Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 10, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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Heppner Gazette Times, October 10, 194 5
Want Ads
WANTK1 .Siiino.i.e to i . intra, I fin.e
huililing. Frank WMktnwm. 29 3iip
A.S OK (X T 7-1 wllf pay nu LiTFii
us permmully contracted fur
Jumes II. Peek. 20p
Foil SALEModern tlwtik CuulVm
InmiT. lintel 1 1. (i.n r. a.
KOK HALIC LurS iiml iiHd wil
, clrrulittlng hfutiT: white eniirn.-l
wimd stove with coils; hot water
tank; treadle singer wwlnn ma
chine: davenu and clmlr. Plume
2i"2- 23c
KXI'KliT MECHANICS Kayti-rti Ore
gon'i flnext garage requires the
servhes of 3 expert mcchanica,
best pay and best working con
ditions In the state of Oregon. Con
tact Rush Volstorff, Sunset Motor
Co.. Chevrolet, Oldsmohlle and
Cadillac. 29-3IIC
PUOTKCT YOUH CAK against free,..
Ing weather with Huper Alcohol
Antifrerae. Rosewall Motor Com
pany. t'OR SALE Almost new whfte
enamel Monarch Incenerator. Burns
wood or coal: Call 1312. 2!lp
LOST Tent between Arbuckle inuuii
taln and Ilermlston. Notify A. N.
Leonard. Ilermlston. 2!ln
WANTinj TO HUY Modern house In
Heppner. Terms cash. Inquire at
Gazette Times office. 21ltf
KOK SALK-Gooii house. In A-l
shape, nice yard, (IouIiIh garage,
store room and woodshed, garden
spot. Address Box 4, Heppner or
inquire Gazette Times office. 2ti:i2c
LOST Chevrolet truck wheel and
tire between Jones Prairie and top
of Cole Mine. Darrell Padherg.
lone. 29-3'ip
V1KG1N VO()I, Zipper type aleepiug
bags $231)5. Rosewall Motor Com
pany. W'K have Just Installed a new type
vacuum cleuner for cleaning the
upholstery In your car. Rosewull
Motor Company.
pay and working conditions In the
State of Oregon. Contact Muss V"l
Btorff. Sunset Motor Co.. Chevrolet
Ohlsrnohile and Cadillac dealers
The Dalles. Oregon. 29-3
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe
cialist formerly of Pendleton will
be at the HKPPNEK HOTEL on
Sunday, October 13th. Hours WM
a. m. to 5 p. m.
FOK SALE- EkcTdc swttper,
rocker, screen door- Jusephine
Mahuncy, 28 - 30c
FOR SALE Ice box, newly paint
ed, phone 93. 28-2!)c
WANTED Any nunvlxr feedur
lambs. Bill Barratt. Phone 16-
"?: . 28-2Uc
FOR SALE White sitate shoes,
size b'-2, price $15. June Hughes,
H'PPner. 2-21lp
OITOKTUNITY of lifetime sup
plying DDT and other profitable
products to farmers in Morrow
County. No experience or capi
tal required. Must have auto and
good refen nee. Permanent. Wire
or write McNoss Co. Dept. D,
2123 Magnolia, St. Oakland,
Cahf. 28-2:ip
AVOID annoyance and discom
fort due to a clogged splic lank
or cesspool. I have purchased a
tank pun.p and am in position
to give prompt, clficient service.
P" one We. Howard Keithley, 18tf
I suffered for years and am so
thankful that I am five from pain
and able to do .my work that I will
gladly answer anyone writing me
fur information. Mis. Anna Pauu,
P.O.Box 825, Vancouver, Wash.
Pd. Adv.-NUE-OVO Labo.aturks
Legal Advertising
NOTK B Is hereby given that the
undersigned hns been duly app-ilnte.:
by the County Court of Morrow Coun
ty. State of Oregon. Administrator of
the Kstate of James K. Kurlung. de
ceased, and all persons having claims
against the said estate of the said
deceased are hereby required lo pre
pent the same with proper vouchers
duly veririeil as required by law t.
the snld administrator at the law of.
flee of P. W. .Mahoney at Heppner
Oregon, within six months from tic
date hereof.
Dated and first published this lilt h
day of September, WIG.
P. W. Mahoney Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator
Heppner, Oregon 26-30
Bank's Loans Pass
$100,000,000 Mark to
Reach New Hich
The First National Em-.k of Port
land mached a milestone ,:t th
clos of September when it ; Io;,i
totals emerged over the $!u!l.00j-
,000 maik, as revealed in a ri-f-or
to the coinptroll r of rurrem y. The
exact figure of the bank's loans ami
discounts reached $100,153,744.58, a
$20,000,000 advance in the three-
month p riod between June 30 am
Spt ember 30.
First National deposits swept to
551,. 07 1,941. GO, a clear gain of $13,
377,2.'i8 in the three months sine
June 30. During that P' riod, the
federal government withdrew $18,
500,000 in government funds fiom
deposit with First National, which
indicates an ovi rail advance of
$30.8777,288 in customer deposits.
The strong showing of the loan
department is a reflection of in
creased activity in loans to busi
ness, real estate mortgage business
and installment credit lo.-.n trans
actions, according to O. H. Kell r,
vice president and cashier. Six
years ago, the bank's daily loan
average through the yiar stood a;
$U;,163.000. In 1941 this figure ad
vanced to $55,713,000, then in 19-13
has slipped back to $l;,325,0o0. The
1944 and 1945 Io;,n figures indicat
ed an advanci, and in the first six
months of this year the average
auisianuuig loans amounted to
The 1. . n I: -,., ,i
nae!i(. & -.1 n 1 1, a.., J
'.vn' i S, ,;.2 ;.,.;,). a
-t'l.UUlO (JJ u , ,
'he h.illK in ;,i !,,,,
ille OUis!..lMi 11 ill'-,
of the in. nth ,j t,
point an J a!,-,e.
.n iu-ist
-y a.-i.e1
If -ni sr me time with her daugh-
tor. Mis. 1'ob rt Sprague.
Ir-'. in Pierson f I.a Grande spent
"ve.-. l ,-,ys in Irrigon. He was a
- , r. iri-d by his s oi Douglas
iluv went to II ppner Friday.
' , The Iiu'on school was closed
' I oil' -,,l:,v nr.H n, :,v th.
'.i a in. is attended ttaehers institute
' t Pendleton.
flv JIi-s. J. A. Shoun
Mr. and Mis. Maxwell '4 Bu
rner arc visiting Jiis ponnt.-,, Mr.
and Mis. Vert, ,n Joni-s. They ;.nj
Mr. and M-s. Lail U ach " have
been in the Ai ouch'e r. j; on f,,i
die last 10 days hauling.
B. P. hand and in ,;h r, M!E.
,Maiy K.oid uere ia-nl-ion vioii--j.
s Thusday.
Mi.-.s Pa (tie M.nkiiam ri'tutncj
to Pendleton SaUl.'uay ailoi suend-
iog a lew da;, s Willi her mother,
Mis. Ih.ny Smith ond Utaily.
Miss Emma Crego spent the
v-c k-end in Pendleton returning
Sunday evening.
Hev. and Mrs. J. it. Haslem are
eonJuc'ir.g a revival meeting in
th Baptist CVommunity church.
S.turday they and Rev. Wallace
Wiuquist went to Pendleton to a
H.if.tist association meeting. Rev.
I'.'.noist was speaker in the morn
ing'and Mr. Haslem in the evening.
oTis. Wilbur Weigand and two
j daughters of Moses Lake spent
-s vera! days wilh her mother Mrs.
, li.-.rry Smith and family. She went
to the Crane festival Thursdav.
Jack Wh,;e and Ruhtit lit own, Mr. and Mrs. Smit took ht.r daueht-,
are boaiding' at hs. Kuth Umi-!,,s . Ki rmewi.-k to their mother
k' r's. J e:, ,,,lr,i.,
Charles W. Acaek ana brother! chnrhs Mi.rkh:.m n4 rira Fr-1
Dean spun the e-..t-fl hauling. Mr i,.f, lor j- rjrande Thursdav
Uon Kenny and Lyle and J, ail . ;tn n i FCiCV
Mulkey all came baek ii um ti.e ' ki- n,i ;.f r...rl T,,m mm.H
rtrouciiie timlier vlili a deer colli.
.A record so lar as we ki.ow.
Itoy luiiiinek iiuj d..ol,iiu:v Lu-
eha got ,boek iiuin ie iiioumaiiis
boine K-Ilulcton .iolei;.y. Lue-Ua
'in Cliester aod Mst. Arthur Ed
A'ards vent to I'cndi'-ton &itur
1 v as d'd ah.o Mrs. Jack Erown
:r' and dauiMer Dehri-s.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Grayb- al
! ft Tuesday for ITorida after
; eridioe' the surorner h'-re with his
ool.ei Mis. Jos jjhine Gaybeai and
he McCoy and Me-Fall families.
10:00 a.m.
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister,
Morning Worship 11 am.
Sunday Church School 10 a. m.
Women's Society of Christian
St-rvie-o me' ts te first Wednesday
of each month.
got a devr. Mis. Alnime-k Sjent tii.-
weei.-end at Adams
mov d their small son from Pen
dieton to the Doernbecker hospital
low needs some extra care for a
m Potland Monday. The little fel-u-hile.
IOiOU o'clock In the forenoon of sa,d
day at the Court House in Ib-ppmi-,
OrcHori, as the time and place for
bearing objections to siod lina u,..
count and the settlement of said es
l.'te and all persons having objection,,
thereto are required to file- same Willi
-".Id court on or before the time fixed
for Bald hearing.
Dated and first publi.-ioej this null
day of September, WIG.
A B. NiniOUi Administratrix.
NOTICE is hereby given t,.,t the
umb-r.-iKlied has b, en duly upj,oiiite-l
administrator of the estate of I.ue;.;
Kllilore, deceased, by tile County
Couit of the State of Ok-kom f,,r the
Ctiunty of Morrow, ami has a, i cpt, j
-ueh tru.-t. All pet sous havini; ilao.i
as'allct said e tale ule leqoii.d to
present the same to sa.d adnoio. ti a-o-r
at his office in Ihppner, OreMn.
will. In six months from the date of
i las notice.
Dated and first published this 3rd
day of October lt'lti.
J. O. TCIt.N'Klt.
-li-32 Administrator.
Xotlie IS her. by ;aen t)i.,t tl," un
dersinned executor of the estate i f F.
I). Cox, decease.!!, lias til-d v.tl, 10,
Coopty Court ol the Side of oi - T
for Morrow C 'll.ty I, Is In al u.-, .ml
f bis adlilUii.-tratiMn of tin- i l .le cf
aid d.-c. il. 'O-d : :id c.-.nt h e' fle
et Tuesday the Uti, ,!, . f N v sa
ber It'-li;. at the hour 1 pi -m o'rhi. k
in tie- forenoon of said d ,y at the
Court House at lleppaer. Oroon as
the time and place for b'-aruii; ol-jec-tlons
lo saul final account and the
settlement of said estate, anil all per
sons baini; objections Ihcr.-to at.
hereby rtquirtd to file s.oiie ev.lh .aid
court on or before, tile tune fixed for
srod hcarilitr.
Dated and flist publi -h. d this H -th
lay of October mm
Jfl.32 I'KF. COX. Jr.. Kxe, utor.
UUilCi: Ol' BALE OF COO oil
T11K ('"l .N'i'Y COl'liT. '! .t- ii Cs I ,-le-r
s. It')';. I am ait!i.t . 'I i iU
I to lolvi-iti e ami sdl at )';'.-In-
am lion at not loa than fie i.on
oihiui pi-ici' ti.-n-iii s-t f- itii:
I.ot i, in Ph., k 2 Ay -i s' i,- -e I
Aililit I" liw City "I II --r
for Hie niiniuium tone of ol.
.- ,--h
THKIiKKOHK. 1 vd ' ' '!"' V'ti
lay ol November, ll'lll al t'-C le W
of in on a m.. at I ho front il-r -f
the i'oiirt lloii.--' in Il.pl r, Ore-
smi, sc-ll sod lir-'puly 1 i ... hi. ii
,st ami l.e,-t bold- r.
C. J. 1 B.'e'.V.AN.
Sheriff. Morrow I". 1y. ":c:-u
Hy l-'KANe IIS -M I'l'CI llal I.
211 :m D' pot-'
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
llndersbrned has been duly appointed
by the County Court of Morrow Coun
ty, State of Oregon. Admiiilstrati ix
of the Estate of Clarence T. Harris,
deceased, and all persons having
churns OKalust the said estate of the
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same with proper vouch
ers duly verified as required by law
to the snld administratrix at the law
nlflee of 1'. W. Mahoney. Heppner.
Oienon. within six months from the
dale hereof.
Dated and first published this P.'th
day of September, Illlfi.
I' W. y i' ney Administratrix,
."tunic- i ,- Administratrix
II pp . . . .egon 26-30
.. is hereby given that the
underslKiied was duly nipolnted by
I ho County Court of the State of Ore
lion for. Morrow County, administra
trix of the estate of W. O. i'almateer.
deceased, and all persons having
el ijina ngalnst the estate of said ibt
ccised are hereby required tu present
the same with proper vouchers ns re
quired by law to said administratrix
al the law office of Jos. J. Nys. ni
llnppner. Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated nnd first published this l'.Hh
day of September It'll!.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
undersigned administratrix of tho es
tate of Thomas 11. Nichols, deceased,
hnn filed with the County Court of
tho Stain of Oregon for Morrow Coun
ty her final account of her adminis
tration of the estnto of mid deceased
mill hiiIiI Court fixed Monday the 31st
Uy uf October 11)48, at tho hour of
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly aj pointed
by the County Court of the Slate
of Oregon for Morrow County ex
ecutrix of the estate ol Siena
Schle. voight, deceased, and all
persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased are ll' i'i by
required to present the s..in. with
pioMT vouchers to said executrix
at the law oltice of Jos. J. Nys,
at Heppner, Oregon, wuhin six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and 1 ii sit published this
3rd day of October, ISHti.
28-32 lx' culi ix.
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfei Co.
30 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
J. A. Shoun went to Zillah Sat-
wiui iclau.e-si,,, ,.,, .,.
and relumed ivloiri.iy. p. a s,l ,' i rj
us- faklia ""ii k-ft ;rhu,s-;mi!n Saturdav
uay lor beuuiem whee sue will Mr anJ -Msr Gm 0.3Htn
ki:i ( itoss si:wi(i work
H' -J Cro'.s sewing room woikersi
who toiled many hours to meet the
luolas set for them were not de- j
vol in:; themselves to a thankless
'a-k. Witness the following lett r j
'oee-ivf-d from a grateful navy pa-'
tient at the San Die go naval hos
I) ar Ladies:
I am a navy patient at the San !
Diego hospital and I have a bro
ken knee, and I am now out of
my cast. This wiek I received a
pair of your slippers. I would like
to . thank you for them as I am
not yet able to wear shoes and I
vour slippers are swell on the cold
lloor here in my ward. The other j
iiL'ows here would also like to
'hank you for them. I was at the!
Corvah'is naval hospital but your j
h.pe;-s are the best I have s-en. !
So thanks a lot, ladies. Thomas F. !
Corcoran, HA lc. j
Joe Jewett, Minister
Bible School 9:45, C. W. Barlow
Supt. Mrs. Joe Jewett Junior Supt.
Mrs. Kob- rt Walker, Primary Supt.
Morning Worship 11:00. Commu
nion and preaching. Sermon topic,
"The Goal of the Church."
Adult Christian Endeavor 6:30.
Theme "Personal Evangelism" Joe
Jewett, li ader.
Evening service 7:30. Sermon to
pic "The Saddest Wod in the
Choir practice 7 p.m. Thursday.
Midweek study and prayer 8 p.m.
Rev. Neville Blunt Minister
Holy Communion 8 a m.
Church School 3:45 a.m.
Y.P.F. Bible Study 10:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer 11 a.m.
Y.'t-dnesdays Holy Communion at
Several young people from the
local Church of Christ are going to
Hermiston Sunday aitemrxin to at
End' avor rally to be held there.
tend the Columbia Union Christian
For part of the afternoon service
there will be sound motion pic
tures and in the evening Carroll
McMikle, pastor of the Hermiston
Christian church will bring the
Mrs. C. P. Brown will be hos
tess to the American Legion aux
iliary at her home on North Court
street at 8 o'clock p. m. Tuesday,
Oct. 15.
jZj , , 9 ' t . a
" ' A
.'' ; ... 1 i i
' ....' ' ' Vf EXCESS OVER
v - v "K'T'''" v" j "4 850 KWH AT
' "'''! 'i ','' '-W! J" ' ' "I' , ii pr.
'urn---'- ... '-niiiii mn An e-i-. -i. -.,. - ....... -j I if rt nnn
- o
bymplotns of Distress Arising from
Must Holp or it Will Cost You Nothing
Her two million bottles ortlieWll.t.Attl)
T It K ATM I.NT Inivnl n Hold for i-elli'f of
viMiilcininirilln few lll'lilllRf""" '"'"''
inol Dimdnnnl Ulcor lino to EickmAcIiI-.
Poor Dlnottlon, Sour or lpet Stomnch,
CiKtlnpii, Mmrlburn, PImpIomiwm, tc,
nuo ioEccm Atlrt. S..I.I on riiliiy trliill
Aill lor "Wlllnrd't MnUH" which futljr
iiilaim till! treatnionlr
better living and! lower prices!
When you buy another appliance for your home, you'll find that
electricity for operating it costs less than you expected.
For under PP&L's progressive "all-purpose" rate the more electricity
you use the lower the cos;
The chart above shows how the price goes down as your
use increases. For example, after you've used 125 kwh a month
the price drops down to 1 a kwh, after 250 kwh the
price is only 610 of Iff!
Take advantage of these electric rates that keep "getting
lower and lower. Plan now to go all-electric. Keep
in touch with your dealer for latest news
about those comfort-giving, labor
saving electric appliances.
Making your electricity cheaper and cheaper
Thanks to "bulk" rates, like the one
pictured above PP&L customers use
nearly twice as much electricity
as the national average at
only half the national
average price.
For Better Service To The
In line with our policy of developing a complete food store, we wish to
announce that we have installed and stocked a
KQOL-AIR Frozen Food Locker
for the better serving of our community.
Crccmpd Tuna, Asparagus, Pears, Green Beans, Spinach, Boysenberries, Cherries,
Raspberries, Huckleberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Peaches, Peas, Chicken A-La-King,
Pride of Oregon Ice Cream-Quart 50c, Pint 25c.
We have a few
66-gallon electric
made of boiler
We also have two
Deep Freeze
for delivery now.
Just the thing to put
your deer or elk meat
Also Several
Table Model
Emerson, of course!
Radio Repair
on all makes
Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg.
Phone 403