fUHfPpnxQtette Times, July 25, 1046 0 iJ Hi. uA Vrt L. E. Dick Sr. Court Proceedings Ceattnued frot Three iicial publications 27.60 Heppner Gaiette Tlmea. Co. Ct. 4S5 Heppner Gazette Tuna Cur rent expense 10.95 Heppner Gazette Times. Sher. 04(0 Mid-Columbia Typewriter Co Current Expense 31.50 Lulu Hager, Emergency JJ0 Children's Farm Home. Juve Heppner aaette Times. Dist Attorney UJ.0 P Tel & Tel Co Cut exp 5T-8S P P & L Co Court House 1&8S Bert Johnson Fein Assist 87.49 Bert Johnson. County Court 445 L. D. Neill. County Court 45 63 First Natl Bank of Portland Withholding Tax 168.07 Franklin Ely, Circuit Court 11.00 E. R. Schaffer. Circuit Court 12.60 J. F. McMillan, Circuit Court 4.80 Dixon Smith, Cir. Court 11:60 Phil Higgins Cir Court 1100 Bernard J Doherty Cr Court 7.80 John J Wightman, Cir Court 12 M Roy Quackenbush Cir Ct 620 ReiU Bibby Cir Court 7.60 Otto Ruhl Circuit Court 10.00 Walter Gilman. Circuit Ct 6.20 Edna Coxen. Circuit Court (20 Albert Massey.' Cir Ct 3.20 Milton Morgan Jr Cir Ct 1100 i U tut of tha wk from ofeart Orabffl Ctroutt Court E Craher Clmrit r.. - MO 104)0 20 1100 1040 (JO 11.10 IM M 10.2 MOM MIS 451.26 O60 C 3. S, Bausaaaa Stamps and Chas. Williams Frank Nixon A. J. Chaffee WUliam Buckm. Kenneth Orwick Raymond Turner Walter Gilman hara titty visited rela- 99.28 2985 17744 180.48 126.78 14125 183 S3 16335 2746 9087 154.56 55 92 28 48 W. R. Wentworth .TJ Montgomery Ward & Co 496 Tl Industrial Air Products Co SO Hodge Chevrolet Company - 1 44 FidelU Unrem 158 S2 Standard Oil Co 1084) Loggers & Contractor Mach inery Company 1963 Heppner Hardware & Bee Co 218 Penland Bros Transfer Co 5J47 Braden Tractor ft Equip. Co 2095 Gilliam & Bisbee 4I.H Henderson Garage 271.84 32.89 296 1800 1595 199 95 308.27 248.00 428 154 50 Kvolopsa. ism' ttvaa U saveral eks. W. C Roeewail. Or Ct Paul Hisler, Or Court, " A. E. Stefani, Cir Court Harlan MVSt4 r- r- - Happnar Lumber Co p? p: l, Co Dan Bishop O. K-' Rubber Welder Jack Allen Supply Co Independent Garage Standard Oil Co Western Auto Supply Clyde Nutting C. W. Barlow. Clerk State Industrial Accid Comm Industrial Air Products Co Same Forman P. . 8c L. Co WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND - lt or god lova a U CailWmu, Pasts Lyle Mulkey 157 29 Gene Mulkey 75.20l mhoct 10 a. m nfcla 11 a. Louis I Rucker 2356 OhUna'l rarc 7:30 p. as. IWwaia sanin I p. m. Cornets Green. Or Qnx William Heath 137 99 Edward Rica. Or Court Lucy Rodgers. Travai Ralph Tumor 190,' Harold Wilson Austin Wilson Robert Taylor 14328 Jack SJocura . 10933 Wendell Aldrich . 14328 Keith Marshall. 160 S3 H- Sokom 249 74 W. Cunningham 172 36 Bill Harrtwa 149 83 Alan Johnston Hubert Wilson Leonard Lindbloom Rosewall Motor Company O. H. Thompson Union Oil Company A WOU) OF THANKS EXi. to th. prompt and vary f rksent work of the Heppner fire ftgham my cram field was tared Uat Tfcusdsy when a grass fire threatened everything in Is path. 1 am very grateful. Frank Monahan. nile Court Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt Inci 5.00 750 Bert 273 824 .62 25.00 4 85 Johnson, Old Age Aaat Johnson, Aid to Dept. dentals Lucy E Rodgers, Travel Ex Bert Children First Natl Bank of Portland ' 186.40 State Indus. Aedd Comm 13022 City ater Dept 2 50 600 33 50 pense Harry Tamblyn, Emergencl State Dt'Pt Agriculture District Sealer 51.75 50.00 Bert Johnson. Blind A 1140 455 John W Kreks Cir Court 920 W- 0 0 0000 00 4 Gas & Air "tVftfY HOW YOU CAM $1 UCHTHCAXTiO ABOUT HfAYr tQUfPMCKT Brother, you can put worry iwty In moth balls when you use RPM Heavy Duty Motor OiL From the moment it flows lata your heavy-duty engines, heavy-duty trouble in the shape of carbon and gum gradually gets cleaned out. Patented compounds in this oil keep a rugged oil film oa hot spots, cat corrosion, prevent air bubbles. Relax with RPM Heavy Duty- Motor Oil it's designed to Drotaa sB,!CLSS. motors with hieh hoxseDowetl L. E. (ED) DICK 0 Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon n-1 1 :l7.v) 'ITT HIj1:vI JM J : W 1U FTDELU UKREW. Edits Hello Folks: Broke down and spent a pleasant hour at the Star thea ter the other night A young man sitting in front of us addressed his sweetie as Dove , but the only thing dove-like about her we could see was the fact that she was pigeon-toed. We are convinced that while some folks love to go to the movies other folks go there to love. Speaking of love, a friend of ours says that calf love is whea you sit up until the cws co"1 home. Of course the only way to find out whether love makes the world go round is to give it a whirl some time. By the same token, if yooU give our SERVICE a whirl, youll discover a value beyond compare. UNREIN Motor service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon I I'Kii'iii i '11 flit THE SEASONED TRAVELED Goes by Train. Toeatlon? Visit to relatives? Business trip? Wherever you plan to go and whenever there is a fast, modern and comfortable train to take you there. Cheoc Union Pacific. Faster schedule for StrnstiWaiW steam-po wared trains bound and locally. Ia sstasiy these schedule cut several prevtova runauauj taaaam. Don't put off that trip now is the tisna to take tf. For complete information, aftu'w a.,.. It Jptrfftc- union i. H. Cunningham. G. A. 1st -National Bank Btdgv 2nd & Alder Streets Walla Walla. Washington or Local Agent PACIFIC til tlBZmiL4 Am RAIL ROOD STAR CD. REPORTER Skew attrta at T'30. HstlaMs Xnrr tuaaf, 1 a. aw a s. as. sa aoaipltaae with the r4ral Tax Reqntrement, ChflCrea's Aimlseintu aps4y mtj to (hew mtr the lagal ae of 12. Selected Short Sobjaets WMk AS manau Veeapeaa SaiMest t Caaa(-Watch local newaaasw ssr weatdr ' Friday-Saturday. July 26-27 Rainbow Over Texas Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Gabby Hayes, Sheldon Leonard. Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers. Trigger Roy sets a new high in riding, singing and romancing. PLUS Dick Tracy Your favorite sleuth of the comic strips on the screen at last in a liglitning-paoid dra ma of crime detection. Also ARCARO UP brings to the screen Eddie Arcaro. one of the outstanding jock eys of the day. and shows the work and study necessary to bring in a winner. 8da) -Monday, July 28-29 The Blue Dahlia AUa Lead, Veronica Lake. William (The Ufa of Riley") Bendix with three featured from "The Lost Weekend". Howard Oa Mlva, Doris Dowlinf. Frank Fnylen About the brightest, tightest piece of melo dramatic craftsmanship that has come from the camera in years! Written by world-famous mystery novelist Raymond Chandler. You can take our word for it, "The Blue Dahlia" won't loll ya' to sleep! Tuesday, July 30 Cornered Dick Powell, Waller Slezak. Micheline Ckei rel. A Canadian Airman pursues an escaped criminal halfway around the world with a one-way ticket to adventure and danger- Wednesday.Thursday. July 31-August I In Old Sacramento William Elliott, Constance Moore, Rath Don nelly, Eugene Pallette. Lionel gtander. Jack LRue, Hank Daalsis A rough and tough outdoor drama plus sev- - eral good musical numbers - will provide ' satisfaction-plus to everyone a clean sweep! 15 ONLY Little Girls' SUMMER1 DRESSES Reduced tQ Qfflg, Sizes "3 to 6X; Sheer cool organ dies , in Pink- or blue shades. llliiuimn in hi " timttmmtf Illllllimmtl REDUCED TO CLEAR! 36 ONLY Stimmer Dresses 2.00 4.00 6.00 Odd lot not all sizes Jerseys, Crepes and Sheers irawiiwiiiiBiinwtiiMrifiiMiiimiiimtiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiwiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiuiiiiniMM 14 ONLY Toddlers' SUMMER DRESSES Reduced .20 Sizes 1 to 3 In cool Cotton Prints - Pinafore Styles. White or Blue Here They Go! 78 Pairs WOMEN'S Play Shoes $1.00 Pr- Choice of colori-Rod. Blue or White. Severrair Men's- Play Shoes Reduced ' to $1 .00 Not all sizes 25 PAIRS WOMEN'S SPORT SHOES Reduced tQ 1.50 This group includ-. es Brown Gr White Spectator Pumps. Medium and low heel white sandals and Red, Natural or White Sport Sandals. Not all sizes. VALUES' 20. ONLY Misses Skirts Reduced' to $3 Pastels, dark colors and checks. In ail wool' crepes and sport rayons. Not all sizes. 180NLY GIRLS' SKIRTS Reduced to $1.00 $2.00 Pastel Crepes, Plaids and Cotton and Spun Rayon Prints 28 ONLY SHcr Dickeys; and Dickey Blouses Reduced JO- Fussy and plain styles - Pastels or White. HERE'S ANOTHER WINNER!! 32 ONLY Girls' Sport Jackets Reduced to $0.00 $y.00 In. this group are Flannels-and. Cavalry twills Finger tip lengths or the popular short Bombardier styles. Little Tots Coat and riat Sets 5.00 Reduced to Boys' or Girls' styles. Ideal for fall wear 35 BOXES Floral. Note Stationery, RedJTL25c box Box contoins-40 flora i note.' sheets 40 envelopes; CLOStTOUT Air Mail Stationery T1 50c box 1 00' Sheets, 50' envelopes to box 8 only boxes Children's Stationery 25 cents For the little tots "Infants' Department" 30 ONLY Infants' Nursing Bottles , Complete with nipples Reduced Reduced to Clear! INFANTS' BIBS 5c each In infants designs 10 ONLY Leather and Plastic Leather Hand Bags Reduced to 50c - $2 Smart handbags in the new plastic materials REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE! Ladies' Leather Billfolds $1.00 $1.50 Some with change purse 14 PAIRS Men'r Corduroy SLACKS Reduced , to J kQQ Not all sizes Navy or Brown. Few Grays. iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimmt Entire Stock Men's Straw Hats Dress Styles Reduced to $1 - $150 This group includes Panamas, Porto Palms and other nov elty summer straws. ttniiitiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMiiiiiiiii itiminiirm Just 8 Pairs Left MEN'S SUMMER GABARDINE SLACKS Reduced to Not all sizes 3.50 65 ONLY JUVENILES AND BOYS' SPORT JACKETS AND SWEATERS Reduced! to one low price $2.00 Ideal for BaeMo-Iihooi- wear Sixes 4 to 16 Penneys