-D t9 " O r- .' 311 i .( o ( Heppner Gazette Times Lexington Preparing VariediProgram For 4thotJuly Visitors to Lexington will be of fered a varied program for the two-day celebration, July 3 and 4. Committees are working to make the aliair a rollicking good time for hundreds of visitors anticipat ed at this only manifestation of the "Spirit ot 1V76" in the county. Besides the ieatures announced last week air show, parade, carni val, dances there will be a base ball game each afternoon, and by tlie time the crowds take in all these things and throw in a tew plane rides for extra measure there should be enough entertainment to satiate the most ardent celebrant An effort is being made to pro vide a parachute jump as an add ed attraction at the air show. Com mitteemen are negotiating with a stunt flyer and if one is obtained the spectators have the promise of some thrills. Several new plane OUT OF NAVY Roger Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connor and Donald Bennett, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benett, are two Heppner lads re ceiving their discharges from the navy the past week. They were released at Bremerton and wasted no time in getting back to the old homA town. Mrs. Viola Gabler went to The Dalles where on Tuesday she sub mitted to a major operation. At last report she was resting easy. Irrigon News Notes By MBS. t. A. BMOira Vallis Dexter T4 from the TB. hospital in North Carolina, and his j wife and son Gerry were recent visitors at the W. B. Dexter home He is having a 30-day furlough from the hospital. Mrs. Dan Hill has returned from the Pendleton hospital and is con valescing alter a recent operation. Patricia Markham and sister Harriet Smith and small niece Te resa Weigant went to Ephrata Fri day to visit their sister Mrs. Wilbur Weigant. Teresa had been visiting her grandparents, Mr- and Mra. Harry Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Benny McCoy ar rived home from a trip to Malheur county to visit Mrs. McCoy's people the Eddy family. Mrs- Allie Haberlein has sold her place to Leroy Matheney of Provo, Utah. Mrs Martin Abieen and Mrs. Shir ley Johnson weie Pendleton visit ors Saturday. Delpha and Lavelle Markham, Mrs. A. B. Turner and Mrs. Har vey Warner are teachers of the As simbly of God church vacation Bible school that began Monday morning. Dr. J. P. Condor of Milton was an Irrigon visitor Sunday Miss Lois luarkham went back to Spokane Friday where she is taking nurse's training. Mr. and Mrs. George Russell and children were lone visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs- Ralph Bcnefiel and small son of Taconia are visiting his sister Mis. Carl Haddox and family and other relatives here. Mr- and Mis. Leroy Darling and five children returned from a trip in southern California where thiy visited relatives. Mrs. A. E. Stephens Mrs. Mar shall Markham and da'ughter La velle and Mrs. Alice Hoagland were in Pendleton Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Winquist are conducting a dedication Bible school at the Community Baptist church. Miss Paula Haberlein went to Bend Wednesday. She has employ ment there. ' Betty Acock went to Redmond Thursday to visit her sister Mrs Adrcn Allen and family. She re ported at the hospital in Spokane Saturday. She is in training there. Fred Houghton returned Satur day from a few days in Portland Milo McFarland of Umatilla was an Irrigon visitor Monday. Henry Gaberding of the Colum bia district was an Irrigon visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Dn Hill is home from the rendlelo i .ospilal and Is conval i inr ' an operation. welle Markham went to Portland Friday morning to get her irrandmoth. r. Mrs. E. J. McCoy. Thev arrived home Saturday. Mrs. Nina Harris of Portland left for home Sunday after visit Ing her mother, Mrs. Martha Fer- ril and other relatives. June Collins, 17 year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Collins, passed away Friday, June 7 at her home here after a long illness. She was buried in Hermiston on the following Monday at 2 p.m. after o -orvliv at the Praun Funeral home wllh Elder Houser of Pendle ton officiating. Besides her parents she leaves to mourn her passing a sister Kathleen and three brotneis Elmer Dan and John. The Collins' are recent newcomers from Milton. Ollie Corrieiel and foster son Jer ry Bucll were Irrigon visitors Fri day. Thoy are running a stock ranch in Montana, Celebration models will be on exhibition and these will be put into passenger service lor those who wish to take to the air. Business concerns and individu als wishing to enter floats in the parade the morning of the 4th are advised to get in touch with Mrs. Lester Hicks at the Lexington cafe. Suitable prize money is being post ed for the best entries. A professional carnival outfit has been secured and will be set up inweeK to '52- time to accommodate the earliest . visitors to the celebration. Food ; stands at the carnival and other spots around town will suffice to keep the crowds fed- Tlie slogan is "Celebrate at Lex ington," and the 'committees will be working right up to the close of the celebration to make it a worth while entertainment. They Saw Fight . . . When Joe Lewis and Billy Conn squared off for the championship bout in New York Wednesday eve ning there were at least two Mor row county men in the Yankee Sta dium to see the world's champion ship bout. Edward Rice of Hepp ner and Verner Troedson of lone made the long trip by air to see Mr. Lewis knock out Mr. Conn in the eighth round. Forest and Range The stocking of sheep and cattle on forest ranges is complete lor the present grazing season. There i cancelled tlie engagement when a are a few permittees using sheep IWallla Walla orchstra was dated to allotments during the temporary appear in the county at the same non-use by established permittees. I time. The orchestra represents con Pat Campbell of Lonerock is graz- j siderable expense and the Veterans ing on the Collins Butte allotment i are planning to make this one of place of James O'Conner who has non-use; John Voile of Irri gon is stocking the Lottie Kilken ny range around Two Springs; Joe Hayes of Lonerock is operating on the Potamus and Elkhorn allot ments formerly used by Joe Ken ny and William Instone respective- J iy. Other sheep operators are w H. Stiwer on Guthrie Prairie and Winlock allotments, George Fich allotment,1 ter on Stahl-Brown Frank Wilkinson on Three Trough Sunflower, Nine Top, and Red Hill! allotments, Mahoney and Ball on Skookum allotment, Cleve Van Schoiack on Swule creek allotment, Steve Thompson on Jones Canyon, Mallory, Ditch creek, and Coal lan i allotments, John Brosnan on ' Silver Creek and Matlock allotment- Garnet Barratt is letting his Thompson Flat range rest this year 1S is Hugh Smith on Tupper and Texas Butte allotments- If.. Hardman association took Iheir cattle to the mountains last Saturday and turned out in tlie Ijirner mountain area. Pirmitleon ,n talis range are Raymond Wright, Waller Wright and Blaine Chapel. Wilber Knighten will be the sailer ".or the association again this year and makes his camp at Big Cat springs. i Five Mile Cattle association turn- ed out on the Taylor creek unit .'. Saturday. The members of this association are: W. E. Hughes, Art Hughes, Dillard French, C. N. Mc- I nmrhlin and Rose Francis. A. D. Hileman from Gurdanc will be the Salter on the range again this year and will stay at Cow camp on Squaw Flat. The annual lire scnooi im me Umatilla National forest was held tlie Tucannon river north of uayion mis pusv w. ... rang r districts on ho tnrocl oi.nl i their smoke chasers and lookouts to the school. Each of tlie six ran gers were instructors at the school ind held classes in detection o fires from lookouts, smoke chasing, fire fighting, radio operation, and fire prevention. Personnel from tlie Heppner district attending were: Glen Jorgensen, Glenn Parsons, Kenneth Keeling, Bert Mason, Ro land Farrcns, Louis Gilliam, Lauren Corwin Harold Sanders, Orville Corley, Bill Ward and Bob Scott. Sylvia McDaniel and Bert Bleak- man were left on the district to take care of tlie work. The weather has been a trifle wet In the mountains the last eight Havs. Roads In the Bull Prairie and and muddv. but a few warm days Tunrjer areas have been very slick will allow free travel without fenr of becoming stuck. On Thursdny of Inst week a hnll storm hit In the mountains. The pebbles were as big as marbles and did a lot of damage to the forest by stripping the leaves Alexander Donsky from Sitkn Alaska started work on the district last Monday. He is employed as a carpenter and is going to build the new Arbuckle lookout tower. Don sky has workid for both (lie forest service and the park service In Alaska and can tell some interest ing yarns. Wood and pole permits have been Issued to Harold Cork of Klm berly; free use permit to C. E. Cisco of lone; a crossing permit to Joe Hayes of Lonerock, Heavy Storm Over Area Disrupts Light And Power Service ilad it been Friday the 13th there would have been grounds ior sus pecung loul play by the weather man. but il was Thursday the 13th and hard luck beset users of elec tric power for several hours. Reminiscent oi that day in June 43 years ago, a heavy blacx cloud hovering over the hills in mid-af teinoon brought darkness and i lieavy shower of rain- It was typi cal thunder storm which lelt in its wake no great damage but rais ed the precipitation record for the month by .4G of an inch. Later showers produced another .06 oi an inch, bringing the total for the One of the worst effects of the storm was damage to the power lines. A transformer was burned out at the planing mill and lacking a replacement the electricians had to improvise one- Before this was fixed the lights went out several times. Each time tlie lights were off, no matter how briefly, caused the me tal in the G-T linotype pot to bar. den and it required from 30 min utes to an hour to restore it to a useable state. Restaurants and other places of business open the evening carried on with the aid of candle light V. F. W. Sets Donee Date For July 13 Heppner post Veterans of Fore ign Wars has scheduled a dance for Saturday evening, July 13, it was announced Wednesday after noon- The affair will be staged at the Fair pavilion and the music will be by Hazel Fisher's All-Girl orchestra of Portland. The Veterans had this orchestra scheduled earlier in the season and the biggest dances of the season. STUDENTS HOME Ted Ferguson and Joe Hughes arrived home Friday evening from Corvallis where they completed their fiist year's work at Oregon State college. Howard Gilliam and Helen Blake arrived Saturday from the same point, coming by stage, and whin Mrs. E. H Miller re- turned from Portland Saturday she was accompanied oy jean Turner and Virginia McLaughlin from OSC and Tad Miller and Pat C'Biicn who have been in the navy. v.; am:: to speak at UNION SERVICE SUNDAY Mrs. rinllip Schmidt of Portland -.ill be the morning speaker at the u 'irn scr'i'.es at the Methodist church Sunday, June 23. She will al. -i ,rpk rt the adult Christian Fn.'ravor ,.lt tnc Church of Christ ?t 7:30 p.m. Mrs- Schmid; desires to meet with the Union Missionary society v.hile h re. TV place and date will l:e announce:! later. JACK SCHAFFER 4N GERMANY urstenfeUlbruck. Germany Hen to do his bit in winning the p;i.te," Pfc Jack H. Schaffer, son of Mr- and Mrs. E. R. Schaffer. of Cecil, Orcgor, has arrived at the European Theater Army Air Forces FjMii,'oreement depot, and will soon assigned to permanent duties with the occupational air force. Before entering the service in June 1945, Pfc Schaffer attended the Pi ndlelon high school. ! IN AI MY AIR ( OKI'S , ""s. An e,dm.e,., , I river north of,'PPr "d "ow ot . LURene', naS , enlisted in the army air corps ior a Fort ti" ee ...... Lewis, writes his moth( In her note to this newspaper, Mrs. Gam- mcll stated that Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jones and daughter Lnma Mae nd aranddaughtcr Joyce Wash burn were guests at the Gammcl! home June 14 enroute home from California. Another Morrow county family, Mr- and Mrs. Lee Pearson und children of Boardman, spent t'vo weeks vacation at the Gam- mcll home. . MAKE APPLICATION NOW, ADVICE TO VETERANS Veterans planning to take ad vantage of educational training benefits under the GI bill for the first time this fall should apply for a certificate of eligibility im mediately, Charles M. Cox, Veteran Administration representative in this nrea warned today. "If too many last minute appli cations me ree'eived, veterans plan. ning to go to colleg" this fall may find that their applications cannot be rrocessid In time for prompt rwvment of allowances," Cox said "The nnssibilitv of delay will be vil.tuniiy rliminnteet, howivcr, if thev arc completed now." Application forms for education or training may be obtained by culling In person or by writing the VA office In US. National Bank building at Pendleton Oregon o Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Licuallen and son Frank and dnughter Suz anne of Pendleton enme Sunday evening to attend the Bnrratt-Wil- son wedding, Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, June 20, 1946 Condon Shellacs Heppner 7-2, on Rain Swept Field Miller Reverses Performance of Previous Sunday That reputation as a strike-out hurler which Pitcher Miller made the previous Sunday faded into ob livion last Sunday as Condon shel lacked the Heppner team there to the tune of 7 to 2. Plainly speaking Miller was off form and the three walk start he gave Condon in the first spoiled his chances of recov ering his usual control. The game was called in the eighth due to a heavy rain and well it was for Heppner. Condon had start ed a batting spree on Drake, who succeeded Miller, and from all re ports a general base running exhi bition was underway before the officials decided it was too wet to play baseball. Consequently the scores run up during the parital inning were not counted. Heppner travels to Wasco on June 23 and while the younger players are quite sanguine about bringing home a victory, older members of the squad take a pes simistic view. Wasco took lone there last Sunday and will be pre paring to keep the bacon at home next Sunday. Fossil followed the usual routine by trimming Arling ton. Arlington plays at Condon, and lone at Fossil. Forsythe's Plane . Wrecked at Portland A plane belonging to the For- sytlie Flying Service at Lexington was wrecked east of Portland Tues day when engine trouble forced Ray M. Dukek and daughter Pa tricia of Condon to make a forced landing near lG4th avenue and Powell boulevard. Freshly-cut hay in the field blocked the wheel af ? ter the deadstick landing and caus ed the aircraft to nose into the ground. Miss Dukek was piloting the plane when its engine stalled. Both occupants were taken to Gresham for treatment Dukek had a head laceration and a possible broken neck. The Dukeks had rented the plane to fly to Portland and were re turning to Lexington when the ac cident happened. Dukek operates the Condon hotel. Jack Forsyihe, manager of the Forsythe Hying Service has gone to Portland to check on the damage done to the plane wiiieh is a Lus tomb which he acquired at Baker just recently. INJURES HAND Walter Bcc-t suffered a badly lacerated linger Tuesday while un loading combine parts irom a car. Skin and flesh were torn from the .mber over the length oi two joints but it is not expected that amputation will be necessary. STARTS HEREFORD RANCH Batie P. Rand of Irrigon recently purchased a small but high grade herd of registered Hereford cattle from D. J. Fry of Aurora, Oregon. Rand purchased -the entire herd consisting of 14 high grade cows and a first class sire. He has had the herd trucked to his ranch at Irrigon. ATTENDING CONFERENCE Rev. Fletcher Forster, Mrs. For ster and M. L. Case are 'at Seaside attend ink tlie Oregon conference of ! the Methodist church. The meeting ODened Wednesday and will con tinue through Sunday. It tinue through Sunday. It will not be known until late in the week what the assignments will be, but Rev. Forster hopes, and expects. that he will be returned to Hepp. ner for another year. Are Yon Having A Hard - w m - i i I Air Travel Appeals As Means of Saving Vacation Time Travel by air has a strong appeal for Mr. and Mrs. B- C. Pinckney following a recent trip to Nebraska. From Pendleton to Omaha by Mainliner requires 9'4 hours and this means a lot to people who must limit their vacation to a few reaching Omaha the Pinck neys had to double back to get to their destination, the home town of Mr. Pinckney's parents, and this required about five hours Pinckney told the luncheon group of the Heppner chamber of com merce not to be bluffed out by airport agency reports that all space is reserved ahead for weeks. Some of these reservations are made by big concerns who wish plane service on call. Many times these reservations are not taken, although not cancelled, and a cas ual passenger can usually get pas sage if a little patience is exercised. The Pinckneys returned to Pen dhton Saturday after a pleasant journey both ways. MILK PRICES HIGHER SINCE 7TH OF JUNE Acting in accordance with an or der issued by the OPA, the Al falfa Lawn dairy announces that the price of milk was advanced to 16 cents per quart as of June 7. While information relative to the raise permit was published at that time, official notice to the local dairies was not received until a later date. It is understood the price raise will be retroactie to June 7 and patrons will be billed accordingly on July 1. ATTENDING CONVENTION Gazette Times readers shouldn't be misled about receiving this week's copy on publication day. There is a reason for it and this may not happen again for a long time. The editor and his wife left early this morning for Gearhart to attend the annual convention of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers as sociation. News Briefs . . . . Jimmy McNamee has returned to Heppner from Fort George Wright near Spokane where he has been stationed for several months un- uMinsUujQeol.-. f9bis leg which was badly injured in action during the European campaign. Bcb Ilunnion is again appearing. in civies alter a long time in navy blues. Bob returned the last of the week. Mrs. Earl Gordon is visiting re latives and friends in Heppner and Lexingion this w ek- Mrs. Gordon came from Portland the first of the week. Mrs. Agnes Curran has sold her apartment property to Dr- R. C. Lawrence. Miss Margaret Gillis, Morrow county public health nurse, len Saturday for a week's vacation which will be spent as house guest of friends at Patricia Beach, Union, on Hood's canal in Washington. She will return by way of Seattle the Snoqualmie Pass and Yakima and will be at her office on Mn- day, June 24. Paul Webb of Walla Walla was a business visitor in the county the past week-end. He stated that about normal in the Walla Walla region and that much of the wheat he saw in Morrow county reminded him of that section. Frank Monahan was in town a short time Tueday, the first time in many weeks- He spent five weeks at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton and his condition at times was grave. As soon as he was able to be moved he was brought to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Paul Hisler, where he is slowly recovering his health. Time Getting Butter? '"'" ' vy Light Vote Cast In School Meeting Here Monday P. M. Total of 37 Votes Decides Important Business of District If there was a school election in Heppner Monday afternoon, very few of the patrons and taxpayers were aware of it or were enough interested to take a few minutes to go to the city hall and cast their ballots. A total of 37 votes was counted when all interested citi zens had done their balloting in one of the most vital elections of recent years. As a result of the meeting, Edwin Dick Jr. is a new member of the school board, being chosen director to succeed C. N. Jones. Dick re ceived 29 votes; Mrs. Orville Smith was accorded six, Mr. Jones one and there was one blank.. , Of particular interest was the matter of the leying of funds in excess of the six percent limitation-Thirty-four of the voters favored the proposal while three were against. The board and budget committee found it necessary to ask for funds beyond the limitation to meet increased operational costs and to include buildings and re pairs. Thirty -four voters favored the budget while only two voted against it Mrs. Tress IileClintock was ap pointed clerk for another year when the new board held a busi ness session following the school meeting. C. N. Jones, retiring director, for nine years in that capacity. He had been chairman three times. At the meeting he made it clear that he no longer desired to serve as director but that did not deter some of his friends from casting their votes for him. ' Edwin Dick Jr. is a prominent young business man, a graduate of Heppner high school and former student at the University of Oregon- Back from service overseas with the navy, he has entered the business and civic life of the com munity in earnest. He is a level headed young man and will give valuable service to the district as member of the school board. BIG VOTE AT LEXINGTON - Unlike District No. 1 voters, the people of District No. 12, Lexing ton, turned out in considerable number Monday afternoon when Orris Padberg was elected for a three-year term as director, re viving 61 votes, and Mrs. Ida Way was accorded 65 votes for a -)ne-year t rm. The school budget carried by a vote of 46 to five. A total of 88 votes was cast. Hall Damages Crops In Eoiie Section A hail storm Thursday of last week did considerable damage to tile following ranches, Holnv.s Gab b.rt, Harry Yarnell, Charles McEl ligott, Berl Akers, Raymond Lun dell and C- A. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright of Baker spent the week-end with Mrs. Earl Wright's mother, Mrs. Ida Grabill. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright were married recently. Mr. and Mrs- Harry Yarnell at tended a Yarnell family reunion at Bickleton Wash. Thursday, June 13. They also. visited Mr. and Mrs. Billy Blann at Hermiston. Roy Obert of Portland is visiting relatives and friends this week. Dale Ray is in the mountains taking care of Delbert Emert's cattle for the summer. The annual school meeting was held at the school house Monday afternoon with Oscar Peterson as chairman. The budget was accept ed and Garland Swanson was elected director for three years. It was decided to build a new double tennis court. Two more teachers have been elected to teach in the lone school for the coming year. Elmer Shif ter of Nespelem, Wash will teach social science and history, while Melvin Nelson of Hillsboro will handle music and band. A stork shower was given for Mrs. Billy Eubanks Monday after noon with Mrs. Clarence Brenner, Mrs. John Eubanks, Mrs. Howard Eubanks and Mrs. Louis Halvorsen as hostesses. Walter Eubanks was given a dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks in honor of Father's dav. Those present wre Mr. and Mrs. Waller Eubanks of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks and daughter Marlcne, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Brenner and sons and Jimmy Thiel and Earlene Morgan. Mrs. Raymond Lundell and Ernie MeCabe went to Ritter to bring homo their f.ither A. A MeCabe. Mrs. Clarence Kruse and daugh ter Karen of Oswego and Mrs. C W. Burton of Porllnnd are visiting their mother Mrs. Lnnii Padberg. Members of Willows grange arc urged to meet at the hnll nt 1 p.m. June 27 to clean hall and grounds and practice for Pnmona which meets here July 6. A potluck sup per will follow the cleanup. Commission Chooses Site South House for News Notes from The C-A Office Beginning with this issue. The Heppner Gazette Times will pub lish a weekly news column of items prepared by the county agent News items .will be short and of personal interest to Morrow county tarmers. At a recent meeting of the super visors of the Heppner Soil Conser vation district, the county agent was elected to act as secretary. A progress report of work ac complished by the district recent ly was given. It was found that a stock pond has been constructed on the L. H. Rill farm, another is un der construction on the J. J. Wightman farm and a sweet clover and Brome seeding has been made for C. H. Van Schoiack. New con servation plans have been signed by Grant Olden, Dallas Craber and Orville Cutsforth. With technical help on conserva tion problems being made available as fast as possible, it is hopsd that farmers will take advantage of the opportunity to work out a conser vation plan for their farm in the near future. Tom Wilson, work unit conservationist, is in charge ot the Heppner district. At the present time Dick Salzman is soil survyeor, dividing his time with other soil conservation districts in this area. As soon as positions can be filled. an engineer aid and engineer will be employed part time. Equipment available to conser vation cooperators is: one rotary scraper Killifer (35 cu. ft), one sheepsfoot rooler, one carry lift trailer as well as the part time use of a deep furrow drill and an alfalfa-grass drill. Droparound to the county agent or soil conservation office for more information and assistance through the Heppner Soil Conservation district At a meeting of 4-H club leaders held at the county" agent's office recently plans were made for hold ing an all-county 4-H club picnic. While leaders felt that it was get ting a bit late for a picnic this year, with harvest so close, yet the date of Sunday, July 7, was se lected. All 4-H members, club pa rents and local leaders are invited to the picnic which will be held at Battle Mountain park near Ukiah. It is hoped that this picnic will be made an annual event School Election at Lexington Brings Out Sizable Vote The annual school meeting held in Lexington Monday afternoon was well attended. There were sevral nominations lor the two vacancies for director. Oris Padberg was elected to serve three years suc ceeding W. E. McMillan and Mrs Iva Way was elected to serve one year filling out the unexpired term of Vernon Munkers, resigned. The budget was passed by a vote of 46 to 5- Mrs. Douglas Gibson of Hermis ton visited last Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Breshears. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Union were week-end guests at the W. E. McMillan home. Miss Jo McMillan and Elizabeth Fdward rtnrnwi Imma Snturdav from Union where gpent the past week visiting at the Cecil Jones home. E- S. Burnside left Monday for the Veterans' hospital at Walla Walla where he will undergo treatment for - his leg which has been bothering him for some time Kenneth and Marcella Jackson arrived home Thursday night from the University of Oregon. Ken returned to Eugene Saturday to attend summer school. Marcella has had as her guest one of her sorority sisters, Miss Elaine Kones ky. Both girls are leaving Thursday for Miss Konesky's home in Great Falls, Mont. Marcella will return home July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Orwick took their daughter, Mrs. Rone Oscar son and her son, Rone Lee to their home In lone, Wiish. Sunday. Re turning they will come by Milton and bring Mrs. Selma Clark to Heppner for a visit with the Or wick families. Mrs. Clark is the moher of Jesse and Roy Orwie-k. Mrs. Eliza Barratt of Salem came up to attend the wedding of her grandson James Barratt and Miss Donrtha Wilson Sunday. Mrs. Bar. ratt was accompanied by her dau ghter, Mrs. Erwin Reiman and son Robert and daughter Betty of Cor vallis and Miss Jean Smith of Portland. Volume 63, Number 13 of Court Hospital All doubt about the location of the Morrow county hospital was removed at a recent meeting of the county court and hospital com mission when the site south of the court house property waa chosen. This has been one of the favored spots since the matter of building a hospital startde but the authori ties wisely refrained from making a decision until other site were studied- At a meeting held shortly after the primary election, when the re financing measure was approved the commission delegated tlie court and one member, Ralph L Thomp son, with authority to select the site- While there was a strong lean ing toward the Gilliam property, there seemed to be some things in the way of acquiring it and the group finally settled on the Hager property. The architect has been contacted to learn if he is still interesed in drawing up plans for the building and at present the authorities are withholding specific announce ments until the architect's services are obtained. The lots made available to the county through the purchase of the Hager property (negotiations are under way), will make a building site with a frontage of 117 feet on Court street and a deph of 140 feet In addition to this the court contemplates vacating McGee street or part of it, adding to the front age. There is a tract bordering Court street which was vacated some time ago, so that altogether there will be room for future de velopment should additions become necessary. Judge Bert Johnson stated that the building will likely be two stories and so arranged that addi tions can .be made without too maijy changes to building or grounds. Nothing short of 25 rooms is contemplated and if this meets the requirements from year to year additions will not be made. Bank Increases Surplus by $5,000,000 Directors of the First National Bank voted Monday to transfer $5 million from the undivided profits and reserve account to the bank's surplus a: unt, according to E. B. MaNaughton, president This action increased the surplus account to $10,500,000. Total capital funds of the First National, including capital, surplus, undivided profits and reserves, now stands in excess of $23,000,000. No stock has been sold by the bank to the public since 1910. All gains in the institution's capital funds since 1910 have come solely from earn ings. Dividends have been paid continuously for 75 years. The capital of the bank, $4,500 000, plus the surplus, now $10,- 500,000 sets the basis for the amount the bank may loan in any single transaction, or the amount the bank may ivest in one single bond issue at $1,500,000. Through adding $5 million to the surplus account, di rectors paved the way for a 50 per cent Increase in the former figure- m Mrs. Lucy Rodgers. left Tues day for Buffalo, N. Y. to attend the National Educational association convention. Mrs. Sarah McNamer took her to Pendleton to meet the other delegates with whom she is driving across the continent CHURCHES ILL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Holy Communion 8 tm. Church School 9:45 a m. Morning Prayer 11 a m. ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Her. Francis McCormack. Pastor SIMMER StHEIULE Heppner: First and third Sundays, mass at 8 am.; Second and fourth 9:30 am. lone: Mass at 9:30 first and third Sundays; 8 a.m. second and fourth. One mass on fifth Sunday at 9 a.m. in Heppner Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner 7:30; lone at 9:00. Mass on first Fridays 7:30 in Heppner. Confessions Saturday evening 7.30 to 8 and before mass Sundays. CHURCH of IONE COOPERATIVE John Merrill, Pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship It am. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Shelby Graves Minister Sunday school 9 45 a. m. Sun-lay morning service II a. m. Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Young people's service Tuesday 7?30 p. m. Midweek Bible study Thursday 7:45 p. m. ASSEMBLY OK GOD IONE Key. R. L Casllenian, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m, Children's church 7 JO p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Wednesdays, Christ's Ainbaaa don I . in, tn w