.L 6 Heppner Gozette Times, September 26, 1946 IONE NEWS ITEMS i Mm. Wntr Crswlnrd and son tlarlan arc in rilnd where Hw Un is having some denial work Mr and Mr. John Troedson nived word that their son Carl has r-nchi-d Sweden. Mr. Ma Grahill is In Baker wiure s.ht underwent an operation on her foot. Mr and Mrs. F.oy Pettyjohn are the parents oi a boy born Friday, Sept. 20 at Fmdlrton. lie was named Jnmis Hoy and weighed even pounds and five ounces. The lone P-TA tave a reception for the teachers Friday nht, in the school px-mnasium. A large crowd enjoyed the following pro pram, with Mrs. Gordon White pre siding as acting president: Trumptt solo. Gene Rietmann; welcome, Mrs. Gordofl Whit; in troduction of B. C. Forsythe, sup erintendent of lone schools, who introduced the teachers; vocal solo, Patricia Drake; talk, Oscar Peter son; piano solo, Mrs. E. M. Baker; introduction of Rev. Alfred Shir ley who made a short talk, and two numlx rs by the girls' glee club. Refreshments of open faced sand wiches, cookies, tea and coffee were served from a fable decorated with asters and candles. Mrs- Ber tha Severin and Mrs. Francis Ely poured. Funeral sen-ices were held for Mrs. Steena Schleevoight Friday afternoon from the Cooperative church, with Rev. R. L. Casselman officiating. Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mrs. Ray Barm tt sang "Beau tiful Isle of Somewhere" "In the Garden- and "Some Day Youll Understand." Pallbearers were Jack Bailey, Ernest HeUker, Oscar Lun dell, W. C. Seehafer, James Lind say and Donald Heliker. Interment was in tie lone 1 O. O. F. cemetery Out of town relatives and friends here to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs- C. J. Hanstad, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Stevens. Mr. and Mrs- John Coleman and Mrs. Rich ard Hanstad, all of Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. David North of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. R. a Johnston of Pasco, Mrs. Helen Kyle. Preston. Minn, Mrs. Clara Muenzer, Santa Ana, Calif, Mrs. Myrtle Bourne, iuium, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timrns of Pendleton. In a six-man football game here Friday afternoon, lone defeated Echo 25 to 6. The next game will be Friday, Sept 27 here with Wes ton. The lineup for lone includes Hilmuth Herman, Billy Joe Riet mann, Donald Ball, Arthur Berg- strom. Robert Drake, Robert Jep son; substitutes, Ross Doherty, Louis Carlson and Donald Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. George Balsiger Jr. of Richmond, Calif, were guests at Mfikcs Your Tractor 2Q Ttn;25 More Useful lUTARTS HEAVY JOES light 11 slow jobs quick! Loads manure, baled hay, lumber. Pulls posts. Excavates for cel lars. Fills ditches, washouts. Actually the greatest "hired band" you ever saw. Come in and see a SARGENT, cr get our free illustrated folder showing Sargent in ACTION. AHackes to tractor le tt rt tes. Lifts full toi 11 ft. to tost 1km j minute. ir Driver las clear filial t efl timet. k Hay Sweep end Bslldoisr at tachmeats available. Braden Tractor and Equipment Co. Hepp ner Oregon SI0CKMEN3 BED SHEETS 7x15 12-ounce canvas Now is the time to get your saddle oiled We oil with air pressure Loyd Bros. Saddle Co. Gas & Air Howdy Folks: Living has returned to normal with children back to school and college students going track to dear old alma mater. Of course you know what a college is. That's a fountain of knowledge where all go fo drink. Now days, only include little Scotch, college Greek, courses not but also Omar Rietmann' Tueday of last week. The Balsigers, who are chin chilla raisers, are moving from California to new location on the McKeniie river where they will raise both chinchillas and minks. Mrs. Haftie Botts is patient in a The Dalles hospital. Donald Peterson, son of Mr. and SET YOUR SIGHTS It takes planning to achieve a goal Some young men know what they want and plan for it. Ot'"' i are still looking for their niche. The new Regular Army can help both. Perhaps you want to go to college but can't afford it. If you enlist in the Army, you'll get your chance. Honorably discharged after a three-year enlistment, you are eligible for 48 months of edu cation at any college, trade, or business school for which you can qualify. The Government will pay your tuition, laboratory fees, etc., up to $500 per ordinary school year, plus $65 a month living allowance $90 a month if you have dependents. If you haven't found your spot, an Army enlistment offers you training in any of 200 trades and skills. You leave the service eligible for further training at the best civilian schools. You can assure yourself of the benefits of the GI Bill of Rights if you enter the Army on or before October 5, 1946. See your nearest Army Recruiting Station for details. HIGHLIGHTS OF REGULAR ARMY ENLISTMENT Of course, many srudens work their dads through college. Some tunes the best way fo get a BA is with the support of a PA. DAFFY-NATION College bred A four years' loaf made with father's dough. And at the finish a bar examin ation might be a test to see how much a student could hold. We are making and holding cus tomers with our engine tune-up Don't overlook this, next time you are in the market. UNREIN MOTOR SERVICE Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon 1. Enlistment for 1H, 2 or 3 yean. ( 1-year enlistments permitted for men now in the Army with 6 or more months of service.) 2. Enlistment age from 18 to 34 years inclusive (17 with parents' consent) except for men now In Army, who may reenlist at any age, and former service men depending on length of service. 3. A reenlistment bonus of $50 for each year of active service since such bonus was last paid or since last entry into service, provided reenlist ment is within 3 months after last honorable discharge. 4. A furlough for men who reenlist within 20 days. Full details of other furlough privileges can be obtained from Recruiting Officers. 5. Mustering-out pay (based upon length of service) to all men who are discharged to enlist or reenlist. 6. Option to retire at half pay for the rest of your life after 20 years' service increasing to three-quarters pay after 30 years' service. AH pre vious active federal military service counts toward retirement. 7. Choice of branch of service and overseas theater ( of those still open ) on 3-year enlistments. Mrs. Oscar Peterson, left Monday church held skating party at the for Corvallis to enter Oregon Statt I American Legion hall Tuesday college. ' night The young people of the Baptist FOR SALE Radio, camp bedding, lamp and table. Mrs. S. M. Mor gan, Gale at Center. Heppner. FOR SALE Fryers, 1-S0 each, on foot Tom Hughes, Heppner. 27c NEW, HIGHER PAY FOR ARMY MEN la Addition lo Food, Lodging, Clothes ind Medical Can MONTHLY RETIREMENT INCOME AFTER: P.r 20 Tears' 30 Years Month Service Service In Addition to Column One it the Right: 20 In crease for Service Over seas. 50 Increase if Mem ber of Flying or Glider Crews. S Increase in Pay for Each 3 Years of Service May Be Added. Master Sergeant or First Sergeant -165.00 107.25 185.63 Technical Sergeant 135.00 87.75 151.88 Staff Sergeant . . 115.00 74.75 129.38 Sergeant .... 100.00 65.00 112.50 Corporal .... 90.00 58.50 101.25 Private First Class 80.00 52.00 90.00 , Privat 75.00 48.75 84.38 Uitei to: "Warriors el Peace," 'Voice of te Armr" "Proudy Wt Hull" ond Moor Foblboll Broadcast on your radio. CASUAt TWO-TONE ' h rv vs. ;.3r fcH coats tuiwiiored v- 4&& kjX 10 mae them wortb P 1 V; ePcnding ynr dollar vpfl " ft I -' fl worthwhile combine ft?d!,T ,ion of fan( deeve' xnf-PRf collar and back wilh i solid color front. Worth f'&Fx 6etUns today! '5-2 JVvVM MEN'S DRESS I ! t3 ;1 New ship- f' ' I $ 1 t menfs of fall dress trou- jpr - J ! ' v!Jj sers 'n ('ura'3'e worsted V 1 y" 1. 1. ' , rrTdK materials. 8.50 I V "Ik Towncraft Suspenders I '1 V S ' i A" eiastic r c,ear p,as" Men's TOPFLIGHT DRESS SHIRTS Fancy prints. Sizes H'z to 17, New Craft collars, Sanforized shrunk SI .95 Young Men's CORDUROY SLACKS In popular cream color only $3.98 Boys' CORDUROY SLACKS In cream or tans $2.98 ENLIST HOW AT YOUR NEAREST U.S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION Postof fice Building, Pendleton, Oregon 1 Kitchen Aid Complete Line of. Harvalloy and Reynolds Skillets, Sauce Pans and Double Boilers New sets of dishes in china and Lu-Ray pottery. Case Furniture Co. rT ( 11 M&) - m& "II;!! "I "I I!' 'II .!' !" ';: ,", 'I'l.ll'l'l! H I mh; Ml. mtTTW-i I'lMIHH-jr-TTi'tlir" I 'jfru j i p ,;.;mi Mil'TTUfT'll'UII 'till I ' I'it; 1 1 1 1 I'll 1 "iPtF? A Word of Felicitation Upon entering the business field served so ably by the Wightmon Brothers for more than 41 years, we wish to felicitate them upon their long and successful period of serivce and to wish for them many more years of happi-" ness and prosperity as they continue the operation of their ranch properties. Umatilla Cooperative Creamery Hermiston Oregon STAR gd REPORTER Show iUrti at TiJJO. MittiWM Imlir, 1 y, m-l y. m. In eompllane with the Fdral Til RNralMnMnt, Chlldram' Atoiaalana apply nly to thoae undo- th lasal aa of IX Macto Short bjrta Wltk MJX hpaai program BnbiM4 to Obuca Watch lacal niwayapar for waakb aJmaunoatMiit Pliday.Saturdiiy, gept tf-tS Night Train to Memphis kor Aoaff and His Smoky Mountain Boy, Al lan Lan., Adala Mara This outdoor adventures contains all the ele ments of swift moving action, romanca, music and comedy. PLUS Swamp Fire Johnny Wslsmuller, Virginia Dray, Buster Crabbe All the action anyone could ask for Including flst-flghtlng. hair-pulling and wrestling. Sunday-Monday, Sept. 29-30 To Each His Own Olivia DeHavilland, Mary Anderson, Boland Culver, Phillip Terry There is tragedy, pathos, romance, comedy, heart tugs, in fact the whole bag of entertain ment tricks in this good and solid production. Saturday Sight Show Start, at T p. m. Tuesday, October 1 Made For Each Other Jimmy Stewart, Carole Lombard, Charles Coburn One of David O. Selznik'i earlier produc tion! with a cast of well-known and capable players. Wednesday-Thursday, October 2-3 A Night In Casablanca Groucho, Harpo and Chico Marx, Llsette Verea, Charles Drake, Lois Collier This i really one of their funniest, with music, dancing and plenty of action on a lavish background. U'.T Ttl'Il.'frfM.III.I.I SALE of PROPERTY Condon Grain Growers, Condon, Oregon, offers the following property for sale to the highest bidder or bidders, bids to be accompanied by 10 per cent of the bid price. Condon Grain Growers reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The property is located on the Union Pacific railroad at the north edge of Condon, Oregon. t FLAT HOUSE KNOWN AS 310 SACKED This property must be removed from the site by June 30, 1947, the ground to be leveled and filled as needed. Ground size: approximately 50 by 505 feet, 14 foot walls, roof part metal and part composition. Equipment includes 6 dormant scales, 1 Colfax Jr. Grain Piler, 1 ACL 500 bushel Airforce Grain Blower with Hercules Gas Engine Power Plant, elcetric wiring, etc. " FLAT CRIB ELEVATOR KNOWN AS 310 BULK This property must be removed from the site by June 30, 1947, the ground to be leveled and filled as needed. Ground size approximately 50 ft. by 150 ft., 14-ft walls, 2x4 cribbing composing 19 bins. Equipment includes 1 5-ton hopper scale, 1 20-ton Howe 8 x 22 deck truck receiving scale with hydraulic dump (used very little in past 6 years), 1 30hp 220 V, 3-phase electric motor, 1 No. 8 G Monitor Grain Cleaner, shafting, augurs, etc. FLAT HOUSE KNOWN AS NO. 8 This house may be used on the present location if operated for private use; if it is to be torn down it must be removed from the site by June 30, 1947, the ground to be leveled and filled as needed. Equipment includes 2 dormant scales and electric wiring. Ground size is approximately 50 feet by 250 feet, 14 foot walls and compo sition roof. Separate bids will be accepted on buildings and equipment, also combination of bids by several individuals or groups. Bids are to be in the hands of the seller at its office in Condon, Oregon on or before October 16, 1946. Condon Grain Growers CONDON, OREGON To thof who eagerly await their new Cnevrofefi . , . Here Is the laSesf News about1 Chevrolet1 Deliveries Everybody from factory to dealer doing everything that can be done to speed deliveries to you We have been Informed by the Chevrolet Motor Division that the past month has witnessed only a slight Improvement In ' the rate of production of new Chevrolet passenger car. At a result, shipments of new cars to dealer for delivery arc still far below the level we and the factory had hoped to attain by this time. In fact, through August, Chevrolet' output of cars in 1946 was only 22.6 of the number turned out during the corresponding period of 1941. We know that Chevrolet is doing everymfag possible to step up its production totals to ship more and more cars to us and to its thousands of other dealers throughout America . . . and we know, too, that we are assured of getting our full proportionate share of the current output and of future production gains. " Disappointing as the total figures have been and despite the fact that Chevrolet was out of production entirely during the first three months of the year It Is nevertheless true that Chevrolet led all other manufacturer! fa production of passenger cors during June 1946, ond has continued to main tain its leadln total production from that day to this. We shall continue to make deliveries of new Chevrolet lo our customers just as fast a we receive them; we regret delay as deeply as you do; we thank you for your friendly patience and understanding; and we promise you a new High motoring experience when you take delivery of your new Chevrolet, giving BIO-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST! Keep Your Present Car Alivm Meanwhile, may we suggest that you safeguard your transportation by bringing your car to us for service now and at regular interval. Let us help you to keep It In good running condition to main tain its performance, appear ance and resale value until the day when your new Chev rolet comes along. TOW SYMI0L 01 SHVKI HODGE CHEVROLET CO. HEPPNER Main at May OREGON