4 Heppner Gozette Times, October 10, 1946 Development of New, Revenue Objective of Oregon Cities DrvrlnptTH-n of new revenu i at the oix-nins luncheon on Wed surrm will play a prominent part ! nesday. On Thursday, the 21st an tn Aianuwoni at the Lt ague of j niversary oi the League of Ocrgon Oregon cities 21st anniversary Cities al be celebrated, with past convention to be held October 16- i presidents and foundirs of the U at the Multnomah hotel in Port- i league as honored guests at the land. City officials from all parts 1 luncheon and banquet. Associate of the atate will attend the conven- j Justice J..mes T. Brand of the Ore tian, which will be held m con- I gon Supreme Court will give the junction with the tenth annual League banquet address, and Dr. conference of the Oregon Finance 1 James H. Gilbert, dean of the col OfiiotTi association. j lege of liberal arts. University of A full day aesson on planning Ore.w, be the luneeon speak v4 M,n a aubiect of particular Htursaay. Both of the foun- intert to Oregon s growing ernes, "er s day speakers were prominent will be held on Wednesday, Octo- ! " the early acuvmes of the Lea ner 16. Biporta on recent planning fuc. developments and new zoning or- dinancei will be given during the ' E sought ls ox mjlk morning aession. nie ugeiiua iw th afternoon meeting will include city planning problems, protection of new highway routes through cii iea, and reports on highway rout ing problems. The entire world pays food a new respect. Governments are con' cein.d mat their people be well- ted ii uieir lands are to hold a I p. ace amoi.g nations, acnoois are How to get your Prosthetic Service Card for artificial limb repairs Newly incorpo4ated cities and t-oiictineu uiat children be well- small cities laced with the cjxI fcjied if education is to pay for expanding services wul have a special dunce to aiscuss their problems with veteran city duct als, who will meet nuiit tnera at a section meeting Wednesday after noon. Revenue developments will be discussed in Dotn league and li nanoe oUicus sessions. Oilier fi nancial lOi-s wnien will be con- sioered uiciuue oond poceuuie, budget law revision, analysis ot debt lumtaiuon statutes, account ing procc-auits to puouc employes reirement system deductions, puu uc worss linancmg ana piviaiu innfl, assessmeui oi property uui ing inliauon, and a summary ot the recent complications at tax exempt property in the state. Topics to be discussed at the general session Thursday afternoon and Friday morning include build ins; code developments, municipal recreation programs, a report on the state-wide retirement system, the urban-rural fringe problem, an nexation of new territory by cities, ana a report ot the governors committee on rural zoning. Spec ial sessions will be held for engi neres and attorneys, and airports will be discussed at a section meeting. Governor Earl Snell will speak oivioei'us. Barents spend a large share oi Uieir earnings for ice lamuy lood. They tind satisfying returns wnen wnoiesome food is devoured eagerly by their oil springs. We hear much about what we should eau iviost cmiuien can re cite te siory milk, iiuit, vegeia Oies, meal, poultry, 1111, cucse. tbbi, tueau, ceitai, oil Her. It is 1101 cou&n, 01 course to snow uui uise are good locus. Ine persist ent pruuidii is now to gel uie lam uy to accept tnem as pari ot ev eiyoay euiig. One piacucal soiu uon is luio-uig ways to serve these foods so that the whole family en joys them. Exchanging ideas for favorite family dishes is a neigh borly way to share experiences Our neighbors in other lands meet these sa.T.3 problems. They too have experience to contribute to their adventures with food. It is interesting to note the many ways different peoples use dairy products as foundation foods as dots the alert homemaker in this country. Milk in its many forms gives much protection in food values. Serving dishes made with milk and with other dairy foods using milk as a beverage these O Get 4 photos of yourself, !Cx IX", full face. from mid-chest, mode on thin paper. Go to nearest VA office, furnish personal information and your 4 photos, fill out VA Form 10-2501, and sign 4 Service Cards. 0 Your plastic-sealed Prosthetic Service Card, with instructions for use, will be sent to you by registered mail within a week. 0 Present card at any limb or repair shop, anywhere, for immediate limb repairs up to $35... Sign your name on vendor's invoice exactly as it appears on card. W , P 9 UMBS big our recent bereavement, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Mis. Elsie Stevmson Mr. and Mrs. John Freund havo Ions been common practices TO THOSE WHO EXPRESSED in countries that take pride in the their sympathy in so many food habits of their people. beautiful and practical ways dur- General Farm le Livestock and Farm Equipment Beginning at 10 A. M. Sharp Thursday, October 17 RUNNION SALES YARD Opposite Standard Oil Plant, Heppner, Oregon Over 400 Head Livestock! Including more than 100 cows due to calve in the spring; registered bulls and hei fers from the Roy Robinson Hereford herd; registered bulls from the Jim Valentine Shorthorn herd; about 200 head of stock hogs, feeder pigs and fat hogs; two-year-old heifers, calves and steers; work and saddle horses. Farm Machinery of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dining sets, davenos, davenports, dressers, etc., hot water tanks and heaters, and numerous other articles. Livestock must be ot corrals evening of Oct. 16 or early the morning of the 17th. Dairy type cattle offered for sale must betested. All cattle must be brand inspected Anyone having something to sell is urged to enter it in this sale. But do it early for this will be The Biggest Public Sale Ever Held Here! TERMS : CASH V. R. RUNNION Auctioneer HARRY DINGES Clerk f A PUPUR FUR expert MONDAY-TUT, Q::v : 'liSI h Witt BE IH OUR STORE... ' II j . f Y A Family of Furriers for Over 100 Years You Actually Save TWO WAYS .... 1. DUPLERS Anniversary Sale of Furs tra ditionally brings you sensational sav ings. 2. DUPLER'S planned and bought for this event months ago, long before prices soared. ..bought in such tremendous vol ume that even greater savings were possible. Season's 4 Popular Furs! $109 plus tax Mouton Dyed Lamb, Black Kidskin, Beaver Dyed Coney, Black Persian Lamb Paws. Many Other Furs Priced From $I49 to $l,000 Duplcr salons are in New. York City. Denver, Pueblo, Ogden, Salt Lajte City, Albuquerque, and more than 400 selected na;eii(s feature Famous Dupler coats. ..'V.v , l'. t k . ;A Vr7 A i t V -'- i , " j - ' ' U4 TffT i ; 1 flETCl ?) 3 v.. BEL Anderson & Wilson" Heppner Oregon -: RESERVES.! YOUR FUR b, coot teh niomsis to my It still looks like a long wait for new cars. Meanwhile, why put up with a car that looks and acts its age? fllSii& Drive in for a check-up by export Ford Mechanics. They'll give speedy service, using Genuine Ford parts and special Ford methods. Your Ford dealer knows your Ford best. i ! ecs J'eoS IB - I I A tune-up will make your Ford act young again. And it'll look younger, too, yrith fenders straightened, upholstery cleaned and repaired, paint renewed. I Yes, your car will art nnd Ionic young again. And you'll feel great to li.ivo that new-car pep under your foot, thai. ;Jiiny spick-and-span cur to drive. For prompt Service Fairly Priced SEE YOU DEALER