Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 05, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Heppner Gazette Times, September 5, 1946
So practical, if yon jump in and
out of your coat a lot So pretty
in any ease over everytliiiig
you own. They're 100 WOOL
softly styled . . . belted or
boxy . . . dark or bright, llkae,.
j union'.
S s .
tti-i'ii;,,-- tSEa 1 "' '"-'4
Want smart-looking roofs with long-lasting protectlofl
against all kinds of weather? Prepared-paper and metal
roofs really slick up when you paint them with Standard
Asbestos Roof Coating. Its fire-resisting quality is in Its large
percentage of long asbestos fibers and mica ; and these allow
stretching and bending without cracking. It's tops, too, for
coating inside of fruit-sulphuring sheds.
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon ,
k conM J
1 -"
" "M"7"",lll4, '
r --; - .v
Makes Yc-v Tractor .
20 Times fcaro Useful
clow )obi quicltl Load!
manuie. baled hay. lumber.
Pulls poets. Encavalei lot cel
lar, pillai ditchti. waihoult.
Actually th. grealeit "hired
hand" you .ver taw. Com
in end a SARGENT, or
get eur Ire. illustrated (older
showing Sargent la ACTION.
News From
C. A. Office
A revision of the purebred live
stock breeders director)- is being
made for the state of OnVon. We
would like to have all breeders
raising registered cattle, swine and
sheep listed for Morrow county. If
you are a purebred brieder we
would appreciate a card from you
jiving the breed of registered live
stock you are raising.
While o n the subieet of nnrp.
bred livestock, we miijht sxigaest '
that anyone interested in seeing ;
some excelknt type registered cat
tle might call at the Frank Ander- I
son, Eightmile, O. W. Cutsforih. !
Lexington. B. P. Rands, Irrigon. j
and Jim Valentine. Sand Hollow,
"arms. .These cattle are something !
for these breeders to be proud of.
Through a strict culling program j
these herds have be.n built to
what they now are. Anyone w ho is i
thinking of building up a purebred
herd an d does not have a cl.ar
picture of the type to look for
might visit these nerds to get that
type fixed in t'eir minds. There
county that are of the same quality-
If there are. I would appreciate
h. ai ing , f them as these breeders
ate doing much to improve live
stock quality in our county.
Kust is on e of the largest con
tributing factors in causing farm
machines to wear out and deterior
ate. Wiih farm machinery and ma
chine parts hard to git much thot
should be given to the peventio'i
of rut in prolonging the life of the
machiii 'iy as well as saving time
and lr'tor.
FOR PALE Certified Golden For
ty Fold Seed Wheat Jaeger
Bros.. Condon, Oregon. 24-25c
Sunday, Sept. 8
Holv Communion, 8 a. m.
Church school, 9:45 a. m.
llolv Communion, 11 a. m.
Wednesday Holy Communion
10 a. in.
are no doubt other herds
Gas Et Air
Howdy Folks: Broke down and
spent a pleasant hour at the Star
theater the other nisht.
.4 young man silting in front of
us - addressed- his- s:rc'ct t js
"Dove" but the or.ly thing dove-,
like tout her n e could see ir.s
the fact that she uas pigcon-io
We are convinced that while
ome people love to go to the
movies, others go there to love.
Speaking of love, a friend
of ours says that calf love
is when you sit up until the
cows come home.
Of course the 'only way to find
out whether love makes the
world go round is to give it a
whirl some time.
By the way, if you'll give our
service a whirl, you'll dis
cover a value beyond com
pare. UNREIN
Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon
In memory of Elmer Griffith
who passed to the unseen Tem
ple on August 9, 1940.
Once aain a Brother Mason,
hnviiis completed the designs
written for him on life's trestle
beard, lias passed through the
poit.ds of Eternity and entered
the Grand Lodge of the New
Jerusalem and has received, as
his reward, the white stone with
a new name written thereon.
Whereas, the all-wise and mer
ciful Grand Architect of the Un
iverse has called f: om labor to
refreshment, our .beloved and
respected Brother,
And WherPis. he hsvin been
a true and faithful Brother of
our beloved order, therefore, be
Resolved that lone Lodge No.
120, A. F. & A. M. of lone, Ore
gon, in testimony of its loss, be
drurej in mounting for 30 davs.
and that we tender the family of
our deceased Brother our sin
cere sympathy and condolence
in this, their deep affliction.
Oscar E. Peterson, W. M.
George N. Ely, Secretary.
Transferring r
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Per.land Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
It's Hevcr Been Done Before!
-. Kf 1.
CsLf V.. V'
LA r-.fi !n over two generations, Cara Nome has
" you ts know how economical the $2 sizes of grand
Cara Non- Cieaming Creams are, Ycu'tl want
to feci bow carfcss-soM, ho thoroughly
cleansing the-,e marvelous creams are.
For ten days only, you ma have Cara
Mcroe Cleansing Cream for dry skin or
for oily skin . , .
e2 jor it 1 EACH YOU R CHOICE
Irrigon Schools
Opened Monday
Irrisop schools opened Monday
with the following personnel in
charge: Principal, Leroy Darl
ing; assistant principal, M. D.
Wiseflock; commercial, Mrs.
Munn, and coach, Earl Golden.
Miss Emma Crego. 7th and 8th
; Mrs. Joyce Smith, 5th and 6th;
Mrs. Viola Hochhslter, 3r d and
4th, and Miss Alan' Kennedy,
1st and 2nd. John Smith is jani
tor. Mrs. Hugh Grim cafeteria
cook, and Calvin Allen and John
! nv Sweringen, bus drivers. The
' school ho use has been remodel
I ed and has a new slate roof.
Fred Adams installed another
gasoline pump Saturday.
Mh and Mrs. J. A. Shottn spent
Thursday in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Kav Cosner and
Dixie returned from Portland
S Srt Elton Eraser and mother,
.Mrs. Minnie Fraser, and Maxine
were Pendleton visitors Thurs
day. A potluck dinner was served
' and a few social hours were
i spent at the S,i.ks Auto park
: Saturday eveninq hv the teach
J ins? staff, the school hoard and
clerk, the cafeteria cook, the bus
', drivers, and the janitor and their
i families, and the Marshall Maik
I han.s and Fred Houghton as
honorary members.
; .Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Whipple
; of Enterprise enc visiting his pa
rents, the H. H. W hippies.
Horace Nelson and two daugh
ters, Virginia and Nadine, arriv
ed Sunday to visit his daughter,
Mrs. Jack .Hinklev and family.
Rev. 'Huldane Duff, an evan
gelist, was an Irrigon visitor Sat
urday. He is beginning services
at Moro.
Earl D. Goldan arrived Satur
day and is living in the Adams
apartment. He spent the last
four years in Montana, part of
the time with the U. S. army.
He is the athletic coach. He has
a wife and two small children.
Earl Connell got back from
Yakima Tuesday morning. He
has been employed here.
Pattie Markham spent Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. Harrv
Smith, and familv. She is work
ing in the telephone office in
The band and its director. Le
rov Darling, and quite a " few
rooters went to Pendleton Sat
urday evening to play in the
Dress-up parade of the Pendle
ton Round-Up. Thev led the pa
rade. The band will plav two
davs for the Heppner Rodeo.
Mrs. Eva Baker of Portland
spent a few davs with her sister,
Mrs. Carl Haddox and familv.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Slaughter of
Portland were recent visitors of
his brother, Paul, and Mrs. Slau
ghter. They had a movie cam
era set and were taking pictures
and showing Oregon scenes they
have taken.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eden of
Mt. Vernon, Wash, have been
visiting Mrs. Eden's sister, Mrs.
Leroy Darling and family.
C. W . O. Benefiel who is sta
tioned in Portland, came up to
spend a few davs wih his family
at the A. E. Stephens home.
They and Mr. and Mrs. Stephens
and Janet went to Pendleton to
see the Dress-up parade Satur
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Phillip
of Milton came down to visit his
brother Dan and Mrs. Phillips.
Thev returned home Sunday.
James Driscoll, Heppner post
master, was in lrrigon Tuesday.
The Harvey Miller family left
the first of the week for Portland
wbvre they will make their home.
Vans of the Bekins moving ser
vice took the household goods
and the family went by car. They
have purchased a home in the
Canyon Road district of West
trndent; Miss Emma Crego, upper
trades; Miss Margan t M. Kennedy,
lower grades; Miss Viola Hochhal
ter, grades and chorus accompan
ist; an ! Mrs. Joyce Smith and Mrs.
Irene Munns, assisting in the high
Pine City: Mrs. Delia Nichols.
Hardman: Mrs. Cleo Robinson.
The list of n maining teachers
will be announced as soon as they
are received at the office of the
county school superintendent.
"A new state law requires all
first Rrad rs and freshmen to have
complete physical examinations
and it is planned to hold clinics in
each of the town schools for these
exams," Mrs. Rodgers said. "The
first clinic will be held early this
month in the He-ppner schools un
der the suiervision of Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, county health officer,
and Mix Margaret GillU, county
nurse. It is difficult to arrange cli
nics at the present time because
of the ihortags of medical help."
three days by Mr. Cachot Therk
elson, wife of the owner of the
Heppner hotel, who ia giving the
cup. A sterling silver money clasp
will be awarded the champion
bronc rider of the show. The clasp
is being given by Dnvid O. Seli
nick, Hollywood producer, in honor
of the movie, "Duel in the Sun."
Queen Darlene will present the
award. ,
The grounds, chutes, corrals and
stands are in top shape for the
1946 Rodeo and ticket sales indi
cate it will be the largest in the
history of the event, officials said.
I T "VU. k
$HimtlMlimmmmiimmm ii.l.lnsMiW'.-ai ifnf"..WWa:,. .. :-.4
Dodge's Gi eater Shows
and Thrill Circus
4 Days, Starting Thursday
September 5
Auspices Heppner Rodeo Association
Show Starts a T:sa. sustain Mrary u4ay, I p. at I p. m.
In compliance with Ui Federal Tax Requirement. Children's Admlsnlona apply
only to thos under the lax al ac of 11
Balaetad Burt Baajeats With AH ProfreaM
Program Subject to Caaap Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement
Heppner Rodeo, Sept. 6-7-8
Dilfarent movie program vary d&y. Show
start Immediately following program at
Rodeo Field each day.
Friday, Sept. 8
Cowboy Blues
Hooiier Hotshot, Ken Curtlm, Jeff DomneU,
Gay Xlbbee, Big Boy William. Mrs. Tip
ping ton, Robert Scott, Tug LaCentra, The
Town Ciiere, Deuce Sprigging and his Bud
with the Plainsmen and Carolina Cotton.
A star-blazing action musical full of fun.
Equestrian Qulx Tenderfoot Trail
Saturday, Sept. 7
Man From Rainbow Valley
Monte Hale, .Adrian Booth with Bagebrnsk
Sorenaders and featuring Outlaw the WUd
Horse blazing out of the west In Magnacol
or . . . bringing roaring action to the prairie!
Frontier Days Rodeo Romeo (Popeye)
Cowboy Songs
Sunday-Monday, Sept. 8-9
(In Technicolor)
Evelyn Zeyee, Wlllard Parker, Larry Parks,
Edgar Baohanan, Jim Bannon, Forrest
The red-blooded story of a red -headed girl,
riding with the Dem brows, the West's most
notorious outlaw band.
Tuesday, Sept 10
The Walls Came Tumbling
Xe Bowman, Marguerite Chapman, Edgar Bu
chanan, J. Edward Bromberg
t good and irunpenseful drama ... a different
kind of mystery.
Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 11 11
B4ta Rayworth, Glenn Ford. George Macready,
Joseph Ceilela
A very plus production of a strange love story
, . . a . dancing Hay worth, singing "Iut the
Blame on Ma me", also turns in an excellent
dramatic portrayal.
it IHothti to tractor la 30 mil
Lift, full tea 11 ft. la leu thai
) minute
it Driver hoi clear vlilo at all
if Hay Sweep and liilldoitr at
tacbmenti available.
2-Day S
r r-
aie or j-amous
FURS .. Save
Braden Tractor and
Equipment: Co.
Heppner Oregon
I New Arrival of Post I
I War Merchandise I
It is a bit early to come right out and
I boldly announce that our stocks of
household articles are complete, for
that would be a presumptuous state-
ment one we could not fully justify.
I There are signs that reconversion is
nearly accomplished and this week we
are pleased ta advertise the arrival of
the following post-war merchandise:
All Metal Vegetable Peelers .
Combination Shredder, Slicer, Grater i
Glass Coffee Makers
Limited number of Borg Utility Scales,
i weigh up to 250 pounds.
1 Hot Plates 1
1 Heppner Hardware
1 and Electric Company I
it ; v syy?'fi Kv
hv PA i 11 I OA
Dupler's Fur Stylist will be
in our store Wednesday and
Thursday, Sept. 11-12, to as
sist you in the selection of a
new fur coat!
Among the Popular Furs Are:
Mouton Dyed Lamb . . Brown
Dyed Kidskin . . Black Dyed
Kidskin . . Black Persian
Lamb Paws . . Sable Blended
South American Muskrat . .
Brown Fox Paws . . Natural
Includes Federal Tax
No Interest
No arrying Charge
free Storage in DUPLER'S I rigid Vaults
Anderson & Wilson
Heppner - Oregon
: L