r 2 Heppner Gazette Times, July 1 1, 1946 EDITORIAL . . A Political Football la view of the lack ul a general booa. i prices, it is Jillicuit to understand all this clamor for continuance of the Ot'A. There was a time ben the UFA as of value but since the ar it appears to have caused delay in the resumption of peace-time industry and about the only usctul purpose it would have is that of maintaining a considerable group on the federal payroll. Except in the lines of actual necessities, prices are quite generally holding to the war levels, or as nearly so as advanced labor costs will permit and the spirit shown by distributors and retailers since July 1, if maintained the next few months will do much more to hold down inflation than any number of laws. Many people honestly believe that everything they buy will go out of sight, if the OPA is not re instated or a similar federal set-up provided for protection against inflation. Politicians who have been playing upon the emotions of the people see in the OPA a good instrument with which to play themselves back into office, or if an out to be one of the ins. But so far the basis for fear has not been evident in rapidly advancing prices. Congress may evolve something in the way of government control and level off the OPA as is. There should be some way of handling a situation of this kind without adding a horde of potential votes to the federal payroll. A lowering of govern ment expenses might have a tendency to stop the trend towards inflation and it might just be that tile people will get along without quite so much regulation. It is hard to see how they would do any worse. CHURCHES The editor is in receipt of a beautiful book, a gift from the Standard Oil company and pre sented in person by .Mr. J. E. W est, district man ager with headquarters at The Dalles. The book is titled "See Your West" and is a compilation of the li4o series of western scenic views the com pany is passing out to the public through the me dia of its retail stations. There is but one object ion to the book, and that is a purely personal one Looking at the beautiful views has started this printer s foot to itching and there is no possibility of breaking away for a few weeks to visit these famous spots not even to see a few of them. Nevertheless, we are grateful to the company for remembering us From the V. Lee O'Daniel News and the col umn, "Washington Scene", by George Nixon comes the following regarding the OPA. "Senator Kenneth S. Wherry of Nebraska arose in a high Republican dudgeon the other day and challenged the sex knowledge of OPA. " 'OPA' he thundered, 'cannot distinguish be tween male and female critters. It once issued an order forbidding for sixty days the slaughter of fe male steers!' " Senator Wherry's indignation is justified, says Nixon. Everyone knows that female steers should course, when required as delicacies ty male not be killed during spawning season except, of duchesses. And then there was the case of the Snake riv er sheepman who, when making application for canvas tarpaulin to protect newly born lambs was rejected with the suggestion that he delay the lambing until warmer weather. ALL SAINTS KP1SCOPAL Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communion 8 a.m. Church School 9:45 am. Holy Communion 11 a.m. ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack. Pastor Heppner: First and third Sundays, mass at 8 a m.; Second and fourth 9:30 a.m. lone: Mass at 9:30 first and third Sundays; 8 ajn. second and fourth. One mass on fifth Sunday at 9 a.m. in Heppner Holy days of obligation: Mass in H ppner 7:30; lone at 9:00. Mass on first Fridays 7:30 in Heppner. Confessions Saturday evening 7:30 to 8 and before mass Sundays. CHlTtCH of IONE COOPERATIVE John Merrill, Pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Shelby Graves Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sunday morning service 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m. ASSEMBLY OF COD- IONE Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m Morning worship 11 I. m. Children's church 7:30 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. .MOVING TO REDMOND Kenneth Blake has accepted man. atforsi'ip of a Rvain and feed ware hou -e at Eeinond and is prepar ing to move to the central Oregon town in the near future. Mr. Blake will take over his new duties the 15th of the month. Tlie concern is a cooperative and does a thriving business in that part of the state . Mrs. Blake and Daryl will re main until moving arrangements are completed. Mr- and Mrs. Leonard Schwari and LenRay, and Henry Schwarz i were in The Dalles on business Thursday. IONE NEWS NOTES land following a major operation. She is reported getting along sat isfactorily. Little Gary Brenner, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner, fell out of the car the 4th and fractured his skull. It will be necessary for rum to stay in bed for several weeks. Earl Morgan of Portland came up Sunday and will work for his son Lloyd during harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Gol. dendale Wash, were week-end vis itors at the Gordon White and Os car Lundell homes Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and David Rietmann spent Satur Paul Balsiger of Whit Salmon. John Troedson and George Ely are spending a few days at Ritter. The Standard Oil station is in- sailing two 10.000 gallon gasoline tanks. A party was given at the Lee Beckner home Saturday night hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin on their silver wedding anniver sary. There werp hetween as r..-l 50 euests nresent fmm and lone. Mr. and Mrs. Mankin were presented with a bouquet made up of 25 silver dollars. Mrs. J. V. Crawford returned Tuesday evening from Los Angeles where she spent several weeks vis iting. Mr. Crawford met her at Arlington. He took advantage of the 4th of July holiday to drive to tlie beach and returned Friday bringing his son Jim home after spending the past month there with his grandmother, Mrs. Leta Babb of Portland. Jack O'Harra spent last week in San Francisco and Sarcamento While in Saramento he attended the wedding of one of his army buddies. Miss Louise Hunt of Salem is spending a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt. Arval Haigh of Arock. Oregon arrived aast week-end and is help ing A. M. Edwards with his well and Mrs- Claud Hill and I family spent the holidays with relatives here and in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breeding vis ited their daughter. Mrs- Eunice Darnielle, in Portland last week. Eugene Majeske arrived home Sunday night from Fort Lewis where he was recently discharged. Jack Vanwinkle left Friday for Fort Lewis to report for duty after a 45-day furlough. Mrs- Kenneth Klinger and baby son have arrived home from the hospital in Pendleton. Justin Personal Leather Goods In Wallets and Key Cases Genuine Leather Wallets are available in Pig, Calf, Morocco and Steerhide hand laced edge and tooled, with zipper for bills and checks. Priced at $6.00 including federal tax. Justin Leather is just a little better. You 'Buy Wisely When You Buy a Justin PETERSON'S 'f I J$ J ,. V ft I "tat tlofi CeraofW g ff Wed tox (No nW, Uprffct, Jr. fcoWordrJ hafjM !- -Wnif- n PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY marmot JOS. I NYS CHAMBBB Or COMMERCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Meets Every Mearfay Heea ! ft rttan Boildlno. Willow Street LUCOS PlaCt Bwur. Oregon Veterans of Foreign J. 0. TURNER Wnr ATTOKKIT AT LAW VVU'5 Phone 17J Meetings 2nd and 4th Monday at Hotel H ppner Building 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall Hepjtier. Onn DwSw's Annual Monday and F August Fur Sale Tuesday lie ixmSw k hAr.Cden BIG FUR VALUES " ,V dUPsyUST THIS SALE ONLY I' 'It Wilson Cocoa Dyed Kskin H49 lnSOn Ocelot Dytd L.-pin ' j)1 65 " . I fTVAcnT Russian Pcny $vtC Brown siuirrtl Locke- $249 ? Labrador Seal $289 I! j ;. ii 1 1 Russian Weasel $349 " fj y rKS X Sable Dyed Muskrat - $399 v 'm f0 X Natural Russian Squirrel $595 H I tvAETE 1 Others $695 to $1395 1 S A" priccs in,'lld'c !ca,''A Lix i'l II! 0. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR It BUILDER All Idn&i of earvontor work. Modern Home Built or Itaaoodalad l'hone 1483 418 Jom St. HEPPNER. OREGON Turner, Van Morter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Director! Phone 1332 Hfopaar, Ore. P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Maeamar Hotal Building WBlew Btraat Entranoa J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goodt Watfhat, Clocks, Diamonds stepart Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guaranteed Located In the Kane Building North Main St. Heppner, Ore. Heppner Clry Council p,, l. D. Tibbies Meets tint Monday Ekck Mean Citizens ha ring matters far ion, please bring beiare (ha Council J. O. TURNER. Uayar Morrow County Abstract & TftU Co. me. ABSTRACTS OF TTIU TITLE INmntANCS Offiee hi Peters Building Merchants Credit Bureau Accurate Credit Information F. B. Nickerson Phone 12 Heppner OSTBOPATHIC Paysiciui & Surgeon rtnt National Bank Building Sea. Ph. U62 Offioe Ph. 4Qt A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN St SURGEON Trakie4 Nursa Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner. Oreoon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Offiee up stairs I. O. O. F. Bld Houwi calls made House Phone 2583 Office 2572 George Davidson Richfield Service Radiators Steam Cleaned and i'huhod Guaranteed Tire Service Complete Lubrciation Car Washing and Polishing Motor Steam Cleaning Front Wheels Packed Auto Accessories Richfield Products Cleaning Solvent Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established Ma'ch 30, 1883. . The Heppner Times, established November 18. 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 19U Published every Thursday snd en tered at the Post Offioe at Hetx ner, Oregon, as second daas matter. Subscription Price $2.50 a Year O. O. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Blaine E. Isom AU Kinds of INSURANCE Phone m Heppner, Ore DR. S. E. ALLEN ORTHODONTIST 225 Byers St. Pendleton, Ore. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's Office in Heppner Scientific Engine Tune-up carburetor's distributors auto-electric service magnetos wheel aligning by the new super-accurate -light beam method COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE RADIATOR REPAIR AND SERVICE COMPLETE LUBRICATION Special equipment installed for truck lubrication UNREIN Motor Service Phone 1242 Chase Street Heppner, Oregon Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. We Will Do Our Best To Hold Prices Down to a Decent Level We will make every effort to maintain the price levels in effect prior to June 30. There will be some commodities over which we will have no control, but our policy will be to hold every item down pending clarificationof the present price control situation. There is no cause for alarm, either as to prices or supplies. Buy what you normally would what you need from day to day and we will all get along in good shape. Central Market and Grocery Your Complete Food Market SAAGER'S PHARMACY