Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 15, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppper Gozette Times, August 15, 1946 3
Week's News From
lone and Vicinity
Mr. Echo Palnateer
Mrs - lohfln TmeHsnn nH inn
Carl were Portland visitors last
The Ameca club will have a
picnic at Battle mountain Aue
Mr. and Mrs. Emest Heliker
are huckleberrying at Mote
Sprint's near Cove. After the
15th they will go to King's Hill
to visit Mrs. Heliker's sister and
family, Mrs. William Thompson.
' Mrs. Beulah Hale who has
been cooking for Lee Pettyjohn
has finished the work and is
back in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Heliker
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed
mond Bristow and sons Gary
and Donald and Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Bunch and children at
dinner Sunday.
Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann
Rave a birthday party Aug. 8 in
honor of Lola Ann McCabe. The
guests were Patricia and Delo.
res Drake, Ingrid Herman, Car
letta Olden, Beverly Bleck, Mrs.
L. A. McCabe and daughter
Grace, and Mrs. Geo Drake.
Cake, cookies, ice cream and
punch were served.
Gary White returned home
with his mother, Mrs. Gordon
White, last week. Gary has been
spending the summer with his
grandparents at Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright and
Earl White and his son Kenneth
of U. S. army spent a few days
in lone. Mrs. Earl Wright who
visited her mother, Mrs. Ida
Grabill , returned to Baker with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns
and daughter Wilma left last
week on a trip. Wilma has been
attending school in Portland and
is on her vacation.
Rev. John F. Merrill spent a
few days in Oregon City and
at Mt. Hood last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M.Baker and
family spent the week-end at
Dayton Wash, with Mr. Baker's
Mrs. Elaine Aldrich, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aldrich left
for Elk Kiver Minn, last week.
The Maranatha society met at
the home of Mrs. Marion Pal
mer Saturday Aug. 10. Ice
cream cake and watermelon
was served by the hostess.
Wheat harvest is getting pret
ty well over in this vicinity.
Mrs. Omar Kietrnann and son
Larry are in Portland at the
We Have
home of Mrs. Rietmann's moth
er, Mrs. Inez Freeland. Her
brother, Eupene Freeland and
wife of San Diego expect to vis
it there soon. Mrs. Rietmann
has not seen her brother for 19
Van Hubbard had the misfer
tune to have his combine upset
one day last week. I
There will be no meeting of
the P.N.G. club this month.
The Misses Clara Jean and
Alecia Swales visited their fa
ther Alfred Swales at Pendleton
for a few days.
Cleo Drake injured his back
while working at the James
LinJsey ranch.
Rev. J, R. L. Haslam, evange
list, closed a two-weeks meeting
a the Baptist church Sunday
night. A baptismal service was
held after the meeting.
Evening services will be held
beginning Sunday, Aug. 18 at
the Cooperative church for three
Rev. R. L. Casselman spent
:he week-end in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. William Aubel
and daughter Linda of San
Francisco were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Heliker for a
few days.
Earl Padberg of La Grande
was an lone visitor this week.
Mrs. Imogene Mooney return
ed from Yakima where she un
derwent a tonsilectomy.
Charles White, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon White, is on leave
irom the Navy.
Out-of-town relatives attend
ing the Elmer Griffith funeral
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howk
and children from Iroutdale,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn and
.hildren from Vernonia, Clar
ence Linn of La Grande, Miss
Grace Cunningham, a niece
jf Mrs. Griffith trom Post rails,
Rev. John F. Merrill has been
making some improvment at
the parsonage. He put a cem-
nt top on the cess pool and
otner improvements.
Mrs. Elizabeth Horn is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Carl Linn.
fill lliat tnankmel lias clone, tkoukt-,
gained or been: it is lying as in magic
f ',, preservation intlte pages of Looks."
" . ... I'.'.l .!, - THOMAS CAgCYlS '
f mi -i 1 ' '!M'.M'. ,
I rKLIi IPIIU ir lim?
te-KrT.-. t,iX- L1LIV
intrnTu i n"
The 7995 free public libraries in communities
alu over the country - a tremendous force
in the development of the nation- bring
within reach op almost all our, people a
vast storehouse of human experience in
support of the freedom of thought and
speech that is inherent in our democracy.
Mrs. Agnes Wilcox is visiting Word was received of the
friends in the Willamette valley, death of Brooks Goodall of Se-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost are
stationed in lone for a while.
Air. Frost is foreman of the
bridge crew for the railroad.
attle Aug. 8. Mr. Goodall is a
brother of Mrs. Elmer Griffith.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan
son returned home from Salem
Children Present
Finishing Program
The union daily vacation Bible
school came to a successful clos-!
ing Sunday evening with a de-j
monstration program for the i
rarents and friends. The offer-!
mg of $51 has been set aside
as a reserve fund for next year's
Bible school with Mrs. Claude
Graham as union S. S. treas
urer. The children and teachers
brought an offering each morn
ing of the school and they are
happy to announce that $53 has
been sent to kev. Charles Not
ion for his work in Tibet.
Mrs. Mattie Huston of Port
land is visiting at the home of
her son, Alonzo Edmondson.
where they visited relatives
and attended a reunion of Mrs.
Swanson's family, there were
eight children present.
r E550NS IJiiV
Flying Service
Lexington Airport
our level best to
get good legitim
ate merchandise
for our customers.
and livedo
a nice stock of
ties, belts, billfolds.
as well
hats, work gloves,
but we
bare no
sports coats, no
suits, no white
shirts, no fancy
dress shirts.
it doesn't cost a
cent to come into
Dave's store and
take a look . . . .
for that there is
no charge.
Men's Wear
4 i V
JL.". -,'v
Automobiles . . washing machines . . re
frigerators.. radios.. ranges.. all the new
things will soon be back on the market.
Whether you buy one or all, buy on the
THRIFTY PAY PLAN of the First National
Bank of Portland. Your home appliance
or automotive dealer can arrange for
payments to be made on the Thrifty Pay
Plan. You'll recognize the savings for you
with the Thrifty Pay Plan.
The Thrifty Pay Plan is the right, answer
to installment financing. Preserve your
wartime savings pay for your new aufo
mobile or home appliances out of income;1
Through Any Branch et
You Can Now Get
General Petroleum
Gas and Oil Service
at the
0. K. Rubber Welders
Frank Engkraf
Convenient location, on North Main Street, Heppner
Opposite the Fair Pavilion
Ttupler's Fur Stylist
will be in 'our store to assist
you with your selection ....
Wednesday and Thursday
August 21-22
h :V : ' jtfW&
v J, V jr '
i r --it
They're LOVELY!
They're NEW!
This Is "Dream Stuff
Radiantly lovely, these fresh new
furs parade their push-up sleeves,
free swin-backs, different shoul
ders, collars and varied lengths.
A star-studded array of all that's
new and lovely in fus, prices as
you would vision them in your
most yearning dreams!
$89 to $1500
$5 DEPOSIT will hold your
choice during our August Sale.
Free storage until fall.
Convenient monthly payments.
Stop dreaming . . .
Awaken! Buy NOW!
Anderson & Wilson
Heppner, Oregon