2 Heppner Gazette Times, June 20, 1946 OREGloOllUiSirtPEn PmisuERj 4a$tfdiATioN EDITORIAL This is the season when field fires begin to make their presence felt and it also is a good time to make preparations to ward off the evil demon which causes such serious losses each year. A practical suggestion has been made by Judge Bert Johnson which is worthy of consider ation by all grain raisers. The Judge is Keep Ore gon Green chairman for iMorrow county and as such he has been noticing that rights-of-way are being cut around the grain fields. This thought occurred to him that farmers can contribute to the KOG program by plowing these strips as soon as the hay has been removed. It would require little more than one day's work to do this plow ing and the value of such effort is readily seen in preventing spread of highway-started fires into adjacent fields. For the same reason, a fire origi nating in one field could be more easily confined to that field, thus not jeopardizing neighboring fields. Perhaps if some enterprising farmer would take the lead in this matter others would join and eventually it would become general practice throughout the county. With millions starving on the other side of the world and the gloomy pros pect hovering over our own fair land that belts will be drawn tighter in the months to come, it might be well to take every precaution within reason to preserve the crops and see that the grain bins are full when the harvest is done. This newspaper reported Francis Nickerson as stating that the state grange went on record as fa voring a sales tax and in so stating placed the young' man behind the eight ball, as it were. What Mr. Nickerson stated was that in talking with nu merous delegates and visitors at the convention he found sentiment in favor of a sales tax, but there was no official action taken. Episcopal Church Scene of Beautiful Wedding Ceremony A winsome bride was Miss Dor otha Jean Wilson, younger daught er of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wil son, when she plighted her troth Sunday evening at All Saints Episcopal church, to James Garnett Barratt Jr, son of J. G. Barratt and Mrs. Cyrene Barratt Rev. Neville Blunt read the double ring cere mony before a large crowd of re latives and friends who were pre sent on this occasion to witness the culmination of the romance of two of Heppner's most loved young people. Large baskets of pink and white seasonal flowers formed an aisle to the altar where tall white tapers and pink roses were used. Miss Wilson entered the church escorted by her father who later gave her in marriage. She wore a gown of white faille with full net skirt entraine, and wore a white net veil which fell from an angel halo- She carried a shower bouquet of pink rosebuds. Her sister, Mrs. Willard Blake gowned in blue was matron of honor while Miss Kings ley Chapin of Portland was brides maid. She was dressed in yellow. Both attendants carried old fash ioned nosegays. William Barratt served as his brother's best man and ushers were Philip Cohn, Kenneth Hoyt, Wil lard Blake and Charles Hodge Jr. Mrs. Clyde Dunham sang "Oh Perfect Love", accompanied by Miss Marylou Ferguson who also played the traditional wedding marches. A reception followed in the par ish house at which time Miss Shir ley Lennon of Prairie City sang Love You Truly" and "O Promise Me." In charge of the reception was Mrs. A. W. Jones, aunt of the bride, assisted by Mrs. E. E- Gil liam. Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep The Hidden Qualities, Health and Vigor, Determine Surface Beauty Our Diamond Rings achieve beauty through fine design ing . . gleaming finish style and craftsmanship skillfully blended. Such a combination can produce only one thing outstanding beauty. . One look ivill convince you. Ask us to sb&w you these 'Diamond cRings. PETERSON'S CHEVROLET DEALER CAR. SERVICE IS TOUR REST CAR-SAVIR 7 fill vV" t s ' ,s " r"0" The beautifully appointed tea table was graced with a three tiered wedding cake- Mrs- Harlan McCur- dy Sr. cut the cake and Mrs. Gene Ferguson and Mrs. Raymond Fer guson poured. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. William Barratt, Mrs. Fred Parrish and Mrs. Harold Cohn. Mr- and Mrs. Barratt were both born and reared here, and graduat ed from Heppner high school in the class of 1943. The bride attended the University of Oregon where she is a member of Alpha Tau Delta, national nurses' honorary. The groom was a member of Uncle Sam's navy seeing duty in the Pa cific for about two years The young couple are honey mooning in Canada and upon their return will be at home on th 1111- per Barratt ranch until school be gins in the tall NOTICE In order to comply with present cal offices will be closed Satur days during the months of July and August Signed: Dr. Lester Richey Dr. Dale Rothwell Dr. Wm. C. Stram Pendleton Oregon. 13-16c A WORD OF THANKS I want to thank the Heppner fire department and all others whose timely aid saved my residence property from destruction or seri ous damage by fire Tuesday eve ning, June 11. Ed Clark. M. fovr vocofioA trip t mn4 off tnpijofW wmmm ioi long ti cat un and lAFU Ml VINO -Wl IICOMM1ND THISI SUVICI O'tlATIONi . . . ClMch itrinf and whl Jijrtmnt TmI battery end lctrkl tyftoai "D-lig" cr nf Ine Svrvk clutch, brake, trntm ittien, rw axle Ubrtcato HwwahMt Tunc mter keep il serving safely and dependably until you gel delivery of your new Chevrolet Today, mora than fvr before, H's Important to ktap your car "eVrW to keep H Mrving you safely and dependably until you can gat delivery of a now Chevrolet) And Hto boat woy to do that is to com la us far stifled, reiraUe, car-saving service, now and of regular Interval1. Our export mechanics working with modem tools, genuine parti, quality material. can add months and mile ta the life of yeur car; Remember we're members of America' far, most automotive service rganixation . ; ; m com in, todayf HODGE CHEVROLET CO. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE REPAIR VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC HEATERS IRONS, FANS, TOASTERS Any type electrical heat elements SHOP WORK ONLY W. E. DAVIS Phone 1065 213 Morgan Street Attention, Elks! Initiation and Lunch Thursday Evening, June 27 Heppner Lodge No. 358 WANTEI Exi erienctd waitresses, at Pheasant Cafe, Hermiston, Oregon. 75 ctnts per hour, $600 per shift, meals included. Call 2301 Hermiston, Ben Conner. 13-14c EST RAYED 2-year-old polled Hereford bull, unbranded. Clay ton Wright- 13p SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED All makes, work (tuarantecd. Free estimate and reasonable charges at the new shop of Sing er Sewing Machine Co- 420 S. Main St Pendleton. Phone 1771. 13-17c PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEFT NEB CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Neea at Use Lucas Place JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building. Willow Street Heppner. Oregon Veterans of Foreign J. 0. TURNER Wars LOCAL TERRITORY OPEN For dealership on low priced car. Franchises must be closed im mediately. $500 needed to handle Box 919 La Grande Ore. 13c NOTICE BICYCLE FOR SALE Equipped with horn, basket and kick stand, cheap. Telephone 2452 or see Jimmy Smith. 13-15c VIGORO fertilizer for lawns and gardens $3.50 for 100 pound bags, 45c for 5 pound bags. Rosewall Motor Company. WEED-NO-MORE, the magic weed killer for dandelions, morning glory and all broad leaf plants, $1.00 per can- Rosewall Motor CHECK YOUR BRAKES. Check your horn. Check your car. Check your driving. Check accidents- Let our mehanics inspect your car and put it in safe driving condition- Rosewall Motor Com pany. FRYERS for the 4th. New Hamp shire Reds. Earl McKinney 37F13 lone, Ongon. 13-14c "MAKE IT A MILU513! ' ENLIST IN A GRADE 1721:3 YOUR ARMY -V.OS Army Recruiting Office Post Office Bldg Pendleton. Oregon Army veterans who held certtin Military Occupational Specialties may reenlist in a grade commensu rate with their skill and experience provided they were honorably dis charged on or alter May 12. 1945- and provided they reenlist before July I, 1946. Over three-quarters oi a million men have joined the new Regular Army already. MAKE IT A MILLION! Full facts are at nny Army Camp, Post or Recruiting Station. -.Arti from nM Wits iw" f wum( bi- 'TirM b, the carload, part -..--IKM. lor franklj Get our offer! Be money hel 'feelings 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon 0. M. YEAGER P. CONTRACTOR Ic BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodeled Phone 1483 413 Jones St. HEPPNER. OREGON W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner. Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having Butters (or discus sion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor 2 Pendleton Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch St Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guaranteed Located In the Kane Building North Main St. Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 402 A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN 8c SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office up stairs I. 0. O. F. Bld Housr calls made Office and House Phone 2572 MATIOMAL EDITOR! AL in liC Vf ASSOCIATION ltMJilnJl Blaine E. Isom The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18. 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15. 1912. Published every Thursday and en. tered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, aa second das matter. Subscription Price 12.50 a Year O. O. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. DR. S. E. ALLEN ORTHODONTIST 225 Byers St. Pendleton, Ore. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's Office in Heppner Now Is The Time for one of those extra thick -MILKSHAKES . . cooling, refreshing -or- an Ice Cream Soda, a Sundae or- A Kreem Kup Loaded with Scotty's best Save yourself hot weather drudgery by patronizing our lunch counter SCOTTY'S qA New Line o Cosmetics Cosmetics for teenagers We are introducing a new complete line of cosmetics by Helene Pessl ... for ;een agers and little folks AttL Jlacl Her very own cosmetics ill' $4 Pl SAAGER'S PHARMACY Dance WILLOWS GRANGE HALL SATURDAY JUNE 22 Music by Farrows Orchestra Admission 50c; Tax 10c; Total 60c The public la cordially invited. A good time is assured to all. It is not toy soon to be planning your Fourth of July holiday . . . Whether you stay at home or go far or near, you will need food. We have it the best the market affords-and we sell our produce so quickly there is never any left over lo become stale or wilted. Central Market and Grocery Your Complete Food Market Main and May Streets hUppntr, Oregon mam