Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 24, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, October 24, 1946 3
Biddle-Hoskins Rites
Feature Week at lone
In a setting of autumn flowers
and candlelight, Miss Zelma Dar
, lone Biddle, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Brown, became the
bride of Robert M. Hoskin5, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoskins, Sr., at
a ceremony at the lone Co-operative
church at lone the evening of
Octobc r 19. Rev. Alfred Shirley of
ficiated. Wm. Biildle gave his sister in
marriage. The bride wore a white
nylon net gown with a finger tip
vi il and carried American Beauty
roses. Mrs. Robert DeSpain of Pen
dleton was matron of honor. She
wore a powder blue nylon net with
a short matching veil and carried
pink gladioli. Miss Joyce Salter,
cousin of the bride, and Miss Eu
nice Peterson were bridesmaids.
They wore similar frocks of pink
chiffon and carried pink gladioli.
Miss Delight Biddle, sister of the
bride, was fiower girl. She wore
blue taffeta and carried a white
basket of autumn flowers. Fred
Hoskins, Jr., was best man for his
brother. The ushers were Ernest
McCabe, Harold Snider, and Don
ald Peterson. The candlelighters
were Miss Mary Jean Bristow and
Miss Laurel Palmateer. They wore
black and white frocks and pink
gladioli corsages.
The bride's mother, Mrs. Brown,
and the bridegroom's mother, Mrs.
Hoskins, both wore gray wilh white
UP 10
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Humphreys Drug Co.
World'i imsothtit t WrltM In any color,
writing ptn. Holli by changing car
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carnation corsages. The choir sang
"At Dawning'' and "Oh, Promise
Me" wit Mrs. E. M. Baker at the
piano. Charles Hoskins, uncle of
the groom, sang "I Love You Tru
ly," accompanied by Mrs. Wm.
King, aunt of the bridegroom. Gene
Rietmann playtd Lohengrin's "Bri
dal Chorus." A reception was held
at the Congregational church par
lor afterwards. Mrs. Fred Hoskins,
Sr., and Miss Laurel Palmateer
pound. Mrs. Lester Shaffer served
the wedding cake, and assisting
were Mrs. Etta Bristow, Mrs. Hen
ry Clark, Mrs. Howard Eubanks,
Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Victor
Rietmann and Miss Elizabeth O'
Brien. Miss Gwen Cokman had
charge of the guest book.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins are
graduates of the Ione high school.
Mrs. Hoskins was queen of the
Heppner Rodeo this year, and Mr.
Hoskins served in the U. S. army.
After a short honeymoon they will
be at home at the Hoskins farm.
Ione high school football team
will play Helix here Thursday, Oct.
24. Gene Inskeep, former superin
tendent here, is superintendent and
coach at Helix.
Quite a number of Chinese phea
sant hunters from different places
spent the week end in Ione.
Among the out-of-town guests at
the Hoskins-Biddle wedding were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cames, Mr
and Mrs. Roe Cloud, Mr. and Mrs
James Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm
King, all of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Shaffer of Mikkalo, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Wilkins and daughters.
The farmers are enjoying the re
cent showers.
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray
of Salem sent flowers for decora
tion for the wedding.
The regular meeting of Willows
grange was held Saturday night,
October 19. The men furnished the
supper which consisted of weiners,
buns, angel food cake and coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of
Prosser, Wash., spent the week end
at the Tom White home. Mr. An
derson is a brother of Mrs. White.
Norman and Dorothy Bergstrom
spent the week end with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom.
Mrs. Lana Padberg and Mrs. Le
tha Harr were Pendleton visitors
last week. They visited Mrs. Pad
berg's sister-in-law, Mrs. Lida
Heaton, and Mrs. Harr's daughter,
Mrs. Robert Collins.
The Girls' League of the Ione
high school held a cafeteria dinner
at the school house Sunday and
cleared around $100.
Mrs. Mary Swanson went to Sa-
Sot wilh
Ropoator Poncil
Cartridge! 50c
(Available toon)
(Alcohol Base)
Change Transmission & Differential
to lighter lubricant for winter driving
Complete Lubrication
Farley's Service Station
Phone Plant or Station 682
m ig - eii r - i --"j
pEMEM8Eft - 1
I that they recently purchased from
Mrs. Sam Esteb.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Uma
tilla were recent visitors at the
Gordon White home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan
and daughters stopped at the Fred
Buchanan home last week. They
were moving their household goods
from Ukiah to Indpendence where
they will make their home.
The T. B. x-ray unit will be in
Ione Monday, October 28. Everyone
is urged to take advantage of it.
There is still time to make an ap
pointment See Mrs. Omar Riet
mann or come to the schoolhouse
Monday afternoon.
Topic club social meeting will be
at the Masonic hall Saturday, Oc
tober 26, at 2:15 p. m.
Leo Drake and Ed Button of
Hood River were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Cleo Drake last week end, the
For correct information cc. .
your nearest Veterans Admin.,
tration office.
Thurs., Oct. 31
Beginning 12:30 p. m. sharp
300 - 400 LIVESTOCK j
Consisting of one carload of registered Shorthorn Bulls from the
Also registered Hereford cattle from several herds; I
40 head of coming 3-year-old steers;
Balance includes cows, calves and yearlings. I
Saddle horses and saddles.
Some hogs have been promised.
HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT - One practically new range with oil
burner, as well as many other items.
One Dodge motor completely overhauled and in A-l shape.
Some good fence posts and numerous other farm articles.
All cattle must be brand inspected and dairy type animals must be
:iiig in your stock the evening before or early the morning of the 1
sale. If you have anything you want to sell enter it in this sale.
Stock will be cared for up to time of sale.
The sale on Oct. 17 was highly successful and this one will be just
as good. 1
km last week by plane to visit
Those comir.g home from college
last week were Gene Rietmann,
Donald Peterson, Miss Eunice Pet
terson and friend, Miss Harriet
Willard from O. S. C. and Miss
Shirley Smouse and Miss Mildred
Carlson from U. of O.
The H. E. C. of Willows grange
met at the home of Mrs. Walter
Corley, Friday, October 18. Their
next meeting will be at the grange
hall, November 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and
Mrs. E. R. Lundell left for Portland
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of
Portland are visiting relatives here
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Beasley of
Dellavar, 111., spent two weeks viS'
itine at the home of Mrs. Hattie
Botts. Mr. Beasley and Mrs. Botts
are broher and sister and haven't
seen each other for 49 years. This
is the Beasley's first trip to Oregon,
and they were very much imprssed
with the country.
Johnny Buchanan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Buchanan, and Wallace
Coleman, son of Mrs. Ida Coleman,
have joined the U. S. army and
were home Sunday for a few hours
from Fort Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hoag and
family have returned to Ione and
are living in their trailer house in
the grove.
Mrs. Ada Cannon returned home
from Portland where she has been
staving for the last six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Casselman
and children of Oswego spent the
week end at the R. L. Casselman
Ted Miller and Rodney Crawford
were Ione visitors over the week
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason re
turned from Portland Monday.
Mrs. Agnes Wilcox and Mrs.
Clyde Denney returned to their
home in Portland Monday. Mr.
Dtnney left a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy Turner and
daughter have moved into the house
men coming for the hunting season.
Be Carson and Floyd Fowler cf
Portland, and Robert, Byn.n. Mil
ton and Glenn Carson of Salem
were guests of Cleo Drake's dur
ing last week. They also came for
Ernest Drake has been ill -he last
few days but is reported much b t- I
Carol McCoy had a birthday par
ty at her home Monday afternoon
with the following guests: Martyn I
Pettyjohn, Lone White, Ann Belle
and Sue Coleman and Donnalecn j
frtshments of cake, dixie cups, can
dy and apples were served.
Mrs. Anne Smouse and daughter
Shirlee visiud their daughter and
sister, Mrs. Orlo Martin, at Moro
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley at
tended the Mid-Columbia associa
tion of the CniTrei:;it'nAl churrrw
at Enterprise Friday of last wk.
A home extension unit meting
will be held at the lone ConirtTpi
tional church parlor Oitolxr 29
from 10 a m. to 3 30 p. m with
pot lurk dinner at noon. The pro
jct will tie Developing Good Taste
in Clothes.
The lone B football string played
Et ho s B string here Tui sday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clell Res and son
Gerald made a trip to The Dalles
Earl Padbt rg and Clarence Linn
of LaGrande spent the week end
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hayes and
son Billy of Hermiston spent Sun
day in Heppner where Homer join
ed his fathir and other members of
the family in a bird hunt but no
J$dD (EBB (D GBBboo
and your
ICED by bringing it
to our modern Chev
rolet Service Head
quarters at regular
intervals, and gain these practical
advantages: (1) safeguard your pres
ent transportation; (2) avoid the major
breakdowns which so often hit old
cars in cold weather; (3) save money
by preventing serious troubles and
repair bills; and (4) maintain the resale
value of your car. Remember we're
members of America's foremost auto
motive service organization; and
motorist after motorist will tell you,
CAR-SAVER. Come in-foday,
DELIVERY of your
new Chevrolet just as quickly as w
can, although it's impossible to give
accurate estimates of delivery dates;
We're getting our fair share of Chew
rolet's current output, but production
is still running far below normal, even
though Chevrolet built more cart ana
trucks than any other manufacturer during
the third quarter of 1946. Meanwhile,
our sincere thanks to you for waiting
for delivery and our assurance that
your patience will be well rewarded
when you take possession of this car,
Hodge Chevrolet Company
Main & May Streets, Heppner, Oregon
V. R. "Bob'; RUNNION,
1 Auctioneer
Enough Food is no Accident
It is no accident that the largest crops in our
history are being harvested this year w hen we,
and the rest of the world, need them most.
In spite of war, loss of labor and little new
equipment, the American farmer lias again
taken care of us and provided a life-saving
surplus for abroad.
How do our farmers do it? Now is it that
only sixteen per cent of our people can feed all
of us and go on breaking records in the face of
circumstances which slow up industry?
There are three reasons: First, fanners work
harder and longer than most other Americans.
Second, they know how to make the best use
of tools. And, third, they have a long-standing
partnership with industry seeking to satisfy
their urge to get more out of the land for the
same labor. Farmers are still practician the kind
of enterprise that built America
National thanks are due the farmer for the
job he has done in the last five years. Universal
respect is due him for his foresight in helping
industry equip farms to meet a whole series
of emergencies.
BUT . ; ; we should not crowd our luck, or
the farmer's luck either. Too many farm tools
are now worn out. Without new ones produce
tion may go down. Farmers need over eight
hundred million dollars' uvrlh of new implex
merits and equipment. It is up to industry
and labor to keep wheels turning to produce
them, but any recurrence of strikes would
prevent this.
America should see that the hard-working
farmer gets what he needs.
American Ikon ami Stkei. Institute
350 Fifth Avenue, .New York 1, N. Yi
27ie Institute has printed a booklet STFF.I. SFiiVFS 1111". FAlt.MLK.
Write for a copy und it will be tent jjimuv,