of the campaign now underway for
the next travel season. Likewise,
advertisements now being published
will work for Oregon for years to
come, they said.
Growing volumes of mail include
many detailed information requests
from prospectiv eeastern, middle
west and Pacific coast visitors in
connection with vacation plans for
next year, as well as for winter
sports visits, as inspired by cur
rent advertising.
Queries from Europe, Africa,
Canada and other foreign countries
indicate a greater volume of travel
from abroad as international trans
portation slowly approache-s peace
time normalcy.
Waterfowl hunters have checked
out a total of 5,939 ducks and 1,998
geese from the game commission's
waterfowl management area at
Summer Lake during the perieid
from October 26 Novemlier 3, in
clusive. The entire kill during the 1945
season amounted to 6.296 ducks and
2,864 geese.
get by on a narrow margin. It Is
not likely that the rural school
measure majority will be notice
ably reduced.
The old-age pension tax w is de
cisively defeatd by a 2'i to 1 ra
tio. Yes 79,9X5, no 225,938.
Lowell Stockmun, with nearly all
precincts accounted fur, led Lumar
Townsend by 14,(MX votes.
Governor Earl Six II was ahead of
Carl Dnnuugh by 119,510 votim.
Secretary of State UnlxTt S. f'arrull
led Dave Epps by 1HJ.UM2 voters.
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