Heppner Gazette Times, June 13, 1946 3 Wan t A ds FOR SALE Gentle laddie horse 4 yean old. $150. Lyle Van Du- scn, iop, Ore. X2 juoi niA-CAVtJj Shipment ol Dottom 18-inch Massey . Harris plows. First come, first served. O. G. W. Farm Supply, 123 SE oecona at-, Pendleton. 12-1 FOR SALE-Treadle Singer sew ing macnine. Call at Runnion res. JEf - 12tfc WANTED Wood TuZT l buzzsaw. Dan Bishop, Box 123, neppner, ure. 10-12p WE DO custom hay "tiling. Con- j. xiansier, Morgan, Ore. . -12p FORSALE Two 1U" snEdeep furrow McCormick - Deering uiuu, new, never been used. Irene Zinter. 45 AT STUD "Shoreacres Flash, No. 1137," registered Wekh Po stallion; red sorrel, weight 575 pounos; neight 12 hands- Fee, 25 to small, gentle saddle mares.' Silver Star Ppny ranch, Morgan, Oregon. 12-13d FOR SALE-Fryers. alive or dress' ea; also pullets. Phone 37F14 G Herman, tone. ll-12p UR bAUv-One All-Crop com bine, 4-ft cut Vernon C. Brown lone, Ore. 11-U FOR SALE Edgemere Sewing ma chine, table and chairs, daven port and chair, rocker, stand, gas washuig machine, Coleman gaso line range, Ward's weed burner, bed springs; pigs and turkeys. See Cloy Dykstra or Phone 7F3. 12p RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me fer information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, Box 825, Vancouver Wash.. Pd. Adv. NUE-OVO Labor.tnrU. Betty Coxen, student at Eastern Oregon College of Education, is home for two weeks prior to going to Walla Walla to work during the summer vacation. NOTICE OF 1946-1947 BUDGET MEETING In accordance with the provisions of the "Local Budget Law" (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215, O. C. L A., as amended), notice is hereby given that the budget committee of Morrow County, Oregon, in compliance with said law. prepared and adopted on May 22. 1946, the budget estimates for Morrow County. Oregon, for the ensuing fiscal year July 1, 1946 to June 30, 1947. as set forth in the accompany schedules. All persons are hereby notified that on Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1946. at 10 a. m.. in the County Judge's office at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, said budget estimates may be discussed with the County Court, the levying board for said Morrow County. Oregon, and ny PS?n subiect to Propsed tax levy or tax levies will be heard in favor of or against said tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. The outstanding indebtedness of Morrow County. Oregon, at May 1, 1946. consisted of $195,000.00 in Serial Road Bonds. RALPH I. THOMPSON, Chairman Budget Committee JOHN W. KREBS. Secretary Budget Committee A. C HOUGHTON, Member Budget Committee W. E. HUGHES, Member Budget Committee E. C. HELIKER, Member Budget Committee J. G BARRATT. Member Budget Committee L D. NEILL. Member Budget Committee BERT JOHNSON, Member Budget Committee FRANK WILKINSON. Member Budget Committee NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby, given that the undersigned ws duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Caro lyn Bergstrom, deceased; and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to said administrator with proper vouchers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oreson, with in six months from the date here of Dated and first published this 13th day of June, 1946. JOHN BERGSTROM 12.16 Administrator- Miss Rose Hoosier, newly elect ed music and art teacher in the HrDDner schools, is enrolled for summer school at Greeley, Colo. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 1946-1947 $292,110 00 $58,410.00 $12,000.00 $30,000.00 $45,000 $27,500 $ 9.000 106,275 00 26.775.00 1946-47 Tax Tni.l r..n.i i -- - v.. ... I u I VII.1JI 1 ,11 Levy Calculation All Funds Fund Schools Total Estimated Expenditures Deduct Est. Re ceipts other than 46-47 Taxes Est. Tax Levy, July 1. 1946 to June 30. 1947 inside 6 Iim. Est. Tax Lew July 1. 1946 to June 30 1947 outside 6 Lim Total Levy July 1. 1946 to June 30, 1947 as Es timated General Roads Road Sinking Fund Bond Sinking Fund Bond Interest Fund Rodent Fund Taylor Dg Grazing Fund $ 4.500 $500 4300.00 39,900 8.000 77.335.00 31,635.00 12.000 00 25,200.00 6,000 108.50000 8.000 1.500 500 4200 200 Fair Fund $1,000 1,000 Coyote Bounty $4,000 3.000 1,000 County Hospital Fund $100,000 20,000 27.500 1.000 80.000 $185.835 001 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 1945-46 1945-46 Tar Levy Calculation Total Estimated Expenditures $220,345 Deduct Est. Re ceipts other than 1945-46 Taxes $53,645 $12,000 $40,000 $50,000 $27,500 $10,000 96,675 25,025 Estimated Tax Estimated Tax Levy. July 1, 1945. to June 30, 1946, inside 6 limit'n 74,170 28.620 12.000 18,950 21.050 40,000 (.000 $ 8.000 $500 3.000 $500 $200 200 $1,000 1,000 $2,500 $20,000 2,500 Estimated Tax Levy, July 1. 1945 to June 30, 1946 outside 6 limit'n 49.500 Total Levy from July 1. 1945 to June 30. 1946 as Estimated $123,670.00 27,500 2,000 20,000.00 $20,000 Actual for Fiscal Year July 1. 1943 to June 30, 1944 Actual for Fiscal Year July 1. 1944 to June 30. 1945 July 1. 1945 to June 30, 1946 Budget for Year FUND AND CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES Estimated for Fiscal Year July 1. 1946 to June 30, 1947 $ 184 98 $ 650.00 $ 400 00 2 000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1 500.00 1,500 00 1,680 00 331.50 274.31 250.00 76.15 51.45 200 00 1,031.64 847 10 1.250.00 2 400.00 2.400.00 2,400.00 1 500.00 1,500.00 1,680 00 293 65 271.34 300.00 54.80 41.40 150 00 2 000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 458 06 633.40 1.000.00 63.00 90.78 6500 1 395.23 627 00 1.000.00 445.00 445 00 450 00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 180.96 49.99 75.00 123.00 123 00 125 00 74.00 261.46 350.00 36 80 35.00 50 00 229 62 205.34 ' 300.00 178 20 161.11 250.00 136.10 71.15 250 00 204 60 169.63 200.00 390.60 354.05 400 00 250.00 250 00 250.00 73.80 7380 75.00 00.00 00. UO 20000 113.79 00.00 100.00 00.00 00 00 25 00 1,20000 1.200.00 1,380.00 300 00 198.75 500.00 379 39 394.06 450 00 86.31 85626 300.00 795.39 639.00 800 00 148-75 147.66 200.00 200.00 743.83 1.304.21 750 00 2,804-93 5,500.00 5.500 00 300.00 300.00 300.00 1,192.50 1.519.46 1,500 00 2 400.00 2.400.00 2,400.00 3 404.55 3,395 49 3,500.00 109.57 394 10 250.00 696 19 825.40 900.00 100.00 100 00 100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 428.49 515.68 450 00 422.50 408.4? 400 00 Accountants Audits $ ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Salary of Assessor Salary of Deputy.. Books 4 Incidentals .... Field Work CIRCUIT COURT Witnesses, jurors, bailiff, reporter, incidentals CLKKK'S OFFICE Salary of Clerk Salary of Deputy Books & Incidentals . CORONER Jurors. mileBRPe and fees COUNTY COURT Salary of County Judge . Salary per diem & mileage of Comm's., incidentals COUNTY EXPENSES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Association of Oregon Counties Bangs' Disease Control... Bonds County Agent Fire Patrol Federal Tax Committee - Insurance - Insane Expense Jail Board and Expense - - Justice Court Jurors, fees, witnesses, etc ., Juvenile Court - ' Library - - - Official Publications & Tax Foreclosure ...... Publicity St Advertising Staler of Weights Si Measures Water Master Traveling Epense & Incidentals Weed Control - - Wind Erosion Control Home Demonstration Agent Expense COURT HOUSE Salary of Janitor - - Fuel - Light & Power Incidentals CURRENT EXPENSE Postage, Stationery, Telephone, Telegraph, Etc District Attorney Rent & Incidentals County Law Library - Election Expense - - Emergency - - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Salary of County Physician Salary and Expenses of County Nurse SHERIFF'S OFFICE Salary of Sheriff Salaries of Deputies St Office Clerk Tax Collections - Books. Incidentals and travel Stamps and Envelopes SUFEitlNTENDKNT OF SCHOOLS OFFICE Salary of Superintendent Books and Incidentals. Travel Expense 450-00 2.000 00 1.680.00 32000 200.00 1,500.00 2.400.00 1.800.00 300.00 100.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 1.000 00 450 00 2,400.00 50 00 12500 200 00 50 00 60000 250.00 200 00 200.00 400.00 250.00 60.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 1,500.00 1,50000 500 00 350.00 1.000 00 800.00 200.00 200 00 750.00 5,500.00 300.00 3,000.00 2.400.00 3 615.00 250.00 1,000.00 100.00 2 000.00 45000 35000 Actual for Actual lor July 1. '45 to Fiscal Year Fiscal Year June JO, '46 July 1. '43 to July 1. '44 to Budget June 30. '44 June 30, '45 for Year 653 85 68750 750 00 150.00 150.00 150.00 10000 150.00 15000 1 600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 117.78 53-83 80.00 489.40 50520 800.00 91.00 119 60 160.00 907.01 702 92 2.000.00 4,028-20 5,022.40 6.200.00 387.65 236.00 500 00 00 00 00.00 1.000-00 3 089.69 2.22834 3.00000 ' 00.00 00.00 200-00 00.00 00.00 2.500.00 37 805 45 45 532 22 40.000.00 50,000.00 27 500 00 27.500.00 27.500.00 " 12,025 63 11,632.72 10,000.00 18 465 85 17,913.10 12.000.00 20.000.00 FUND AND CLASSIFICATION Est for Fiscal Year July 1, '46 to Jun. 30. 47 Assistant 4-H Club ..... Teachers' Institute - TREASURER'S OFFICE Salary of Treasurer - 1 Books & Incidentals RELIEF Aid to Dependent Children 1, Blind Assistance - General Assistance 2. Old Age Assistance 6. Dog Fund - - - Fair Fund 1 Rodent Fund - Taylor Grazing Fund - Coyote Bounty - ROADS & BRIDGES Repairs, Labor, Materials & Incidentals 30.000.00 Road Machinery Replacement Sinking Fund 45.000.00 ROAD BONDS Sinking Fund - 2l Bond Interest 9. 750.00 15000 150.00 ,60000 75.00 ,000 00 160.00 .000.00 500 00 500.00 ,000.00 500.00 200.00 000.00 County School Appropriation 12 County Hospital Fund - 10. .500.00 000 .00 000 00 000.00 ESTIMATED CASH BALANCES AND RECEIPTS OTHER THAN TAXES 16,726.90 5,387-75 15,000 00 166.71 248.31 300.00 182 00 198.75 75.00 2,708 40 2.249.60 2.000.00 1 054 15 959.00 800.00 '647.41 1 109-40 700 00 2,611.35 1,092.89 1.000.00 6 181.19 2.762.12 2.000.00 4 97454 3.381.48 2,500.00 ' 39 00 00.00 50.00 499 66 598.09 500.00 0000 0000 10000 24,213.39 9.027.21 14.000.00 5.744.51 2,338.74 1.000.00 1.919.35 1.537.80 750.00 1.245 05 739.45 1,000 00 360.00 211.00 200.00 2,525.19 801 62 1.000 00 65432 3.602.38 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 GENERAL FUND Estimated Cash Balance Sheriffs Fees Sheriffs Auto Sticker Sales Clerk's Office Fees Justice Court Fines Rentals County Lands & Houses.. Land Sales Delinquent Taxes - Interest 15,000 00 300.00 100-OC 2.200.00 1.000-OC 700.00 1,000.00 2.000.00 2 500.00 50.00 500.00 100.00 275.00 9.667.65 10,41428 8.756.33 8.000.00 3,520 0G 5.486.10 3.636.10 3.000.00 109.28 220.35 00-00 0000 151.07 61.38 00.00 00 00 3,567.21 6,45621 7.325.00 1.000.00 449.00 457.00 13.00 500.00 7948 96.99 0O00 20000 .p JJV-W jaasa We Are Making Deliveries Legal Advertising On the following appliances now- MAYTAG WASHERS v; GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES KELVINATOR RANGES AND REFRIGERATORS EUREKA HOME CLEANING SYSTEMS FOWLER GUARANTEED WATER HEATERS AMERICAN STEEL KITCHENS STROMBERG CARLSON RADIOS RANIER WATER SOFTENERS PITTSBURG PAINTS AND SUPPLIES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of Morrow, State of Oregon, Admin istrator of the Estate of Benjamin R. Patterson, deceased, and all per sons having claims against the said estate of said1 deceased are hereby required to present the same with proof vouchers duly verified as re quired by law to the said admin istrator at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 30th day of May, 1946. H. A. COHN, ... Administrator P. W, MAHONEY, Attorney tor Administrator Heppner, Oregon 10-14 Jail Rent from City of Heppner Alcohol Control Fund (Relief) Weed Control Cmintv Health Association State Board of Health 1.050.00 GENERAL BOAD FUND Estimated Cash Balance J-W Delinquent Taxes - 1'SS Forest Reserve Rentals 5M Gasoline Refunds l.-00 Justice Court Fines 300 Land Sales - - l--00 Sales & Rentals - .p0 Interest 50auo MOTOR LICENSE FUND Receipts from Secretary of State - s.uw.uu RODENT FUND Estimated Cash Balance... 3-mw Delinquent Taxes " Land Sales unoooo Coyote Bounty ?'Xm Fair Fund Distribution from Secretary of State 500 00 Dog Licenses - Taylor Grazing Fund. ooSom iFu"d:::::::::::::::::: S hereby required to present the same to the administrator, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dted and first published this 23rd day of May, 1946. J. O. TURNER 9-13 Administrator eta Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chaffee mot ored to Pasco Sunday and picnick ed with relatives from Spokane, Kennewick and Pasco. Mr. Chaf fee's brother, F. A. Chaffee of Spo kane came home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemrich Jr. of Portland are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Gonty this week. Himrich is Mrs. Gonty's brother. Lot 5 in Block 2 Ayers Second Addition to the City of Hepp ner for the minimum price of $30.00 cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 15th day of June, 1946 at the hour of 10:00 a. m., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN Sheriff, Morrow Countv, Oregon By FRANCES M1ITCHELL 8-12 Deputy NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator eta. of the estate of George E. Hendrick, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and has accepted such trust. All persons having claims against the said estate are Heppner Hdwe. & Electric Co. NOTICE OF SALfl OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated May 14, 1946, I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sail at pub lic auction at not leaf than the minimum price herein set forth; Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort: due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Custom Slaughtering Now that warm weather is here may we suggest that you bring your custom killing to us. We are equipped to process your meat from the time it arrives at our killing plant through to the locker room or your kitchen. For Your SUNDAY DINNER We will have delicious young fry ers on sale this week-end. Shop at this one stop market and save both time and money. Central Market and Grocery This pair of wires carries 480 long distance calls simultaneously t.- T vgaa j s xs J,, r. sf "'tmBSmmmtt&tibxM tv4 9 , r 3, I iv M Small copper wires in copper tubes about the size of pencil . . . yet nearly five hundred people can talk over then at the same time. They are units of the famous coaxial cable, developed by the Bell Telephone Laboratories to help speed your calls up and down the Pacific Coast and across the country. : '5 y 7 ' I Work has begun already on our part of the first trans continental coaxial cable along the route shown (dotted line). It will be an eight-tube cable used for long distance calls and television transmission. Actually, this project 1 only part of our plans to extend and speed long distance service. Many other improvements are on the way. Foe It Is out purpose in our $100,000,000 five-year expansion program to provide an ever-widening, ever-improving telephone, service ... so that the telephone steadily becomes more valuable and useful to every user. t Every day trt seek to makt tehphont strvitt tven better than it has ti er been before The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. West Willow Street Telephone lleppiier S