Heppryer Gazette Tinges, October 3, 19463 Want Ads FOB SALE Two McCormick-Dw-rin drills, practical new. with hitch. Ralph Beamer. 27-2p WANT TO BUY SO tons of buled or bundled alfalfa or (rain hay Frank Holub. Heppner. J7-28p KOK BALE i Jersey cow, 1 brown mare, 1 Model A tractor. 1 Mc Cormlck separator, 1 electric broo der, about 14 tons hay for sale or trade for "30 or '31 model car. L. B. Llndbloom, Musgrave place. lone. Phone 87K12. 27-2Sp t'Olt BALK Nearly new, UX12 all wool Axmlnster rug and pad. Phone 932. 27-280 full BALK VMiitu Leghorn hens, 20 cenu a pound at lone. Mrs. Cora Burroughs. lone Oe. 27-28p WANTED TO BUY Coarse , wool ewes. 800 or a band. State ages. Fred Falconer Jr., Enterprise, Ore. HAVE 4-bottom, 14-Inch John Deere plow. Want 7- or 8-bottom disc plow. Lewis Cason. 26-2Sp EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY full or part time. Maisonette Frocks will hire mature women to show our guaranteed line of dresses, siz es 9 to 4(i. blouses, sweaters, skirt suits, and raincoats. Write 1' O Box 8GH8, Portland 7,OreKun. 25-8c Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-SiKhTsr-cialist formerly of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on Sunday, October 13th. Hours 10:00 a. m. to 5 p. m, FOR SALE Electric swteper, rocker, screen door. Josephine Mahoney. 28-30c FOUND Female golden cocker spaniel at Bull Prairie guard station. Glen Jorgensen. 554 . 28p OPPORTUNITY of lifetime sup plying DDT and other profitable products to farmers in Morrow County. No experience or capi tal required. Must have auto and good reference. Permanent. Wire or write McNess Co. Dept. D, 2423 Magnolia, St. Oakland, Calif. ; 28-20p FOR SALE Fryers and pullets $1.50 each, on foot. Tom Hughes, Heppner. 28c AVOID annoyance and discom fort due to t clogged septic tank or ceaspor.l. I have purchased a tank pun.p and am in position to (jive prompt, efficient service. Phone 71a, Howard Keithlev. 18tf RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able to do my work that I will gladly answer anyene writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz P.O-Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv. NUE-OVO Laboratories HOTICE TO CHEDITOBa NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow Coun ty. State of Oregon. Administrator of the Estate of James F. Furlong, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate of the said deceased are hereby required to pre sent the same with proper vouchers duly verified as required by law to the said administrator at tho law of fice of P. W. Mrihoney at Hrppner. Oregon, within six months from Uir date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of September. 1946. SCOTT FURLONG, P. W. Mahoney Administrator. Attorney for Administrator Hoppner. Oregon 26-30 HOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon. Administratrix of the Estate of Clarence T. Harris, deceased, and all persona having claims against the said estate of the said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouch ers duly verified as required by law to tho said administratrix at the law office of P. W. Mahoney, Heppner, Oregon, williln six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of September, 1946. BERNICE L. HARRIS P. W. Mahoney Administratrix. Attorney for Administratrix Heppner, Oregon 26-30 OTICBTO llBEDTfOES - NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by tho County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, administra trix of the estate of W. O. Palmatcer. deceased, nnd all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present tho same with proper vouchers as re quired by law to said administratrix at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of September 1946. CLETA JONES, . Administratrix. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO EARN A $5,000.00 BONUS At the End of 3 Years This bonus Is In addition to a good salary during the entire three years. Yes, that is what a three year enlist ment In the new regular Army of the United States gives you at the expira tion of your enlistment period. IF YOU ACT NOW! Only those qualified men who enlist before October 6 will get full advan tage under the provisions of the edu cational benefits of the G.I. Bill of Rights which guarantees one month's training In the college, trade or busi ness school of your choice for each month of enlistment. Three years of Army life, then 48 months more than a full five year college course of Government-paid education and sub sistence for you! Don't Miss This Golden Opportunity! Act now before It Is too late! This Is your chance of a lifetime. Call at your local U. S. Army Recruiting Station at once before October 6th! Postofflce Building, Pendleton, Ore. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY DEE COX, Jr.. Executor of the ) Will and Testament of F. ) Inst HOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the es tate of Thomas H. Nichols, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the Htato of Oregon for Morrow Coun ty her final account of hor admtnls tratlon of the estate of suld deceased and said C'nirt fixed Monday the 21st day of ( l.iber 1946, at tho hour of 10:00 ' I ck In tho forenoon of said dc t ie Court House In Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final ac count and the settlement of said os tiite and all persons having objections thereto are required to file same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 19th day of September, 1946. INA B. NICHOLS, Administratrix HOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby glvon that the undersigned has boon duly nppointed administrator of tho estate of Lucas Kllgoro, decoosed. by the County Court of tho Slate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and has accepted uch trust. All persons having claims against said estate are required to prosent the same to imlcl administra tor at his office In Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. liuted and first published this 3rd day of October 1946. J, O. TURNER, 23-32 Administrator, BOARDMAN . . . Mrs. A. Westlund left Monday for a few days shopping in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. AI Thompson of La Grande were over night visit ors at the Chas. Anderegg home Saturday. Thompsons had been visiting in the east and were re turning home via Los Angeles. Buddy and Albrt Ball and Mrs. Ed Kunze motoed to Pendleton Monday. The Ball boys brought home a new tractor. Mrs. A. A. Agee is spending a couple of weeks at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hubbell of Stan-field. FOR SALE One box of 32.40 Marlin Shells. M. L. Case. 28c FOR SALE Ice box, newly paint ed, phone 93. 28-29c Transferring r Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. "See For Yourself" The Lightest Hearing The Smallest Most Powerful Instrument Demonstrated at Heppner Hotel, Oct. 8-10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Write or Call Acousticon-Jackson Co. y 415 S. W. 20th, Pendleton, Oregon HCRC S HOW YOU CAN AM u. cox, Deceased. ) Plaintiff, ) vs ) All the unknown heirs of Florence ) C. French, deceased, Mary M. ) liankln. and John Doe Rankin, her ) husband, wh.se true name is un- ) known to plaintiff, Roaa C. Ran- ) kin. and John Doe Rankin, her ) husband. v whose true name Is ) unknown to plaintiff. Martin D. ) Rankin and Jane Doe Rankin, his ) wife, whose true name Is unknown ) to plaintiff, Mary J. Shlnault and ) John Doe Shlnault, her husband ) whose true name Is unknown to ) plaintiff, and all the unknown ) heirs of W. F. Rankin, deceased, ) all the unknown heirs . of Martin ) D. Dayman, deceased. Also all ) other persona or . parties un- ) known- claiming any right, title, ) estate, lien or Interest in the real ) estate described in the complaint ) herein, ) Defendants, ) TO all the unknown heirs of Flor ence C. French, deceased, Mary M. Hankin and John Due Rankin, her huubuiid. whose true name is un known to paintiff, Rosa C. liankln. and John Doe ICaukin, her husband, whose true name is - unknown to patntiff, Martin D. Rankin and Jane Doe Rankin, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiff, Mary J. Shinault and John Doe Shlnault, tier husband, whose true name is unknown to pkintilf, and all tite unknown heirs of W. F. Kaukin. deceased, all the unknown heirs ol Martin V. Huyinall, deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown luimmtf any right, title, estate, lien or interest in Uie real estate des cribed in the complaint herein,, De- icudanls: v IN THIS NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and eaca of you :ire hereby required to uppear anu Aur paiutitf s complaint filed gainst you in the auove entitled couit and cause witliiu tour weeks loin the dale of the lirst publication f Una summons upou you and It ou tail to so appear or answer. lor want thereof, plaintiff will ap ply to the above entitled court lor uie relict piuyed lor in his coin- olainl. on Hie herein, tu-wit: or a decree quitting title to the lollowinn described real property in .uoriow eouiily, orttfoli, to-wit: The 8 WW ut SV. and un 8Wi of WW1 of Section 6, the EW ol SEW and the NWW of SEW of Section 6, and the WV of NWW. SEW of NWW and the NEW of SWW of Section 8 In Township 3 South. Range 28 East of the Wil lamette Meridian; The WW o the SWW of Section a. nnd the Wi of NWW of Section 10. and the SEW. of Sec tion 2 In Township 4 South, Ranee 28 East of the Willamette Median. and that the devisees under the last Will and Testament of V. D. Cox. deceased be adjudged the owners In fee slmplo thereof and that you ana nrh of vou and nil persons claiming by, through or under you be forever harrcd of and from ai num. emu. estate, lien, claim or- Interest In or nid real property and every nrt thereof, and whatever right or Interest you may claim merein o- null and void, and for surn mm-r further relief as may be J" na (wiititnhte. This summons Is servon upon uu h publication thereof once a wees for four successive wcorb m m Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published In Morrow County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of tho Stnte of Oregon for Morrow County, which order Is dated August 28th 1M8, and the dnto of the first publication of this summons Is August 29th. 1918. JOS. J. NY9. Attorney for Plnlntlff, Residence and Post Office Address. Heppner, Oregon, NOTICE TO CKKUrrOKS Nntim Is hereby ifiven that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the Stnte ,f flrrdon for Morrow County ex- rrutrix f the estate of Stenn SchlccvoiR'hl, uVceused, and all persons having claims aguin&t the estate of said deceased are hereby to Dresent tile snmc with proper vouchers to suid executrix at the law oil ice 01 jos. j. nt Hnnoncr. Orefion. within six month, from the dute hereof. nnti-d" and first published this 3rd day of October, 1SI40. IDA COLEMAN, 28-32 Executrix, ' WE WANT YOUR AR, TRAILER, TRUCK ND WE'LL PAY THE PRICE YOUR PRICE --TO GET IT! YOUR GEARS LAST FOR YEARS!' j Don't use hammer if your truck tractor is a stubborn shifter I RPM Gear Oil cushions gears and makes them work easily. It's a straight mineral oil that pro. tects gears from grinding wear. It flowi freely at low temperatures, and at all temperatures its stability prevents the formation of deposits in gear cases. Gears last for years with RPM Gear Oil! L. E. (ED) DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon S OMR OIL ATTENTION, ELKS! The District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for Oregon Northeast will visit our lodge on the evening of October 10. Iniation will be followed by lunch. PLEASE BE ON HAND! Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E. 0GtS gXDOfflO GGGEB 19 Shows in One Eleven acres under one roof. Ex hibits of pure-bred Livestock, Dogs, Poultry, Pet Stock, Wild Life, 4-H Club and Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Work; Manufactured and Land Products; also Combined Horse Show and thrilling Rodeo. Lsrgt Premium Lists. At least 1,000 cars, trailers, trucks urgently needed for our markets throughout America. 7th and S. E. Court Phone 492 Pendleton Oregon mi Scientific Engine Tune-Up CARBURETORS . . DISTRIBUTORS AUTO-ELECTRIC SERVICE MAGNETOS WHEEL ALIGNING by the new super-accurate light beam method COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE RADIATOR REPAIR AND SERVICE COMPLETE LUBRICATION Special equipment installed for truck lubrication UNREIN Motor Service Phone 1242 Chase Street Heppner, Oregon For Better Service To The Community In line with our policy of developing a complete food store, we wish to announce that we have installed and stocked a KOOL-AIR Frozen Food Locker for the better serving of our community. HEPPNER RED & WHITE We have a few Hot Water Tanks left 66-gallon electric made of boiler plate We also have two Deep Freeze Boxes for delivery now. Just the thing to put your deer or elk meat in. o Also Several Table Model Radios Emerson, of course! Radio Repair on all makes HEPPNER Appliance Co. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg. Phone 403