2 Heppner Gozette Times, October 31, 1946 EDITORIAL. . V Avmmiimfii Chest! Had Enough? Then Read This Voters this year will have to decide vital issues. The 1946 election will be the first opportunity since the war to vote on fundamental principles of government. The issues of the election are simple and clear cut. They summarize what a Republican victory will mean to the nation, and what the nation will gain by the defeat of Democratic candidates. The election of a Republican congress this year means the choice of Free constitutional government instead of exe cutive dictation. Individual rights and liberty instead of regi mentation and control. Private enterprise instead of "planned" and socialistic economy. Economy and fiscal stability instead of extrav agance and high taxes. Efficiency in administration instead of confu sion and mismanagement. Integrity of government instead of deceit and corruption. Teamwork and cooperation instead of feuds, quarrels and squabbles. Americanism instead of communism and sub versive practices. Fair labor relations instead of trickery and po litical favoritism. Open and consistent foreign policy instead of blunders and secret deals. These are the issues. They may be stated in different words by different speakers, but their essential meaning is simple and clear. They show what is wrong with the present Democratic ad ministration. They show why a Republican con gress should be elected this year, to end the con fusion, corruption, controls, and threat of com munism in our government. By retaining a Republican delegation in con gress and returning to office the men who have had the welfare of the state in their hands the past four years, Oregon will be making a valuable contribution toward recovering such of our con stitutional form of government as has been sab otaged and make more secure that which has been spared to us. Would it not be better to place your confidence in a man who has voted and worked for the best interests of the people rather than the party ma chine? That is the record of Lowell Stockman, representative of the second Oregon district in Congress. More business and less politics has been the rule in the Governor's office and in the conduct of the affairs of Secretary of State. The Snell policy has been to spend money wisely, even at the expense of his political welfare, and the only bowling that is being done is by those who have not fattened their wallets at the expense of the taxpayers. The same holds for Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell Jr. The loss of either or both of these men would be a serious blow to the state's economic managment. Be it ever so bungled there's no homelike place. An exchange says For ,Horse Sense, vote Re publican. For HORSE MEAT, vote Democratic. Day of Decision Near This has been a quiet campaign in Oregon, al though there has been an undercurrent of restless ness that undoubtedly will make itself felt at the polls next Tuesday. It is to be hoped that this un rest will bring out a big vote so that decisions made for men and measures will be a real expres sion of the electorate. We are concerned, for the moment, with the measures on the ballot. There is neither time nor space to permit lengthy discussion. If deci sions have not been made prior to this date there is little probability they will be made by Nov. 5. But if you are still troubled with indecision you may make up your mind even at the last moment. At a late hour House Bill 80 is the subject of a concerted attack by members of the Oregon State Grange. A circular letter signed by Morton Tompkins, master, describes the bill as being vi cious and designed to rob the people of the indiv idual school districts of their right to govern their own affairs. Either Mr. Tompkins is grossly mis informed or he is permitting a personal prejudice to influence his actions. The board of five people elected to serve in each county will be a tax-adjusting board only. There will be no interference with the duties of regularly elected district boards. No tyranny was contemplated, no tyranny will be enacted. The measure does provide that all dis tricts within the county shall pay their share of the educational expense, thus bringing new reven ue to the support of the school system. The basic school fund extends the principle of House Bill 80 to a statewide basis. The only fly in the ointment so far as the thinly populated and at present prosperous eastern Oregon counties are concerned is that they will be called upon to contribute much more to the general fund than they will receive. Either one or both of these bills will work to the benefit of the schools. House Bill 80 definitely sets up the source of revenue, while the basic school fund measure, if passed, must still go to the legislature for financing. That body may be able to find funding means without placing a state tax on property but if it is neces sary to resort to a property tax it might even be better to pay that than to place our school system in a position where it cannot keep pace with the growth in population and Oregon is growing. As to the Townsend bill, vote NO. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose. Oregon Is Pushing Forward Proof that Oregon is pushing ahead is seen in a report received by the State Unemployment Compensation Commission and released for pub lication this week. According to the statement, Oregon's industrial employment increased twice as rapidly as the rest of the United States during the first half of 1946. While the nation's manuacturing establishments gained 6.2 percent from January to June to employ 14 million persons, Oregon's industrial jobs in creased from 105,601 to 118,576 or 12.3 percent. The expansion- resulted in spite of a cut in shipyard employment from 14,813 in January to 7,719 in June. Lumber and logging firms account ed for most of the gain, jumping from 42,173 to 54,275. Food processing jobs increased from 16, 495 to 20,931, while other manufacturing concerns reported gains of 3,531. All covered employment in Oregon reached 273,317 in June, a gain of nearly 12 percent from January, "also nearly double the nation's rate. Of non-manufacturing groups, construction maintain ed the best pace, advancing from 12,290 to 17,718 jobs in the first half of the year. Coninued seasonal demand for workers in all parts of the state prevailed. -T- Europe Still Needs American Food New York. N. Y. "Europe's population still suffers from the aftermath of years of war and hunger," Mrs. William N. Haskell, wife ot Lt General William N. Haskell, Executive Director of CARE, reported during an inter view at CARE headquarters in New York. She added that the prohibitive prices of food In the black market were placing lt be yond the reach ot the great ma jority of people there. Mrs. Haskell has just returned from Europe, where she accom panied General Haskell on his re cent food-inspection trip. lives to aid the underground dur ing the war." Describing the assemblage of people who were gathered to re ceive the U. S. Government's Medal of Freedom, Mrs. Haskell said that they had two unmis takable things in common. Their heroism, of course. And a look of hunger. But their fierce pride asked for no sympathy, she added. "Even the children in the pa rade that followed huddled to gether in the light summer rain that had started,- Mrs. Haskell said. "It was as If their stringy little bodies found the dampness ' Children enjoy food from CARE sent by American Friends Inset Mrs. Haskell, wife of Lt. Gen. Haskell, Executive Director of CARE, j who has just returned from a tour ot Europe, ON the SUNNY SIDE A negro parson held forth one Sunday with a fine sermon, and was sympathetically received by the entire congregation. He was about to close: "Brudders and sisterns. Ah wants to warn yo' against the heinous crime of stealing watermelons," was Hi parting admonition. IT LOOKS LIKE A BIG WINTER !! At least it's getting an early start . . . so again we warn- t oroer I TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. (51777171 At this time, an old negro arose, snapped his fingers, and sat down again. "Wharfo', brudder, doe yo' rise up an' snap yo' fingers when Ah speaks of watermelon stealin,7" "Yo' jts reminds me, pahson, whan Ah done left man knife!" A teen-ager ambled into a ham burger joint and of course ordered a hamburger .. ."Well done," says he. "I want to be sure It's dead." "Your honor, I was not intoxi cated." "But the officer says you were trying to climb a lamp post" "I was, your honor. A couple of cerise crocodiles had been follow. ing me around all day, and I don't mind telling you that they .were getting on my nerves." Arkansas Utility News. Nearly half of 32,000 government typists in Washington failed to pass recent efficiency examinations. That at least would account for the reason why 32,000 typists were nec essary. Abe Martin in Indianapolis News: "Th' Joe Lark family, that sudden ly dropped out of sight a few weeks ago, wuz found today Uvin' within Joes income. REFLECTED BEAUTY OF AUTUMN'S CHARMS Nature is at its respelendent best in the gay color of Autumn.., When the gay spirit of the Hum is reflected in the many parties, you will also reflect the season' charm with an Alice-styled coiffure. For Appointmtnt Phone 53 Alice's Beauty Shop Mrs. Haskell told of one Sun day afternoon when she and the General attended an impressive ceremony in Chartres, where a street was being named for Gen eral George Patton. The citizens of Chartres all regard General Patton as their personal liberator, Mrs. Haskell explained, because it was his men who arrived in time to save the town from the Nazis. "The stirring singing of the Te Deum' by the townspeople, and the official christening of the street in General Patton's honor, was followed by still another ceremony," Mrs. Haskell said. "This was to honor the citizens of Chartres, who had risked their unbearable after too many years of war and meagre rationing." "And conditions in other Euro pean areas are even worse," she said, urging Americans sending food to friends and relatives, not to forget others, "whose need made them a special kind of friend." CARE, th Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, Inc., is the non-profit, government-approved organisation through which Americans may send food packages containing 29 pounds of balanced food to peo ple in 11 European countries. Headquarters of the organization is 50 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. Capitol News Letter... By MURRAY WADE COMEBACK OF THE DOLLAR to stop the bad acts before it's too late. You can't expect us to cure a 30-year-old offender in six months. When you walk out of the voting' We must tackle the problem right booth next Tuesday and give your hands a slap and rub of satisfaction, over a good deed well done, do not be disturbed if your palm itch es. It won t mean what you think it means. You are not going to get more money. You are going to get more for your money. That s the way members of the state board of control, the budget director and the emergency board have it figured out. They should know. They have had some stiff practice of late. The state has several thousand wards and workers which must be provided for, and the going is not easy. It is potent with responsibil ity. Bottlenecks are forever adding "hard to get" items. Stockpile buy ing is out as the state is fresh out of storage space. Held up by prior ities and short production is $8,000, 000 of state buildings. They are happy that food ceilings have been removed by OP A and naturally so they are all republicans, and feel sure prices will level off soon. The stock market indicates that trend. The cotton nose dive already has shown in a drop in cotton yardage that should filter down to the con sumer soon. Crops all over the na tion are good, paricularly so in the west. Canning records in Oregon were broken this year. Wages are up. Employment is down. Top state officials are all playing on the same team and their Sun day play is "the dollar is on the comeback!" DELINQUENCY OF YOUTH "The problem of delinquent youth can only be solved by referring ac tion to an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," says J. S. Murray, business manager of the Origon State penitentiary. "Habits of life are formed at an early age. Parents must play a more import ant part in turning the energy of youths to better pursuits. Where bad practices are noticed, then ar rangements must be made at once VOTE TO RETAIN Giles L. FRENCH STATE REPRESENTATIVE 22ND DISTRICT He is- Able Informed Conscientious Experienced Knows Problems of the District Paid Adv. at the beginning," Murray contends. KLONDKE KATE SEEKS MATE The governor's office has receiv. ed a communication from the Can adian Mounted Police advising that on account of a heavy winter, it is impossible just now to comply with the governors request to send patrol to the remote Yukon region in search of John Matson, husband of Klondike Kate Matson. Trappers who are familiar with the region where Matson lives alone, near the Arctic Circle, will attempt the trip as soon as the weather breaks. Matson had plane:. J to spend the winter in Oregon, his first trip to the states m nearly half a century. Mrs. Matson is fearful that mis fortune has overtaken her husband. SCHOL FUNDS ALLOCATED The office of the secretary of state has completed the distribu. tion of the semi-annually appor. tioned funds to Oregon counties and the state school support fund as certified by Superintendent of Public Instruction Rex Punam. The total distributed this month was $4,000,000. A similar amount will be given counties and the school support fund next April or just before the end of the present fiscal year. BOTH PARTIES NOMINATE The late Senator William H. Strayer of Baker county who, until his death this month, had repre sented his district in the state sen ate for the past 31 years, and held second place among the legislators of the entire nation for the longest continuous service. This record is surpassed (by only two years) by Senator Herbert Slater of Santa Rosa, California. Senator Strayer had another rec ord that was, however, unwritten. For many years past neither repub lican nor democrat had shown any desire to run against the august senator. Austin Dunn, attorney, has the democratic nomination for senator fom Baker county to succeed Sen ator Strayer, and will be opopsed by D. Vern McCullum, also an at torney who will run on the repub lican ticket The registration of vo ters in the 23rd senatorial district (Baker county), shows about 300 more democrats than republicans. OPPOSES SCHOOL BILL Opposition to the rural school bill' House Bill 80, in a communication received from J. Lewis Johnson, superintendent of schools at Board man, is expressed in the following communication. Lack of space for bids publication of the entire article. Mr. Johnson states that this ar ticle is addressed to every news paper editor, organization, voter: The proposed rural school dis- ricts and boards law is both mis leading and vicious. This one reason alone should con demn the proposed law. It proposes to create a one five- member rural school board with absolute dictator powers for each county in Oregon. The proposed board is outside the law. The proposed board can make laws of their own, as they see fit Sections 8 and 12, Official Voters Pamphlet November 5, 1946, read Section 14, Page 13. What are the requirements ne )es sary to be a board member? Noth ing except being a qualified voter. Members of this proposed board would be dictators. They might be or become very dangerous obstruc tionists to public school and com munity interests. All qualified voters are not sen sible good business men. All qual ified voters are not interested m good schools. All voters are not honest, fair-minded, or free from selfish interests. Good men would shrink at as suming this grave responsibility of a five-man dictator for five years without adequate pay. It is un- American, and a dangerous policy of concentration of power in a few. Selfish interests may elect bad men on the board. Bad members chosen in some way could easily wreck for a long period of time any good system of local self-government and local district schools. Local school boards would have absolutely no authority. If a local school board gets a bad member it docs not wreck the whole school system. It is the local people who pay and soon change board. Under the proposed law bad members could wreck or retard progress of any or all schools, and it would be for a long period. A one-board for all schools is too big a job and too dangerous an ex periment to try. The job is too big for one board. Local school district boards have been doing a pretty good job. School board authority should re main in the local districts. Vote 305 x No. Yours for better schools, J. Lewis Johnson, Supt of Schools, Boardman. (Mr. Johnson asks the voters to read the following section in the of iicial voter's pamphlet: Section 2, page 12; section 10, page 13; sec tion 9; section 12; section 8; section 14; section 3 in fact, read it all.) PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER JOS. J. NYS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Meets Every Monday Noon at the Petm Building, Willow Street LllCQS Place Heppner. Oregon Veterans of Foreign j. o. TURNER Anr5 ATTORNEY AT LAW VVU,a rhome 173 Me tings 2nd and 4th Mondays at Hotel Heppner Building 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall Heppner, Oregon O. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDKR All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodeled Phone 1483 415 Jones St. HEPPNER. OREGON Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewels? and Gift Goeds Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. FRED W. LINDSAY Graveside services were held Wednesday at lone for Fred W. Lindsay, 67, who succumbed Thurs day, October 4, to a heart attack at Salem. Rev. R. L. Casselman officiated and arrangements were in charge of the Phelps Funeral Home. Mr. Lindsay was born in Kansas and came to Oregon in 1893, first settling in the Willamette valley near Salem. He later farmed in Sherman county and then moved to Morrow county where he resided for several 'years before returning to the valley. He had no family. Surviving are a brother, Frank H. Lindsay of Morgan, and two sis ters, Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and Mrs. W. C. Brock, both of Salem. Mrs. James Lindsay of lone was transacting business In Heppner Tu csday. Bill Kilkenny of Butter creek was transacting business in Hepp ner Tuesday, COME ONE! COME ALL! AUCTION SALE & FREE PROGRAM (Nylons, Sugar, Cake, etc.) lone School Gym FRIDAY, NOV. 8 at 8:00 P. M. SCHOOL LUNCH BENEFIT! Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before the Council J. a TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Merchants Credit Bureau Accurate Credit Information F. B. Nickerson Phone 12 Heppner OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guaranteed Located in the Kane Building North Main St Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 OiAce Ph. 4S2 A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Norse Assistant Office m Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon . Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office up stairs I. O. O. F. Bids Housi. calls nude House Phone 2581 Office 2372 DR. S. E. ALLEN ORTHODONTIST 225 Byers St. Pendleton, Ore. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's Office in Hoprncr Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, On PREVENT A COLD by using Vacagen COLD TABLETS -the oral vaccine. Nip a cold- in the bud and avoid use less suffering and loss of time from Business or social duties. SAAGER'S PHARMACY HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, establish: March 30, 1883. The Hoppnei Times, established November 18 1897. Consolidated Feb. IS, 1912 Published every Thursday and en tered at Use Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription Price S2JS0 Year O. O. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Curled Chicken Leather SLEEPING BAGS $7.50 ROPES-while they last-4-strand linen and 3-strand cotton-all handmade. Loyd Bros. Saddle Co. 16 X YES vcte rcr. tk:: c3;.ceL feC Maw, Nearlr one-third of Oregon's 8,254 teachers possess only temporary emergency certificates, Teacltcr turnover in the last school year wi 24.2 per cent throughout the state. Among the five State System of Higher education institutions, the number of teacher QTarlnafpl drnnneri from 1,177 in 1931 to an estimated 102 in 1946. Oregoa schools must bare sound financial system. Keep qualified teachers. "Itort Sure Witi Snell" I " jr - " REPUIUCAN GOVERNOR 'Site Cets Things Done" M- Adv. Douglas McKay, Chm., laltm, 0r.