Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 24, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppncr Gorct'o T--,-; October 24, 1946
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Jim Stotu returned to Ritter
springs last week for further treat
ments. He had been there and re
turns d home but after a few days
here decided to go back to the
County Judge Bert Johnson is in
Portland, this week, called there
by the serious illness of his sister.
Miss Olga Johnson, member of the
Portland public school teaching
Harold Hill is in Portland when
he will remain for ten weeks to
take medical treatment. His physi
cian prevailed upon him to obtain
employment in the city where he
could be observed under normal
working conditions.
Mrs. L. D. Tibbies drove to Pen
dleton Tuesday to join Mrs. Dwight
Miller in a plane trip to Portland.
She will be gone until the end of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine El Isom and
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson left
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Tire Chains Here
We have in stock for immediate delivery
the following car and truck chains:
600 x 16
600 x 15
600 x 1 7
650 x 15
650 x 16
700 x 20 Dual
750 x 18 "
750 x 20 "
825 x 20 "
34 x 7
If ycu will need chains for the winter
months ahead we urge you to make
your selection early as stocks are
limited. .
Rose wall Motor Co.
g flf.lt CO, jut.
&w--r (ML
y; mm
Teener., l" rt
witn 1
1,641 3.49
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.. ' A 7 II
Monday aftenxxn for Portland'
where thiy will remain until the
last of the week.
Among former Heppnerites here
from Portland the past week to bag
the annual buck was Maurice E.
Smead. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Smead and they registered at
the Hotel Heppner while here.
Week-end gutsts in Heppner
from Hood Kiver were Rev. and
Mrs. W. O. Livingstone, former res
idents. Rev. Levingstone was speak
er on a program held in connection
with a potluck dinner following the
regMlar morning worship service at
the Church of Christ, where he was
pastor for several years. '
Mrs. Tom Wells is hospitalized at
Pendleton w here she will remain I
for some time taking treatments.
She was taken to the hospital Sat
R B. Timms of Portland has ac
cepted a position as machinist at the
McClintock Machine shop. He has
been on the job about a week and
is looking for a residence with the
hope of bringing his family here to
Mrs. Clarence Kosewall returned
home Sunday from the St Mary's
hospital in Walla Walla where she
underwent a major surgical oper
ation recently.
We are very grateful to our many
frunds for their thoughtfulness and
acts of kindness during our be
reavement. Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Woods.
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
From where I sit ... Joe Marsh
. the Fiddle Badly
A favorite recreation in our town
is getting together in one or an
other's home and making music.
There's somebody at the piano; a
guitar; a fiddle player; and Molly
Birtles even has a harp!
What comes out isn't tha best
music in the whole world. In fact,
a lot of it is downright bad. But
nobody even thinks to question or
to criticize.
Because the spirit of harmony is
there harmony between folks who
like each other's company, who en
joy the simple, homey atmosphere
with nothing more exciting' than
old songs, and a glass of moderate
beer or cider.
From where I sit, it's a heap
more important to be a poor fiddle
player, than not to play at all.
More important to be a part of tha
American scene with its commu
nity music, home entertainment,
friendly glass of beer than to
hold out for professional perfec
tion. (Besides, I lika to play the
fiddle even badly ! )
Copyrizht. 1946, United Stales Brewers Foundation
Pd Adv. W. J. Smith. Gen Chm ,626 Corbttt Big , Portlond.Of.
John Deere Hydraulic
Eliminates Lever L,ifring and
Rope Tugging
More than 300 marriid veterans
attending Oregon State college may
now have housing facilities in the
Lifts . . Lowers . . Regulates
Integral and Drawn Equipment
Braden Tractor and
Equipment Co.
Gas & Air
Howdy Folks: We recently road
quite an article about the wonders
of face lifting by a certain plastic
Fare lifting may be all right
for women, but if a man is at all
patient his will grow right up
through his hair.
These plastic surgeons can do al
most anything with a nose except
keep it out of other people's busi
ness. Of course the earliest known
method of face lifting was with a
We have a notion that the face
that is lifted by these plastic sur
geons falls again when it sees the
Someone remarked that a snob
is one who was born with his
face lifted.
Some men have such long faces
that their barbers should charge
thm double for a shave.
Speaking of double prices, we
have been able to Kcep our prices
level on our Service. Check with
us on it.
refurbished Camp Adair hospital,
the state department was informed
this week by the war assets admin
istrator. Governor Snell and Sen
ator Cordon had appealed to the
WWA officials last week when the
college encountered delays in se
curing the necessary permits.
Exclusive Derntassagc
Beauty Preparations
Good advantage for the right agent.
Anyone interested write im
mediately to
222 Selling Building Annex, Portland
Don't Delay! Write Today!!
Look Your
Best For
More Fun
Happier moments can be yours
when you plan them that way.
Start now to give yourself that
"slick chick" look with a smart
coitfure from our salon.
For Appointment Phone 53
Alice's Beauty Shop
Show Btarti at 7:30. Mattam Bttj onA&y, 1 P- m- P m.
In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Childru'l Admlialcms apply
only to those under the legal age of 12.
Selected Short Bnbjecta With All Program!
Program Subject to Chance Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement
Friday-Saturday, October 25-26
Under Nevada Skies
All of your favorite outdoor stars and west
ern tunes in Roy Rogers' latest musical
western. ,
Rendezvous 24
William Gargan. Pat O'Moore, David Leon
ard, Maria Palmer
A good spy melodrama with a timely and
explosive twist.
Sunday-Monday, October 27-28
A Stolen Life
Bctte Davis, Glenn Ford, Dane Clark, Wal
ter Brennan, Charlie Ruggles, Bruce
Here is a double treat.-the star portrays a
dual role of idmtical twins an! displays her
versatility as the outstanding actress of the
day. plus a clever story, handsome produc
tion and sterling supporting cast
Tuesday, October 29
Ragged Angels
A human story of kids, a dog and music,
with Joel McCrea, Walter Brennan, Adrea
Leeds, Marjory Main, Jascha Heifitz.
Wednesday-Thursday, October 30-31
The Searching Wind
Robert Young, Sylvia Sidney, Ann Richards,
Dudley Diggrs
In every department the screen version of
Lillian Hpllman's piny is n fimph.
II. M , H I TTTT'J 'I'l.f '13
Making A Moment
Those precious moments two people would stretch into
hours, weeks and years if they could defy time, are cap
tured forever in a DIAMOND RING.
Fashioned in gold with beauty to spare, Diamond En
gagement Rings and Bridal Sets-each a powerful value
available in all popular price ranges.
&on i
" ii in. i. .. . in.. , , t . i
The Desk of Your Choice
We Have It!
LIVING ROOM DESKS, $41.50, $52.65, $81.75
Walnut, Maple, Mahogany finish
STUDENT DESKS, $19.95 to $29.50
Walnut, Maple finish
All hardwood, Maple finish