Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 31, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Hcppncr G
Hi-Wgss to !v
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Orbcr 31, 1946
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The Hi rpniT Public library has
uim nveived for pirls aged 8 to 12
the now J.ihn Newberry medal
auard winner. "Strawberry Girl"
t. !.s
.in d;h:
..r hr.m
-t rc-
English Penfriend Relates
of Hobbies, Food Shortage
"su'.'-lbv Inski. The Newberry award
inir-C! ;S eivon each year for the most dis
V p tiri;u:-hed contribution to Ameri
e f '.- i c.in literature for children.
For th boys in the seventh, eigh
th rnd ninth grades we have The
Slack Tinker." by Pease, an excit
.nj adventure concerning a land
lubber on the ill-fated last voyage
of the oil tank steamer Zambora.
And for the juvenile mystery fan
we have Orton's "Mystery of the
I-ost Letter." I
For those grown-up mystery fans
shre new books have been added
io the mystery shelf: "V as in Vic
tim' by Treat, "Barren Heritage"
by Davis, and "The Double Take"
by Huggins.
And last, but not least, the lib
ra! y has "Color Blind" by Halsey, a
book it hopes all its patrons, as well
as many who don't regularly use
the library, will read. This book is
a remarkable piece of work and
contains more common sense, cour
age and sheer wisdom to the single
Une and paragraph than you'll find
in most other books on the Negro
problem in America. You may not
I agree with her, but you'll like what
j sne writes, the way she writes it,
y event, i and what she stands for in our so
.ter and caned democracy. Do read "Color
:;ka. Blind." savs Evelvn Isom, librarian.
soup arc
cive a
Bits of
or grat
the top
ns add
(Second and final instalment of
letter from Eileen Margaret Coo-!
For a fortnight this summer we
camped on the South Downs just
on the hills overlooking Little
Hampton. Of course we had full
force of the channel gales. It was
a pretty exciting time, especially
one night when we found a river
running right though the camp at
3 o'clock in the morning. The PL's
had to pick-a-back 30 small guides
to the safety of the barn through
a foot of mud in the pouring rain.
We had to repitch next day and
have all our bidding and clothing
dried at the farm.
I think that is enough to show
you that we really enjoy our out
door life in any kind of weather.
We try to cycle down to Mickle-
ham every week end to do our bit
in helping to gather in the beaten
down crops, but so far we've only
succeeded in getting ourselves'
soaked, for it always pours with
rain here and yesterday was the
only fine day we've had since Aug
ust bankholiday when we had two'
days and Easter when we had five
days. It's pouring with rain again
today, of course.
On Sunday I came back from
Wales where I had been staying
for a fortnight with the people who
looked after me for six months
CTHf rf r f '
D I U l l uJ 4 4 i
for Re-e!c;':t io
Second Congrsss.w!
Send the man tuck to
incton who hs .-.
chalked up a fine ny
work tow aro I
opment of t:
resources an 1
the Columbia K'cr s 1
tial value. Kti
representative, a n
understand s t ,m i -need
for sui
purchasing pow er
dollar, who h
quate care and ben::
veterans. Sun rt t
who advccaii'; rri..
planning for tne
t;on of neces
and flood control rr
Vote for Lt
Republican, a i
sentativeof C
distria for i : r
Congressioua.1 Liuia.
r V- A
Comrc f
Paid Mr., Lovt"" S"
rc:!::"...b"js!:r iisan svsr!
If von sometimes notice a delay before you hear the
f-irmiiar "Is'umber, please," or "Operator," it's be
ti'j'c our sw itchboards, even at wartime peak, were
rewr as busy as they are right now! Today we're
serving more customers who are making more calls
than cer before. Volume at times is so great that
t';j operator cannot ameer your call as quickly as
she v.ou!tl like.
Is'cw ccjuifr.ient to ta!:c care of all waiting appli-c-n:s
and furnish better scn'ce than ever to all tele
f re ti ers is being made and installed. But it's a
bi -x oh ... and will take time.
(ir operators, meantime, are doing evervthin!?
they possiWv can to furnish you the prompt anJ
c jrij ius s.-rwee you have been accustunud to.
T'.;3 rccIlU Tilspbne and TcIropJi Cs.i i y
v y Li
vjvifin "''mi'midJXLSSSt
.-'7 , 4 -n.
7 -"? .'
Li S kJ ui T
71:2 z:.z:-:::l7:-z7z!:? goes by Train
There is r.o ;: -.'e V T.c thr.c cf
.year to travel t ':;:,n ..tuvri. Krr'.'.-'a
cities the prt; t i;:. ;:- C'.r,t;rs
of the ratio;; u'.'tr you their t ,p
bet in vt ; thvr. Lyr, uie ' -"'..
warm and cc:.': ;;s trc col s:.'l
bribk. The cvinfry, too, invi'ts
you with its c.'.oilul and tvti
chaning sccuery.
I'ake your business or pleasure
trip now by Union Pacific. Com
fortable trains carry you to your
destination relaxed and refreshed,
fur ccmr!ete information, Inquirt of
It 5p?'!'V-
J7jzr: '
P-;-ml!cr..Sun Valley
rcopem December 2I(
from July 14. 1944 to January 28,
1!H5, while the flying bombs were
ovir Britain. It rained the whole
time which was rather disappoint-
ine but we manageu to see an our
oU friends and to make some new
ones. Mr. Morgan, our kind host.
took us to visit many mterestmg
places in his car, which he has run
ning again after having laid it up
for four years of war as he could
get no petrol.
From Wales I brought home with
me many different kinds of mosses,
small plants, ferns and stones, out
of which I have made a miniature
I also brought seaweed, pebbks,
and shells from seaside resorts
there and have made a salt water
In the way of animals I have
cat and her two kittens, three
chickens and a duck. Also I kep
a bird sanitarium where I keep
wild birds who have hurt them
selves, until such time as they ate
able to look after themselves.
Well, I have covered a large
range of subjects very briefly but
I will have more time later for
fuller accounts. Let me know what
you are interested in and Til try
to give you information.
If you want to know what Brit
ish rations are per week that's not
hard: It's three ounces of bacon,
2 ounces cheese, 1 ounce lard or
For A Pure Fabric Law
The following article, contributed to The National Cleaners &
Dyers Magazine by a man engaged in the cleaning business for
nearly one-half of a century, explains some of he fabric troubles
wi h which cleaners are confronted. We hope you will take time
to read it through:
How much longer are the clianers of the United States
going to stand lor the faulty merchandise that is being
manufactured and sold to the department stores and then
to the consunltr?
You know without me telling you that plenty of ma
terial is being stretched in the manufacture. Some of
these garments are labeled "Dryclean Only," and you
know and I know that drycleaning will not remove certain
stains. Then the garments have to be spotted, in some
casi s wetcleaned. and when wetcleancd thev shrink. Some
garments even shrink in pressing. Then there are thou
sands and thousands of garments that are top-dyed, some
of which fade just hanging in the closet without even
being worn. Also, a lot of the garments are not properly
serged, and when the customer wears them the seams
pitil out, or w hen sent to the drvekaner the seams pull
out. It would only take the manufacturer a little while
longer to s rge them. Another thing that should be cor
rected is the unserviceable trimming and buttons that are
used in dresses.
You no doubt remember when the drvcleaners tried to
get a pure fabric law through Congrtss. but we didn't get
very far. Now when a consumer buys a garment and any
of the things mentioned above happens to it, the consumer
ai:es it back to the merchant who sold the article: the
merchant says it is the fault of the cleaner, and the cleaner
says it is the fault of the manufacturer. The customer
doesn't get any satisfaction, the cleaner gets a bad rep
utation, the merchant made his profit, and the consumer
is the "sucker." There should be a law enacted requiring
the manufacturers to label all garments. In addition they
should be obliged to shi ink the material before they make
it up. We have been i-i the tailoring business for forty
eight years, and never had a suit we made shrink.
The shirt manufacturers have cooperated with the laun
dries, and there is a very little trouble because most of
the materials are Santo: i-ed, and the laundry doesn't have
a claim in ten thousand. Our experience has been that
when a shirt faded, and it was made by a reputable man". -facturer.
we sent it bt.ck to the manufactu: rnd they
sent us a new shirt. We have had four or f;-c cases like
that in the last few years. As you know, the manufac
turers of women's garments, especially, and also men's,
are running wild. The consumer is getting the worst of
it, and is getting no ptolection. The cost that the manu
facturer would have ;tt making a garment properlv is
small, and I am sure that the consumer would be willing
to pay the extra cost.
Heppner Cleaners 6jDyers
JOHN HANAN, Propriu.or
cooking fat, 2 ounces margarine, 2j
ounces butter, 8 ounces sugar. Then
a month we're allowed halt a;
pound of tea and a tablet of toilet
soap and a half bar of washing '
soap, each. Each week we get ls-2d ,
ach of meat and 2J of corn beet, I
but you can see that s not much
when meat is so dear. All tin (
stuff and things like macaroni, spa- i
hetti, dried peas, dri. d fruits, bis- ,
cuits, etc. are on points. We get
;2 points each a month, but see
how far it goes when biscuits are
8 a pound syrup is 8 a pound, tin
milk, beans in tomato, peas, etc. i
are 4 a pound, whilst tin fruit and
meats are 22 a pound.
The bread rationing? Well, lor.
our family of six we get about a
large loaf (4 pounds) and a small
loaf (2 pounds) a day, With a J-
pound bag of flour once a week.
Both Dad and Dawn taRe a pacK oi
sandwiches to work for dinner and
tea and Uiey are both big eaters.
Janet, Felicity and I all take sand
wiches to eat at break and have
canteen dinner at school. Milk is
easier done by Uie week. Janet,
Felicity, Dawn and I all get 3 1-2
pints a week or 1-2 pint each a
day. Mum and Dad get 2 pints
each a week, which I leave you to
work out how much that is each
the only things that are not ra-
tioned are vegetables and fish but
they are in short supply. We grow
most of our own vegetables but
have to rely on the shops for fruit.
I have had about four oranges and
two bananas since last Christmas
and I am considered one of the
lucky ones.
Up to now I have always made
my birthday and Christmas gifts
but this year I will be very busy
swotting so I do not know how I
am to manage as there is nothing in
the shops.
Have you any interesting birth
day dates? Our family have: on
Felicity's birthday, April 3, 1945
my uncle was released from a
POW camp in Germany; my birth
day. May 8, 1945, was V-E day,
which, incidi ntally, I spent under
an operation in hospital, and Mum
my's birthday, August 15, 1945, was
V-J day. Also in 1940 it was the
first raid made by German aircraft
on Croydon airfield in daylight andj
we stood and watched the bombs
go down. That night was the first
of the all-night raids.
Well, I am writing this on school '
paper in school time so I am afraid ,
I must close. We only came back
to school yesterday so we haven't
our prep timetable yet but I will
give you the otlv r one.
Til next time then, ehi erio, and
much love Your Penfriend,
Eilec n Margaret Cooper.
Dilliert George Robinson and
Dorothy Fae Mattcson were united
in marriage October 25 at the I.yle
Mattcson home by lit v. J. Palmer
Sorlien of the Methodist church.
Witnesses were Mrs. Lylc Mattcson
and Mrs. Celia Matteson. The cou
ple will reside at Reed's Mill.
I am offering my services to the
people of the district at the 44th
Legislative Assembly of Oregon. If
my services in the past have been
satisfactory I hope that I may mer
it your vote again.
Thanking you, I remain
Sincerely yours,
(Paid Advertisement by Henry Peterson)
..I "
. Hill
Wie choice, Mr. Farmerl You
know which side your bread't
buttered on! The smart farmer
is voting 313 NO on the Fish
Bill ... in order to keep Coastal
Streams OPEN I Why? Because
he knows that HUNDREDS of
Oregon farmers depend on fish.
Ing those streams to supplement
their incomes. DON'T endan
ger their livelihood! DON'T
jeopardize our food supply!
Wise decision, Mrs. Oregon
Homemaker! Shopping for ths
family's food is a problem. Sup
plies are scarce prices are
high. But you can still thank
your lucky start you live in
Oregon, where you can supple
ment the family's diet with deli
cious Oregon salmon and steel
head. Tell your friends to vote
313 NOI Make sure your supply
of good fresh and canned fish
will keep coming int
. .0 n it mi t i.x'bM'JOU
Don't Restrict
Don't Endanger
Food Supply
JUIph Himlm. Chairmin. )09 W. First Ik, Tlllimook, Or.
ux - ' y-t .. , j "jr' . v--' v
Uo Ono Can Win...
Everybody Will Lose!
Q WACE EARNER: Less take-home pay; monthly reports; job
0 HOUSEWIFE: Higher prices added to present High-Coit-of-Living
Sce Time Magaxine, Oct. 14, page 23). Don't let your
savings and widow's insurance be taxed.
O ELDERLY PEOPLE: A dollar that buys 50 cents worth of gro
cerics is a snare and a delusion. You can't build contentment
through destroying something.
O FARMERS: A 3 cash receipts tax will make you "sell cheap"
and "buy dear."
O YOUNC PEOPLE: Coodbye! business and home-building oppor
tunities in Oregon. Coodbye thrift! What job would you take
that is now held by e person over 60 a person who would
apply for a Townsend pension.
' i
Pold Advcrtliement. Committee Aoolnrt B Incoms Ton.
t A. McCornack. Chairman; Walter H. Evant, Jr., Treoiursrl
Walter W. R May, Oregon City, Secretary,
425 New Fliedner Building, Portland, Oregon
. I ' i , ii ei ,itm. i
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