Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 24, 1946, Image 1

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r Gazette Times
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Volume 63, Number 31 -
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, October 24, 1946
Application Filed
For Federal Funds
For Lex Airport
Mayor Henderson
Not Too Sure of
Merits of Plan
Mayor Alonzo Henderson of Lex
ington spent Monday in Baker
where he consulted with represent
atives of the federal bureau of aer
onautics relative to obtaining as
sistance in development of the Lex
ington airport. After spending four
hours trying to comprehend the
federal agency's program he filled
out an application blank which will
be forwarded to the proper auth
thorities. Henderson stated that making the
application does not necessarily bind
either the applicant or the bureau,
as the right to reject is open to
both parties. He is not sure that
the money can be obtained through
this source and neither is he so
sure that it would be advisable to
accept it if offered. He' is con
vinced there is too much red tape,
too much government regulation
for a small port to comply with to
make it practical to obligate for the
sum asked.
Development at the airport has
reached the point of conforming to
the state's aeronautical regulations
and buildings and plans now under
way will make it a desirable port
of call should some air line decide
to include Lexington on its map.
Completion of these buildings and
plans depends upon the funds made
available by private subscription
and it now appears that a campaign
for ready cash will have to be stag
ed to carry on the work.
At present, two buildings are in
process of construction or have
been started. The olfice and lounge
can be completed very shortly when
materials for doing the job are av
ailable. This includes plumbing
supplies and interior finishing ma
terials. State regulations require
ample rest room facilities and com
fortable waiting rooms. The build
ing now nearing completion ans
wers that requirement.
The base for the walls of a ma
chine shop has been laid and the
building will be pushed to comple
tion as soon as workmen are avail
able. The most pressing demand is the
gravelling of the runways. With
the big crusher of the Newport Con
struction company working right at
the entrance to the field it is pos
sible to get tlie crushed rock at a
nominal cost. It will require 1000
yards or more to do the job. Ralph
Jackson has volunteered the loan
of a five-ton dump truck and if
the county court can be prevailed
upon to put several of the road
trucks at the disposal of the airport
for a couple of days, the job can
be done and the port will then be
ready to receive any type plane th.,,1
may come this way. One other
jo,b, the laying of an oil and gravel
apron in front of the buildings will
complete the program for handling
planes and meet the requirments
for student training.
Raymond French To
Take Bride Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Denton of
Condon announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter, Norma
Rap, to Raymond French of Hepp
ner. The wedding will take place
Saturday in St. John's Catholic
church, Condon.
The groom-to-be is the son of
Mrs. Rose Francis and a grandson
nf Mr. and Mrs. Dillard French,
pioneers of the upper Butter creek
The Women's Auxiliary of All
Saints Episcopal church will meet
at 2:30 t. m.. Friday. October 25
Members are asked to bring bun
dles to be sorted and turned in at
the World Community day meeting,
November 1.
Qualified Meat Inspectors Trained by Army
J(l$ s
When then Army Regulars complete the Mtot end Dairy Hyglsnlrtt
Course, luporvlied by ths Veterinary Detachment at the Chicago Quarter- 1
matter Depot, they will qualify at meat and dairy inipectora, ens of the I
many skilled trades which can be learned in the now peacetime Regular I
Army. Above, Major D. C. Kelly, extreme right) Is shewn giving pointers J
en grading veal.
P-TA, Theater To
Sponsor Amateur
Talent Programs
Youthful patrons of the Star the
ater will be pleased to learn that
they are to be given an oportunity
to parade their talent before the
public. Sponsored by the Heppner
Parent-Teacher association, the the
ater will run special children's mat
inees at 2 p. m. each Saturday
through November. If these mat
inees prove popular, the manage
ment anounces that they will be
continued as long as the patronage
justifies them. Feature pictures
shown will be those produced dur
ing the past several years which are
particularly suited to children's
In addition to the films there will
be a one-half hour amateur pro
gram by the children. Anyone who
can sing, dance, whisth, jJay an
instrument, recite a piece, or do
anything in the way of entertain
ment is asked to contact Mrs. Oscar
George or Mrs. Tress McClintock.
Those participating in the program
will be admitted free to the mat
inee and the one adjudged by the
committee to be the best for the
month will be given a month's free
admission to the theater.
Pictures lined up for th? matinee
include "Poor Little Rich Girl" with
Shirley Temple and Jane Withers;
'The Prince and the Pauper,"
"Swiss Family Robinson," and
"Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch."
Pioneer Resident
Buried Saturday
Funeral services were held at
10:30 a. m. Saturday for Albert Rea,
71, who passed away Wednesday
night following a brief illness. Rev.
Neville Blunt officiated at the ser
vices which were held from the
chapel of the Phelps Funeral Home.
Interment was in the Heppner Ma
sonic cemetery.
Son of pioneer parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Rea, Albert was born
January 16, 1875, at Pawnee, Neb.
He came to Morrow county two
years later. Except for short per
iods he had made this his home all
his life. He was married to Lulu
Sperry Summers who preceded him
in death. Two children, Mrs. May
Wood of Portland, and Clell Rea of
lone, and several grandchildren
Lucille McDuffee
Peterson Passes
Graveside servicis will be held
at 1:30 p. m. Friday at the Hepp
ner Masonic cemetery for Alice
Lucille Peterson who passed away
Saturday, October 19, at her home
in Portland. Arrangements are in
charge of the Phelps Funeral Home.
Mrs. Peterson, wife of Jens Pet
erson, is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George McDulfee of Portland,
and spent much of her early life
in Heppner. Besides her husband
and parents she is survived by two
sisters, Mrs. Alva J. Mason, Port
land, and Mrs. Harold Buhman, Al
oha, and three brothers, Howard,
McDuffee, Anchorage, Alaska; Paul
of Medford, and Lt. Col. Ray Mc
Duffee, Arlington, Va. '
Announcement of the wedding of
Mrs. Doris Gaily and Charles Hod
ge has been received by the family
and friends in Heppner. The wed
ding took place October 18 in Mis
soula, Mont., and the couple will
return to Heppner in about two
weeks. 1 .
Glenn Parsons has been transfer
red from the Heppner district of
the Umatilla forest to the Lake
Wenatchee disrict in Washington.
He has until November 18 to dis
pose of his residence property and
get moved.
Mr. and Wljrs. Richard Holmboe
of Portland were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Hughes over the week
end. They cam to move a piano to
Portland which had been left in
storage here for a number of mon
ths. Mrs. Holmboe was the former
Kate Healy daughter of Mrs. Mi
chael Healy of Boardman.
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Just a Matter of
We asked Mrs. Charles Hodge Jr.
when she and her husband expect
ed to move into their new home.
"Well," sez she, "we will move Just
as soon as Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus
vacate the house."
"Where will they move to?" we
"They are going to move into the
apartment being vacated by Mrs.
Morgan and she is waiting for a
van to come and move her house
hold goods."
There you have it, mates. When
that van loads out Mrs. Morgan's
things you will know approximate
ly when Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hodge Jr. will get moved into their
new home.
Incidentally Mrs. Morgan is leav
ing for Oakland Cal., to make her
home with her son, Ted Young.
Boardman Youths
Leave for National
FFA Convention
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black mo
tored to Arlington Friday taking
with them Delbert Ball and Bill
Miller who boarded the special
train bound for Kansas City, Mo.,
loaded with F. F. A. delegates. The
boys were selected as delegates by
the officers of the Boardman chap
ter to attend this national conven
tion. They will return Sunday.
Marvel Connell and Frank Ack
erman motored to the county seat
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow had
as their guest from Saturday to
Tuesday Mr. W. F. Hartle of Mar
ana. Mr. Hartle had been visiting
with relatives and friends in Pen
dleton since August
Earl Cramer and mother, Mrs.
Frank Cramer, were Heppner call
ers Friday.
Guests at the E. T. Messenger
home over the week end were their
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. U. H.
Messenger of Portland and daugh
ters, Lois Messenger and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hammel and family of
The Dalles.
There will be a special church
service at the Community church
Wednesday, October 23. The speak
er will be Dr. Horace Ryburn, mis
sionary to Siam, San Francisco. His
topic will be "The Restoration
Tom Delano who has been in the
Hermiston hospital for several days
returned home Friday, and is much
Crystal Barlow and daughter
Chloe had as their guests over
ight last week Mrs. Barlow's aunt
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Slocum of Monument
Mrs. A. A. Agee and daughter,
Mrs. Dorothy Shaffer of Mikkalo
motored to Walla Walla last week
and spent a few days at the home
of Mrs. Agee's daughter and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gililland.'
Rev. R. L Haslam of Goldendale,
Wash., who is holding meetings in
Irrigon was a guest at the Frank
Marlow and D. F. Ransier homes
Saturday. Saturday evening Mr.
and Mrs. Ransier entertained at
dinner in his honor. Those present
were Mr. and ftlrs. Roy Marlow and
sons Vern and Larry of Umatilla,
Mrs. Julia Marlow, Pendleton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Segles and
daughter of Eugene were week-end
guests at the home of Mrs. Segles
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chaf
fee. Mrs. Segles will be remember
ed as Mary Chaffee.
Truman Messenger of Lexington
ailed at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Ms. E. T. Messenger, Sat
urday. Mrs. Claud Coats motored to
Heppner Saturday staying over
night at the home of her brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Barlow, also attending ' homecom-
g" at the Christian church Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoubo (Janet
Getchell) who were married in
Vancouver October 14, returned to
Boardman Friday. At present they
are at the home of his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. I. Skoubo. The young
couple spent their wedding trip in
Portland and visited Eds sister
Frances in Eugene.
Guests at the Elvin Ely home
this week are Mrs. Ely's sister
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Samuels of Eugene. Another sister,
Mrs. Dean Ekleberry of Hermiston
had dinner with them Monday eve
ning'. Mr. Samuels has gone on to
the mountains deer hunting.
Crystal Barlow was a Pendleton
shopper Monday.
Ed McClellen and Neil Carlson
left for Portland Sunday to be gone
a few days. They are visiting Ed
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed McClel
Mrs. Conley Lanham was hostess
to the adolescent study group of
the Heppner Parent-Teacher asso
cuit ion Wednesday evening.
Supt. George Corwin led discus.
sion of the topic, "Counselling With
Our Adolescents." He told of inter
esling experiences in this field of
Refreshments were served to the
group which included Mr. Corwin,
Mis. Mildred Clary, Mrs. Joe Meek,
Mi s. E, O. Fergusont Mrs. J. P. Sor
lein and Mr. and Mrs. Lanham.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barron who
visited several days with the Emil
Groshen and Paul Hisler families
returned Tuesday to their home
in Tillamook.
County's Biggest Taxpayer
Advocates Passage of Both
School Support Measures
Modestly admitting that he is the
biggest taxpayer in Morrow county
Orville Cutsforth, Lexington wheat
and cattle rancher, told the lunch
eon group of the Heppner chamber
of commerce Monday noon that he
favors both House Bill 80 and the
basic school law and will vote yes
on both of them November 5.
Cutsforth spent the greater part of
his allotted time discussing House
Bill 80, inasmuch, as he said, he un
dersood that measure better and
feels directly concerned in its
workings in the event it is passed.
He made some strong points for the
bill, mainly on the tax equalization
features and the benefits to be de
rived by active districts from new
revenues coming from inactive dis
tricts. One point of particular in
terest to Morrow county is the fact
that absentee landlords will be con
ributing their share to school sup
por, a privilege they do not now
enjoy if their property lies in a
non-taxed area.
The speaker expressed the belief
that although the basic school bill
as written may not be the answer
to our school problem in the state,
it at least is a start in the right
direction and he will cast his vote
in favor of the measure. He said
he did not feel qualified to discuss
Man's Hobby May
Lead to Profitable
New Industry Here
It is not uncommon for people to
develop paying businesses from
hobbies and there is prospect for
such a thing to happen right here
in Heppner.
When Gordon Grady, bookkeeper
at the Rosewall Motor company.
bought the Dan Bishop place in Mt
Vernon addition he laid plans to
build a small greenhouse a very
small one, in fact In the course
of a conversation with Mrs. Ed
Bucknum, proprietor of the Flower
Shop, he unfolded his plans. Mrs.
Bucknum persuaded him to enlarge
the plans and grow some flowers
and plants on a commercial basis,
at the same time agreeing to retail
them for him. This he consented to
do and instead of a probable 4x6
set-up he has expanded the size to
12 x 20. He will have 150 feet of
growing space and will propagate
all house plants and annuals for
spring planting, besides sprouting
some vegetables tomatoes, cab
bage, etc.
Grady is no novice at the busi-
nss. He studied horticulture at the
University of Wisconsin and has
spent more than half his lifetime
working with flowers and plants.
His parents, who now reside at Her
miston, for many years conducted
commercial flower garden in Mil
waukee and it was there the son de
veloped a passion for raising and
tending; the tender plants. Fortun
ately for Mr. Grady his wife is
keenly interested in the work and
together they will make a go of the
The Hodge Chevrolet garage has
undergone a transformation during
the week, changing from the brown
and yellow significant of the Shell
Oil company to the white which
lymbolizes the Union Oil company.
Painters completed the job Wed
nesday and the result is a bright
new spot at the corner of Main and
Amputee Shoots Two
7- -s r i-r
3? fc.i M
3d rJVs pi..
Louli Monet, who lost a leg In the Italian campaign, teei off In
the recent Silver City, New Mexico, golf tournament. He finished
the 1 8-hole court 8 tinder par to best the previout champ, Harry
AWmusv left, by on ifrok.
the merits of the bill but thinks
it is worthy of passage.
While presenting his ideas rela
tive to House Bill 80, Cutsforth
put in a plug for a county high
school, or at least a union of schools
in the Willow creek valley. "We
will not get the full benefit of this
bill unless there is a change brought
about in our local school set-up,"
he declared. He advocates the buil
ding of a complete high school
plant, preferably outside any of the
towns, but as nearly central as pos
sible. He admitted doubt about
such a move being undertaken but
is firmly convinced of its merits.
Asked his opinion relative to the
Little Townsend measure, Cutsforth
said he considered it dangerous and
plead for more publicity pointing
out its fallacies. If passed, he stated
Oregon agriculture and industry in
general will be placed at a decided
ly unfair advantage with neighbor
ing states.
There was considerable expres
sion in favor of a sales tax to aid
school funds and to care for the ag
ed and disabled.
Tom Mahoney of Portland, for
mer Heppnerite, was introduced as
a guest by his cousin, P. W. Ma
honey. Tom was up on a hunting
Probation Violator
Called to Account
Terry Cline, logger, is being held
an the county jail on order of City
Recorder E. R. Huston on a charge
of violating terms of probation
granted him when haled before the
recorder earlier in the year on a
disorderly count. Cline was origin
ally given a 50-day jail sentence
and a fine of $100. Upon payment
of the fine he was placed on six
months probation and released to
return to his work in the woods.
Failure to live up to the probation
caused the city police to take him
before the recorder.
Al Rogers, itinerant barber who
worked about three weeks at the
Coxen shop, was awarded 30 days
in jail and a fine of $35 Monday
when taken before Recorder Hus
ton on a vagrancy charge. Upon
payment of the $35 he was told he
could take his choice between serv
ing out the jail sentence and leav
ing town, so Coxen is minus a bar
Joe Snyder reports the sale of his
residence property on North Court
street to John Monahan of Condon.
The house was just recently com
pleted and is one of the most sub
stantial residences built here in re
cent years. It is understood the
Monahans, parents of Miss Kather
ine Monahan, Morrow county home
demonstration agent, will make this
their home.
Heppner barber shops are serving
notice on the public that beginning
this week, the closing hour on Sat
urday will be 7 p. m. instead of 8
o'clock as in the past. Patrons ac
customed to waiting until one min
ute of 8 will have to change their
schedule or do without their Sat
urday night ablutions.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Crawford
spent the week end here from their
home in Portland. Opening of the
pheasant season was the lure, aside
from visiting relatives and friends
Under Par
YaMTtot AdnlnUtnllol PhoM
J? m. f S i
Mustangs Trample
Huskies 41-0 Friday
By Bob Mollahan
Coach Leonard Pate's powerful
Heppner Mustangs galloped to a
41-0 victory over a fighting Arling
ton high eleven on the loser's grid
iron, Friday, October 18.
Lowell Rippee, diminutive Mus
tang fullback, laced a 21-yard
touchdown pass, mid-way in the
opening canto, to Jack Parrish, end,
in the end-zone to begin the scor
ing. Clarence Greenup, quarter'
back, plunged over for the conver
Rippee startled the spectators
again when he intercepted a Honk
er forward, and with superb down-
field inerference, galloped 65 yards
tor the second T.D.
The second period saw a few new
faces on the field, as Coach Pate
began to substitute. The period saw
a spectacular 35-yard pass, also, by
Clarence Greenup to J. Parrish,
who was immediately snowed un
der by Honkers on A. H. S. 10-yard
line. Greenup skirted left end for
the only score of that period. Bus
ter Padberg, Mustang halfback,
smashed over for the extra point.
Following the kick-off by Ran
dall Peterson, Mu6tang left-tackle,
Arlington was forced back to their
own goal line. Bud Roberts, Ar
lington quarterback, tried booting
the Honkers out of their hole but
Jack Parrish rushed in and block
ed the kick and immediately fell
upon it for the fourth score for the
Mustangs. Greenup smashed over
for the extra point.
Lowell Rippee intercepted anoth
er Arlington pass in the latter part
of the third quarter and ran it back
50 yards before he was brought
down on the Honker's 5-yard line.
Clarence Geenup glided around end
for the fifth tally and Buster Pad.
berg plunged over for the conver
In the final quarter, Don Mun
kers, expeditious Mustang half
back, threaded his way through the
remnants of the Honker football
squad for the final score. Richard
Allstott plunged over for the extra
Responsibility For
City Accidents Put
On Local Drivers
Local drivers must shoulder the
responsibility for the great bulk of
Oregon's city accidents, says a new
study just completed by the office
of Robert S. Farrell Jr., secretary
of state.
The study covered Astoria, Med
ford, Bend, Klamath Falls, Eugene,
and Salem.
Two-thirds of the drivers involv
ed in accidents lived inside the linv
its of the city of occurrence. Eighty-
five percent lived either inside the
city or within 25 mills, and only
three percent were from outside
the state.
"You can't pin any large part of
the accidents in your town oh tour
ists," Farrell said. "It's simply not
true. Accident records from the six
major cities studied show that Ore
gon drivers were behind the wheel
of 97 percent of the cars involved."
The figures are new, being based
on the first six months of 1946.
They debunk the old excuse that
tourists and strangers speeding
through town cause "all the
wrecks." There is very little dif
ference between the figures per
taining to any of the six cities and
the average for the group. Refer
ence to old accident records shows
that this picture is substantially the
same year in and year out, and
that the 1946 figures are in no way
"We Oregonians migh as well
face it," Farrell said. "We're caus
ing our own accidents, and the man
who tries to shove them off on tour
ists is just kidding himself. He cer
ainly isn't kidding the state author
ities who have the records.
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin
returned to Portland this morning
ofto,. rnHinir several davs with
their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hodge, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maynard are
the parents of a baby born Satur
day at Pendleton. The child has
been named Frank Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thompson
left for Spokane today on a short
business trip. They were accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice
and the party will return home
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Elliott of
Freewater were among people from
out-of-town attending homecom
ing at the Church of Christ Sunday.
While here Elliott joined Lee How
ell on a deer hunt in which each
baggid a buck.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Coxen came
from Portland for the opening of
the pheasant season and spent the
wet k end at the home of Mrs. Cox
en's brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunning
tun of Portland are guests of Mrs.
Cunnington's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Howell.
R,-v. Neville Bhmt left bv train
Sunday afternoon for Victoria, B.
C, w here he will hold a two weeks
The He-ppner cafe was closed
Monday while painters redecorated
the intrior of the building.
Dr. W. H. Rockwell of Enterprise
was a Heppner visitor a few hours
News From
C. A. Office
Morrow 4-H Beef Club Members
Get Off to a Good Start
Climaxed by a very enthusiastic
club meeting held at the John
Graves home Sunday afternoon, 12
new members were added to the
county beef club. Members made
plans for selecting 4-H beef animals
for their fat steer projects and 15
calves were selected the fore part
of this week.
The Sherman and Ferguson herd
of Shorthorns provided eleven high
quality, typy animals that show
great possibilities of feeding out to
prime beef. Club members select
ing animals from this herd are:
Gerald Peterson, Louis Carlson,
Duane Baker, Ingrid Hermann,
Jane Seehafer, Betty Caves and
Jo Anne Graves. Barbara Sherman
had made her selection from this
herd earlier.
On Tuesday four Hereford steers
were selected from the Weatherford
herd in Gilliam county. Four-H
members Sally Palmer and Roger
Palmer each selected a calf. Two
were selected by the Cutsforth boys
and girls but we have no official
statement as to which of the four
members will take those two.
Other steers on feed, selected
some time ago, are those of Ingrid
Hermann and Ida Lee Chapel who
selected calves from the Frank An
derson herd. In addition Ida Lee
Chapel has two calves from the Roy
Robinson herd on feed. Two calves
purchased by the Graves children
have not yet arrived. These calves
were purchased from the J. W. Ben
nett herd at Winona, Wash.
Several club members will select
calves within the near future from
herds in Umatilla, Gilliam and Mor
row counties. All of these calves
will be fed and fattened by club
members to be exhibited at the
Eastern Oregon Wheat league spon
sored fat stock show and sale, state
fair, and Pacific International.
Morrow county 4-H members are
going to have a number of projects
to exhibit next fall.
In order that they may have the
same backing and enjoy the same
benefits as club members in neigh
boring counties they are very hope
ful that spirit-minded citizens will
provide them with a good county
fair to make their club program
a success.
World Community
Day November 1
Church people and all others in
terested in making donations of
bundles of clothing for children of
one to four years are reminded
that observance of World Commun
ity day will be held Friday after
noon, November 1, at the Church
of Christ This will be in conjunc
tion with the Union Missionary
meeting which opens at 2 o'clock.
All clothing bundles will be col
lected that day to be forwarded to
Europe and Asia.
In the evening, at the Church of
Christ, Mr. Jewett will show some
pictures pertaining to this Chris
tian work. The meeting will open
at 7:30 and an invitation has been
extended the public to attend.
Homemakers Start
Unit Meet Series
The home economics unit meet
ings started in Morrow county with
the first meeting in Heppner on
Thursday October 17. Mrs. Marjor
ie Tye White, acting specialist in
clothing and textiles of the Oregon
State College extension service
talked to the women of the town
on "Developing Good Taste in Clo
The Heppner unit is sponsored by
Morrow County Woolgrowers aux
These meetings will be held once
a month. The next meeting will be
a remodeling clinic on November
14 from 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. at the
home of Mrs. Neville Blunt with a
pay luncheon at the Lucas Place.
Every woman in the community is
invited to attend the meetings.
On November 29, lone, Cecil and
Morgan homemakers will meet at
10 a. m. in the lone Congregational
church rooms for a remodeling
clinic meeting.
Word from the hospital at Pen
dleton is to the effect that Melvin
Mover is not recovering as fast as
had been hoped and that he will
have to remain hospitalized at least
two weeks longer.
Army Regulars Become
SoMiers eiteneme the Meet and Dairy Hyfitnitrs Count, tuprlid by
the Veterinary DtrschiMnt at rha Chicago Quartormarr Depot.
shewn abova In e laboratory during e practical axarcita in candlina. aaea
to determine quality. The Moat and Dairy Hyqianiirt Court tatk
Afmy Keeulen ene et the many ikllltd tradai ottarad by th new I
eve neeuier Amy.
Rosewall Starts
Construction of
Garage Addition
More Work Room,
Disploy Space to
Be Provided
Construction of a 32 x 90 foot
addition to the Rosewall Motor
company garage was started Tues
day morning by W. C. Rosewall,
owner of the building. Permission
has been granted by the CPA and
work started as soon as the con
firmation was received.
The addition joins the shop and is
being built to permit better handl
ing of the shop wo.k and to provide
a display room for new cars now
coming with a little more regular
ity. The machine shop part will be
arranged in "stalls," each equipped
completely to handle whatever job
comes in. Ceiling high doors will
permit entrance of the largest vans.
Framework will be of steel and
concrete, materials for which have
been on hand for months. The doors
will be of the rolling type when
raised roll back overhead The pre
sent rear wall will remain but door
ways corresponding with the new
rear wall will be cut to facilitate
movement of cars within the gar
age. Included in the plans is a new
modern heating plant for the whole
Howard Keithley is in charge of
the construction work.
With the construction work at
the Rosewall garage and the erec
tion of a market building at the
corner of May and Court streets,
activity on May street is quite no
ticeable. Forms are set for the
pouring of concrete at the new
Schwarz building and the new mar
ket will be taking shape in a few
Work started the first of the
week on an addition to the Tum-A-Lum
Lumber company's building
at the Main and Baltimore comer.
The new unit will be 25 x 20 feet
and will be an extension of the of
fice, When completed it will house
stocks of paints, wallpaper and oth
er interior materials handled by
the company. While the addition
is beinb built the entire front of the
building will be remodeled. The old
livery stable effect is being remov
ed and a gable effect will be work
ed out. The entire front will be
stuccoed. O. M. Yeager is in charge
of the construction work.
Farm Produce To
Be Carnival Feature
Farmers are being importuned to
bring in salable farm products to
be placed on sale at the forthcom
ing Parent-TeachT association car
nival to be held in the school gym
nasium Saturday evening, Novem
ber 2. The ladies are preparing a
produce table as a special feature
of the carnival. This is under the
supervision of Mrs. Frank Wilkin
son and Mrs. R. B. Rice.
The carnival follows a public
dinner which will be served from
5 to 7 p. m. in the home economics
room in the main building.
Other activities of the P-TA in
clude organizaion of a study group
by mothers of pre-school children.
The meeting date chosen is th sec
ond Wednesday of each month and
the first meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. W. F. Barratt,
November 13.
Room representatives met Octo
ber 17 to plan the program for the
year and to make final arrange
ments for the dinner and carnival
on November 2.
Anouncement of the marriage of
Miss Elveda Snipes of Portland and
Alfred Bergstrom of Eight Mile was
received by the Gazette Times
Wednesday evening. The wedding
took place at 12:30 p. m. Wednes
day at Vancouver, Wash., in the
presence of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe
Batty and Miss Irene Smith, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Berg?trom will re
turn to their home in Eight Mile
Monday and will hold open house
that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cae'hot Therkekon
had as hunting guests over the
week end, Mr. and Mrs. Carl D.
Christensen of Portland. Mr. Chris
tense n baggid three birds the first
Adept at Egg Candling
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