2 Heppner Gazette Times, October 24, 1946 EDITORIAL. . Community fe-r chest r V Chest Vote 315 X No! Oregon has bccn the "guinea pig" on more than one occasion since the adoption of the initiative and referendum law and now, in li4t. the people are being called upon to decide whether the state ahall go forward or hamstring its development by passing a measure that will take it out of compe tition with neighboring states. We are referring to the proposed three percent gross tax commonly spoken of as the "Little Townsend" plan. It is inconceivable that any person earning over $100 per month would want to place a third in come tax upon his or her earnings, even for so noble a cause as providing for the care of the aged and disabled, unless we have become glut tons for taxes. Were the bill so worded as to as sure us that only the deserving would receive the benefits from this taxation it would be a different matter, but the so-called prosperity phase which provides that all persons above the age of 60 shall receive $100 a month, or as nearly that as the tax will provide, simply means that a lot of people who are able to take care of themselves will cease to be useful citizens and become wards of the state. The very title of the bill is deceptive "A bill to create old-age and disability pension fund" when it specifies that all funds so collected must be distributed among those entitled to receive them and in turn those receiving the funds must spend them. This Townsend Plan "pension" is not insurance. Every penny collected by the state of Oregon will be paid out monthly. No reserves are set up. Without reserves to help meet future ob ligations under an insurance contract, how can a life insurance company pay to your widow or to your children what it promised to pay them when you bought the policy? Here are a few good reasons put forth by the Committee Against New 3 Per Cent Income Tax: You are voting on a Townsend "pension" plan for Oregon that would add a NEW 3 per cent monthly tax on ALL gross income over Si 00. You are voting on a Townsend Plan for the second time in Oregon. It was defeated in the 1344 general election. You are voting YES or NO on a THIRD income tax in Oregon. This is a tax scheme to pay "pen sions" to everyone over 60, whether in "need" or not. Beware that ballot title! It is camouflage. It covers up a new, pyramiding, a job-killing tax. You are voting YES or NO on a state measure called: 'To Create State Old-Age and Disability Tension Fund." You are voting on an Oregon "guinea pig" tax, that Dr. Townsend himself once opposed as un sound! The Townsend Plan has not been adopted by any state in the U. S. A.! It has never been put to a vote in both branches of the Congress of the United States. Oregon is the ONLY state this year where the Townsend Plan pension tax or anything resembl ing the Townsend Plan is being voted on. Let's put an end to economic jitters in Oregon by defeating this Townsend Plan so decisively that it and similar schemes will know that they are not welcome here! Retain Lowell Stockman The Second Congressional District of Oregon is laree and sparsely settled. It takes a man's man to represent it properly. Lowell Stockman is the man to do it. He is a native Eastern Uregoman he knows the district, its lumbering, agriculture, stock-raising, mining, and above all its people the laborer, the farmer and the small business man. He looks at all their problems with the same practical outlook. Stockman is a republican and proud of it, but as a representative from the vast Eastern Oregon district he is independent and does not favor any group he stands for the best interests of all the people. His outstanding record of four years in representing you is one of genuine service in the general public welfare. He has the courage of his convictions and will never represent you in any other way. A vote for Lowell Stockman on Novem ber 5 will continue this honest and straightfor ward representation in Congress. FRA Takes Over Services of FSA Umatilla, Morrow and county farmers are assured of con tinued Farm Security Administra- Loan Division of the Farm Credit tion services as a new agency, the Administration, announces Victor Farmers' Home Administration, B. Kuhlman. county FSA super- Grant takes over the functions of FSA visor, 211 Title Insurance Bldg., and the Emergency Crop and Feed Pendleton. Consolidation of the two OUR DEMOCRACY- -byMat 1 11 1 r. .1 . 1 . 1 . i .11 olio Holds aiorr the iigur umicti illumines the tiatj to mans enfranchisement. SAP PRES. GROVER CLEVELAND AT THE VNVEILIN6 OF ON OCTOBER 25, 1886 MUT ;- ",; 3 l J Presented to our nation by the people of France, A MONUMENT PEOCATEP 70 INTERNATIONAL GOOD WILL, A SYMBOL OF HUMAN LIBEIZTY- Hie Soul ofDemocicy Music Association Membership Drive To Open October 28 The Civic- Music association of Pendleton will conduct its annual membership campaign the week of October 28 ti Novcmbt r 2, from headquarters located at the Pendle ton Music House, according to an-nouncmu-nt of President Milan D. Smith. The Pendleton Civic Music asso ciation is a non-profit cooperative organization which brings to Pen dleton excellent concerts by artists or musical organizations of national and internnational reputation. Ad mission to these concerts is by membership card only and anyone interested may join the association by paying the amount of annual dues during this one membership week. After Saturday, November 2, the membership privilege is closed and no more members are accepted for another year. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at tha Lucas Place CHEST CHECK-VPS 2TII On Friday and Saturday, Octo ber 25 and 2G the mobile x-ray unit will visit Heppner, and go on to lone Monday, October 28. The x-ray service is offered free of charge to the communities thru arrangements of the Morrow coun ty Public Health association. Plan to have your chest check-up while the unit is available. AERIAL COYOTE HUNTING The first aerial coyote hunting expedition of this season under Oregon state game commission sponsorship yielded 81 coyotes dur ing a total of 18 hours flying time in the Warner Valley area of Lake county. The flying was done by Al Tilse who reports that more coyotes have been seen in that area than for several years. Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd and 4th Monday at 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall O. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDKR All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodeled Phone 1483 41S Jones Si. HEPPNER. OREGON Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1S32 Heppner, Ore I State Farm Bureau services is expected to be complet ed early in November. "All present FSA services are Convention Slated cumuiuea unuer me r armers nome I Administration act and given per manent status in the department of agriculture," Kuhlman said. "Loans for operating goods and manage ment assistance to farmers unable to secure adequate credit from oth er sources, and the Bankhead-Jones farm ownership loans remain as the principal program under the new agency." TROUT SEASON NEAR END The general angling season for taking of trout six inches or over will close October 31, it is announc ed by the Oregon State Game com mission. After that date anglers will be limited, with a few exceptions, to the taking of salmon and steel head over 20 inches in length, jack salmon under 20 inches, and spiny rayed fish, including bass, catfish, perch, sunfish and crappies. M!1 11(51 FARMERS, WAGE AND SALARY EARMERS tyutiitili want to- vote 315 H Ccccuue: r A NEW AND ADDITIONAL1 INCOME TAX "(3y on all checks total, ling more than $100 monthly, will become effective July 1, 1947, if the Initiative measure (314 Yes, 315 No)' sponsored by the Townsend groups Js approved by the voters of Oregon at the November 5 general election. This '3 tax would apply to all gross income of wages and salary earners, farm ers and businesses (excepting only non profit organizations) WITHOUT ANY PERSONAL EXEMPTIONS OR DE DUCTIONS other than $100 gross in come per month. It could apply also on income from insurance benefits and earn ings on savings and investments if, with your wage or salary or sales of products your total income was $100 a month or more. Farmers and business men would have to pay 3 on their gross income even if they operated at a LOSS. It is not a tax on profits alone. It IS a tax on Cross Income! The measure, if passed, would require YOU TO MAKE OUT A NEW MONTHLY INCOME TAX REPORT AND PAY 3 MONTHLY ON ALL' ABOVE $100 THAT YOU RECEIVE and this tax would be in addition to all (Other Federal and state income tax re ports and statements you now make. EMPLOYERS COULD BE OBLIGED UNDER THE PROPOSED LAW TO, WITHHOLD THE TAX FROM EM PLOYEES' PAY. This measure is a fantastic SPECIAL1 PURPOSE TAX SCHEME, promising' $100 a month at 60 years of age to every body, WHETHER THEY NEED IT OR NOT, if they agree to remain idle and 6pend the $100 in 30 days. The money could not be for any other purpose to re 'duce other state or Federal taxes unless a surplus developed, if ever. NO OTHER STATE HAS SUCH A SPECIAL PUR POSE TAX. It is a tax that would wreck Oregon's economy, driving business put of the state and destroying jobs. ktyt4u Hteawie 4444 EVERYBODY LOSES even t&e old free file ut&o. cute exploited Cy iU fackuf DEFEAT THIS MEASURE WITH THE DECEPTIVE TITLE ron 3 15 Z m on MOT. 5 yld AdnrtbtiBttit. CommlttM AjiImi 1 Incom. Tu , A. MeConuck, CWIrmim Witttr H. Erm. Jr., Trliiurir) U i Waltar W. B. Hi,, Orafoa Cltjr, Uuntij, 424 Mtw fUtintx BuUdinf, ParUtad, Ongon. For Nov. 14 and 15 Plans" for the annual meeting of the Oregon Farm Bureau .which is to be held at the Columbia Gorge hotel, Hood River, November 14-16, are progressing rapidly. Arrange ments are being made to accommo date the largest crowd that has ev er attended the state meeting. Vic Thompson, president of the Hood River Farm Bureau, has a commit tee working to make arrangements for rooms. All reservations should be sent to the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, Box 577, Pendleton, im mediately. Commodity group meetings will be hi Id on the first day of the three day meeting. These groups will consist of livstock, L. A. McClin tock, Pendleton, chairman; field crops, H. R. Weathc rford, Arline- ton, chairman; fruit and vegetables. C. King Benton, Hood River, chair man; dairy, Lee Holliday, Klamath Falls, chairman; poultry, Barry Brownell, Milwaukie, chairman. In addition to the above commodity groups, county and local member ship chairmen and their committees will meet at 1:00 p. m., Thursday, November 14, as well as the Asso ciated Women with Mrs. J. D Smullin, Sr., of Ml. Hci, acting cnairman. Aai coininoiiv rfrop meetings will t t 10:30 a. m. Keep Common Sense Representation Send the man back to Wash, ington who has already chalked up a fine record of work towards the full devel- . opment of Eastern Oregon's resources and utilization of the Columbia River's poten tial value. Keep, as your representative, a man who understands the present need for stabilizing; the full purchasing power of the dollar, who believes in ade quate care and benefits for veterans. Support the man who advocates progressive planning for the construc tion of necessary irrigation ' and flood control projects Vote for Lowell Stockman, Republican, a proved repre sentative of Oregon's second district for the past two Congressional terms. Lowell STOCKMAN for Re-election to CONGRESS Second Congressional District Paid Mr.. Lowell Rtockniiin-for-ConsKM Club. Jame H. SturifL, Chairman, Finfll.ton, O-Kon. Mrs. Ed Bucknum, owner of the Flower Shop, returned Monday from Portland where she attended the annual school for floral design. Mrs. Bucknum attended classes all six days and considers the time well spent. Many new ideas in dis play and arrangement were gained, as well as worthwhile contacts made with othtrs in the floral business. One hundred and fifty-seven po ple attended the school. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER. Mayor JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building. Willow Street Heppner. Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW I'lioHe 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guaranteed located in flic Kane Building North Main St. Heppner, Ore. Dr. . Mrs. O. G. Crawford, president of ihe women's society of the Eastern Oregon Episcopal mission will leave Sunday for a week in central Ore gon to make a series oi official visitations. Stale and national officials, soil conservationists and extension men will visi Morrow county tomorrow on a field tour. as chairman, ul coinmoiiy grcp meetings will s. U 10:30 a. m. LOWELL STOCKMAN j HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, establishec Marcti 30, 1883. The Heppnei Times, established November lb 189(. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912 Published every Thursday and en tered at the Post Ofiice at Hepp nei. Oregon, as second clast mtitter. buoscription Price $23u a Year O. G. GKAWFOKD Mit.lishpr and Editor PREVENT A COLD by using Vacagen COLD TABLETS -the oral vaccine. Nip a cold in the bud and avoid use less' suffering and loss of time from Business or social duties. SAAGER'S PHARMACY Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Merchants Credit Bureau -Accurate Credit Information F. B. Nickerson Phone 12 Heppner DR. S. E. ALLEN ORTHODONTIST 225 Byers St. Pendleton, Ore. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's Office in Heppner L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 11G2 Office Ph. 482 A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office up stairs I. O. O. F. Bldj Housi. calls made House Phone 25X3 Office 2572 Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Jlcppner, Or NEW SHIPMENT of RAWHIDE REINS 8 Plait Handmade Loyd Bros. Saddle Co. Oregon schools MUST havd steady, dependable incomes to make long-range plan ning possible. Local school districts are experiencing a hand-to-mouth existence. Rising costs have lorccd 86 of the school districts to levy additional local taxes for minimum budget needs. Put Oregon schools on a sound financial basis. 7 Y' -U WmM ill!llllllll!llllllllll!lll!llll!lllll!llllllllllllll!lllllll!IJIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I V .F.W.DANC AT HARDMAN Saturday, Oct. 26th Music by Ely's Orchestra Admission 83c, Tax 17c, Total $1.00 HEPPNER POST VETERAN'S of FOREIGN WARS .-I