Hcppnar Gozatto Tlrtyg, September 12, 10463 Want Ads tAAi- i'ajr ol mules fciiut.-ea lu m biuvwt rt.e. Ltuve at Gazelle TuiR-a oiin c. irturu to. i lMjnti iy.jimt KOK bALiC al heater and ilijealic luillu 111 Al Miajye. toet! Jbee liuwtJi, 1LY ttiiit li0iuu.ic bum cr juck. al Hum AiiLr Cunipoiiy. Vi-.r-l-SO AlultK. the pullect weed kilhr, 1ia k can ut K'jrttwull J0.U uu' Cuiutiuiiy. - iuul;o fertilizer fur liuy Iuwiib mid lluuelM, 4mj fur trpuuiiii lug. Uumutvuil iuutur Cuitiiuiiy. MAkh A 1MTE How tu have tt lieu lift vmler iit;ut:r maiaikd m yuur car or truck while tlicy uiu uvail uhli. jKu.te.vall Mitur Coinpaliy. J'uJi ALk - j-nnni liuu-st;;' 3 bed- 1 tMjiii.-i, iurau 1 1 viut; 1 ouin, kitchen, 2 n.juhcd. O.UOO. Koine term, bee iiuu liuiiiiloii. 25p ZX.VVANiED (r iUwleigh husi- HC..3. bell lu loKAi lamllU:.-. Write tuuay. UawMJi a. Dt.pt. OUl-iUl-b A, Oakland, Lullf. L,ai U liUAL. Ui'k uiil (jMI V lull ur p.ii t tune. Maidoiielte Frutkj will nne mature wuiucu tu sliuw uui uaiuiilei-d line ul Uresaefl, biz y tu 46, bluu.-eri. tiweuU'ia, bRutd. buiU, una i uiucuut.-. Vvl ite f. O. hux l ui liiuid 7, Ol'ifcuti. uK riALETup yiudo inilK cowu. One biuwn mule aye years, L. B. LiiiUbluuin, Alu:gruve place, lune, OieKuii. 24-25p VUOD bolt bAkEIti-.iich tfreeii cut pine. See (Jul Sumner or phune 6U5 alter 8;3U p. m. gXki7aOKJJI Si'ObALr 25c a pickTup, once u week, In residential dltrkt. Cecil links, i'hune ti&ii. 24-25p 1' olt faALE Three .Superior grain diac diiltrt. 18x7 Keystone huppera. couiph tu with hitch. Oscar Peter buii, lime. 24-25c Ui'TOKUiSr Y ol liietunu supply iiiK VUT and uther prulitable pruiiucU tu farmers in Morrow county. No experience or cupital required. Mu.st have auto and good reference, rernmcnt. Write or wler Mc.NKSS Cuinp:iliy, Dept. L. 2423 Magnolia St.. Oakland 7, Calif. 24-25p AVOID annoyance and diseom furt due lo a clogged septic lank or eefcSpo 1. I have purchased a tank pun.p and am in position to give fiioinpt, elficient service. Plionc 'ilte. Howard KeithleylbU OK SAli Wt'bbcr piimo. Phone (J2 in daytime or 93 in evening. FOK SALii Ccrtixied Uuldcn tor ty Fold Seed Wheat. Jaeg-i iiros., Condon, On gun, 24-2jc Rheumatism and ARTHRITIS I sulfired ior years and am so thanklul that I am tree from pam and able to do my work that I will gladly answer anyone writing me lor information. Mrs. Anna. Pautz, P.OJiox bi!5, Vancouver, Wash, VOTirE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COUNTY OF M0RK0W IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate ) ERASTUS MALLOW LINDSEY. ) beinK one and the same person ) as E. M. Lindsey. ) Deceased ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Fred A. Wil liams, Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of ERASTUS MAL LOW LINDSEY. Deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Coun ty, his FINAL ACCOUNT, and that said Court has by an Order thereof, duly entered, designated September 21, 1946 at 10:00 A. M. of said day at fie County Court Room in the Court House at Hep pner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said FINAL ACCOUNT, and the settlement of said Estate at which time and place all persons having objections thereto are hereby re quired to appear and show cause, if any there be, or if any exists why said Account should not in all things be allowed or approved, said Estate settled and closed, and the Adnrinistrator discharged, and tl'e bondsman exonerated- FRED A. WILLIAMS Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of ERASTUS MAL LOW LINDSEY, Deceased, aslo LOW LINDSEY, Deceased, also known as E. M Lindsey. Dated this 20th day of August, 194fi. Fred A. Williams Attorney for Estate 23-27 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY By virtue of an order of the County Court, dated July 22nd, l!)46, I am authrized and directed lo advertise and slel at public auc tion at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lot 6 in Block A of the Original Town of Hardman for the min imum price of $15.00. cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 21st Jay of September, 1046 at the hour f 10:00 A. M-, at the front door jf the Court House in Heppner. Orejron, sell said property to the ugliest and best bidder, C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon By FRANCES MITCHELL 22-26 Deputy. Pd. Adv.-NUE-OVO Laboratories SUMMONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY DEE COX, Jr., Executor of the ) last Will and Testament of F. D. Cox, Deceased, Plaintiff, Heppner, Oreg-on. HOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUBT Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate f Margaret Rietmarin. deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County his final account of his administra tion of the estate of said deceased, and said Court fixed Monday, the 30th day of September 1946. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of laid day at the Court House at Hepp ner, Oregon as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said entate, and al persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required to file same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hear ing. Dated and first published this "ath day of August, 1946. DAVID RIETMANN, 23-27 Administrator. lowing portion of Street within the corporate Imits of said City of Hepp ner. to-wlt : All that portion of McGee Street lying between Court Street and Gilmore Street In said City of Heppner. and the common council has set Mon day the 7th day of October, at the hour of 7:30 P. M. at the Council Chambers In said city as the time and place for hearing objections or remonstrances to the vacation thereof and any objections or remonsrances will be heard by the common council at said time and place. Dated this 12th day of September, 1946. E. R. HUSTON, 26-26-27 City Recorder. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Morrow County, Or egon, has presented its petition to the common council of the City of Heppner, Oregon to vacate the fol- KOTICE OF SEASONAL DETFMTHATIO ....Notice Is hereby given that the em ployer listed below has been determ ined to be a seasonal employer within the meaning of Section 126-707 O.C. L A. Any Interested party may re quest a hearing before the Commis sion within ten days after final pub lication of this notice. The "off-season" (In calendar weeks) of each seasonal employer in Morrow County Legal Advertising SIMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. C. F. SPARKS, and NETTIE SPARKS, his wife. Plaintiffs, ) vs. All the unknown heirs of It L Lancaster, de-ceased, and all the unknown heirs of C T. Saling, deceased. Also all other Per sons or parties unknown clann ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in tile complaint herein, , Defendants. To all the unknown heirs of H. L. Lancaster, deceased, and all the unknown hi li s ot C. T. Saling, deceased. Also all other per sons or parlies unknown claim ing any rifht, title, estate, ien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORLGON. you and each of you arc required to appear and answer plaimills' complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of tile fust publication of tins summons upon you, and if you fail so to appear or answer, for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply lo the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to-wit: l'ir a cU'crce quieting title to the following described real properly in Morrow County, Ofi-gon, to-wit: Lots one (1), two (2) and three (3) in block 38 West in Section 2J in Township five (5) North, Range 26 East of t"e Willamette Meridian, and that the plaintiffs be adjudged the owners in tee simple ol said real property and that you and each of you be lorever barred of and from all ruiht, title, estate, claim or interest in said real prop erly and whatever right or interest you may claim to have therein be null and void and for such other and iuilher relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in ihe Heppner Gazette! Times, newspaper oi fcc'iic'ial circulation, once a week for lour successive weeks pursuant to an order of Hon. liert Johnson, Judge ol the County Court of the Stale ol Oregon lor Morrow Coun. ty, which order is dated August 2uih, 1016, and the date of the Inst publication ol this summons upon yuu is i. .jiust 22nd 1046. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney lor Plaintilis, His.... ;e and Post Oflice Auuic.s, Heppner, Oregon:22-26 ISOTlU'f OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given t''ut the undersigned administrators of the esuta ot Charles U, Cox, deceased, have filed Willi tlio County Court ol the State of Oregon lor Mor- . ....... I.....I nrfniinl row. youiuy., u , h' . . ., claim therein be ol their aumiiusiruiiun oi i" " ' - tale of said deceased and said court fxed Monday, September 16, 1010, al the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House ut Heppner, Oregon, ) ) ) ) r-VS ) AH the unknown heirs of Florence ) C, French, deceased, Mury M. ) Rankin, and John Doe Rankin, her ) husband, whofe true name la un- ) known to plaintiff, Rosa C. Ran- ) kin. and John Doe Rankin, her ) hu.sband, whose true name Is ) unknown to plaintiff, Martin D. ) Rankin and Jane Doe Rankin, his ) wife, whose true name la unknown ) to plaintiff, Mary J. Shinault and ) John Doe Shinault, her husband ) whose true name is unknown to ) plaintiff, and all the unknown ) heirs of W. F. Rankin, deceased, ) all the unknown heirs of Martin ) D. Haynmn, deceased. Also all ) other persons or parties un- ) known claiming any right, title, ) etate, lien or interest in the real ) estato described in the complaint ) herein, ) Defendants. ) TO all the unknown heirs of Flor ence C. French, deceased, Mary M. Rankin and John Doe Ruuklii, her husband, whose true name is un known to palntiff. Rosa C. Rankin, and John Doe Rankin, her husband, whose true nnnio la unknown to paintiff. Martin D. Rankin and Jane Doe Rankin, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiff, Mary J. Shinault and John Doe bhlnault, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiff, and all the unknown heirs of W. F. Rankin, deceased, all the unknown heirs of Martin D. Hayinau, deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknuwn claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest 111 the real estate des cribed in the complaint herein,, De feitilants: 9 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each uf you are hereby required to appear and answer paiutlfrs complaint filed agmni-t you in the above entitled couit and cause within four weeks noiii the dale of the first publication of this suminuus upon you and II you fall to so uppcar or answer, lor want thereof, pianilill will ap ply to tlio above enlilled cuurl for me relict prayed lor ill ins com oiaiut on lue herein, to-wit: lor a Uocrcu quielmg UUe to the lollowing described real properly in jioiioiv counly, uicbun, eu-wit; Tne SvVii ol ov. 14, and Hie SWW uf NWU of Section S, the Els ot SE! and the NWV ot SE' of Section 0, and the Win of NWS4, Sli!i of NWii und Iho NEW ot SW't of Section 8 ill Township 3 South, Range 28 East of Iho WI1 lainctto Meridian; Th8 WVi o tho SW! of Section 3, and the W',4 of NWVi of Section 10. and the SE4 of Sec tion 2 in Township 4 South, Range 28 East of tho Willamette Morl . lfin' i' and that tho devisees under the last Will and Testament of F. D. Cox, dcceassil be adjudged the owners In fee simple thereof nnd that you and enili of you and nil persons claiming by, through or under you be forever barred of and from al right, tuio, estate, lien, claim or Interest In or to said real properly anil every nnrt thereof, and whntever right or the lime and uluce for heunng ob jections to said filial account and tho settlement of said csluto and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file same with snid court on or buloix- tlio tlmo ilixied for said hairing. Dated and first published tins 15th day of August, 1046. HARVEY L. PAYNE I. C COX 21-25 Administrator! II and void, and for such other and further relief ns may ho Just aim noilllnhle. This summons 1" served upon yon i, ,i,iirnllon thereof once a week for four mircesslve weeks In the Heppner Onwtto Times, a newspnper of general circulation, published In Morrow County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson. Judge ot tho County Court, of the Stale of Oregon for Morrow County, which order In dated August 2Sth 1M6, and the data of tho first publication of this summons la August Will, 11)40. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Resldcm-o and Post Offlco Addross, Why wait for Uni versal seat covers for your car? Made to order seat covers cost no more and you can receive prompt delivery. Place your order with us. Owners of Ford and Chevrolet cars, check your floor mats. Replace that old one with a new mat. We have them in stock now. DECCA RECORD AGENCY CON LEY LAN HAM Is ss stated below: Reed Lumber Co.. 4g-10 OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION COMMISSION Dated and first published this 29th day of August, 1946. Date of last publication 12th day of September. 1946. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County ad ministrator of the estate of Frank P. Farnsworth, deceased,, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present same to the undersigned administrator with proper vouchers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this! 22nd day of August 146. L, E- BISBEE, I 22-26 Administrator, j NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the. I undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State ; of Oregon for Morrow County d- i ministratrix of the estate of El-1 mer Griffith, deceased: and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are here by requird to present the sam with proper vouchers as required by law to said administratrix at the law office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon. within fix months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 22nd day of August 1946. FANNIE G. GRIFFITH 23-27 Adrninistratrix il'ijijj I'kHIL.'.iHIIJJt' (4,t '4 Scientific Engine Tune-Up CARBURETORS . . DISTRIBUTORS AUTO-ELECTRIC SERVICE MAGNETOS WHEEL ALIGNING by the new super-accurate light beam method COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE RADIATOR REPAIR AND SERVICE COMPLETE LUBRICATION Special equipment installed for truck lubrication UNREIN Motor Service Phone 1242 Chase Street Heppner, Oregon SALl Having leased ihe ranch, 7 miles northeast of Lexing ton, we will sell all equipment, household furnishings. '; livestock and numerous items listed below in a public sale beginning at 1:30 o'clock p. m. TyesdlayrSepL 17 35 International Tractor with 40 v change-over Van Brunt drills, hoe attachment. Drill hitch. Tractor cab John Deere mower Superior grain drill McCormick-Deering combine 5-bottom Oliver tractor plow International disc plow, 1-foot trap wagon International combine-No. 8 Weeder extras 12-foot Calkins weeders and hitch 3-bottom 16-inch horse plow 8-foot packer Walla Walla weeder, 8-foot Wagon wheels, angle iron sections wood harrow. Barbed wire section iron harrow 50,-gallon wooden barrels gas drums One gas pump 160-gallon gas tank 275-gallon gas tank with pump 2 full sets combine drapers 9 oil drums Complete set blacsksmith tools, pitch forks, post hole digger, large assort ment log chains, push cart wheelbar row, other things too numerous to mention 4 cords sawed wood 4 milk cows, 3 fresh this fall 4 tons hay 9 chicken feeders 1 cream separator 1 ice box 2 wooden tubs 1 bed and mattress 1 wash boiler, wash board, clothes pins 1 wringer 1 set platform scales 1 couch 2 kitchen cabinets 1 5-burner oil stove with oven 1 Brunswick phonograph, 1 32-volt radio 1 dining table, six chairs, 2 dressers 1 center table, 1 office chair 1 writing desk, 1 davenport 1 lawn mower, 1 .22 special rifle 2 dozen Minorca pullets Fruit jars, copper tubing, V-belts Teirms (Off Safe CAM S. J. DEVINE & SON, uwners V. R. Runnion, Auctioneer Harry Dinges, Clerk Heppner Appliance Co. has Electric Hot Water Tanks For Delivry NOW! We are regularly making de liveries of the following long known lines Frigidaire Ranges and Refrigerators Zenith Radios Emerson Radios A. B. C. Washers Premier Vacuum Cleaners Clark Hot Water Heaters Signature Records Eskimoo Coolers Vornado-Fans Nu-Tone Chimes . Quaker Oil Stoves Universal Heating Pads If you want any of the above products for your home we in vite you to place your order with us. For your present radio we offer guaranteed repair work, along with such quality replacement parts as. Tung-Sol,. National Union, and Hytron tubes, Ze nith batteries for all makes and types. Can we serve you in your electrical needs, either in a new replacement or serv ice your old unit, or both? HEPPNER APPLIANCE CO Phone 403