1 Portland Wedding Impressive Affair At impressive wedding ceremo nies at the Grace Memorial church in Portland, Miss Kingsley Chapin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin of Portland, became the bride of Charles L. Hodge Jr, son of Mrs. Nettie Hodge of Pasco and Charles L. Hodge Sr. of Heppner, Thursday evening, &pt. 19, at 8 o'clock. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. John mcnaroson before an altar banked with white gladioli and ferns and lighted by white tapers in candela bra. Organ selections furnished the musical background. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was charming in a slip per satin with leg-of-mutton sleev es, sweetheart neckline, full length train and a fingrtip veil held with a coronet of seed pearls. She car ried a white prayer book With gar denia cover corsage and bouvardia tied with streamers of white satin. Matron of honor was Mrs. James G. Barratt Jr., who wore blue net and bridesmaids were Miss Mary belle Yarborough of Portland in yellow net and MUs Cecelia Healy in pink net. They carried old fash ioned nosegays. Mrs. Chapin wore a gray suit with black accessories and a corsage of fuchsias. Kenneth Hoyt was best man Ushers were J. G. Barratt Jr., Don Bennett, Dick Vinton of Portland and Don Hatfield of Tillamook. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held in the parish house. The bride and groom cut the first piece of the three-tiered wedding cake topped with wedding bells, and Mrs. Paul Hisler, aunt of the bride, continued the serving. Mrs. Piter Gould of Coquille, aunt of the bride, poured. Assisting were the misses Joan and Francine His ler and Rosetta Hialy. Mrs. Richard Vinton of Portland was in charge of the guest book. For her going away ensemble, the bride wore a gray dressmaker suit with black accessories and a cor sage of gardenias. Following a wedding trip to the coast, the young couple will make their home m Heppner where Mr. Hodge will have an interest in the Hodge Chevrolet company. ATTENTION, ELKS! The District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for Oregon Northeast will visit our lodge on the evening of October 10. Iniation will be followed by lunch. PLEASE BE ON HAND! Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. 0. E. Lexington Items By Mrs. A. S. Edwsxds Jack O'Harra left Sunday for Eu gene to resume his studies at the University of Oregon after three years service in the armed forces in Europe. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra last week were their daughter Patty of The Dalles and Jack Wallace of San Francisco, an army friend of their son Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and daughter spent the week-end in Union visiting his father and mo ther who are ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan were business visitors in Pendleton Monday. Bud Marshall left by plane Mon day morning to report to his ship at Bremerton. Estelle Ledbetter left Tuesday moning by stage for Portland. Miss Louise Hunt of Salem is spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt. Harold Haycraft of Walla Walla has been hired to teach commer cial subjects in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pomeroy of Kelso, Wash, were guests of the W. E. McMillan family during the Round-Up. The mothers of theCamp Fire Girls met Friday afternoon in the club room and formed an advisory council. Mrs. Lavern Henderson was elected social and general chairman; Mary Edwards, publicity chairman; Frieda Majeske, chair. .man of the awards committee and W. E. McMillan was elected chair. man of the refreshment committee for the candlelight ceremony to be held in about three weeks. The Camp Fire girls and the Boy Scouts are busy practicing a play to be given some time in November. Mr. and Mrs. William Ludwig spent the week-end in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Strodtman of Hermiston are visiting at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yarnell were visitors in The Dalles one day last week- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael are in Portland where she has gone for medical treatment. New Arrivals This Week include Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses for Fall and Winter in the New Fall Shades zAfo lafi i fwji union pacific aiimouiices MORE FREQUENT SAILINGS OF CITY OF PORTLAND Effective October 1, the Strtamliner "City el Portland" will leave for Chicago evary fifth day Instead of every sixth day it formerly. This new schedule provides six sailings each month in place of five. In October, and each month thereafter, sailing dates will be th lit, 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st and 26th. Departure timt from Portland will be 4:50 p.m., from Psndle ton 8:45 p.m. with arrival In Chicago at 10:35 a.m. 3934 hours later. Other trains daily 1 Portland RoseIdahoanPaclSt WINTER VACATIONISTS Remember Sun Valley reopens Dec. 21lt) THE SEASONED TRAVELER GOES BY TRAIN b$ specific- joyUnioii Pacific General Agent 1st National Bank Bldg. 2nd and Alder Streets Walla Walla, Wash. Phone or Loral Agent UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Silo Filling Order of Day at Boardman By Mrs. Claud Coats Fall silo filling has started on the project. Among those finished fill ing are Roy Ball, Edd Kunze, Har old Baker and Algy Taylor. Mrs. Mabel Montgomery, local teacher, spent the week-end at her home in Weston. Mrs. Milton Shane of Summer ville spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson. Nate Macomber and Robert Har- wood were fishing near Celilo this week-end. Paul Smith and son Charles of Union were overnight guests at the home of Smith's daughter and son- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Thorpe. Ben Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hamlin of Olympia, Wash, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Teuscher of Portland spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole. The Hamlin boys and Mrs. Teusch er are sons and daughter of the Coles. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rands were Mr. and Mrs. Ursel Hiatt of Umatilla and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kennedy of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Yancy were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Jim Agee. Mr. Yancy is Mrs. Agees son. Sunday, Sept 29 will be promo tion day at the Community church. Sunday school will begin at 10:30 a. m. and will be followed by a potluck dinner in the church base ment. Every one is welcome and urged to attend. Mrs. Catherine Christensen, lo cal school teacher, spent Sunday in Umatilla. Little Jackie Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Portland, is spending a few weeks with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and cousin Ralph. Mrs. Nora Parker of Portland ar rived Sunday to spend the week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs- Robert Parker. Heppner Gozette Times, September 26, 1946 3 Guests at the Heppner hotel this week included Paul R. Oldenberg of Portland, who is here with a crew working for the Pacific Pow er & Light company; a Shell Oil company repair crew staying at the hotel includes L. Gridlcy of Portland, J. Edwards, B. Kilkenny and C. Othinger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dick Jr. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L V. Dunford at Camp Wetrnore Sunday. Regular Weekly GARBAGE DISPOSAL in residential district 25c a pick up One gathering per week CECIL HICKS For special service Phone 682 itttstelttitststtttV Cotd r ' Weather B Ik ORDER YOUR COAL NOW! Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsafHoineTrsatnientthat Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing 0er two million bottles of the WIIXARD Tit K ATM K N T have been told for relief or rmDtome of dUt rem arlilna from end Duedenel Ulcere due to Etceee AcM Peer Dlseetlen, Seur or Upeet Stomach, CteMlneee, Heartburn, tleepleetneee, etc.. duetobeeee AeW. 8ld on lodeye' trial) Auk for "Wlllerd'e Meuete" whiea full explains this treatment free at SAAGER'S PHARMACY Farmers Know What a Profit Is For As his own boss, the farmer has long since found out that a profit is not just an extra urn, above the bare co6t of doing business, which can be used as you please. It is the main source of funds necessary to pay for a new silo, buy better machinery, and improve the house and the barn. In spite of the great rise in income, farm profits are no more than necessary to keep the farm plant producing efficiently. It's the same with the iron and steel industry which makes the materials for the farmer's tools. In 1945 steel companies had left, after meet ing all expenses but before paying dividends, only a little more than one-tenth of one cent on each pound of steel sold. The profit on each dollar invested was less than five cents. Year by year since 1941, when the war started, earnings have been declining. Although last year's output of steel was 19 per cent greater than in 1940, the last prewar year, pay rolls were nearly double but dividend were lower. There are many misunderstandings and misrepresentations about profits. Some people forget that reasonable profits are a necessary incentive of the American system, which re sults in abundant low-cost farm products and abundant low-cost steel products; It is up to those who know what profits are for, and what they can do, to see that they are not destroyed and with them our high standard of living. Steel mitts need all the scrap iron and sled they can get. The shortage is serious. Farmers can get extra dollars and help increase steel output by sending worn-out machinery, etc., on its way to the furnaces. American Ikon and Steel Institute, 350 Fifth Avenue, New Yorkl,N;Ys The Institute has printed a booklet STEEL SERVES THE FARMER. Write for a copy and it will be sent gladly. to w fll'5 Snapshot of Successful Vacation At left, The Family Ford, which behaved like an Angel every foot of the way Here's how it could have been annoying delays, unexpected expense. Even such a minor thing as a worn out fan belt can spoil your fun 9o this VJhcre yoo Sec This But the Boss was smart. Before the Big Day he drove his Ford "back home" and asked for our "Vacation Special" checkup ' j i f fVa "Back Home" is here In our shop vhere Ford-trained mechanics, using Ford method and time-saving tools put your Ford in snap for a trip that ends happily J : For prompt Service Fairly Priced SEE YOUR FORD DEALER