f A Heppncr Gci2ette Tims, August 8, 1946 Wtefc'i News From Jane nd Vicinity Mr, Echo Pal mat per Mr. Bertha M. Severn of Paisley- Kaj been hired to teach the nth and eighth (Trades in the lone school. H. C Wood of Portland was an lone visitor the first of the week. Jimmy Torson of Portland is vis iting at the Oscar Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow were visitors in The Dalles last week. Chief Warrant Officer and Mrs. BUYSNOW SUITS m I st . . . . WHEN YOU CAN GET SUCH BEAUTIES! ; C J2 TOrS brother-sister i. pc. fleece- In blues, reds, brown. 2-4. ?6J9 Hats and telnwts SSc GIRLS' blanket doth jacket. snow - ckth pants. Lamb fur collar. In tan and OTA brown. 3-6. ' w 7-12 19-90 Hats 49c J Francis W. Lindsay of Rosswell, N-M- were guests at the Frank Lind jsv home last week. The youngvr . ... j.i.v v.1 AlMiC llldil. ! His wife is an Enpsh teacher in trie Rosswell schools. Mr. and Mrs- Harlan Lundell and daughter of Boise spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lun dell. Both families left Monday for a trip through California. Mrs. Ada Cannon is taking care of the Lun. dell home in their absence. The Maranatha at the home of Mrs. Marion Palmer Saturday afternoon, Aug. 10. The HEC of Willows grange will hold an all day meeting at the hall ,nug. lb with pot luck at noon. I Miss Maxine Ely of Boardman is helping her grandmother, Mr I H. O. Ely during harvest. I The 4-H club girls and their ; leader. Mrs. L. A. McCabe met at jthe Earl McCabe home July 30.. Miss Kathryn Monahan, home de ; monstrator was present. Rubv Ann ; Rietmann and Lola Ann McCabe , demonstrated measurements. The girls are working on a canning ; project ! Dick and John Denslinapr of Th. ; Dalles are visiting their sister, Mrs- Uon tieiiker. Rev. and Mrs. R. L- Casselman returned from their vacation in the moutains last week. They spent most of their time at Dixie Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason and grandchildren left for Lehman Springs to be gone two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson went ' to the mountains one day last : week. I The missionary society met at the Congregational church parlor Aug 1. Mrs Doherty of the U. S. anny Seft Thursday for Camp Sloneman in Pittsburg. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Chirks Hoover and children of B.r-.c::--. W vis- week. Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Baker are sisters. Rev. Alfred Shirley of The Dalles conducted services at the Cooperative church last Sunday. Miss In(.rid Herman celebrat ed her 13th birthday Sunday at her home with the following guestsr Ruby Ann Rietmann, Delight Bid die. Jane Seehafer of lone; Patricia Lawrence of Heppner, Carol Jack son of Lexington ad Beverly Breck jf Chicago. Mrs. Phil Emert and son spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan Follette in Hermiston. Mr- and Mrs. McCoy and child ren have moved into the apart-, ment house from the Fish ranch. Mrs. Gordon White and daught er Lona and Mrs. Tom White left Mrs. Imogen Mooney underwent for Portland Monday, a tonsilectomy in Yakima this week. Mrs. John Eubanks took her daughter Sandra to a physician in The Dalles Sunday. Mrs- Clarence Brenner accompanied them. Mr and Mrs. C. W. Swanson re turned home last week from Port land. Mrs. Swanson has recovered from her recent operation. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell and daughter, Norma Lou brought them home. The Lundells returned to their home in Portand Monday accom panied by Keith Rea, Virginia An drews and their son Merle Lundell who has been spending the sum mer at the Clell Rea farm. Gene Rietmann hr.s been soloing at the Lexington air field. Lexington Items A Camp Fire girls' group was organized last Saturday under the leadership of Mrs- Delpha Jones and assistant Majo Marquardt. The first meeting was. held in the La dies Aid room at the Congregati onal church and the second meet ing will be held at the home of Donna Gosney, Friday afternoon. Aug. 9 The name Tan Da was se lected by the girls as their official name and it means love, honor and respect- The following officers were elected: president. Iris Bloodsworth; vice president, Don na Gosnell; secretary, Jo McMil lan, treasurer Audrey Majeske, scribe Elizabeth Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Way of Se attle were week-end visitors at the Dan Way home. They were accom panied by Kenneth Way who re cently received his discharge from the navy. Miss Lavonne McMillan has re turned home from Portland where she has been visiting relatives. Misses Alice and Frances Grif fith arrived from Spokane Tuesday to visit a while at the Edwards home before departing for their home in Sacramento, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn were Hermiston visitors one day last week. Red, water repellant parka type jacket with fur trim with contrast ing snow i y ?r cloth pants 1 A,uu What's New at Penney's for Saturday! SPUN RAYON -PRINTS 36 inches wide, washable yard 69c 1.98 Men's Towncraft De Luxe WHITE SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 17 MEN'S KNIT BRIEFS Sizes 30 to 36 BOYS' TENNIS SHOES Non-mark Soles Men's Sizes $1.98 49c 1.79 Calling in Hosiery numbers 301 to 450, inclusive CARD OF TH'NKS We take tb-s oiportunity to thank the fire-enters who worked so iaithiuiiv and elticiently in keeping Monday's fire from sweep ing over our grain and buildings. We deeply appreciate this service-Mr- and Mrs. Charles Osmin "You dcri l.avo to swing to kill that pesty thing!" ' . m S,d car markets ,r.r Miloraia operate. vo , tires bytnecarloaOarrt poss, paint b, the iram, etc. Tto saves money. ... ' Tke savings we make on other tti ,.. .illint. lor franklj need tars. Get our offer! Be money ahead! 7th and S. E. Court - Phone 492 Flies, mosquitoes, moths and other similar insects (with or without wings) take a permanent nose-dive when they run into a whiff of Standard Fly Spray. Used as directed, it won't stain your finest materi als, it has no unpleasant odor, and it's harmless to human beings. It not only gets nu of pest parents, it also destroys their ee?s and larva; before insects are born. And use Standtf '. .r.:.n.;l Flv Spray to get rid of flies on milk cuws and a a t-neial insecticide for all animals. L. E. (ED) DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon 7T , -3r lti -V ,i.ti t,i ;tisrsi g" SOCIAL SECURITY AT 65 If you have a fair paying job at 65, you'll have to give It up to qualify for a Social Security check. Lacking a do pendable income to add to Social Security, you may find yourself unaljle to accept Social Security when it comes due. OR JOY? With a reasonable income from in- suranca policies at C5. to add to vour Social Reci.rtt-u vn. " wife and you can make out comfortably without your salary. A new life of contented leisure may begin for you at 65 if you have planned and saved wisely through life insurance. Let me W you how the imurance pollclet you now own can be fitted into your Social Security picturf , , , what other income may be needed to make It powUble (or you to receive Social Security and still maintain a reasonable ttand a.-d of living. Thi aervice la wholly frea and without obligation. WRITE FOR FREE SOCIAL SECURITY FILE I It lists the 7 types of official records required to collsct Social Security benefits, and provides lor their convenient aafe keep.:. You will also receive handy form on which to estimate now your future Social Security benefits. A few mi:iufct of foresighted planning may aava you or your family cntly delay In obtaining Social Security btoafttt wlien due. Mail thia coupon today. JERRY ACKLEN Care of Harry Hinges Icxington, Oregon Representing Pendleton THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of NEW YORK 31 Nassau Street, New York 5, N. Y. 1M3 . "First in America - liMO Our 2nd Century of Service G I! KEEP YOUR NATIONAL SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE! es- Cukes 8c per lb. Roasting ears middle of next week- W. P. Prophet 20p ConUmiM irwea nm Paara end of town. A suggestion tl'at the county bulldozer be employed brought out the information that the county is preparing to gravel the Willow creek road and a stretch of road in the Eight Mile section. FOR SALE Carrots and cucumb ers at my place in North Hepp ner. Carrots 75c per doz. bunch- HiwulM Lull 22-23-24 Transferring r Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. REMEMBER ItlLlI WE HAVE MOVED II We are now in our new building and are in position to give service on any make of refrigerator, both domestic and com mercial. We have new equipment for commercial establishments and walk in boxes and will build your walk-in box your specifications. Our refrigeration department is in charge of Mr, Otto Steinke, a World War II veteran, from Arlington, Ore. For Service-Phone 2482 NOTE-We are holding prices to the June 30 level and will continue to do so as long as wholesale prices are maintained at that level. Heppner Hardware 6 Electric Co. STAR EB REPORTER Show Starts at Trio. Madness mmj Buadaj, 1 p. bu 1 p. m, In compllanct with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply nly to those under the legal ace ot IX fklte4 Short tabjacta With AH Ptosrrtma Pnrsa SsMaet te Ofcaace Watch leeai newspaper for weekly announcement ousnro the month op auoust, tn battboay might T P. M. BEMEMBEB SATUaUDAT MIOR OHLT, 1,K SHOWS WOL 8TABT AT ensnared tn bition era. Friday-Saturday, Ang-nat 9-10 Her Kind of Man Dan. Clark, J aula Paige, Sadutry Scott, Tajr. Emerson, Oeorffa Tobias AH the excitement of the lawless '20s has been this gripping story ot ths prohl- PLUS Hopalong Cassidy Western Saturday Night Show 8Urts at T p. m. Sunday-Monday, Aagnat Ziegfeld Follies of 1946 Lucille Bull, Lucille Bremsr, rre4 Artalre, Gne Kelly, Tinny Brio. Jndy CHurUad, Kathryn Grayson, Lena Rorne, Jmin Mel. ton, Victor Moore, Bed Skelton, Ettbex Wil. liaVmt, and many other Dne in the true Ziegfeld tradition of splendor with beautiful girls, lavish setting, dancing, ainging . . . and all in Technicolor. Tnaaday, Angus 13 Murder in the Music Hall Ten Hrab Balaton, Nancy X.Uy, Ann Bntn. rford, WUliam Oargan, J.rome Cowan, Helen Walker, William Marshall An unusual mystery story laid sgalnst a back ground ot beautifully staged ice ballet num bera. Also Technicolor HOLIDAY o HOUSB BACX through the Rocky Mountains; and ALXi STAB MUSICAXi MTrjI with the popular pianist Carman Cavallaro, dancers Velos and Volanda. Roearlo and Antonio, vocalist Kitty Carlisle, and Raymond Paige and his Orchestra. Wednesday-Thursday, August 14-15 Pardon My Past Frd XaoMarray, Xargnerlta Chapman, AJtlm Tamiroif, Wtlliam Xtanarwt, Bita Johnaon A glibly dialogued, gleeful comedy of a prodi gal son who came to the wrong home. mse mums sons omm 3rW s out o more U1P3 CoviVrt nltli . . . 10 rw- ... . i.i - . iir.Mi- otV" j. SV.r rot . - 1. alt .' . t sre (rotn i i;D HaT" '. AAw"" " . Bonn"" .. . ,esf. ),r.eii' r" v;., a-.,,u" .To tot si 30, CvoueV"r.V.t'W PUD electricity actually cotU the public more than this table thowt, because Washington and Oregon PUDS have levied and collected $2,700,000 in taxes... to spend as they see fit! On the other hand, Pacific Power & Light has paid into tlte public treasury a total of $10,611,556 in taxes in the past ten years alone! BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ALWAYS GIVES YOU THE BEST BARGAIN... LOW RATES WITHOUT TAX SUBSIDY Pac5?ic I?vjer & LLoglhi. A StLf-SUPPORTING, TAX-PAYINQ BUSINESS