A Heppner Gozette Times, June 20, 1946 IONC NEWS NOTES Shirley are visiting at the Orlo Martin bom In Mora. Billy Logan of Arlington visited hi (utcr Mr. Ray Bamett over the week-end. Mn C. G Henderson of Seattle I visiting at the home of her dau ghter, Mn E. M Baker. At the regular grange meeting Saturday nit'ht two candidates mere given the third and fourth degree. Mr. William Zintrr is visiting her mother Mrs. E- Cowan in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs Dale Ray visited with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich at Lyle Wash, last week. Another daughter. INSURE CANNING VSUCCECS!' rk?H CAPS, LIDS & RUBBERS And follow instructions in Um Ball Blue Book. To set your copy enJ 10c with your name and address to Ul MOTHER! COMPANY, Muncie, Ind. .Miss Gladys Breasher of Los An- g.i.s also visaed there. Hui:h Drossier of California ar ved in lone last Saturday to work during harvest. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Roundy and family ci la Grande are visiting here. Vacation daily Bible school own ed Monday morning (or a two week session at the Cooperative church with an enmlimont of around 30. Have Your lH Cleaning done early. Bring hangers with clothes Heppner Cleaners and Dyers HERE'S YOUR SHELL SERVICE CHART 1. Complete Shellub rication 2. Experienced man to take care of mi nor repairs. 3. Car washing and polishing 4. Tire repairing 5. Vacuum Cleaning Plant or Station Phone 6S2 FARLEY'S Service Station 4c A V6 r . r a 1 9"5oki 04 Shanghai ... mr r. sr-. j I mm twtssv-a-; , Jinu i mmu m irtf flu ss i laiawiiar n ini nswritfrjissi You can travel to the far parts of the world ... those Interesting places you've heard about and always wanted to see . . . and you'll have untold adventures that go hand-in-hand with extensive travel! Here is the Complete Story! A 3-year enlistment, or reenlisrment, in the Regular Army er.Mles you to your choice of branch of service and overseas th:- re. YouH be paid a salary that compares favorably with th- . earned in most civilian occupations, and you'll receive f r " -nonth furlough with pay every year. In addition, while jc. i enjoying travel in the lands you've wanted to see, you'll be irning the right to a four-year college education. You'll hi. j the opportunity to study such advanced course as Radar, Electronics, Atomic Science, Jet Propulsion and other course. June 30th Last Day! In o-der to retain your present grade in the Regular Army yo mu.t reenlist within 90 days after discharge or before July 1, K:s. And if you have a family and dependent, you can enlist be'-.re July 1, 1946 and make sure the Family. Allowance will be ontinued for your enlistment period. C ck these Additional Benefits! 1st 00 reaoUstroent bonus (or each year of ictivt ferries, pro-rldlni rMS lmn-.cnt it within 90 days sfttr last discbsrjs and be tors July I, 1946. TJp to 90 days Pd furlough, depending on length of terries, with trSTtl ptid t ex? and return, for men reenlisting within prescribsd tims aftsr dlacbarge. SO cays furlough each raar with full par. All benefits under CI Bill of Rights, including four run collage sducatloal at government eapensa. Hut mati-r other benefits which sccrus with length of aerrlca. Cat All the Facts at Your Nearest Army Recruiting Station! V. S. POST OFFICE At PENDLETON ORE 9 EVERYTHING FOR SUMMER PLAY FOR THE YOUNGER SET Boys, Sqort Sets . 1.95 to 4.98 Sturdy shirt and slack set, short sleeved open-collared shirt. Girls' Play Suits . . . 2.98 Cool cotton play suits cut to admit the sun. Cute, too, in gay prints. Short Story, For Girls . 1.98 Gay, Summer shorts in sturdy twill, bright, colors, Sanforized!, 7 to 14. Boys' Swimming Trunks . 1.49 With full lining, draw string waist. Child's Gay Swim Suits . 98c One piece, with applique. IShrinkage will not exceed 1. SHOES CASUAL &slk far tBll' HIM 2.90 L.g-s Casual comfort in wedged platform play shoes; in airy fabrics; smart, neat colors. tx for HER S Soft, cushiony-wedge styles; Cool, parous fabrics, in white to match Summer costumes. PUZZLED? You will lose that puzzled ex pression when you read our menu. It is easy to order a meal here, for no matter wliat you select you are bound to be satisfied. Join the well-fed ranks by taking your meals at HEPPNER CAFE SEE : : Aldrich Bros. or Papering. Painting. Linoleum Laying, and Carpenter Work lone . - Oregon Gas & Air FIDELIS irNHEIX, Editor Howdy Folks: One difference be tween a June bride and an old maid is the bride has had a wed ding march while the old maid hasn't even had an overture. The tragedy of a June bride's life, though, is when she realizes how few new dresses she ran buy on what the poor dimwit ran make. Of course some times the marriage , dot sn't work because the bride has 'to. ' ... As one of our customers says, men want won.cn and women i want diamonds and that keeps i die men on the rocks. i " " I : Which, we suppose so often makes th state of matrimony entirely without capital. .as j You can save a lot of your capital by taking advantage of our saving services. We always strive to give you the most for your money. Try our brake service. UNREIN Motor Service Free Gift Offer Free Picture of Your. Baby We have made arrangements with Silver Rose Studio of Portland, Oregon, and invite you to have a beautiful miniature portrait of your baby taken at our store. We have made arrangements for an expert photographer to be here MONDAY AND TUESDAY--JUNE 24-25 ONLY No age limit. Family groups invited. All portraits tak en on approval. If after seeing your proofs, you wish to have more pictures other than the free one, we will ap preciate your patronage. We repeat. You are under no obligation. Tell your friends. To avoid confusion, phone. Remember the time, the place is Case Furniture Company Phone 862 Heppner, Oregon I Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon AND INSECT SPRAY Why Not Clean Up Now? Brush and Spray Brush Painting Our Hobby HERBERT BERRY and SONS General Delivery Heppner STAR nn REPORTER Show Btaiti at 7:30. Matinees Every Bandar, 1 p. m 3 p. m. In compllunt-e with Ihe Frderal Tax Requirement, Children's Admission apply enly to those unUor the lal age of 12. Salectad Short Subjacts With Ail Programs Program Snbleot to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. Friday and Saturday, June 21-22 Wanderer of the Wasteland Basid on ZANE GREY'S widely read west ern story. PLUS Sing Your Way Home Jack Haley, Marcy McGuire, Glenn Vernon in. a bright film with catchy tunes. Disney Cartoon Tuesday, June 25 Girl of the Limberlost Gene Straton Porter's Wholesome,' appealing new players. with a cast of Sunday and Monday, June 23-24 My Reputation Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent, Eve Arden H. r reputation was the talk of the town! A film that embodies ell tlie tlcuK-nts of Rood entertainment. Wednesday and Thursday, June 211-27 Abilene Town Randolph Scott, Ann Dvorak, Edgar Buchanan Ernest Haycox' "Trail Town" is made into a pleasant action (ilm of the Great Plains. PLUS MARCH OF TIME: TOMORROW'S MEXICO. The dramatic history of Mexico's struggle towards democracy. W ..,, A w THIS CITY OF 12,000 SPRANG UP LAST YEAR ...can you name it? Of course you can't, because it doesn't really exist all 'in one places Part of it is right in your own community. But if you put together all the 3,039 new homes served in' the past year by the PP&L, you'd have a city of over 12,000 inhabitants. Population growth like this means that there's greater business acti vity in the region. For example, in the last 12 months alone PP&L has connected up 84 new industries and 638 new commercial establishments. This all adds up to the impressive evidence of continued and healthy growth of the progressive region which PP&L has been helping to develop since 1910. CHEAP AND ABUNDANT POWER tor a growing roglon Today PP&L it supplying 64 mon poww than in 1940, mid tht avimgt frit U rtceitm bat dropptd 27. Pasiak Sight - Company Ymr Partus In Progress