4 Heppner Gazette Times, July 1 1, 1946 Irrifen Newt Notes r M . A. IW1T Jack ZabraiMkl and Louis RuekM cunt home from Condon where thT r working, to pploHrate the Fourth with the .luhn Zebranski and Dfflrr Rurkcr family. Mr and Mri Hrnrv Miller and daur Eunice and Shirley spent th 4ih at Toriieish Mr nd Mrs Edward Houchton of Chatham N J are the parent." erf a daughter born Julyl. Mr. and Mr. Fred oughton are the proud grandparent Mr and Mrt Miller Scarlett and aunt from Indiana are visiting chestra went along. their aunt nd sister, Mrs. W. L. Buddarth. Mr. Carnithers of Estacada has purchased the Irwin Pierson house and lots and will take possession Auu 1. The Piersons bought a house in Li Grande some time ago and will move up there Mrs. Pier- son has just returned from the Pendleton hospital where she spent a week. Another new family is the Mar lon Evans family who have a tract east of town. It has no build ines on it j Mr and Mrs. Max Leach and! son of Texas are visiting his bro-1 ther K.irl and other relatives here. F C. Sjarks returned from the Pendit:o:i hopilal feeling much better. has purch.uk'd the William Slate Charles Simmons of Riddle Ore. place and will take possession in 60 days. There is a nine acre patch of melons on that place. The young people of both churches attended a Youth's rally at the civic auditorium Saturday evening. The Assembly of (jod or- Gas & Air FTDELIS UNREIN, Editor Howdy Folks: The human brain is a wonderful mechanism. It starts to function when we get up and never ceases until we start toj writt this column. j Someimes we feel just like the newspaper man sitting at his typewriter trying to get an idea, and with nothing to ! get off his chest but a mustard plaster. Of course, we could clip our para- graphs from others but that would be sheer folly. It takes some folks five years to finish a book, and then again it takes others a life time to ! finish a sentence. It only requires a sentence to tell about the wonderful quality of our Motor Tune-up. i Any. of our customers will tell you that there's no other i service that will give more : satisfaction for the nioney. UNREIN Motor Service S Heppner, Oregon , j Mr and Mrs W. L Olmstead and daucliter Jean and son Rob ert came up from Myrtle Creek Friday with a load of household goods- Charles Simmons accom panied them. Miss Gwen Emig of Portland a Lois Markham and Bottv Acock cadet nurse in Spokane brought fro mSpokane Saturday. They vis ited the Smith and Acock families returning Sunday afternoon- It seems like every one is selling or buying a place here. F- C. Sparks has sold both of his properties. One to Jack Howenstine of Oregon City and the other to Roy Swartzweler jf YaUejo. Calif. The Henry Miller crew finished digging a good crop of potatoes on the Ames Abken place. Mrs. Her bert Ames cooked for the digging crew. They are hauling t"e pota toes to Spokane. Among those working in peas ii s CANNING &SUCCES!f JARS CAPS, LIDS & RUBBERS And follow instruction! in (he Ball Blue Book. To set your copy ..-nil 10-wilhyournimndddreto S4U IR0TN5IIS COMPANY, Wuntia, Ind. the Pendleton district are Ray Cos ner and Sid Burnett. They spent the week-end at home returnia Sunday.. Robert Smith and Alvin returned home Sunday from working there with truck and tractor. The James Henderson and Haberlein families returned Desolation where they had fishing. UP Paul from been Delos Knighten of the Merchant Marines is a very welcome visitor at the home of his parents the Carl j Knighton. Irrigon does not have many boys on the seas now. Mr- and Mrs. B. C- Forsythe, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Dunham and Mr. and Mrs- O. G. Crawford were Irrigon visitors Sunday- They were making their annual pilgrimage for apricots at Sweringen's orchard. For Sale! EW "EEL PIPE 6" O.D. 12Gaug. 20 ft. Lengths with Quick Coupling SPECIALLY PRICED Any Quantity Immediate Dfiviy Alw N.w Slatl toundt, Floti, flam Writ or Wlra lor totalis STEEL DIVISION California Bag & Metal Co. 24th & Nicola! PO RTLAND 1 0, ORE. BRoadway 1 678 fl I 1 "7 Solve your painting problems with Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Dealers in Fuller Paints and Wallpaper irn.i;fil:ijii.;ininn;iiir ARTHRITIS Ask your druggist or write J. H. Casey Box 31, Portland, Ore. Mrs. 1. H. Casey: la regard to Casey's Com pound I cannot praise it enough for what It did (or me. For two years I had arthritis In mv finrer loints It was SO malnfuL I could hardly stand to move mv fingers, the joints were sa stiff and sore. After pound am free of pain and sti" taking 3 bottles of Casey's Corn joints. Mrs. J- Stanley Mc Laughlin. Rt 4, Box 108, Salem, Oregon 15-18c ik iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii minium i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i.i 1 1 1 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMmiinnitniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii ii NOTICE OF SALE OF BUILDINGS Notice is hereby given that the Jordan Elevator Company will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing bindings: One frame buiding size 40ySO feet located on the East side and adjacent to the concrete elevator at Jordan Siding in Morrow County, Oregon; and also one frame, building 44x60 feet located on the West side of said efttator, and sealed bids will be received therefor until Saturday. July 13th, 1946, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m. of said day, at which time said bids will be opened and considered by the board o directors of said Jordan Elevator Company. The successful bidder will be required to remove said buildings from the premises not later than January 1st 1947. Separate bids must be made on each building, and the board o directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and reserve sthe scales now in said buildings All bids must be mailed or delivered to Kenneth J. Smouse, secretary, at lone, Oregon. Dated this 1st day of July 1946. JORDAN ELEVATOR COMPANY, By Kenneth J. Smouse, Secretary. 1242 STAR nm REPORTER Show Starts at 7:30. MatineM ItMJ Sunday, 1 p. p. m. la compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement. Children's Admissions apply nly to those under the lfc-al age of 12. Selected Short Subject! With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. Friday-Saturday, July 12-13 Tarzan and the Leopard Woman Johnny WeUmuller, Brenda Joyce, Johnny Sheffield There isn't a dull moment in this latest Edgar Rice Burroughs' thrill and action film. PLUS Bar 20 Rides Again A reissue of one of the most popular Hop along Cassidy westerns. Donald Duck in Technicolor. Sunday-Monday, July 14.15 Dragonwyck Gne Tierney, Walter Huston. Vincent Price, Glenn Langa", Ann Revere, Spring Byington A suspenseful story, rich in outline and ex tremely impressive. Based on Anya Seton's widely-read novel of a young farm girl's rise to mistress of a magnificent estate. Tuesday, July 16 Riverboat Rhythm FrarJde Carle Orchestra, Leon Errol, Glenn Vernon, Walter Catlett A feudin'. entertainin' boatload of laughs and music- PLUS Burma Victory A historical record from 1943 when the Southeast Asia Command, under Mountbat ten and Stilwell. was established down to final victory. Wednesday-Thursday, July 17-18 I Miss Susie Slagle's Veroncia Lake, Sonny Tufts. Lillian Gish, Joan CauKield. Billy DeWolfe Miss Slagle's boarding house for medical students is the background for one of those rare stories that stems a reality. We think you'll have a good time at Miss Susie's- ft 'K '"' "Mi 4 I ill; y y;r' r ,..t '1 s i c i J 0 . a clean oweep 24 ONLY Sheer Dickeys Reduced 1M Fussy and plain styles pastels or white. REAL VALUES! REDUCED TO CLEAR! 40 ONLY Summer Dresses 2.00 4.00 6.00 ODD LOTS NOT ALL SIZES 31 ONLY Lace Collars Reduced 5()C Smart styles t o cheer up your wardrobe. I 44 ONLY Misses Skirts 3.00 Reduced to Pastel's dark colors or checks. In all wool crepes and sport rayons. A good selection of sizes. 15 ONLY GIRLS' SKIRTS Reduced 2fQ0 Misses' Popular Ballet Type Shoes Reduced to 1,00 Nylon uppers. Black only All Children's SANDALS Ret"d 1.00 Not all sizes HERE THEY GO! 70 PAIRS Women's and Men's PLAY SHOES Reduced to 2.00 Choice of colors Red, Blue or white. Men's types in Brown only. All sizes CASE FURNITURE COMPANY 12 ONLY Rayon Satin Davenport Pillows Reduced to 1.00 Hand screened designs Maroon or Blue HERE IS ANOTHER WINNER! 45 PAIR Leather Sport Sandals Plain and Nail Head trim . . . Broken lots and broken sizes ... In White, Red, Natural or Brown. 12 ONLY Rayon Satin Ruffled Trim Boudoir Pillows 75c Hand screened designs. Reduced to ALL WOMEN'S Summer Dress Shoes Redtu0ced 82,50 Spectator Pumps, medium or high heels . . . White sandals in medium or low heels. Broken sizes. 7 ONLY Girls' Sport Jackets Reduced to 5.00 Just the jacket to contrast with your skirt for a sport outfit. 12 PAIR MEN'S SUMMER SLACKS 6 A D A R D I N E Wool and Rayon Redrl $4,50 Not all sizes but real values! 10 ONLY Junior Boys' Wash Suits RedS?d 50c Broken sizes 15 ONLY WOMEN'S HAND BAGS REDUCED TO CLEAR 2.00 and 3.00 In the latest styles ..... Plastic Patents and Plastic Leather Grains. 10 PAIR Junior Boys' Sun Shorts Reduced to 50c I Not all sizes Calling in All Hosiery Cards From No.s I to 150, Incl. For the week of July 13 to 19. Check (ho black number on your card. Penn lllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlll IIIHIMI I I Illllllllllllll t Mill IIIIIIIIIIIMII Illlllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIItllllllllllll Illllllll Illlllllllll