6 Heppner Gazette Times, October 10, .946 Lexington Items . . By Mm. Mary Inwards Mum Pally O li.ira of T.u j Dctllet wits a wcck-nj victor at the home of her parent, Mr. anj j Mrs. Newt O'Harra. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludwig an J : aona were week-end visitors in Spokane. lx:n-:on Camp Fire girls en t rs..m.-i their parents and teacher at a J. nner Wednesday evening at ;h ir club rewn in the Elmer Hunt heme. Theise present wer Mr. and Mrs. Kaij h Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. IX.n G.neU, Cecil Jones, Mr. and .VUr. Harold Raycraft, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Van Winkle, Mr. and M:s. Chas. Buchanan, Mr. and 100 Curled Chicken Feather Sleeping Bogs . . . Stockmen's Eed Sheets 7x15 12-ounce canvas WATER PROOF HORSE BLANKETS Loyd Bros. Saddle Co. Mrs. Elmer Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Majeske, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bloodsworth, Mrs. Mary Edwards, Ma jo Marquardt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludwig. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott of Portland were visiting friends and relatives here over the week-end. Mrs. Scott visited at the Whillock home while Vernon was hunting. Majo Marquardt and Rena June Messenger left Thursday for La Grande where they have entered Eastern Oregon Normal Rev. and Mrs. Paul Davies and Miss Coghill of Portland were call ing on friends in Lexington Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding spent Sunday visiting relatives in Touchet and Walla Walla. They were accompanied by Mrs. George Steagall who visited her husband in the Veterans' hospital at Wal la Walla. Word has been received here that Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell and children recently left the states for Germany to join Mr. Campbell who is stationed there. He was su perintendent of the Lexington school for five years. - The N E W John Deere Hydraulic POWER-TROL Eliminates Lever Lifting and Rope Tugging C 5'., iv--' Lifts . . Lowers . . Regulates Integral and Drawn Equipment Braden Tractor and Equipment Co. m 'j. , ... . GO HAND-IN-HAND HANDBAGS designed to lead a busy life . . . beau-, tifully styled in plastic pat ent, plastic leather grains, and new plastic "squares". 2.93 to 4-93 FABRIC GLOVES. YouH have etyle at your lingc: tip when you wear tlies cotton fabric smooth Tailored or embroidcre 1.49 to 1.51 Af- "-v ,"' A? g WHAT'S MEW THIS WEEK! Men's PayDay Overalls Union Made . . Sanforized Men's Western Type Overalls Waist band styles . . Union made . . Sanforized Men's Flannel Pajamas Slip-over or Button styles . . . San- forized . Sizes A, B, C, D When you think of ICE CREAM, , you have in mind a delicacy such as only cSaottj i Super Cream Freshly frozen daily . . hand packed. . . . the most for your money. Here you get a wide variety of flavors almost always your favorite on hand . . . and a pound and a half to the quart. All you want at any time For genuine satisfaction, buy Scotty's RATOEEHT OF TBI OWNERSHIP, 111 OIMUT, CXBCVUTIOH, CTO, BEQUEBED BT III ACTS OF COHOKES3 OF AUGUST M, 1911, AMD KABCH , 1933 Of Th Heppner Guette Times, pub lished weekly at Heppner, Oregon, (or October, 11H6 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF MORROW Before me. a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared O. G. Crawford, who, having been duly aworn accord ing to law. deposes and says tliat he is the Publisher of the Heppner Ga zette Times, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and be lief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24. 1912. as amended by the 4-ct f March 3, 193a embodied in section 637, Postal Laws and Regula tions, printed on the reverse of tlus form, to-wlt: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, O. G. Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. Editor. O. G. Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. Business managers, O. G. and Viola D. Crawford. 2. That the owner Is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of thn inrii- ; vidua! owners must be given.. If own- c uy mm, company, or otner unin corporated concern, its name and ad dress, as well as those of each Indivi dual member, must be given.) O. U. and Viola D. Crawford. Hepp ner, Oregon. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and ether securities hold ers owning 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: Lera Crawford, Berke ley. Calif, ar.d J. O. Turner, Heppner, Oregon, Mortgagees. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any. contain not only the list of stock holders and security holders as thev appear upon the books of the eomnaiiv but also, in cases where the stock holder or security holder appears up on the books o fthe company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, tne name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee Is acting, Is given; also that the said two paragraphs con lain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security hold ers who do not appear unon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or cor poration has any Interest direct or In direct in the said stock, or other se curities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of cop ies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the malls or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur ing the twelve months preceding the date shown above is 965. O. G. CRAWFORD, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 19-16. (SEAL) F. W. TURNER, Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires Feb. 18. 1M7. Gas & Air HowHy Folks: The way the stock market is fluctuating, we are re minded of the old bucket shop days of '29 when we all held the bucket. People who play the stock market are usually knov.1i l ith 'r as bulls or bears. Wonder why the ass never figured in there? MANY WHO PLAY THE STOCK MARKET FIND THAT WALL STREET IS A ONE-WAY STREET THOUGHT FOR TODAY See your stock broker ami then rail your pawnbroker. Bulls and bears aren't respons ible for as many stock lossis as bum steers. A lot of good buys in Wall street turn out to be farewells. Wall Street stockbrokers should make good fanners... They know how to water stocks and shear the sheep, the sheep. Well, we're only an observer as far as the stock market is concern ed but we're mighty active when it comes to supplying you with our AL'TO-ELECTKlC SERVICE. Give us a call the next time you need some. UNREIN MOTOR SERVICE Phone 1 242 Heppner, Oregon BRAND "BOTANY' v..ts t ."la c i-: ... r. . " ... -MM 3 cakes for 50c Botany has taken Nature's own beauty wonder Lanolin - and created a soap to smooth, soothe, and soften your complexion! Once you've felt its sweet, gentle softness, relaxed in its creamy, instantaneous lather, and marvelled at its beautifying results, you'll use no other. Humphreys rug Co. Prepare Now For Those Winter Days Ahead Wood Heaters and Wood and Coal Combination heaters New and Used from $12.50 up Monarch and Montag Coal and Wood Ranges Case Furniture Company SALE of PROPERTY Condon Grain Growers, Condon, Oregon, offers the following property for sale to the highest bidder or bidders, bids to be accompanied by 10 per cent of the bid price. Condon Grain Growers reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The property is located on the Union Pacific railroad at the north edge of Condon, Oregon. FLAT HOUSE KNOWN AS 310 SACKED This property must be removed from the site by June 39, 1947, the ground to be leveled and filled as needed. Ground size: approximately 50 by 505 feet, 14 foot walls, roof part metal and part composition. Equipment includes 6 dormant scales, 1 Colfax Jr. Grain Filer, 1 ACL 500 bushel Airforce Grain Blower with Hercules Gas Engine Power Plant, elcetric wiring, etc. ' i t FLAT CRIB ELEVATOR KNOWN AS 310 BULK This property must be removed from the site by June 30, 1947, the ground to be leveled and filled as needed. Ground size approximately 50 ft. by 150 ft., 14-ft. walls, 2x4 cribbing composing 19 bins. Equipment includes 1 5-ton hopper scale, I 20-ton Howe 8 x 22 deck truck receiving scale with hydraulic dump (used very little in past 6 years), 1 30hp 220 V, 3-phase electric motor, 1 No. 8 G Monitor Grain Cleaner, shafting, augurs, etc. FLAT HOUSE KNOWN AS NO. 8 This house may be used on the present location if operated for private use; if it is to be torn down it must be removed from the Site by June 30, 1947, the ground to be leveled and filled as needed. Equipment includes 2 dormant scales and tlectric wiring. Ground size is approximately 50 feet by 250 feet, 14 foot walls and compo sition roof. ' Separate bids will be accepted on buildings and equipment, also' combination of bids by several individuals or groups. Bids are to be in the hands of the seller at its office in Condon, Oregon on or before October 16, 1946. Condon Grain Growers CONDON, OREGON STAR tsa REPORTER SJiow Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tux Requirement. Children's Admission apply only lo those under the lucal une of 12. Selected Short Subject! With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement Friday-Saturday, Octobor 11-12 Our Hearts Were Growing Up Gail KussPll. Diana Lynn, Urian Donlcvy, Billy DeWolfe, William Dcmaiest, James Brown, Bill Edwards The same two winsome lassies of "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay" in another bright comedy. PLUS Desert Horseman Charles Starred and Smiley Burnette in another Durango Kid story with action, humor and hillbilly music. Sunday-Monday, Oclolirr lll-ll Cluny Brown UBwiiiwryiifaMBaBa Jennifer Joins, Charles Buyer, Peter Law fold, Kt'Kinald Gardiner, Reginald Owen, C. Aubrey Smilh This film, adhering closely to Margery Sharp's popular novel, is hilarious. ..a Cin derella story of charm, romance and gaiety. Also "Let's Go Gunning," duck, pheasant and geese shooting in Technicolor in all sections of the country. Tuesday, October 13 Arrowsmirh Sinclair lewis's story of a country doctor, with Ronald Colman, Helen Hayis, Myrna Loy. at 2 o'clock p. m. aturday, Oct. 12 At Ham Foster place-across street from Morrow County Creamery, Heppner, Oregon The Following Property Belonging to the Estate of LUCAS KILGORE 1 7 ft. crosscut saw new 1 5 ft. new crosscut saw 1 5 ft. old crosscut saw 3 hand saws 2 Carpenter squares 5 Axes 3 Shovels, rake, hoes 1 Forge hand blower 1 Hand press drill 1 New tire pump 3 Sicdge hammers 1 Adze and grubbing hoe 1 Small tire jack 1 New jack plane 1 New smooth plane 1 Hand emery wheel V dozen hammers 2 large size pipe threaders 1 15-jewel Waltham watch 1 Wrist watch-Kelton 1 Electric soldering iron 1 Cowhide rug 1 Suit case 2 Wrecking bars 1 Lantern 1 28-inch level 1 Electric heater 1 Electric plate 50 pounds No. 9 smooth wire 1 50-pound anvil .' 1 Log chain 1 Surveyor's level with tripod 1 brace with bits 3 jackets 1,000 feet rough Lmbcr 1 1928 Dodge pickup. Many wrenches and other items TERMS OF SALE-CASH V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer J. 0. TURNER, Clk.-Admstr. 1 1