Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 31, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette Times, October 31, 19463
Week's News From
lone and Vicinity
By Mrs. Echo Palmateer
' The regular meeting of the lone
P-TA was held Wednesday eve
ning, October 23, at the school
houscMrs. B. C. Forsythe was in
stalled as the new president Mrs.
Victor Rietmann, who served as
president for the past two years,
was presented with a past-president's
Mrs. L. A. McCabe, 4-H club
leader, introduced her girls, June
Seehafer, Lola Ann McCabe, Pat
ricia and Dolores Drake and Ruby
Ann Rietmann, who put on a
demonstration of canning fruit. Miss
(Catherine Monahan, home demon
stration agtnt, introduced two Lex
ington 4-H girls, Vesta Cutsforth
and June Van Winkle, who demon
strated washing a sweater. Miss
Monahan gave a talk explaining
4-H club work.
Those winning the contest were
Patricia Drake, first, and Ruby Ann
Rietmann, second, in judging, and
Lola Ann McCabe, first, and June
Sechafer, second, in a canned fruit
contest. After the meeting refresh-
"Say It With Flowers"
November 3-10
WE INVITE YOU to visit our
shop and become acquainted
with Morrow County's Flower
Service Center.
FAY BUCKNUM, Proprietor
ments were served in the lunch
room by Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mrs.
Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Echo
Dati s to remember: Pie and cof
fee and fancy work sale at the I. O.
0. F. hall Election Day, November
5, beginning at 1:30.
The lone P-TA will hold an auc
tion sale at the schoolhouse Fri
day evening, November 8, for the
purpose of raising mony for school
The Maranathas society will hold
a food and fancy work sale and a
tea at 1:30 p.m., November 9, at the
1. O. O. F. hall.
The study meeting of the Topic
club will be held at the home of
Mrs. Echo Palmateer, November 8
at 2:15 pm.
The missionary society will meet
at the Congregational church par
lor, November 7.
HEC of Willows grange will have
an all day meeting with pot luck
dinner at noon at grange hall, No
vember 12.
District Rebekah assembly will
be held the afternoon and evening
of November 1. The president of
the Rebekahs will be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Troge of Dam
ascus and daughter, Mrs. Margar
ite Cowley of Portland, visited rel
atives and friends here last week.
The Troges lived here for several
years and moved to Damascus in
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stewart are
visiting at the home of Mr. Stew
art's daughter, Mrs. Franklin Lind
strom. Hugh Salter purchased the Ida
Coleman property on Second street
and will move in about the first
of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson are
moving into the new home that
they recently purchased.
Rodney Crawford Jr. and Tad
Miller of Portland were week-end
guests at the Wate Crawford home.
CURLEE Fall Suits are smart. That is the verdict of men
who know style when they see the new Curlee line which
we've recently placed on display. There's a reason for this
smart appearance as our regular customers know from
experience. Curlee Suits are styled hy skilled designers. They
are tailored from suit fabrics and inner materials carefully
selected for quality. Expert workmanship builds comfortable
fit and lasting good looks into every garment. Whether you're
a Curlee customer of long standing, or still have to experience
the pleasure of becoming one, we cordially invite you to come
in and see these suits today.
1. Bill does not prohibit eommr
cial fishing in -coastal streams.' II
regulates WHEN, WHERE and
HOW fish may be token.
2. Bill actually effects year round
employment of very few perhaps
not 25.
3. Bill would save, about 90 of
our steelhead. (Note: A steelheod
is o rainbow that hot gone to wo
and returns.)
4. Bill does not offeet commercial
fishing on Columbia nor dots ft
affect the taking of SHAD.
5. Bill No. 312 would assure a fu
ture supply of Oregon's No. I
foodfish, the salmon and protect
Oregon's No. 1 tourist attraction
the steelhead.
6. Bill directs Fish and Gam Com
mission to conduct studies in order
that we may hav FACTS with
which to manoge and safeguard
Oregon fisheries.
7. Taxpayers are now paying
$165,000.00 eoch biennium to
maintain fishing for commercial
interests. More protection will help
rebuild the fishing, thereby reduc
ing taxpayers' load.
8. Legislature has tried on two oc
casions 1941 and 1945 to sow
these fiih for YOU and th FU
TURE. Now your help is needed to
moke this bill (312) a law.
9. NO TAXES. This is not a money
measure. Rather it would help re ,
dues taxes.
Wilson s Men s Wear i
Watch Insurance
Treat your watch to a new strap or bracelet as a
safety factor against loss or damage.
Men's styles available in calf skin and pig skin
with metal keepers.
We are now featuring the new lady's expansion
bracelet with lock-in springs, available in white
or yellow gold-filled.
Home Craftsman Books High
On Gov't Best Seller List
The greatest mass - production
country m the world today, the
United States, is still a nation of
home craftsmen. This is proved, ac
cording to officials of the Govern
ment Printing Office in Washington,
D. C, by the constant popularity
of a 30-cent set of pamphlets en
titled the "You Can Make It series.
Prepared a few years ago by the
National Committee on Wood Util
ization, this set of three booklets
has been a best seller in all seasons
of the year. Th publications con
tain illustrated instructions on how
to make useful articles for the
home, the garden, and the camp
as well as playthings for the chil
dren, using only a few simple tools,
discarded wooden boxes, and odd
pieces or lumber. &acn dook hi
the set tells how to finish the wood
en articles to make them attractive
as well as useful. Practically all
the items are accompanied by der
tailed drawings. There are also
drawings of the various tools and
small pieces of hardware used in
the construction.
"These books are so easy to un
derstand, that's what makes them
so popular," a Printing Office offi
cial said.
Information on making things for
outside the home such as a trellis,
arches, lawn seats, dog house, bird
houses, etc. and for inside the home
such as racks, chests, bookcases,
cabinets, camp furniture, etc., is to
be found within the pages of the
Vou Can Make It series. There is
also useful information on wood
selection, plywood, glues, glue
joints, and other woodworking de
tails. Orders should be addressed
to the Superintendent of Docu
ments, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C. The 30 cents
should be enclosed with the order
(no stamps, please.) All proceeds
go to the Government.
At an American Legion meeting
Tuesday evening, October 22, the
following officers were elected:
Jack Baily, adjutant; Ted Palma
teer, finance officer, and Ernest
McCabe, sergeant-at-arms. The
former officers holding these posi
tions resigned. They were W. G.
Bell .adjutant; Harry Normoyle,
finance officer, and Neal Doherty,
y asked for
Grandma will tell you that Pearl Oil was a kerosene leader
in her day just as it is now. It doesn't give oS smoke, soot
or gases that might smell up rooms. It gives more heat with
bright steady flame that won't creep up to scorch pies, cakes.
And Pearl Oil is pure it all burns no waste 1 Use it in
all your kerosene appliances.
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
f I
sergeant-at-arms. The Legion vot
ed to start a Boy Scout organiza
tion and look for a scoutmaster.
They also appointed a recreation
committee to meet with the grange
recreation committee.
The PNG club of the Rebekahs
met at the home of Mrs. Sam
Esteb Friday afternoon, October 25,
with sixteen members and two
guests present The hostess, Mrs.
Esteb served pumpkin pie and cof
fee. Plans for district convention of
the Rebekahs which will be held
in the Masonic hall in lone the af
ternoon and evening of November
7 were made. The president of the
Rebekah assembly of Oregon will
be present
Mrs. Frank Engelman, who has
been visiting relatives in Washing
ton, and son Joel, who has been in
California, arrived home last week.
Mrs. Esper Hanson of Portland, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Engelman, accompanied them from
Portland and spent a few days
here. '
Among those getting deer were
Mrs. Donald Heliker, Herbert Ek
strom, Padberg party, Huston Bry
son, John Ransier, Harry Yarnell.
Mr. Yarnell also killed a bear. Lou
is Buschke was with Mr. Yarnell.
The lone six-man football team
defeated Helix here Friday, Octo
ber 25, with a score of 46-13.-Gene
Inskep, the principal and coach of
Helix high school, was a former
principal here.
lone went to Umatilla yesterday
All the high school boys have
been invited to go to Walla Walla,
Novmber 1, where lone will play
Prescott Wash, on a turf field at
Walla Walla and then they will
attend the Whitman-Linfield game
Saturday, November 2.
The Morrow county Shrine club
held a pheasant banquet at the
Willows grange hall Saturday eve
ning. The tables were beautifully
dcorated with autumn flowers and
candles. The ladies of the grange
cooked and served the food.
The 'members of Willows grange
practiced initiation Sunday after
noon and will initiate in the first
and second degrees next Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Alley Peck and
children of Crabtree and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Buschke of Elgin were
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Buschke of Morgan. Mrs.
Peck is a daughter of the Buschkes,
and the two Buschke men are bro
thers. They all attended the Busch
ke 60th wdding anniversary at the
Rhea Creek grange hall Saturday,
October 26.
Mrs. Imogene Mooney returned
from a business trip to Walla Walla.
Gordon White left Monday for
Umatilla to help install some ma
chinery for the block plantt A
corporation has been formed and
the owners of the plant are Gordon
White, J. B. Redwine and Jack
Mr. and Mrs. David Craber and
Mrs. Craber's brother of Indepen
dence visited at the home of Mr.
Craber's sister, Mrs. Ada Cannon
last week. They were on their way
to the mountains to hunt
Week-end guests at the Johan
Troedson home were Miss Nellie
Carlson and Miss Margaret Enright
from King City, Cal.
Mrs. Ella Davidson received
word of the birth of a great-grand
IO-oz. Canvas
daughter, Leah Elvena, born Oct. J
The parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Beezley of Dobbins, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wentworth
are the parents of a .n bom Sat
urday, Oct. 2C, at The Dalies.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carlson
attende-d the wedding of a friend
in Portland last week.
Robert Rietmann, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Rietmann, arrived home
Saturday morning. Robert has been
stationed in Japan for a year. He
has received his honorable dis
Robert Everson left Saturday for
Winslow, Arizona, to camp for a
few weeks. He plans on camping
under the Tonto rim.
Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Holt and
daughter Marjorie of Pilot Rock
were guests of Rev. and Mrs. R. L.
Casselman Sunday. They helped
with the music at the Assembly of
God church Sunday evening. Rev.
Holt played the saxaphone Miss
Holt the solovox, and Mrs. Holt
sang. (
The social meeting of the Topic
club was held Saturday afternoon,
Oct 26, at Masonic hall with three
tables of bridge at play. Those
winning high score were Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn and Mrs. Omar Riet
mann; low, Mrs. Francis Ely and
Mrs. M. E. Cotter; jack high, Mrs.
Herbert Ekstorm. Refreshments of
gingerbread and coffee were serv
ed by the committee, Mrs. Cleo
Drake, Mrs. Milton Morgan and
Mrs. Charles O Connor.
Willows grange calendar: Initia
tion in first and second degrees at
2 psa., Nov. 12. HEC all-day meet
ing at hall with potluck dinner at
noon. Nov. 13-22, national grange
in Portland. Nov. 16, regular meet-
I me.r.4 Cillers it the tax depart -1
mem the p.it few dv were Enk
nd Carl fVi,tr.m of C..sel-rry.
Hid WorJen of F.ilit Mile, .Mr.
I la Col m::n. Mrs Eeh. tVmaterr,
L. A. MeC.ibe and J. E. Stephens
of lone.
in;(. preceded by potluck supper at
6:20. Nov. 23, bazaar and dance
with dinner served in the evening.
Mrs. Val Jean Swales of Pendle
ton spent the w ek end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hnry Clark.
Lynn Goodall of Spokane is vis
iting his sisti r, Mrs. Fannie Grif
fith. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lindstrom
returned Wednesday of last week
from Boring where they visited for
a week at the home of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Warren Crutcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom re
turned last week from a trip to
Sioux City, Iowa, where they at
tended th funeral of Mrs. Odom's
father, Elmer Martin, who died at
Umatilla, September 17, and was
buried at Sioux City. Mr. and
Mrs. Odom also visited relatives in
Arkansas. Mrs. Odom's mother and
grandmother are visiting her for a
short time.
A remodeling clinic was held at
the Congregational church parlor
Tuesday with a pot-luck dinner at
noon. Miss Katherine Monahan
helped remodel dresses that were
brought to the meeting.
There will be a meeting Monday,
Nov. 4, at 1:30 p.m. The subject,
"Developing Good Taste in Clothes."
The mobile x-ray unit was here
at the schoolhouse Monday. There
were about 1T0 pictures taken.
this rapturous, disturbing
scent is now available
in a
A super value in 10 ounce olive drab
canvas gloves, with double knit wrist
. . . extra strongly stitched. . . These
durable gloves are worth much more
than our low price ... . now only at
We reserve the riijht to limit quantities
No sales to dealers. . . I
TO THE 7exaii
try$- OWE CENT
Rcxall Drug Stores, over 10.000 strong, join in a nation-wide sale
(o show appreciation of your pa.ronagc and to make thousands
of n"w R"xall Ding S'ore friends! All mcrehandise is firs'
quality and is so guaranteed 2 IDENTICAL KEX.U.L ITEMS
2 for the Price of One Plus One Cent
November 6, 7, 8, 9
Mi 31 Solution 59c 2 for 60c
Petrofol Mineral Oil 49c 2 for 50c
Purerest Milk of Magnesia 50c 2 for 51c
Rexall Purerest Aspirin 49c 2 for 50c
Rexall Puretest Rubbing Alcohol 59c 2 for 60c
Rexall Puretest Mineral Oil 75c 2 for 76c
Klenzo Razor Blades 19c 2 for 20c
Yeast and Iron Tablets, 100's 75c 2 for 76c
Antiseptic Baby Oil 50c 2 for 51c
White Pine Cr Tar Comp. Cough Syrup 50c 2 for 51c
White Linament 25c 2 for 26c
Lord Batimore Stationery 75c 2 for 76c
18 Christmas Folders 50c 2 for 51c