2 Hppnar Gazette Times, August 1, 1946 EDITORIAL . . . Just A Good Country, That's All Thb to busy time of the year in this section, vfcat vith harvesting one of the best wheat crops Is year, and trucks are hurrying from grain fields e elevators to keep up with the combines. But fraia ia not all that is being borne over the high ways, for this is not a one-crop region. Wednesday morning as ye scribe was wend iof his vay to the courthouse, hs progress was baited by a procession of trucks coming in on th highway from the south. Out of curiosity he first four trucks contained stock, lumber, wheat topped to see what the line of traffic held. The and logs in that order. Had it been possible to remain at the spot for an hour or so and check oa the traffic the story would have been repeat ed several times, for while cattle do not move to market every day, there was a move on that day. Lumber is rolling steadily from the mountain mflls, and logs coming to the Heppner Lumber aotnpany keep a fleet of big trucks on the move. That is the picture seen here in town as men and machines move the products of forest and hills to the rail head. Below town, men are busy load ing wheat and lumber into cars (when they can get them) and the modern plant of the Hepp er Lumber company is converting the logs into lumber for the use of mankind. It is a busy scene and one that emoves the question of what makes Heppner a good little town. It also provides the reason for the housing shortage. Rotes Must Go Up , Since the time of World War I, advertising rates and printing prices have been held to a modest level by the Heppner Gazette Times. Rates charged f.-ty were in effect during the strenuous '30'! and were not out of line with production cos.s of that period. In 1946 the picture has changed. Everything entering into the printing and publishing busi ness which the local publisher or printer has to buy has raised, sharply in some instances, mod estly in others, but in all making the cost of pro duction far out of line with advertising rates arid printing prices charged by your local newspaper establishment. Ths newspaper has hesitated to rais rates, hoping that prices in general would be scaled down. It now seems that there is little likelihood that materials and equipment prices will be lo wer or even stay as low as they are. The law of supply and demand will take care of that for several years to come. Printing equipment requires replacement oc casionally and this newspaper needs a few mod era pieces to make the plant more efficient, but we can't buy modern machinery on a horse-and-buggy-days income. Neither can we pay present day wages on the same type of income. We feel that our patrons will understand the situation and agree with us when we say that in order to keep pace with the growth of the town, the constant upswing of prices connected with this industry, and the steadily mounting cost of living, we will have to increase advertising and printing rates. This is not a step taken on the spur of the moment. It is taken only after strug gling against odds that we realize we cannot ov ercome otherwise. Beginning September 1, the local advertising rate will be advanced to 35 cents a column inch. This is in line with rates charged by most coun try weeklies, many of which have less coverage than the Gazette Times. scooi vmi. attended - The urir daily vacation Bible school v t .'. a opened Monday at the Me'hdtst church has an at tendance to date of 71 students and 11 teachci', according to Rev. Fletcher f jrster. The arf. cl will run for another week ar.5 will close with a pro gram. P,.n s are already under way for net ; ear's school. VX10N IHCRCH SERVICE Union ihurch service in the Me thodist I turch Sunday, Aug. 4. Mormr ( Worship 11 a. ra. Ser mon h re, "Our Capacity to In vest." Chunl) school 9:45 aJn. A sir-ere welcome to worship with u? is extended to all people 1' etcher Forster, Minister ALL i VJNTS EPISCOPAL Chuich School 9:45 am. There will be no church services until Sept 8 while Archdeacon Blunt is in Canada. Tempera hire in the Kahler ba sin district were about on a par with those recorded in Heppner during the hottest weather of the past two weeks, according to C. B. Bisbee, who was in Heppner on business Wednesday. It was some what hotter at Spray and other parts of the John Day basin. Bis. bee was reminded of a summer In his younger days when he went from Heppner over to the Spray country to work in hay harvest for W. B. Potter. The thermometer hovered around 108 for two weeks which was plenty wan lor a tenderfoot taking his first whirl at hay pitching. Frank Turner left Wednesday morning for Portland on a short business trip. He was accompanied as far as Hood River by Lorene Mitchell and Cecelia Parker. Ce celia was returning home after spending a week at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. 7. S. Parker, and Lorene accompanied her for a visit at the Vawter Parkers. EXAMINER COMING A drivers license examiner is Now Is The Time To Prepare A Float for the Rodeo Parade Don't put off starting your float until time will be too short to do a nice job. Competition will be keen this year and it will require both careful planning and skill to gain recognition. Let's start now and make this the best parade of all. R. B. Ferguson H. D. McCurdy and vasJJbiQi. OU7Tl Naturally . . they are inseparable ti Jewelry of Distinction .... Always Something Different Fine mountings and diamond rings our specialty. Also fine ear rings for your special requirements. beautiful Rings for Every Taste Featuring genuine stones in mountings of exclusive design. Tell us your needs and we will try and do the rest Flowers add that not of beauty to any sentimental occasion ... for the wedding anniversary, and of course, always a corsage. The Flower Shop Fay Bucknum plWM lU'-V'" Aeronca has mad Nn Lj" today's flying So Safe, So SimpU tfvot j if you drive a car you can fly Aerontql lr5 1 FORSYTHE FLYING SERVICE Phone 37F3 Lexington, Oregon in M-G-M's romantic screen ass"" "Adventure Clark GABLE-Greer GARSON Victor nn'l rraiucSol "ADVENTURE" Join BLONOELL Thomas MITCHELL -im twit quaidi fd hayw u wmay Hamr oavoiport K)tMMMI ml mmm UHMm Umm 1mm ml Wm H In M m m Urn Of mm Ml t:;iiiii!iiiiiiKitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnty LOVELY HAIR Deserves Good Care What better treatment than a new per manent? Try. our new, comfortable beauty shop ... . careful styling ... ex pert workmanship. Your choice of Machine Permanent Machineless Permanent Cold Ware Permanent f& fl lUTeiy nairuu win ic jumu n. 4 Call for appointment Alice's Beauty Shop Alice Proclt, Owner and Manager Phone 53 far Appointment ftmnTmttrrtmmtttiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiinMiiiiliiiiiiiMiHiiiiiiiittirf it Hi! Kids! Hare you seen our display window? A complete play ground in your own yard for only .75 scheduled to be on duty in Hepp ner Tuesday, Aug 8. at the court house between the hours of 10 a m and 4 pm. Persons wishing licen ses or permits to drive are asked to get In touch with the examiner well ahead of the scheduled closing hour in order to assure completion of t'eir applications with a min imum of delay. 29 Steel Sturdy -Secure Swings Teeter-Totters Hobby Horses Also Children's Chairs, Rockers, Scooters Have fun with a Puppet pull a string ... it does your bidding. Case Furniture Company When Planning A Party Take us into your consideration Ice Cream is the perfect accomp animent for a party. Kid's love it-grownups relax with it See us about quantity buying . . . We offer a variety of flavors. For genuine satisfaction, place your order with us. Scotty's Super Cream Johnson Spinning Ropes with instructions for young cowboys. ROPES NYLON AMERICAN HEMP PLYMOUTH ROPE COTTON LEAD ROPE 22 foot McCARTY HAIR ROPES SPLIT EAR BRIDLES Cowboy Supplies Made to Order BITS and SPURS NAVAJO BLANKETS Loyd Bros. Saddle Co. HE DEALS IN FACTS Facts That Are Important To You! REV.J.R. L. HAS LAM at IONE BAPTIST CHURCH July 28 Through August 11 Services Start Promptly at 8:00 o'clock p. m. Daily Some of the Themes: "Give God a Chance" "A Glimpse of Heaven" "Eternity, Where?" ate. gr-' j r f j - TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Frank Rasmus was taken to the hoDital at Pendleton Wednesday afternoon suffering from pneumo nia. George Gertson took nlm over hy ambulance. Hes a Happy Baby Keep Him That Way We give you our promise that we will do our part. Our -drugs are pure and standard. Our prescription depart ment is at your command. We solicit your patronage SAAGER'S PHARMACY ttmmmturammm::mm:tm:m::!m:tmmmmmg Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Derion AvemM Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Wo Will Do Our Best To Hold Prices Down to a Decent Level We will make every effort to maintain the price levels in effect prior to June 30. There will be tome commodities over which we will have no control, but our policy will be to hold every item down pending clarificationof the present price control situation. ' There is no cause for alarm, either as to prices or supplies. Buy what you normally would what you need from day to day and we will all get along in good shape. Central Market and Grocery Your Complete Food Market STAR THEATER SUNDAY and MONDAY, AUG. 4-5