4 Heppner Gazette Times, Jun 27, 1946 FOR SALEI.n iwrtnifnl of nice clran used Trailer Homes now at J-w M Chase Used Car and Trailer Market, Pendleton. WANTED Sunvnne to combine about 250 acres- Frank Wilkin- aon IfclSp rOR SALE Model A 1S30 lht pickup Good rubber and Al condition throughout Three new Urs See Jim Burnside. Heppner. 14p LOST Set ot 6 keys in leather rue Finder please return to Joe Kennv. l-15p FOR SAIX-Maiestie range. Mrs- o. T -r-rrvr . ronkixi out to Heppner-Spray hurHway. Write Wesley PMeg- ley, Spray, Ore- or phone after 7 p m. 14-17p FOR SALE hich quality aKalfa- barley hay chopped from field into vour truck- $23 ton. Bill Barren, 16F2 14-15p FOR SALE Electric washing ma chine. Mrs. Newt O'Harra. Lex ington, pl'one 1F3. 14-15p Gas & Air FTDELIS ITiRON, Editor Howdy Folks: There's no place like home, especially if you haven't the money to po out- Of coarse you do not have to take into consideration the fact that the novelty of married life do"s war off. There was the party who believed in free love. He hadn't supported his wife in three years. MOST MEN KEEP THEIR WIVES BECAUSE IT'S THE SUPPORTING THING TO DO NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap c.i.nted by the County Court of Vo.tow, State of Oregon, Admin istrate ( the Estate of Benjamin R Fatttrscn, deceased, and all per sj:'3 havng claims against the said estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proof vouchers duly verified as re quired by law to the said admin istrator at Heppner, Oregon, witlt in six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 30th day of May, 1946. H- A. COHN, Administrator P. W. MAHONEY, I Attorney for Administrator ' Heppner, Oregon 10-14 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed i by the County Court of the State I of Ortgon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Caro lyn Bergstrom, deceased; and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same toi said administrator with proper vouchers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the data here of. Dated and first miblished thl 13th day of June, 1946. JOHN BERGSTROM 12.18 Administrator. FRYERS for the 4th. New Hamp- , . . ,, shire Reds. Earl McKinney 37F13 FOR SALE One All-Crop com- , .. . i. . lone. Or. gon. 13-14c bine, 4-ft cut Vernon C. Brown, ' lone, Ore. ll-15p WANTED Children to care for in Why Not Clean Up Now? Brush and Spray Brush Painting Our Hobby HERBERT BERRY and SONS General Delivery Heppner Of course it isn't always love that enables married couples to Ret along. Sometimes it's just plain common sense. AND ITS GOOD COMMON SENSE TO BUY OUR BRAKE SERVICE. Tht proof of the pudding is in the eating- Why don't you try it? UNREIN Motor Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon PRECISION LUBRICATION .25 Only 2 1 Lubricate according to 70m ear manniactnrsr's specifications. 9 Inspect oil fUUr and sir elaansr. 3 Test stmurth of etlla; fill battery with water. 4 Inspect crank cue oil level and makt recom mendation. 5 Oil accelerator pedal, door hinges and handles; treat latches and hood Udngs with Door-Ease. 6 Check transmlssloa and differential lor eomct oil level. J Clean all fittings hefor ' and after lnbrlratlng. Bemore front wheels and Inspect bearings; rtsack If necessary. 9 Inspect tires for nail, "1, etc, and l&fiata, Clean windshield and sweep out inside of tar. 10 PUZZLED? You HI lose that puzzled ex pression when you read our menu. It is easy to order t moal here, for no matter what you select you are bound to be satisfied. Join ttia well-fed ranks by taking your meal at HEPPNER CAFE i J1 if ' '( A ! 1 - jf. if il THE SEASONED TRAVELER Goes by Train WITH FASTER Union Pacific trains now operating ... with long-deferred business, family and pleasure trips to make . . . with ample space available . . . why put off travel ? Fast, comfortable Union Pacific trains will take you wherever you want to go NOW! Recent schedule changes of Streamliners and steam-powered trains eastbound, west bound and locally have cut several hours, in many cases, from previous running timet. These changes, which became effective on June 2, work to the definite advantage of the business traveler and the vacationist. For complete information, inquire at any Union Pacific Ticket Office or of your local agent. be specific say "Union Pacific UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD o0 of rug STAR mn REPORTER Show Starts at 7:3a Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement. Children's Admissions apr-'y only to those under the lbgal age of 12. Selected Short Subject With All Programs Program Sr.bject to Change Watch local newspaper for wcekla announcement. Thursday-Fridav, June 28-29 Whistle Stop George Raft. Ava Gardner, Victor McLaglen Life in a small American town. PLUS- Outlaws of the Rockies Charl'.s Starre'.t western. June .tO-Ju)v 1, 2, 3 T)VA FFHBFRS Saratoga Trurm Gary Ooprr. InRrid B?rt.an, Flora R.ib'on rugyed Texas co .vK y-?ambler and a fo. Mr: -v tkir-i. houiy kf p things buzzing A'ith their adventuns. Showing four days. Thursday, Juy 4 ()ne Day Only Breakfast in Hollywood Tom Breneman, Bon i la Granville, Eddie Kyrn, Beulah Bondi, Raymond Walburn, Iiillie Burke, Zasu Pitts. King Cole Trio, Snve Jones and His City Slickers, H"dda Hupptr, Andy Russell Breneman's famous radio show plus corru tdy. music and a little drama ... a triumph of downright entertainment. SPECfAL: WE WILL GIVE A PRIZE TO TI!5 WOMAN WEARING THE GOOFIEST fTlJV YOINPFST MrTIH'R VD f I rFfST MOTHER ATTENDING THIS SHOW. On the following appliances now- MAYTAG WASHERS GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AMERICAN STEEL KITCHENS KELVINATOR RANGES AND REFRIGERATORS EUREKA HOME CLEANING SYSTEMS FOWLER GUARANTEED VATER HEATERS STROMBERG CARLSON . RADIOS RANIER WATER -SOFTENERS PITTSBURG PAINTS AND SUPPLIES Heppner Hdwe. r Electric Co, PLACE YQUR COAL ORDER NOW Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. my home. EveninRs and Sundays er housa across from dance only. Mrs. J. W- farra. first trail. haJL I4-I5p w way rryfPs''fj?iA I waa f "h 'ld s E Crur Pli.inc 132 J m i 1 y iyJ l A 1 1 4 m Yvf -A. V SLACK Enjoy the comfort and the smartness of thir cas ual summertime costume. Slacks really hang well! Jackets have neatly tai lored detail! In two.tone combinations, Rayons and rayon-blends. 12 to 20. 7.90 WHAT'S NEW THIS WEEK' 46-in. Oilcloth, yd 41c Large-Terry Bath Towels, Colored Borders 50c Men's Sanforized Pay ' Day Bib Overalls Indian Design Blankets CURTAINS i Prisci lias and Panels Cushion Dot or Plains We Are Making Deliveries AN ELECTRIC HIGHWAY 2530 MILES LONG Through the valleys and across the plains stretch mile after mile of rural power lines.bringing low-cost dependable PP&L electricity to more than 14,000 Pacific Northwest farms. This network of rural lines, under development since 1910, helps make our agricultural region one of the most highly electrified in the nation. Even though Washington and Oregon have more than their share of vast dis tances and wide open spaces, they stand eighth and ninth among the 48 states bt percentage of electrified farms. More than 80 of Washington and Oregon farms are electrified. By compari son, Tennessee, in the heart of the much publicized Tennessee Valley Authority has only 25 of its farms electrified. Today PP&L continues to connect up farms in this rapidly growing region- as fast as the supply of scarce line mtt rials will permit, N puns tun iBnuniirf Dnwrs vii uu mis nuvnunni in . for i ctowIdi ngloi Ttitf PPftL Is (vsljrlnl Mil awrt pown taaa ta lt iiit prl It rndns hat tnffi 17. Pacific Po,!,Br& Light Company