2 Hcppner Gazette Times, September 19, 1946 EDITORIAL . . Encouragement Needed In vie of the housing shortage, every en couragement should be given, especially to the veterans, to hail J homes. The situation is tough for the ex -CI who as led to believe that condi tions for mm ould be better than they have turned out to be and at least he should be told that he can get the essential building materials as well as most of the plumbing and lighting sup plies. This roir" as emphasized by a former ser vice man this week. Engaged in the retail lumber business, he is in a position to know that the building outlook is improving for the veterans and he urged his listeners to encourage them to build rather than throw cold water on their plans by always bringing up the question of being un able to buy building materials. Heppner needs more housing in spite of the fact that several houses and numerous apart ments have been constructed in recent months. If the GI can get building materials, would it not be wise to aid him in securing them, and the workmen to do the job, rather than discouraging him? Jane Huston Weds William Rawlins in Home Ceremony In a garden ceremony against a background of flowers, Miss Jane Huston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston, became the bride of William Edward Rawlins at a 4 o'clock sen-ice Sunday afternoon at the Huston ranch home south of lone. The Rev. Eugenia P. Coats, aunt of the bride and a returned missionary from Guatemala, now of Dallas, Ore, officiated. Lovely in her mother's wedding gown of white net over satin, the bride carried white gladiolas with rosebud centers and wore a fufl length veil fastened with a crown of rosebuds. Mrs. Harold Gaines, Portland, sister of the bride, was mauvn of honor and wore a prin cess st&yle gown in rose velvet and carried a nosegay of pink rosebuds. Attendants of the bride were her cousin. Miss Betty Phil lips, Portland, and Miss Dorothy Larkdn, Monro. Miss Phillips wore powder blue taffeta and Miss Larkin wore powder blue net Both carried nosegays of pom-pom as ters. Mrs. Huston, mother of the bride, wore a black lace afternoon dress with a corsage of tea roses. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Tom Huston, bro ther of the bride, was best man. Mrs. C C- Dunham sang "O Pro mise Me," accompanied by Mrs. Charles O'Connor, who also play ed the wedding music A reception was served to over COBWEBS FOR PROTECTION ji. tmjt i 3 Chapin-Hodge Vows Taken In Portland Thursday Evening Miss Kingsley Chapin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin, v former Heppner residents now of Portland, became the bride of Charles L. Hodge Jr., son of Charles L." Hodge Sr., Heppner, at marriage services held at 8 o'clock this evening at Grace Memorial church in Portland. Father Even son performed the ceremony. Miss Chapin, a graduate of Hep pner high school, has been em ployed in Portland as chief clerk for the Underwood Typewriter company. Mr. Hodge, a graduate of Pasco, Wash., high school, serv ed five and one half years in the I navy following his graduation, South Pacific. Following a honeymoon on the coast, the young couple will live in Heppner. Mr. Hodge will be come a partner in the Hodge Che vrolet Co. as a wedding gift from his father, Charles Hodge Sr., owner. He was formerly in charge of the parts department Among Heppner people at the marriage service were - Wanda Hodge, Charles Hodge Sr., Mrs. J. W. Hiatt, Mrs. Doris Gaily, Mr and Mrs. Paul Hisler and daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson Mrs. Alva Jones, Mrs. Harlan Mc- Curdy, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. James Bar ratt MiSs Rosetta Healy, Don Ben nett and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buck-num. MISS GADEKEN HONORED AT BRIDAL SHOWER H Miss Grace Gadeken was com plimented with a bridal shower at the Methodist church parlors Wed nesday evening given by ladies of the church. A large group of friends were present for an eve ning of games, refreshments sod presentation of gifts. Mrs. Elizabeth Gadeken, mother of the honoree, was also present Mrs. Ray Drake and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers poured at the tea table. Mrs. Charles Vaughn, Mrs. Elbert Cox and Mrs. Cornett Green serv ed on the refreshment committee and Mrs. George Corwin and Mrs, E. O. Ferguson were in charge of the entertainment Nancy Fergu son gave a humorous reading. Miss Marie Healy, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grief of Cn a patient in St Anthony's hospital ion town, Wash, were guests of Mr. in Pendleton for the past two and Mrs- James Valentine from weeks, is reported to be improving. Saturday to Tuesday. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Miss Marjorie Sims returned for visit with her aunt and uncle. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, af ter spending part of her vacation with relatives in Pendleton and at tending the Round-Up. Miss Jo sephine Price of Corvallis, a col lege friend of Miss Sims, Is also a guest at the McMurdo home. The royal court of this year's Heppner rodeo were special guests at the Grant county fair in John Day Thursday. Te court includes Queen Darlene I and princesses Gwen Coleman, Jean Hanna, Betty Smethurst and Betty Lovgren. The girls were escorted by Mrs. Wil liam Smethurst of Lexington. A Navy destroyer-escort, attached to the inactive fleet, is shown "iipped-up" for peace, at Green Cove Springs, Fla. As pro tection against rust, the two forward gun mounts are spun with film-like coverings made of special plastic. oaeiti arj FJwt.msa 50 friends and relatives following the service. The bride and groom cut the first piece of the three tiered wedding cake with a minia ture wedding couple. Pink snap dragons decorated the tea table Mrs. Ben I. Phillips of Portland, aunt of the bride, served and Mrs. E. R. Huston poured. Out-of-town guests were Mr and Mrs. Herman Parker of Pasco, Wash., Mrs. Phillips and daughter, Miss Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaines of Portland. The young couple left for the coast on a wedding trip and will live in Corvallis where Mr. Raw lins will attend Oregon State college- Pre-War Values Have turned In Silver Plated Flatware We have a new shipment of popular priced silver plated flatware made by Colony Products Corp. Arnett pattern pre-war quality heavy silver plated on 1 8 per cent nickel base, priced at $1 4. service for six, including chest. Cornwall pattern pre-war quality silver plat ed on 18 per cent nickel base, priced at $12.25. Service for six, with chest. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communion 8 s,,m. Church school 9:45. Y. P. F. Bible study 10 a. m. Morning prayer 11 a. m. Wednesdays, Holy Communion 10 a. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Joe Jewett, Minister Bible school 9:45. C. W. Barlow, superintendent Morning worship 11. Communion and preaching. Sermon topic: "A- bound m This Grace." Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Evening evangelistic service o'clock. Sermon topic: "Loyalty to Christ." Choir practice Thursday evening at 7. Everett Smith, director. Mid- wees prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Thursday. Sunday evening, Sept 29. we will show two of the sound motion pic tures on the Life of Paul. There will be five shown during the win ter to prepare us for the Bible school lessons on the life of Paul The public is cordially invited to come and see these pictures. LOOK! YOUR FALL BULBS ARE HERE! TULIPS DAFFODILS NARCISSI ' HYACINTH CROCUS In single and mixed shades. Priced at mail order levels. Limited quantity, so get them now. The Flower Shop CUinilnf it your first Duty te Beauty. Soil Adsorbing cleanter gives you that fresh dew cleanliness pro mote! your good looks and provide a fine beauty foundation for tlio day. Soil ADsorbing Cleanser $1.00 $1.50 $1.93 ALICE FROCK NECHA MILLEB Operators Alice's Beauty Shop NOTICE OF SALE THKEB SWELLING HOUSES IN HEPPNER On Septambar 21st 1S48. at the hour ot 11:00 A. M. at the Law Office of J. O. Turner in Heppner. Oregon, I will offer for sale at Public Auc tion, Lots 6 ft T of Block one (1) Ayers' First Addition to the City of Heppner. Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash. Lots to be offered In two parcel tha West 76 feet of both lots In one parcel, and the East 60 feet of both lots In one parcel. I reserve the right to reject any and all bids. JOYCE GIBSON. By J. O. Turner, Attorney. Announcing The Opening Of Norah's Shop Friday, September 30 with a stock of attractive Ladies' Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Sweaters Children's Dresses, Skirts, Sweaters, Jerkin Suits, Snow Suits Infants' Wear Voa(i tSpLoji Case Building, Corner Main and Center, Heppner "TT7T1 . It U A Q This is the season of the year when strong resistance is most needed. ..added protection against that ever-lurking enemy a cold. ..new strength needed for winter activities. Vitamins of the finest name brands will do the trick Everything hinges on good health. Take care to preserve your health. There is no surer, easier way. VITAMINS FOR ALL AGES. THAT'S YOUR ANSWER SAAGER'S PHARMACY SPECIAL LAMP GROUP Set of Three Floor Bridge Table All Three for $31.95 omplete Line of Lamps Including Boudoir Lamps, Table Lamps, Desk Lamps, Floor Lamps hi nil1 HI "r . ir c M HM4sI sBfBty sSafeBssWaasSP1 BtMS M Lucoc Place JOS. J. NYS ATTOBNXT AT LAW Pater BuikBiut Willow Street Hips if. Onajoa Vtterans of Foreign j. o. TURNER VAnr ATTORNEY AT LAW TTU" rfcos 171 Meethtss M and 4th Itatsan Hotel Hxjppnsr Bulldiaft I:M , m. tn Lsrfea Hall Heppnsr. OrMoat 0. M. YEAGER p w MAHONEY CONTRACTOR BlMLDESi AO Ubssi f ISJSBSST woric Modern Hems Built ar B mdsUn1 Pfaons 1M Of tan St. Heppner Hotel Building HKFPNBB. OKIOON Willow Street Entrant Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Turner, Van Merter j. 0. PETERSON and Company Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods , . . Watches, Clocks, Diamonds INSURANCE Expert Watch & Jawelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon Phelps Funeral Home Tlasand Fmeral Directors Phoaa m HectmoT, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets M Monday Back Month Citsnas harsaa saasters lar dUoos- J. V Mayor Morrow County Abstract 4V Title Co. CTB Oflsa la Mars Merchants Credit Bureau A rears te Credit Information F. B. Nickerson Phone 11 Heppner DR. S. E. ALLEN ORTHODONTIST 226 Byers St Pendleton, Ore. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's Office In Heppner OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guaranteed Located In the Kane Building North Main St. Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician k Surgeon First National Bank Building Baa. Ph. 1162 Ofttoe Ph. 402 A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN It SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office up stsirs L O. O. F. Bid, Housh sails made Boom Phone 2383 Office 2572 Blaine E. Isom AU Kinds of INSURANCE Phene 723 Heppner. Ore. dontHCAR SO WELL? Visit the So no tone Hearing Center Careful audiometry test shows the kind and extent of hearing loss and Sono tone "600" correction. No obligation. Come inl HOTEL HEPPNER Heppner, Oregon Saturday, September 21 T. C. DOWNS Citeiftd Soiattmt Count Uml SONOTONE B Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket, Mrs. Fred Parrish and Mrs. Claude Buschke and son Bob drove to The Dalles Friday and returned Saturday. COAL USERS Leave your orders for coal at the LEXINGTON CAFE or the CO-OP for CECIL HICKS Coal Distributor GILLIAM COUNTY FAIR Friday-Saturday September 20-21 STOCK HORSE CONTEST and many other entertaining events. Saturday afternoon Donkey Baseball 8 p. m. Saturday at the Fair Grounds Fossiljvs. Condon Lots of Fun For All CONDON, OREGON Case Furniture Co.