Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 10, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2Heppncr Gazette Tlmea, October 10, 1946
A Showing of Appreciation Is Due r cope with.
An important highway link has been completed
between Condon and Heppner, providing not only
mooth travel between the two towns but lso the
motive for celebration of some kind.
Those of our citizens who have not traveled
ver this road are unaware that this is a scenic
route as well as a highly serviceable road to those
who dwell along it. They also may not be aware
that it is the beginning of a system that will lead
to central Oregon, that eventually we will be able
to drive to Portland with never a glimpse of the
Columbia, if we so choose.
It has been suggseted that Condon and Hepp
ner and the people the highway serves get togeth
er at a dinner where in a spirit of fraternization
and good fellowship we may make a showing of
appreciation for this fine road. The writer ap
proached Stewart Hardie of the Condon Globe
Times on the subject and he fell in with the idea
at once. It has been presented to the board of
directors of the Heppner Chamber of Commerce
and they too feel that an observance of some kind
should be made. The question remains when and
where to celebrate.
Since the long end of the road is in Morrow
county, it is not out of order to propose that the
Chamber of Commerce, the County Court and the
City of Heppner arrange for such a gathering
and issue an invitation to Condon and the people
earoute to be our guests.
Not Such a Good Hideout
For die second time within a year the Morrow
county jail has housed bad men young chaps
getting a good start towards being real despera
dos. It was one year ago that Jesse Kirkland and
Delbert Emery carved their way out of the county
jail here only to be picked up a day or so later
and turned over to the FBI. While not as des
perate as the bandit trio captured here Sunday,
these lads had broken jail in Tennessee and start
ed on a tour of the country towards the west,
leaving a trail of thefts behind them.
The Avery-Neal-Dahl combination, although
not in die hands of the FBI, have enough against
them to keep them out of mischief for some time.
Had they crossed the state line with Mrs. Havely
in their custody it would have been a different
It might have been Neal's idea that having
lived in this section and knowing the lay of the
land this would be the place for the outlaws to
le up. His idea may have been good in some
respects, for it is a region of mountain fastnesses,
tut die law enforcement officers are alert and
fearless and that is a tough combination for bad
Oppose Gross Income Tax!
As election time approaches there is a growing
opposition to the so-called Townsend plan the
three per cent gross income tax for the support
of the aged and disabled. One of the strong groups
voicing alarm over die plan is the Oregon State
Grange. From the Oregon Grange Bulletin of
September 20, 1946, the pension plan is designat
ed as a "cumulative sales tax," with the following
"While reiterating its advocacy of more ade
quate pensions for the aged and disabled, the
State Grange executive committee voted to op
pose the so-called Townsend measure askinf for
a 3 per cent tax on gross incomes, which will ap
pear on the November ballot. The action was
taken at a meeting at Grange headquarters, Sep
tember 10.
"In taking the position that such a tax would
be nothing less than a sales tax in its most dan
gerous form, being cumulative in nature, the ex
ecutive committee re-affirmed the position which
the organization took in 1944 when a similar pro
posal was on the ballot.
"(The vote in 1944 was close 219,981 against,
180,691 for. A shift of 19,695 votes would have
exacted the constitutional amendment).
"State Master Morton Tompkins pointed out to
the committee that agricultural commodities
would be assessed the 3 per cent tax each time
they changed hands on their way from the pro.
ducer to the consumer. Such products, when
grown and consumed in Oregon, would be at a
competitive disadvantage of no mean proportions
with those grown in other states to be sold at
wholesale or retail levels in Oregon.
" "There is no doubt in my mind that Oregon
must do much more than she is for her senior
citizens and those incapable of earning a liveli
hood," Tompkins asserted. "We are morally bound
to give them greater assistance but the answer
will not be found in this type of tax, which, i
enacted, would wreck the economy of the state
The Grange is one of the most conservative or
ganizations in the matter of new legislation and
once sold on a measure will give it effective sup
port. When opposed to a measure it can prove
equally as effective. It is significant that the
Grange is opposed to this bill and it is hoped
all voters will acquaint themselves with the con
tents of the bill before going to the polls.
Escaping Summer Heat
vl III
.tir f ' i
.kill I
Vtwui AdnlnbtnUoa Pboto.
:sn Johnson, 8th Air Forc veteran,
p pears to be enjoying his tegular dip
t the Veterans Administration's Wads-
worth Hospital, Los Angeles. A victim
of infantile paralysis, the Long Beach
veteran receives daily exercises and
treatments In this special tank. Techni
cian Gene Miller, former Navy physical
therapist, massages leg muscles.
Ms. r
Why Not Have
Your Picture
Chest X-rays will be made available to'you anJ other
people of the community shortly through the. coopera
tion of ou County Public Health Association and Coun
ty Health Unit with the Oregon Tuberculosis Associa.
tion and the State Board of Health.
Moneys raised by the Christmas Seal Sale in this coun
ty contribute to this work. Other funds are made avail
able through state and county appropriations.
After you are X-rayed, a card or letter is sent to you,
at your home, informing you of the result of the find
ings. Only the person X-rayed is given this information.
Having a chest X-ray is safe and harmless. It takes only
a half minute to take the picture. The Chest X-ray
Survey Unit has private dressing compartments; capes
provided for the women who have the pictures taken.
If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity of
having your chest X-rayed free of charge, sign your
name on form below. Return this request before Oct.
18 to Morrow County Public' Health Association, Hepp
ner, Oregon.
Meets Every Monday Noon at the peters Building. Willow Street
; LUCQS PlaCC Heppner. Oicuon
Veterans of Foreign
, , .Wars
f Meetings. 2nd and 4th Mondays Bt
. 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hali
l'lioiiu 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
E ' All kinds of carpenter work.
E 1 Modern Homes Built or Remodeled
E I'hone 1IS3 415 Jones Si
Whit could be more rcfrethlnf
thin Lynette'i Toilet Water . ..
so beautifully scented with that
fragrance . . Spellbound"'
$i.iOp!ut u
Wnti win xLYNETTE
I would like to have a chest X-ray when the Chest X-ray
Survey Unit comes to this community as my part in the
community poject of finding unknown cases of tuberculosis.
!j Turner, Van Marrer
and Company
Ei Phelps Funeral Home
3 I Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ort
Attorney nt Law
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing
Heppner. Oregon
If Herbert Hoover felt that national prohibi
tion was a noble experiment, what, gentle reader,
do you suppose Harry Truman thinks of the
oA Gift Is As a
Precious Stone. .
in the eyes of those that have it . . . For years we have
been featuring the finest in fine jewelry, bearing nation
ally famous names of reputable manufacturers.
To betoken that most brilliant of moments, a
matched set of Diamond Rings of masterpiece
quality or an Opal Ring for her in October born.
Give us an opportunity to show what we have to offer.
I - i&y? fJr&.
h i ii r i
r v I
There is no place like home
for FORD Service
Rosewall Motor Co.
Signed , E
Address: 5
Group :
Do You Earn
Approximately $45
Per Week
PLUS These Benefits?
1. Free Hospitalization.
2. Full pay while sick!
3. Free Doctor's care!
4. Free dental care!
5. 30 days vacation each
with full pay!
6. Free clothing and housing1
7. Specialized training in many
trades and skills!
All these advantages may be yours if
you can qualify fur enlistment in the
new U. S. Army. A regular army en
listment gives you wagn and benefits
equivalent to approximately $-15 per
week. Army men are highly respected
citizens of their communities! Auto
matic regular promotions are now the
rule. Travel to any part of the world
if possible. Kor serious minded young
men (between ages of 17 and 34) the
Army offers an unparalleled lifetime
career. See your local army Recruiting
Office today. Kind out if you can qual
ify for the kind of a good paying job
you will enjoy.
Fos tof lice Building, Pendleton, Ore.
Special on Spring
Garden Bulb.
36 Bulbs $1.75
Peony roots are here in variety of colors
Our new shrub catalog will definitely
be here by Oct. 15.
The Flower Shop
The Heopner Gazette, established
Mai-cij 30. 1883. The Heppnei
Times, established November 18
lSift. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912
Published every Thursday and en
tered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner. Oregon, as second class
SuDscnptlon Price $2.50 a Year
Publisher and Editor
r rnoiic
For Appointment
Phone 5.1
Fair Pavilion Heppner
Saturday Evening, Oct. 12
Music by Ely's Orchestra
This dance is sponsored by the
Veterans of Foreign Wars in
behalf of Heppner Library Assn.
Admission 83c; tax 17c; total $1
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for discus
sion, please brina before
the Council
J. O. TURNER. Mayor
Morrow County
Abstract Cr Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
Merchants Credit
Acrunile Credit Information
F.. B. Nickerson
Phone 12 "' Heppner
OK Rubber Welders
First class wor k guaranteed
Located in the Kane Muilding
North Main SI. Ilejipner, Ore.
Dr. L D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Hank Building
Res. Ph. 11G2 Office Ph. 402
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Huppner. Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office up stuns I. O. 0. F. Bldf
Housr, calls matle
House Phone 2j.S3 Office 2:.72
225 -Byers St. ,. Pendleton, Ore.
I t atid 3rd"Vcd)ic.lays of eacli
month at ,Dr. R. C. Lawrence's
OUkv. in ll"p!'nor
Blaine E. Isom
All Kinds of
I'hone 72.1
leppnrr. On
From where I sit ... Joe Marsh
Are Reiurning Veterans
Durin? the war you heard a lot
almut how hard it R"inj; tr lie
for returning vetcr-uis to git ad
justed to civilian life . . . how
.t!e'd be "iKiTcrc''."
Wl, plenty of them have re
" turned to our town, and a finer,
steadier ImmTi you couldn't a.k
fur. Most of- them nro back at Ihe
Fame jobs . . . going with t',.'
same nice home-town pir!s
tinir mtiriitd, some o them, and
felting up families) . . . renewing'
tic Fame old friendships.
' Even their amusements are the
fame. Nothing more exciting than
fishing Scward'a creek or pitch
ing hof.-chocs ... enjoying an
outdoor barbecue with friendly
wholesome beer and pleasant talk.
If they've changed at all it's In
Oie direction of maturity and tol
erance . . . tolerance for everything
except dietntors, and those who
would destroy our democratic
principles of live and let live. And
from where I sit, that's another
reason to be proud of them.
C nyrih', 116, Vnitcd Stales Bmccri Foundation
You Put in the Clothe
does the rest
1' valin es that tvill give you the
easiest, happiest wash days you
have ever known
1 Completely Automatic from start to finish,
2 personal Safety-no exposed moving parts.
3 Top-Fil-I)or for easy loading and unloading.
I Safli-l.aleh slops mechanism when door opens.
5 Satin-Sipoolli Finish on Cylinder, cannot wan- fabrics.
6 Itc-Veiso-ltol Washing Action.
7 Dual Cylinder ISoai iiiKs- cylinder is supported at BOTH
8, LatK'j Ten-Pound Capacity. (
!) Wiiler-Savir-Tuli to use less hot water per washing
10 Automatic Wilier Ti niietnliirc Controls.
II Table Top Convenience.
12 Lye ,Aipinl rbinutilul Steel Cabinet.
'Come in and sec this wonderful
" : inew washer
Heppner Hardware h
Electric Company