2 Heppner Gazette Time?, July 25, 1946 EDITORIAL. . TTie currert aicr shortage to the fr. the necfsity for provides aJJst:onal storage '.t the city' water supply. Present s:J.a- c:i;.-ac.ty tike care of normal demani tut is m.ideuate vhen anything cut of the ordinary occurs. As stated hy Mayor Turner in another column of this week's Gazette Times vo-k of drllmg a new well will start shortly. It is anticipated that this well will produce at least 200.000 gallons daily. Such production will make it necessary to provide another resenoir. and the city officials have lr mind one of 500.000-gallon capacity. The one reservoir no in use has a capacity of oOO.OOO gallons. A storage capacity of SOO.000 gallons should solve the problem for years to come, p:o viding ample ater supply for all civilian use, including I scer syscm another project on the city's improvement program. We must not bse sight of the fact that these improvements ill cost money, but at the same time we are wondering if we have not been losing money by delaying construction even at present prices. A sewer system could not be suc cessfully operated without adequate water supply and it might be asked why have a second reser voir when the water supply is not sufficient to keep the present reservoir filled. The truth is that the reservoir is well filled most of the time. Need of additional storage is seen in times of shortage. The auxiliary supply could be brought into use and prevent interruption of irrigation service at a time when lawns, shrubs and gardens need water every day. At the moment, the most pressing need is for tn auxiliary' supply of water. If the new well is a producer, the larger reservoir and the sewer sys tem will follow. As stated before, they will cost money and the city will of necessity have to as sume a considerable obligation. Towns, l:ke in dividuals, become lethargic when out of debt. There is a feeling that the goal has been attained and the tendency is to rest on the oars. There is no pushing ahead, but rather, we drift with the current. It may be said in favor of plunging in debt not too far, mind you that there is always one objective: striving to get out. Heppner needs a more adequate water supply and a sewer sys tem. If we wait until we can pay cash for them it is doubtful if some of us will live long enough to enjoy them. In all this controversy, or lack of aeement as the c.o trav bo. over trad::n; of citv and coun ty property, both sides aprca- to be a bit too zeal ous aout prctocti.l? the public interest. If this ser-e of protection is carried on too long the pub lic is bound to bo the loser. It is quite believable that the two units of gov ernment will come to an agreement. If one side rr the other has to give a little, or mayhap it would be pertinent to suggest that both give a little, they will be serving tile public interest. Af ter all. the properties involved belong to Mr. John Public and he will not be taking too big a loss whichever wav the deal blows. Lack of agreement is staving the hand of progress and it i quite cer-1 tain the public is more interested in the ultimate development of both of tiiese properties for more efficient use than whether or not the county and city officials have established valuations that can not be changed w ithout reflecting upon the judg ment of the officials. Each side has set a mark to which it is holding as if it were a matter of life or death. If each w 11 come half way a settlement can be reached in a hurry. Let's get some action! There has not been much stir around Heppner due to announcement of the proposed McNary county. .Most comment is to the effect that the tendency is toward consolidation of counties now adays, rather than carving out r ones from the older counties. The propos;'.l for a new county is a little out of line with the com.iion thought and if the promoters are to realize their ambition it will require an unusually active campaign. If the people of the north end of .Morrow county and the western portion of Umatilla coun ty will content themselves to await the inevitable development following construction of the Mc Nary dam it is likely that the d-"n mj for a sepa rate county will disappear, head improvement, which seems to be or.e of the bor.es of contention in this county, w ill come as more people move in and the U distribution is equalized. Also, there is the possibility that the 'no-man's land" lying between the cultivated areas on this side of the sand belt and the river settlements will largely be removed. The project communities can easily be made close neighbors with the rest of the county by the application of water to that strip now braced in the bombing field. VACATION BIBLE, SCHOOL TO BEGIN' MONDAY A. M. The union daily vacation Bible school will begin Monday, July 29 in the Methodist church with morning sessions only, from 9 to 11:30. There are 72 children regis tered from the Methodist Episco pal and Christian churches. The following teachers arc giv ing their time and effort to make this school a success: Mrs. Omcr McCaleb, Joan Corwin, Carol Mil ler. Lois Keys, Mrs- Hazel Bengt, Mrs. Gus Nikander. Mrs. King, .Mrs. n. B. Kice, Mrs. Le Howell, Mrs. Spencer Akers, Rev Forster and Mrs. Forster. superintendent- FOR SALE 1783 ACRES 1625 wheat land, 158 pas ture. $75,000. One-half down, easy terms. Turner, Van Mortcr fir Company S ELF-0 -M ATIC HARVEL It winds itself automatically Ever forget to wind your wefdif Tht HARVEL Self-O-Matk sotvt lam. Natural motions of your wrtet keep your 3elf-0-MaHe with traditional HARVEL second accuracy. Protect 4 by lh famous HARVEL MuM-GvoH features wo ter-rewtoM. resistant, dust-proof and magnetic ph on vnbroab able crystal, radium dial mm4 handsome stainless tttl case 17 jewels. If IT fSNT A HAftVO, IT fSNT A SEIAO-MATJC ft kfsMdftbw HARVEL em- RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT In memory of Milton R. Morgan, Sr., who died July 4. 1946. The Angel of Death has entered our midst and we are called to mourn the loss of a faithful friend and co-worker. Our tears are mingled with yours, your sorrows are ours- May the gloom of the sorrowing ones be dispelled by the pomise: "I am the Resurrection and tlie Life, say eth the Lord; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and he that liveth and be lieveth in Me shall never die. Resolved that Bunch Grass Re bekah lodge No. 91, I. 6. O. F. of lone, Oregon, in testimony of our loss, be draped in mourning for the allotted time and that we tender the family our deepest sympathy in their afiliction. A copy of these resolutions be sent to the family and copy spread upon the minutes of this lodge. MARY SW ANSON IDA ESTEB GLADYS DRAKE Committee. Archdeacon and Mrs- Neville Blunt are leaving next Tuesday to spend the month of August in Victoria. B. C While away Rev. Blunt will conduct services in St John's church. Mrs. J. H. Padberg has received word of the death of an old friend ; drove to Hood River Tuesday, tak of the Paaberg lamily, Mrs. Emma ! ing household g.wiis down to their Haughton. Mrs- Haughton passed! son Vaster. Kaunung home gS3J-O-UATICIICT.Tt-0OAittM away July 15 at her home in lior way. Oregon- She will be remem bered here as Emma Owen. Mr. and Mrs. frank S. Parker Wed nesday evening uiey were accom panied .by t-tir granddaughter, Cecelia Parker, who will visit sev eral days. I thank the people of Morrow, Gilliam, Umatilla, and Wheeler counties for their patronage during the past eighteen months. For Fay Bucknum, the new own er of The Flower Shop, I bespeak your continuing loyalty and kindness, without which I could not have built my business, nor can she succeed. Happily, the sale of my shop does not necessitate my retirement from the enjoyment and satisfaction of working with flowers. On rush days I wiil help Mrs. Bucknum, and she will be the retailer for the blossoms I raise for sale. RACHEL DICK I COME IN IO0AY AND LET US- .., i Make you vacation trio with a well-serviced car ir -i , A J P W. m l - a f I' - -I pmHASADAlsr CANNING V i am f ' wr'f en i vr,.at. tew Johnson Spinning Ropes with instructions for young cowboys. ROPES NYLON AMERICAN HEMP PLYMOUTH ROPE COTTON LEAD ROPE 22 foot McCARTY HAIR ROPES SPLIT EAR BRIDLES Cowboy Supplies Made to Order BITS and SPURS NAVAJO BLANKETS Lloyd Bros. Saddle Co. MS rpv i ids SfeW & RUBBERS And Mlow instruclioni in tht Ball Blue Book. To get your copy end 10c with your name ami ailJre to 3AU BROTHERS Ct".PANY, Wun:l, Ind. For Home Comfort Tapestry Upholstered Rockers and Straight Chairs, ceiling 25.54 Special .... 21.75 JUST RECEIVED Two New Bedroom Suites YOUR CHOICE 5-piece Vanity with double bed, $118 5-piece Vanity with twin beds $135 4-piece Dresser Set with dou ble bed . . . $103.25 4-piece Dresser Set with twin beds .... $124.00 Case Furniture Co. r To the younger woman, and to the old er woman, we invite you to call and try our service. Alice's Beauty Shop Alice Prock, Owntr Phon 53 (or and Manager HAT SALE CONTINUES We want to make room (or our new Fall Hats, so our summer arc markfd down to one-half p. ice to clear. Cur prices have not been advanced and will not be until wholesale rates force us to do so- Anderson & Wilson The Flower Shop "XjSr In the Oddfellows Building I will operate the business as Mrs. Dick has done, shaping it to fit the needs of its customers. This is the only flower shop in a very large area, and when an occasion arises for which' flowers are needed, please remember your own Flower Shop. THE FLOWER SHOP will carry plants, vases, and cut flowers, and specialize in designing corsages, weddings, and funeral pieces. I will deliver flowers in Heppner, mail or express them to nearby communities, and send wire orders any where for you. THE FLOWER SHOP Fay Bucknum . Phone 2502 Day or Night Hours 10 a. m.-6 p. m. Keep your cor in sound condition keep it serving dependably until you get delivery of your new Chevrolet Coma to our service station for skilled, dependable, car-cavuia servita, today and at regular intervals. Cive ycur rar the benefit of our four-fold service advantage!: (I) expert mechanics, (2) modern tools, (3) genuine parts, (4) quality materials. Remember we re members of America's foremost automotive service organization. Come in today! OUR CAR-SERVICE IS YCUR BSST CAR-SAVER LET OUR SKILLED MECHANICS SERVICE YOUR UR-NOWI Check steering and wheal alignmont Test battery nd electrical system "De 8lurjge" car engine Service clutch, brakes, transmit, sion, rear axle Lubricate throughout Tune motor 'sAvt rout nn&a cah Despite record demand ant) temporary shortage-. we'll do everything in out power to simed delivery of your new Chevrolet Thnlc you for waiting nd yooll thank us when you (Urt enjoying Big-Oar quality at lowest cost lor here'i value never hefore offered evee) hv nnnvrnUtfl George Davidson Richfield Service Radiiitors Steam Cleaned and 'lathed Guarantied Tire Service Complete Lubrciation Car Washing and Polishing; Motor Steam Cleaning Front Wheels Packed Auto Accessories Richfield Products Cleaning Solvent Transferring Gr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. ' Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Derion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Here you can find toiletries you need tocombat the summer heat Hot Weather Cologne-Dorothy Grey Sfcol Lotion for sunburn Coty's Skin Freshener Veto Colgate's New Deodorant L'Orle Parfum L'odorante Sun Tan Lotion and Ointments -Dorothy Grey Thermotabs - Sodium C!.!oride and Dextrose Tablets . SAAGER'S PHARMACY . . . We Will Do Our Best To Hold Prices Down to a Decent Level We will make every effort to maintain (he price levels in effect prior to June 30. There will be some commodities over which we will have no control, but our policy will be to hold every item down pending clarificationof the present price control situation. There is no cause for alarm, either as to prices or supplies. Buy what you normally would what you need from day to day and we will all get along in good shape. Central Market and Grocery Your Complete Food Market Hodge Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Oiegon