Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 08, 1946, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, August 8, 1946
Volume 63, Number 20
Scarcity of Rooms Faces
Association as Time For
1946 Rodeo Draws Near
One of the major problems fac
ing the Rodeo association at this
time is the matter of housing for
visitors at the 1946 show. This was
brought out at the chamber of
commerce Monday when Presi
dent Frank Turner stated that a
house to house canvass will be
made if people with spare rooms
don't start signing up with the
housing committee right away.
Indications point to a large at.
tendance from outside points and
some of these visitors will come
distances too great to be covered
both ways in a day. They want
housing and already many more
requests have been received than
either the hotel or the committee
has to offer. The hotel is holding
rooms for people who will be con
nected with the show and will not
have many reservations to offer
byeond that.
Turner, housing committee chair
man, urged those at the luncheon
to offer rooms, and to talk it up
with their neighbors and friends.
The need is urgent be points out.
H. A. Sanders, manager of the
Hotel Heppner, read a letter from
the state highway commission an
nouncing that the commission and
several others,, making a party of
17, would be in Heppner the eve
ning of Sept 9. The party askeJ
reservations of 17 rooms for the
This was the first intimation of
the impending visit of the com
mission as Heppner had not been
included in published itineraries
At the suggestion of Mayor J. O
Turner, the chamber of commerce,
city of Heppner and the county
court will join in giving a dinner
to the commission at the Lucas
Place, at which time road matters
of interest to the county will be
Jerry Acklen was a guest of the
club and brought greetings from
the Grants Pass chamber of com
merce and the Lions club
Mrs. Grace Nickerson was nam
ed a committee of one to see that
the Rodeo queen and princesses
are invited to a chamber of com
merce luncheon and to be their
hostess on that occasion.
Francis Nickerson explained an
Idea he and Rev. Fletcher Forster
have for developing the property
on lower Main street in the event
the city and county make a trade.
His plan was outlined to the city
council Monday evening at which
time he pointed out that it made
no difference who owned the pro
perties in question, the people
should be able to enjoy either or
both of them.
New Minister to
Fill Pulpit Sunday
The congregation of the Church
of Christ is looking forward to the
regular Sunday morning service
when the new pastor, Joe Jewett
will be in the pulpit. The minister
and his family arrived in Heppner
Wednesday evening and he will
take up his work at once.
Mr. Jewett had purchased a
home in Milton which he sold upon
being called to the Heppner
church. Possession had to be given
this week.
The churches of the town have
been invited to attend the services
at the Church of Christ Sunday
morning to welcome the new pas
tor and to remain for the potluck
which will be seized following
the srvice It is announced that
the Methodist church will omit
morning service to join In service
at the Church of Christ
Johnny Farley and family of
John Day are spending a few days
In the city on business and visiting
News From
C. A. Office
The 20th annual Pendleton ram
sale sponsored by the Oregon Wool
Growers association will be' held
Friday. August 16. More than 300
rams have been consigned to the
Pendleton sale by leading breeders
east and west of the Cascades
Bretds include Suffolk, Hampshire,
Lincoln, Rambouillet and Suffolk
Hampshire crossbreed. Vic John.
,son, Umatilla , county ag'ent. is
manager of the sale.
A strong booster of conservation
farming is C. A- Nish of Mikkalo
in Gilliam county. Three years ago
he contour planted strips of crest
ed wheat grass throughout 3S0
acres of steep-sloped wheat land to
check water erosion. Now well es
tablished, the contour stripcrop
r.ing has saved him tons of topsoil.
He now has 250 acres in the field
for alternate fallow and wheat and
2':ts a seed crop or pasture for
cattle from the 130 acres of grass
strips. '
Morrow county farmers can do
just as well in inaugurating such
roil conservation practices on their
farms. The Heppner Soil Conser
vation district furnishes technical
assistance to farmers in the dis
trict in planning and engineering
Practice payments under the
AAA program help with the cost
of establishing and maintaining the
conservation work.
Federal crop insurance on win
ter wheat is now on sale at the
I Morrow county AAA office an.
nounces Henry Baker, chairman.
Wider choice in the amount of
insurance he buys is offered the
winter wheat grower this year.
The buyer can choose lrom among
several different amounts of co
verage, pay a c3rresponding pre
mium, and collect a corresponding
indemnity in case of loss. With
this choice of insurance coverage
offered there is no excuse for a
farmer to take chances for heavy
loss by drought, Hood hail insects
or plant diseases.
Application for insu: ance must
be filed before plantii g but not
later than Sept 28. Tie crop is
protected against all unavoidable
natural risks from j: hinting time
through harvest
Wheat farmers are ur;;ed to stop
in at the AAA office if a crop in
surance agent does nt call on
them soon.
One 4-H club has tuned in all
their requirements of work for a
one hundred percent completion.
The club leader is Mrs- L. A. Mc
Cabe of lone. This is the first club
in Morrow county to reach this
goal for 1940.
This is a Cooking I club of eight
members. The girls who have ac
quired this splendid accomplish
ment are Eileen Biddle, Joan Cole,
man, Delores Drake, Patricia
Drake. Lola Ann McCabe, Carletta
Olden, Ruby Ann Rietmann,
and Jane Sechafer, This one hun
dred per cent completion entitles
this club to a Certificate of
Mis. L. A. McCabe is also the
leader of a Canni.ig I 4-H club
which is progressing nkjly.
Several other clubs have nearly
completed their activities. More
one hundred per cent completions
are anticipated before the close of
the club year. Who will be next!
Allen Case and Gus Nikander
are spending the week in San
Francisco where they are attend,
ig1 a furniture buyers' mart.
7, : I
Field -Fire Burns
Over Large Area
Fire fighters numbering more
than 100 at one time fought a
stubborn fit Id fire Monday after
noon and eAning and brought it
under control only after a wide
area of range land had been
An unguarded fire at the city
dump ground is said to have got
ten out of bounds and set fire to'
pasture land on the Charles Osmin
place. A field of Osmin's hay was
damaged but a grain iield on the
same place was uninjured. The
pasture land on the Charles Osmin,
Alton Osmin and Hugh Smith
ranches were consumed by the
racing flames, finally being extin
guished in Shobe canyon. Some
pasture land to the west of the
places mentioned also was dam
aged, j
The Heppner fire truck with
several volunteer firemen rushed
to the scene closely followed by
a pickup with fire wardens and
equipment. The city truck return,
ed alter a short time but it was
several hours before the other
equipment was brought in.
Morgan Rites To Be
At 11 A. M. Friday
Memorial services for the late
Merselous Morgan, who passed
owey Monday, Aug. 5, in Portland,
will be held from the Phelps Fu
neral Home chapel at 11 o'clock
a m. Friday, Aug. 9, with inter
ment to be made in the Heppner
Masonic cemetery.
Mr. Morgan's death resulted
from a fractured neck sustained
in a fall at the Barratt shearing
shed on upper Butter creek. j
Setli Marsclous Morgan was
born December 24, 1872 on Rhea
creek, this county, the son of Tho
mas and Elizabeth Morgan, and
was a resident of this section all
his life. He engaged in farming
and stockraising the greater part
of his life, disposing of his hold
ings a few years ago. He was mar.
ried to Lutie Dinsmore on October
G, 1910, at Pendleton. They lived
at The Dalles for about a year
where Mr. Morgan was employed,
but later returned here to make
t'leir home.
Surviving him are the widow,
two sisters, Mrs. Katie Slocum and
Mrs. Clara Slocum, and nine nieces
and nephews.
Heppner Couple
Married Monday
A marriage ceremony performed
in the Christian church at Walla
Walla Monday afternoon united
Mrs. Mattie Gentry and Walter
Rood, both of Heppner. Rev. L. E.
Cousins, assistant pastor of the
church, officiated and the service
was witnessed by Mrs. Cousins
and Frank W. Turner. The couple
returned to Heppner that evening
and are at home to their friends
at the former Mrs. Mary Thomson
residence on west Baltimore street,
which the then Mrs. Gentry pur
chased several months ago.
Premium lists went out this
week to 2000 prospective exhibitors
at the Umatilla county fair, sche
duled to get under way Aug. 22 at
The three-day event, first in
five years, will feature two days of
horse races, a style show, parade,
carnival, and two nights of big
dances at the county fair pavilion.
Hermiston business men are pre
paring to get thing's rolling with a
gala parade on Friday morning,
following entry day on Thursday,
Aug 22.
Races will occupy the spotlight
on Friday and Saturday afternoons
with pari-mutuel betting. Purses
will total $1,200.
Farm and 4-H exhibits, plus
women's contests in the Civic Re
some real competition for coveted
creation center promise to provide
blue ribbons.
Tile celebration will wind up on
Sunday with a spectacular Air
Show to be staged at the Hermis
ton Airport by the Skyroamers-
Mrs. Tcmpa Johnson of Corvallis
wns honored last Thursday at an
informal open house at the George
Peck home where she is a house
guest for a few weeks.
Fifty ladies called during the af
ternoon to visit with Mrs. Johnson
who lived for any years in Ijexing
ton where she is pretty generally
called Grandma. Several ladiet
from ITeppner were present in
clmlii'.g Mrs. R. B. Rice, Mrs. Vincc
E tannic, Mrs. Katie Slocum, Mrs
F. M. Parker, Mrs. Alvin Cnscbeer.
Mrs. Put Hly, Mrs. Mary Hair
and daughter. Other friends came
for a short visit Saturday and
Mrs. Peck was assisted by Mrs
Ola Redding and Mrs. Harry Du
vull. Cuke, cookies and iced grape,
juice were served.
Bill Kilkenny wns in town Wed
nesday from the Butter creek
lunch. He was currying one arm in
a sling', Buttering torn ligaments
in his shoulder when a horse he
was riding fell with him,
Queen Darlene i (Darlene Biddle) -is an expert horsewoman, as tl'.e picture indicates. Darlone
hales from lone, where he attended high school, and has other accomplishments as well as horse
manship. Her popularity will increase as "First Lady" of the Heppner Rodeo, Sept. 6-7-8.
Marshal Sounds
Warning to Canine
Owners of Town
If you love the little old family
pooch, see that he is kept at home
and off the streets particularly
Main street If you fail to take this
warning immediately, you may
lose your dog and here's why.
There is an ordinance against
dogs running at large and pro
vision is made for their disposal.
The authorities have been lenient
and the dogs are becoming a nui
sance about town. Consequently,
Chief of Police Dean Gilman has
been instructed to clear the streets
of unleashed dogs or those unac
companied by someone responsible
for them. The "law" has not want
ed to get tough, but the condition
is becoming too bad to tolerate
longer. If you want to keep your
pet, keep him under control.
. v
L. E. Dick has rented the north
room of the Farra building at Main
and Baltimore and will use the
space lor cuspiay oi gas ana ou
J. W. Farra, owner of the build
ing, which is still under construc
tion, is preparing to stucco the
front and side walls.
Cachot Therkelson, owner of Ho
tel Heppner,. was a business vis
itor here the fore part of the week.
He was accompanied by his fi
ance, Miss Wilma Wagner of Port
land. The marriage of Mr. lherkel
son and Miss Wagner will be an
event of Monday morning, August
12 and the ceremony will be per
formed at St' Mark's Episcopal
church in Portland
Simpson Halley is in the hospi
tal at Pendleton suffering from a
broken leg sustained at the pond
of the Heppner Lumber company
Tuesday. While unloading his
truck two logs rolled the wrong
way and fell on him. He suffered
bad bruises as well as a fractured
The union daily vacation Bible
school will give a demonstration
program t 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug
ust 11 at the Methodist church. All
parents and friends of the children
have been extended an invitation
to attend this service.
A card from Mrs- G. A. Sanders
this week asks that the Gazette
Times be mailed to them at North
Bonneville, Wash- Mr. Sanders
was in Heppner Friday attending
to business matters and arranging
for shipment of household effects.
He stated they were buying a tav
ern at North Bonneville.
Rule 1946 Heppner
'-Qh '.- " -yw
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Elmer Griffith In
Portland Hospital
With Broken Neck
Morgan Resident's
Condition Serious,
. Physician Reports
Information received by Dr. A.
D. McMurdo this afternoon is to
the effect that Elmer Griffith of
Morgan, who is in the Emanuel
hospital in Porland, is suffering
from a broken neck. Technically,
it is a dislocated fifth cervical ver
tebra, which the doctor says is a
broken neck. According to the Port
land physician who reported to
Dr. McMurdo, it is doubtful if Mr
Morgan will be able to walk again.
No authentic account has been
available to date as to the exact
cause of Griffith's injury. It is
stated that since Griffith's son
went into the service, W. G. See-1
naler naa been larming some ot in Ionej th uprer third in Eght
the Griifith land. The son having Mic. Alpine v-as put in xing.
returned, Griffith had asked that ton Frecinc, ar,d Lena was divided
he be permited to take over theji South Heccner and Pine
farm work and had gone to the
field to see why that could not
be done. Walter Corley was work,
ing in the field for Scehafer and is
reported to have referred Griffith
to him- No statement has been
put on record as to what transpir
ed between Griifith and Corley.
Dr. McMurdo received a call late
in the afternoon and went to the j
field where he found Griffith in a I
serious codition. He prepared him
to be taken to Portland at once,
believing he naa suiierea a necu
fracture. Concerned only with the
welfare of the patient the doctor
did not inquire into the circum
stances governing the accident.
Frozen Food "Box"
Added at Market
Central Market and Grocery has
extended its food service by the
addition of a frozen food locker
which was installed during the
week. It is a cabinet similar to the
type used as ice cream packers
and aside frem being an adorn
ment to the store is a most ser
viceable piece of furniture.
Instead of being closed tightly,
the lid of the cabinet remains
raised, and it is said the temper
ature does not vary five degrees
throughout the day.
A wide assortment of fresh vege
tables and fruits, as well as ready
to serve fish products, is kept in
the locker, making it possible for
patrons to enjoy fresh foods at all
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hill are the
parents of an eig'U pound sen,
Larry, born in Pendleton, Aug'- a.
Rev. John MernTl, pastor of the
Co--Operative church of lone and
Rev. J. R. L. Haslam, evangelist
who has been holding meetings at
the Baptist chuch in lone, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tioed
son Saturday.
Mrs- Will Morgan and Mrs.
Milton Morgan and little son Tony
of Monument are spemiing' a lew
days in Heppner, leaving ranch
aifaiis in the hands of the men
folks. Mrs. Sara McNamor, proprietor
of Central Market and Gn-oen,
is enjoying a vacation of two
wec-ks ut Nelscott on the Oregon
Harry Dinges of Lexington and
his son-in-law, Jerry Acklon,
made a business trip to Portland
Tuesday, returning that evening.
Dan Dinges, who underwent an
operation on his elbow two weeks
ago, returned to Lexington with
them. Dan plans to leave this eve
ning for Spokane where he will
usher nt the wedding of a fruter.
nity brother Saturday,
-' -fit- -r' -nn-rm
Voters Urged to
Get Straight on
Precinct Location
Not a little confusio'i still exists
in the m'nds of voters in those
precincts that were discontinued
by the county court last spring as
to where they actually belong and
do their voting. Since the primary
vote was light it is likely that a
iood many voters passed up an
opportunity to get themselves pro
perlv located at that tims
The season has arrived when
precinct organization should be
?et up by political parties and in
order to do this definite informa
tion relative to precinct status is
Party leaders are urging regis
tered voters to ascertain their pre
cinct status and those who are not
registered to do so and remove the
doubt about their voting places.
It will be recalled that four pre-
cmcts were eliminated and the vo
ters placed in other precincts. Ce-
cil, Alpine, Gooseberry and Lena
were discontinued. Cecil was com-1
bined with lone; the north two -
thirds of Gooseberry was placed
City precincts.
Frank Engkraf, proprietor of
Heppner Motors, will give a pub
lic demonstration Sunday afternoon
of a new type motorized cultiva
tor and all round handy farm'
he ha:
the Rototillcr, for which
tile sales agency in tliis
The demonstration will be held
at the James Hager place on Chase
street at 2 p m- The Hager lawn
will be plowed up and smoothed
over to show what the little ma
chine will do. There are numerous
attachments lor doing about ev
erything ncessary in garden and
landscaping work.
E- C. Mitchell of Portland is in
Heppner this week selling adver
tising for tile official Kodeo pro-
gi am- Mitchell follows this work
ail the tune and makes most of
the rodeos and buckeroos over the
state. The Gazette Times wiil print
U'e program which will be in the
nature of a souvenir this year.
Fidel is Unrein is home from the
Veterans hospital in Portland and
will remain here about 15 days.
He Iims to return to the hospital
for further treatment.
Radeo Directors
J -'
A 'i
1 ho uiivct.M's niul sulT
mid grain raisers
Their tireless
f eiueitainnicut. Heading from left to right: Har lun McCurdy,
ce lieckner, president, Jim Valentine, Eb Hugh. es. and Harry
City Preparing to Build
5faw Reservoir; Awaits
Drilling of New Well
Forest and
A" fire located Monday of this
week by Madison and Wheeler
lookouts turned out to be a total
loss of cabin and car belonging to
Dick Rodgcrs of Hardman. Rodgers
had gone into camp which is locat
ed near the HeppnerSpray high
way on Chapin creek and gotten
his lunch then went back to his
sheep. Some time later he noticed
smoke up that way and hurried
back. He found Charlie McDaniel,
state fire guard, there controlling
the blaze. His car and cabin had
already burned.
Kinzua logging company is
building a road down Wilson
creek just below Wilson prairie.
Mr. Dunbar is contracting the main
road and has it roughed out with
in two miles of Opal guard station.
Bert Bleakman and his crew
have completed stock water de
velopments at Hayworth and Hell
Hole springs. The boys are now
building a cattle guard at the junc
tion of the Tamarack road and the
There has been frost this week
in the mountains and ice at Par
kers mill several mornings.
Paul Logan and Dick Wilson are
on the district looking over cruis
ing work being done.
Mr- Frost department engineer
and Mr. Bennett of Pendleton were
on the district this past week ex
amining a location for a cabin to
be used in connection with snow
pole and wood permits
have been issued -to Elmer Knigh
ten of Olexj Louis BergevinK lone;
Gene Stone, O. G. Haguewood of
Heppner. Free use permits to
Sl'inley Robinson, E:n Stanford
of Hardman .and Loren -Matteson
of Heppner, .
Elmer Knighten was a caller in
this office this week enroute to
the mountains to .visit his brother
i Wilbur Knighten,
Salter for the
; Hardman cattle association,
Ther weather -has been
' chang'able this .week. It
from a class 4 day up'to a 6 day
Monday and back to a 4 Wednes
day. ;
We know fires can still burn
from the way the one went Mon.
day in the wheat south of town.
Forsythe Returns
With New Stinson
Jack Forsythe returned Saturday
afternoon in a new Stinson Voy
ager upon which he took delivery
at Wayne, just ouside of Detroit.
Mich. Forsythe was accompanied
by Gar Swanson of lone, who
made the trip east with him, and
Sephen Thompson, who was pick
ed up at Waterloo, Iowa, where h
had g'ane with a shipment of lambs
The trip from Waterloo was made
in 27 hours flying time, with stops
along the way. It required five and
one-half hours to make the last
lap of the. journey, from West
Yellowstone to the Lexington air
Upon arriving home Swanson
found that his family was at Mc-
Minnville so he employed Forsythe
I to fly him there. Jack's father, B,
C. Forsythe, made the flight with,
: them.
Miss Adelle Forster returned
home Sunday from southern Cali
fornia where she had a pleasant
two weeks vacation. She was ac-v.
copanied by her sister, Miss Irene
Forster, who has been employed as
a surgical nurse in one of the large
hospitals at Glendale.
and Staff Members All Good Horsemen
Heppner Rodeo As sociation are
efforts have brou glit the Heppner
:"!U;' Ut
7 .!' -.., - : ,., ..... .; '
A f i Yt w -
Keppner's town fathers had
busy session Monday evening at
which time matters of importance
to the growth and welfare of the
town were disposed of.
Of first importance was the de
cision to start preliminary work
towards construction of a new re
servoir to augment the distribu
tion of water and provide addi
tional fire protection. Plans call for
a storage capacity of 500,000 gal
lons on a site to be left largely to
the consulting engineer that will
be employed to put the job
Concurrent with the decision to
build a reservoir. Mayor Turner
stated that all that stands between
the city and a new well is the fact
that Contractor A. M. Edwards has
not completed the well at Echo.
As" soon as he is through there he
will set up at the site selected
and start drilling for a new supply
of water for Heppner.
Discussion of the reservoir
brought forth comment on the
water used- This was prompted by
a query from Councilman Tibbies
relative to refilling the swimming
tank- The tank has been out of
service the past week due to a wa
ter' shortage and while the season
is little more than half gone it
was debatable whether it should
be closed for the rest of the sea
son and season ticket holders re
funded for the unused portion. J.
O. Rasmus, water commissioner,
reported that the pump at the city
well is operating at the highest
notch yet attained and that ap
proximately 310,000 gallons of wa
ter is being pumped daily. This
has not been suffiicient to permit
an appreciable increase of storage
water and that unless rain came,
or cooler weather, it didn't appear
possible to fill the tank soon. Af
ter considerable discussion it was
decided to let the tank matter
stand as is and if the supply in
creases the tank will be refilled.
A request from the school board
for a hearing was granted and Ed
win Dick presented a request for
aid from the city in policing the
school grounds at night in an ef
fort to break up the vandalism
which has caused the district no
small amount of worry and much
Harold Becket spoke on the in
adequate lighting system both on
the school property and leading
to it
Miss Leta Humphreys, chairman
of the board, asked for coopera
tion between school and city in
the matter of hiring a full-time
physical education teacher and re
creation director.
The policing request has been
met in part by the hiring of an ad
ditional marshal. Mayor Turner
read an application from Charles
Gomilion which was acted upon
at once. Gomilion was employed
Tuesday. He will use his car for pa
trol duty about town, with peri
odical trips around the school pro
perty. Council also decided that
more light .is needed but felt the
city's obligation ceased at the dis
trict's property line. If additional
lights are not put in an effort to
strengthen those in service,will be
Mayor Turner offered the sug
gestion that the city employ the
services of a bulldozer in having
the Willow creek channel cleared
under the Main street bridge, add
ing that it might be a good thing
to clear the creek channel from
the Main street bridge to and in
cluding the Gale street bridge- The
proposal was accepted by the
council with the recommendation
that the channel be cleaned from
the Gale street bridge to the south
Continued on t,;tge Four
i fi
all men of the mJJIc st:n.kin-n
Kodeo to the front in this field
Cliff DauRhcrty, Claude Huidika,
Dinges, setretaiy.
C) .Cr.;