Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 15, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Hcppncr Gnrrtt? Times, August 15, 1946
Baumon Appointed
Employment Aid to
County's Veterans
Effective at -D.
Bauman . i
emrl"vm(iit ;t
the I'nncJ S t :i !
arrvicr in U; :n
an amour. ; t
ford 1 . 1 -PcnJU-tnn
:. r n. . , j
? . v. :i eterans in se-
m:.-': j.hs as become
n : ' ! cc as well as in oth
er J cit'tre. Bauman can be
r. .i.I.ci a't the court house.
a representative of the
L lS ar.d f the State Unem
rn 'ent Comrensation com-
- n bf in Heppner the
;i -; third Friday of each
:.c.th between 10 a.m. and 3
r :n. 3t the citv water office.
They will handle unemployment
cempensation claims as well as j
job opportunities with all who
are interested.
Accompanvina Lone to Hepp
ner were Gordon Shattuck, as
sistant chief of operations , El
don Cone, field supervisor of
the USES and George Belloni
of the state office of the Vet
erans employment service, all
from Portland.
w. 3 s w
i our
New Car
and we want to deliver it as soon as possible . . .
Answers to Questions Frequently Asked About the Delivery of
New Ford, Lfncc'n end Mercury Cars:
Q: Can I r! ;cc ny
Lincoln or .Yccvv ;..
A: Yes. Ve shall' be
Q: When can 1 rx.-fi
place m order now?
A: We wish wo ecu!
:1 to take vour order
your new ear can be delivered, but there have
been so many interrurr.i -ns m prodactton dur
ing recent months, we hesitat; to even make a
Q: But can't ye-a give me some idea n-hen 1
can get de'recy?
A. We're awfully sorry, hut we can't, and
here's why. The Ford M.nor Company can't
tell us how many cars they will be able to let
us have in the near future . . . and until ue
knew how many cars u e can count on gettnig,
we just can't forecast future dcl.vcrics.
Frankly, the waynhincrs look now it will prob
ably be sevcroi months, and maybe even long
er, before deliveries can be made on orders
taken today.
During past months, there has been an acute
shortajre of materials and parts to build new
cars, due to work stoppages in major indus
tries and plants the Ford Motor Company de-
cxactly when pends on for suppplies. And it is still difficult
new car, if 1
to get all the materials and parts needed to
step up production. So long as' the uncertainty
continues it will be difficult to make definite
promises of future deliveries
On the other hand, every effort is being
made to secure needed materials and parts in
sufficient quantities to maintain full Ford pro
duction. And we are all hopeful that the pre
sent uncertain industrial conditions will be ad
justed. As soon as this can be done, Ford
iMotor Company can and will step up produc
tion to full capacity . . . and then it will be
possible to make delivery quicker than can be
foreseen right now.
. . . maybe sooner WnC$y tnan You
Your FORD Dealer
lntcre:t Reduced
On G1 Insurance
Loans by Government
Veterans of this area who
have loans on government life
insurance policies wll benefit
from the reduction of interest
rates from five to four percent
annually, Charles M. Cox, Vet
eran Administrator representa
tive in Pendleton, pointed out.
Trip rp.-pnt ratp reduction is in
keeping with the present trend
of interest rates on policy loans
made by commercial life insur
ance companies, Cox stated. It
follows by seven years a previ
ous reduction, which was from
six to five percent.
In the nation, about 127,000
veterans of both world wars will
save more than $1,000,000 on
more than $115,000,000 worth
of loans outstanding against U.
; onvemment life or national
; service life insurance, as a re
mit rf thp latest cut.
Cox pointed out that veter
ans may secure loans on perma
nent plans of G. 1. insurance af
ter their policies have been in
effect one year, inquiries may
be made to Charles M. Cox at
the County Court house tiere,
where he is available to veter
ans from 9 :30 a.m. to 4 :j.u p.m.
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers had as
guests last week her sister, Mrs.
T. N. Biglieri of San Francisco
and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cline of
ctMtthv Mrs. Cl.ne is also a
sister of Mrs. Rodgers.
Cleve Cox and Harvey Payne
nf Hermiston were in Heppner
Tuesday on business in connec
tion with the estate ot tne late
fkorbt r Tnv The two men
are brother and half-brother of
the deceased. Luther Payne, an
other brother, died recntiy at
m- on,l Mrs hranK tnenrai
llll. nn ---- . .
ir fnr Pnrtiand today where
they will attend a premiere of
the new brazier ana ivaiser cai.
Hmn(.r Motors, ot wnicn me
Engkrafs" are the owners, have
the agency tor tnese new
learn something
about delivery on them. The
premiere is being neiu ai
Windolph Motor company show
room in Portland.
Stanley Cox is improving at
MaAaaan hospital. Fort Lewis,
after several weeks of serious
illness. He recently underwnt
an nnpration for the removal of
a kidney. Last bnaay one ot nis
innrrc nllancpH rattsinp' pener-
! al alarm in the family. His mo-
tipr Mr Phil Criffin. has been
with him. His- father, Percy Cox,
sisters. Mrs. Keese KurKenninc
and Mrs. Norman Griffin, and
Miss lo McMillan spent the
week-end at Fort Lewis.
County Superintendent Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers reported this
morning that .1. Lewis jonnson
if Fresno, Calif., has been hired
as superintendent of schools at
Roardman. He succeeds George
P. Linn who served in that capa
city for two years.
Fleteher Forster. Minister
Morning worship 11 a.m. Sub-
iect Openmindedness.
Church School 9:45 a.m.
Joe Jewott, Minister
Bible school 9:45 C. V. Bar
low, Supt.
Morning worship 1 1 :00. Com
munion and preaching. Sermon
Topic: "Redigging Spiritual
Adult Christian Endeavor 7
There will be no evenine ser
vice this Sunday because the
minister and a group ot Doys
ire leaving for Rovs C.amrj at
Cove immediately following the
morning service.
Portland Friday evening. They
are going on to junction City to
take part in a family reunion.
Frank Grider purchased a lot
of the J. A. Shoun's east of
S. Sgt. Elton L. Fraser called
his mother, Mrs. Minnie Fraser
from San Francisco Saturday
saying he has a 30-day furlough.
He has been in Okinawa the
last year.
Mrs. Tom Caldwell and sis
ter, Mrs. Jessie Cane left for
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
' Warehouse
U.P. andN.P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorioo Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
ttititiiiitiiiiii'Mim"""""""' """"
Beginning Monday
August 19
Regular weekly
Garbage Disposal
in residential district
25c per pick up
One gathering per week in residen
tial district.
il Hicks
For special service, Phone 682
fa ! - t a f r f
. t . s ua -t ai A
Platic makes sudi rrrfect liandhags! These
look lovelier than you'd dream! Mirror-bright
patent, leather-like jrraininjss you'll hardly bo
able to tell from the real tiling! They last longer
thn you'd imagine won't crack, won't acuff,
won't peel: l'uliy pnnflies, sleek envelopes, and
convenient elide fa-tened styles. In black,
brown, red, .ome navy, tan. 2.98 to 4.98
Plut To
What's New at Penney's
Short jacket styles, in pastels or
dark colors. Also two-tone com- "y.90
Pastel colored borders . . '' . 88c
39-inch cretonne, floral patterns 39c
Leather soles, rubber '-.eels, 0.98
Leaii..?r lined . . O
Back Again-
The Original
Insect Repellent Light Globes
Reduces attraction for insects
up to 92 ... In sizes 60 and
100 watts.
Fly Sprayers
We've been without so long.
Now we have them in one-half
pint and quart sizes.
Now Available
for Immediate Delivery
Chill Chests
5 cubic feet capacity
Home freezers hold temperature at
zero ... to see one is to want one.
Electric Juicers
Let the electric juicer squeeze
the citrus fruit . . save time and
You Can Get
Them Right Now
Coal and Wood Cook Ranges Q'
(with reservoir) . . .
Electric Radios
and up
7:00x20 10-ply Truck Tires, Auto Acces
sories and Car Batteries
Refrigerators and washing machines are
arriving from time to time.
Shaw Start t TiM. btliw Mmy BundT, I V- V- m-
In complUnc. with the Federal Ttx Requlr.rn.irt. Children'. AdmlMlon. pply
nly to those under the Iol e of 11
B.cUd Short Sah)Mta With An rrofTmnu
Program SuWeot to Cluun. Wteh local nwpr for weekly announcement
Drama tee month op august, tkb satubday wioht shows whl staet at
Friday-Saturday, Auguit 16-17
That Texas Jamboree
Ken Curtli, Jeff SonneU, Andy Clyd Blrf Boy
Willium, The Hnoder Hotahoti, rinnlng
8 liters Deuce Spigeln. nd hll band with
the Plainsmen and Carolina Cotton
Here's a real western tonic with a bevy of hit
Robert Benchley, Vera Vague, Conrad Janla,
Nanette Parks, Janls Wilson, Jimmy Lloyd
Rollicking good humor stems from the story
of a boy who has gained his spurs as a tough,
sergeant being regarded by his family as a
child when he returns.
Saturday Night Show Starts at T p. m.
Sunday-Monday, August 18-19
Sentimental Journey
John Payne, Maureen O'Kara. William Bandls,
Connie Marshall, Sir Cedrlo Hardwlcke,
Wash Aner
Based on Nelia Gardner White's sentimental
ltory. sensational little Connie Marshall snatch
es acting honors from a cast of experienced and
excellent performers.
Tuesday, August M
No Time For Comedy
JamM Stewart. Boaallnd Buwoll
If you remember this one. you'll want to see it
again; If not, you won't want to miss It.
Wednesday-Thursday, August 11-13
Tars and Spars
AUd Drake, Janut Blair, Mare Piatt, Bid
Caeaar, Jeff Donnell
A singing, shining romance . . . brimming with
laughter and song.
Community Sing of Popular Songs
Oia 22-23-24
.SKI ' j
m. met hi m
phthibutow Btmimmtwct
1. Cowlitz County PUD U0
2. Gray's Harbor County PUD . . U&c
3. Skamania Cointy PUD . . 1.03
4. Pacific County PUD J.IU
5. Wahkiakum County PUD ... 1.4S
6. Clattkanio PUD 1.56c
7. Kittitas County PUD 1.92c
S. Klickitat County PUD 2.99c
9. liwit County PUD 3.42c
Abov PUD A gum an from UlM avilUal ns.ni W
tb. Boasrvlll. Powtr AdmlalMrallea aad lael. N
Public Ullllly DIMrieU dlMrilaillag BM.vlll.CrKi
CouIm Power I. Ibr t.ir.l publl. for M lean I ytar.
PPAL 6gur. la for II swalhi ndlsg Jaa. SO, 1444
PUD Uctricity actually co$U tA
public mort than this table $hou$,
becaiut Wathington and Oregon
PUDS have levied and collected
$2,700,000 In taxet...
to ipend a they tee fit! On the
other hand, Pacific Power & Light
hat paid Into the public treatury
m total of 910,611,556 In taxet
in the pott ten yean alone!
(Pacific Power & Liglfrtt
Bringing you blggtr and blggtr bargains In Itctrlclty