6 Heppner Gozette Times, June 6, 1946 Successful Fair Staged by 4-H Clubs of County On of tht most successful fait Ad achievem nt dr.y propams in local 4-H club history care to a clou? Saturday afternoon at ,e parish house of All Si.ir.t; Episco pal church, whore cl..l d clubbers' work and demur atra'.wns attractod i large number of is:t.rs Awards in the various entriis ar.d demonatrauons were made as follows: Grand champon poster. Way; Florence Schoonover; Walker. As:: Cler. Iinsure CANf4iriG VSUCCE 5! Class VII -Judt,;. 27 contest- D.viSiun II- Associate Members: J.je ribbon ro;ip Uionda David , n, Atin Wright, Rila Me- Xu.kI. Ked ribbon gi oup Bobby rjoardnv :.via, ;:ck Muiie, wanet Wright. Do ision III- IX-rothy Sr.ow; Jr. boy 1st. Asa Way; 2nd, Larry Lindsay. Jr. girl champion 1st, Patsy Aiut; Vng"t; 2nd, De-anna SieagaU. Class II. Cooking Division 1! Mrs. Edward Green of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Agnes Cu.ran. Mrs. Green will be here 1 a few weeks visiting with old iii.na wno are many as sue is a former Heppner girl. r.::is. :,arcn B.cket. D.anne Van Horn, Gicioia Vecle, Patricia Drake. .i...:ii!oen Oiwick- Division II 1 -t oiab bian variety mu-i The O. Wendell Her.bison family iu Kia Dra.e, DCotes Draseo d .pat ted for their new home in In. Car.et:a Olden. Lola Ann McCafce, j diana Wednesday morning. They Jane Seehater. Division III. Lunch ha.e planned a leisurely trip duos nut bread or sponge cake.! across the country, going the Nancy Kerguson, Rita Mae Graves, southern route ar.d making a vaca Baioara Stout, Bernice Huston, tion of the travel ume. Thiy will Gratia Jliilur. be joined at RuhmoiiJ, Calif, by Class III. Clothing. Division l,;Mr. Herbison's rwthf. Mrs. Syl oachcior sew ine James McClin-l via Snced, who ixpccts to make toCK. Division II, Clothing II Eliz- t her home with hr abtth Ld wards, Vesta Cuulortu, ! Bettv Walk.r, Sally McLaughlin, I ; June an Winkle. Diisiou ill i Clothing III: Betty Jean Graves. ; Division IV Clothing IV: Lorenei j iiituied Ramona MeDai.iel. ' Is Br icaa. . a. uon Mrs. Jennie Hinckley of Utah is living the the small house of Ab kin's. Mr. and Mrs Fred Markham of Kennewick were Tuesday visitors in Irrigon. Mrs. Ellen McCoy and children have returned from near Seattle and are at the J. E. McCoy home until their home is vacated. The j Dois,. n I A L.,:ih libit pus- Jerry Buschke, Betty Lou Messen- IrrigOfl NCWS NoteS . ' ...i i.-li. n group r loteccc iter, i lorenoe tvnoonover I Kiln - SkV. o..ovt r, Glen Walker, Jerry, mg K..mona MoDanicl, June Van ba.-Jii.i-, iA.r ti.y Snow. Ked rib- Winkle. Betty Jean Graves, Eliza. L,.r. go .;p !,ir Gerard, Joan btth Edwards, Lorene Mitchell Biwt,. Lo.ry Luidsay. Terry Cooking Eileen Biddle Ruhv Ann iL Laugh...: V. ...:e ribbon group Riitmann, Nancy Ferguson, Carlct h tx-rt baso.-.K!, Ei.iy Suag..!l, U Olden, Gracia Vecle. Grand UooUj Su ac.l, Gay llarslnnan, ; cha:-:pio:i, R.onona McDaniel; al- S:.,cy Lot.:i:., Ivan McDatikL B-'tina;e. EiLen Biddle. S..Vy p.su.s..--. Way, Jean '.VilKcr. i-V.-.m.a Stcga' Fatty ants- Grand chanPon. Carktta 01- Jea:. Mc.M n, Yvonne Breeding, '1' altcrnd:e. Slout- B.tty Lou -Messenger. j Class VIII Secretary's books. 1st, -Mothers tattle Bakers, lone, Lola Ann McCabe. 2nd, Happy Six Lun cheon club, Heppner, Nancy Fer guson; 3rd, Super Supper club. lan. Dolores Zivnev: 4lh awea Camixrs. Boardman. Sr. boy champion,! Virginia Roach: 5th. Victory Sew- Gay Harshman; Sr. girl champion ' -.g club. Heppner Lorene Mitch. champion :C:1; 6th Cherrv Health club Hard- man. Patsy Ann Wright, secretary Irrigon girls that are cadet nurses Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper and have finished their studies and son Billy returned to Portland last have to nurse now until early Thursday after visiting her parents, sluing when they will graduate. Mr. and M s. A. E. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Duus spent! Fred Davis is building a service from Thursday to Saturday in ' station and camp houses on his Portland and vicinity. ground east of town. Dan Heibert is building cement Mis. Marshall Markham and blocks for his house near the Col-1 daughter Marlene went to Seattle umbia river. . Monday to see ht r daughter La Jack Browning is adding a porch 1 Vel!p graduate from the Northwest to his homo in c-ntral Irrimin. i Bible school M Seattle Wednesday. of sympathy, beautiful flowers and cards, received In our bereavement We sincerely thank the Ameri can Legion for their help and (or their beautiful and impressive gravesde ceremony. Anne C- Smouse and family J. A. Carlson and family i . . , . . I rl art. St-:.!!; Qiw.nt ill.. Mi-mnr. Frcd Davis family Have it rented. I .. ,in ff lett f U,a"ae 1 SLmJ in P with Iw . .Monday, tie nas purcnasea a name, ' . , CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and words of sympathy, and also for the floral offerings, in our late sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thompson and family. Mrs- Joe Hughn had as guests the past week a former school mate, Mrs. Sam Bartow of Spo kane, and Mrs. Bartow's mother. Mrs- T. J. Kearns of Salem. Mrs. Kearns accompanied her daughter to Spokane. Mr- and Mrs. Harvey Warner and there and is getting ready to move i 4-,,,..k....v .I.-:- i uuu.uii.-i9 miu uicu iiuuav KUUSIS ' -e r,. n:.i,.,n j I "P and Mrs. Edwin Schnnleraff .nrl I Land and daufiht" two daughters spent Sunday with Mrs Warner's parents, Mr- and Mi's. A. W. Boulware in Hermis- ton. Loraine of Portland spent a lew days with her mother Mrs- Nora Wilson. Betty Acock and Lueile Jones Mrs r.r. Alm.i,t of Por.l,,d 1 sPenl a lew, aays m roruana, le- visiting friends in Irrigon. 1 Ulrnine Fridi,y morning. ,, , i Mr- and Mrs. J. A. Slioun and Mrs. Jim Philhps is visiting her Jud - t xhursc)ay in Walla daughter Mrs. Robert Sprague at yi-aua Sequi.-.i, Wash. Mrs. Vernon Jones is very much improved since she got rid of her goiter. Mrs. Alice Haverboin, Mrs. Min nie Fraser and Maxine and Mrs. James Henderson went to Echo Tuesday. j Fred Adams has finished his; apartments and is adding a wash rom. Mr. and Mrs. P- B. Rand and sons ! were in Portland from Saturday! until Tuesday. J Miss Lois Markham has been at home for over a week from the .n and family. Deaconess hospital in Spokane. The ! Mrs- Cecil Stevens and other relatives-Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sioith went to Walla Walla Monday to visit his daughter Mrs. Terisa Henry and family. CARD OF THANKS To the many friends of our be loved brother and uncle, Carl F. Troedson, we desire to express our heartfelt thanks for the expressions MR. CHARLES LYDEN Dupler's Fur Expert Will Be in Our Store TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY JUNE 11 and 12 ONLY Class IV. Stvie review. Division I leuur.g II: Vesia Cutsiorth, Sally McLaughlin. Division II Clothing i I III: Betty Jan Graves- Class V- Demonstrations. Divis- j 1 i-.-n II, clothing: Giani champion,: I Vesta Cutstorth, June Van Winkle; j Ann McCabe. Kubv Ann Rietmann;i Ano follow instructions in j Alternate m st in cooking. Lola Ot B.I1 Blot Book. To fct your copy j Eecond cookir.g. Nancy lerguson, cna 10c with your Dime nd dJr to ' Barj. jra stout- Class VI. Record book cootest. Ktald-. P.obert Buschk Asa Way, CAPS, UCS 4 RUB5S35 UU IROTHtRJ COWFAMY, K.-jntie, Iml. SAND AND GRAVEL Good clean Umatilla sand and gravel for concrete and cement work. LLOYD MOVER Ca!M434 Heppner, Oregon Cust ustom Slaughtering Now that warm weather is here may we suggest that you bring your custom killing to us. We are equipped to process your meat from the time it arrives at our killing plant through to the locker room or your kitchen. For Your SUNDAY DINNER We will hove delicious young fry ers on sale this week-end. Shop at this one stop market and save both time and money. Central Market and Grocery i Dad' s a KNOT EXPERT Yes sir, Dad's bound to go for a tie or so from Wilson's because he's an expert. He likes the non-wrinkle fabrics, the hand some patterns, the neat colors. WILSON'S MEN'S STORE PUZZLED? You will lo&e that puzzled ex pression when you read our menu. It is easy to order I meaj here, for no matler wtitt yu select you are bound to be satisfied. Join the well-fed ranks by taking your meals at HEPPNER CAFE STAR LHE3 REPORTER Show Starts at 7:30. Matlneei livery Sunday, 1 p. m. . 3 p. m- Iii ':om(::o,(.e with thf; Federal Tux P.t-qulren.ent, Children's AcimlflHlons apply fenly to thon under the l,'ul age A 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Program! Program Subject to Change Watch lucal newnp.ipor for weekly announcement. Friday and Saturday Hold That Blonde E'ldic iJ arkin, Vi-ronira I-akc, Albert Dt'kjier 'o.-njily ni c'i!niJic;itions ;n Bracken's funniest .'r,;nr:er. -June 7th and 8th PLUS- Call of the Prairie Hupsilotig Cas;,idy reissue. SUN., MON., TUES., WED., JUNE 9, 10, 11 and 12 Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman in THE BELLS OF ST. MARY'S Bing win as "la:htr 0'M;il!i y" who captured your hetirt in "GOING MY WAY" and Iiu;nd iiciimiin at, a woman of t?n.it h'-'tiit and warm cluirm. The perfect show for the vntiie fi-mi y. So that eve ryone will have on orijiortunity to ace thin great film, we arc hhuwu.t- ji 'ojr iii.ys. Thursday Only, June 13th Jesse James T.woik1 Pow r and Nancy Kelly e-ii .i of i lie all-time favorite action film- KlA TTwl ufun IC-CSa A:".- Y?iSi fj BRING YOUR FUR COAT Iff (lj - TO MR. LYDEN FOR f' f EXPERT ADVICE ON . . . V GEORGE ROBESON A WINS INDIANAPOLIS M RACE AT AVERAGE SPEEDiOF TSh S 114.8 M. P. H. tail m wi ,4r:.; ;i si's u. 4 'i,if?..,.'.:i 1 Li U H-leJ b) BRING YOUR FUR COAT - TO MR. LYDEN FOR " EXPERT ADVICE ON . . , HOLLANDUlZlNG 1 tie worlds lintit tur dealing and rejuvenating process, tviore limn just a cleaning, inure than juit a glazing ... A 'livlili ivi:VllALiZLiG. Cleans your turs scientihcally yn costs no more and sometimes less than ordinary cleaning. RE-STYLING A change here and mere on ihe sleeve, collar, or a little more padding in the shoulder will help convert your old fur coat to a new 1 947 model. Dupler's fur expert will tell you how. FUR STORAGE In the finest protective vaults anywhere. While in storage your, furs receive the constant cure of, expert furriers . . . plus periodic inspection and fumigation. SHE THE TREMENDOUS SELECTION OF Bi.'AND NEW FUR COAIS LYDEN BRINGS WITH HIM. CHOOSE YOURS Willi ONLY $5 DEPOSIT TO HOLD YOUii CHOICE . . . Fi:EE STORAGE UNTIL FALL! XREGULAR PRICE J Anderson & Wilson THE thrilling Indianapolis 500-miIe S fcpufatcei Ti equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary drh : ,(;. And this vear, for the twenty-third consecutive tin e, Firestone Tires were on the winning car. Imagine the punishment those tire ; i k as they pounded and pulled over the grinding tcari tg, blistering pavement at speeds far faster than you v, i ever drivel Could you ask for any more convinc evidence of extra safety and extra wear? When you buy new tires, remember t iat your lifo may depend on their safety. Why tak ; d ances when Firestone De Luxe Champions cost ivi more than ordinary tires? Come in and see the i ;vy rayon cord Firestone De Luxe Champion Tires to. !:., Raron cord bodlra In th n.40 and larirr, csrra-f ; cord bodlt In inuIlM aliM until ui.r von h rotlnn DP TO 55 STIIONGn New Rxyon Sftl. 6ured Cord Body gives xtr protection gainst blowoutf. DPT060MONON SKID ANGLES New Saftl-Grlp Tred pro. Tldti extra protection galnit iklddlng. OP TO S? tONGER JHIliiA C Wear-rnlsi. ni Vitnmic Kuhber smrci extra protcc tlon ocainit weather nd uvar. 11 nnmJMnaJ. H, Jj km Rosewall Motor Co. Your Firestone Deafer wmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmtmwi i