CHURCHES 1.1. sums itiscofal in la n Anhdranm Neville Blunl 'hit'sunday h,iv C.-mrnuriH-n 8 a in. '!... .'. S-ho,,! 9 45 a m Mo- ;.t t- J': rr 11 ft ni V' - ' H..!v C.,-v,n. union 11 m Psin.iiWs.Wl C.i c Junr 17-27 July 1-10 f..r a 11, 12 and 13. IOVE BAPTIST CHURCH J C. Stephens, Paslnr Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrr:ng wn-Aip 11 a. m. Pre;'er ir.oeting 7 pm. Evening tiMih'p 7 30 p. m. Wednesday Mission prayer aid 2.30 p. m. SSr31BLY OK GOD IO.VE Krv. K U Cattleman, Paslivr Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Children's church 7:30 p. m. Fvening service 8 p. m. Christ's Ambassa dors 8 p. m. SSI3IRLY OF COD Rev. 'shclby Craves Minislcr Sunday school 9 45 a. m. Sunday mcrnint: service 11 a. m Evening cvanze'astic 7 45 p. m. Young people's service Tuesday ":30 p. m. Midweek Bible study Thursday 7.45 p. m. UiPPNKR CHURCH OF CHRIST O. M en di ll Herr-isoo, Pastas Bible Schoo' 9:45. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. in. Evening service, 7:38 o'clock. Midweek service Thursday T. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis MrCormack, Pastes schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and -ih Sundays. Ione:10.30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 i. m. 2nd sad 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri :av 7:J0 a. m. j Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat urdays: Sundays. IiUAal a . Mass at a. na. sc fifth tssiiij ib nappnsr oiuv. fTBST METHODIST CHUBCH Rer. Fletcher Fsntsr, uinMer Sunday school 9 45 a. m. Morning worship 11 . m. C C. Camp Buildings On or before July 1, 1946, at 5:00 o'clock P. INI., the City Council of the City of Heppner will receive sealed bids on each of the follow ing buildings, located on the ground formerly owned by Mrs. Sara McNamer, near the Rodeo Grounds in Heppner, Oregon: 1 Barracks Building, 20 feet by 147 feet 1 Barracks Building, 20 feet by 147 feet 1 Barracks Building, 20 feet by 147 feet 1 Shower and Wash Building, 20 ft. by 30 ft., concrete floor 1 Shower ond Wash Sut'lding, 20 ft. by 30 ft., concrete floor 1 Mess Hall Building, 20 feet by 136 feet 1 Vee?icb!e House, 12 feet by 16 feet 1 Laundry Building, 20 feet by 30 feet 1 Woodshed Building, 20 feet by 50 feet All buildings to be removed from premises prior to December 1, 1946- The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids Mail your bids to E. R. Huston, City Recorder, before July 1, 1946- HEPPNER CITY COUNCIL By J. O. TURNER, Mayor READ THE AD$ "Along With tb News Rev. Galloway to Conduct Services s ( H Rev. Ed. Galloway, the Singing Evangelist, will hold Special Ser vices at the Heppner Assembly of God Church every evening at 8:00 o'clock, except Saturday. MERCHANTS' WJSE Advertise! "Crossroads" Support Unit to View Atomic Bomb Tests Pictured here are tw of the many ships that will have a part in the forthcoming a tomic bomb test. In addition to the many target ships, the navy is faced with the task of providing living condi tions for the many people in the crew of technicians and observors. These ships are two of the many that will be present- at the test and will have the duties of supplying the crews " " , r- if A f """" " .. , . i nil am ,1, i iiinirfiiH -- i OBcltlU. S. Strrfho.i tTTERANst standing off "operation" shores Is the wanlt transport, the I'SS George Clymer. veel was the first U.S. attack transport to opercte in both Mc-JiVnr.-.nean and Pacific theaters of v and landed a.sault troops in six Invasions. ,Al the end of the war, she luud.d occupation troop, in Jrpan, Ut curKutly been engaged in "Magic Carpet" duly returning veterans of the Pacific So the I nU The only crystaliiied efiorts for the important post of president of the senate at the 194 sessi7on of the Oregon legislature are those of Senttor Marshall E. Cornett, gaso line and automobile distributor of Klamah Falls. The efforts of other candidates might, however, unite and bring out a strong opponent. Senator Cornett is serving his third two-year term in the senate and was campaign manager for United States Senator Guy Cordon in 1944. Representative John H. Hall, Portland attorney, got into the flood of political Kleig lights this week when he announced he had 26 signed pledges for his candi dacy for speaker of the house at the 1947 session. This number of American Legion SATURDAY 15 COUNTY FAIR PAVILION Popular Music By Ely's Orchestra Admission: Men 83c, Tax 17c, Total $1.00 Women 50c, Tax 10c, Total 60c Sponsored by Heppner Post No. 87 Transports of the model here pictured served in many an invasion in the war which has just ended. Once again they turn towards the blue Pacific, but this ime they are entering on a mission which may well determne the time of peace and plenty. Should thtse tests prove as effective as has been hoped, ships in this "Crossroads Fleet" may well be writing one of the outsanding chapters of his tory. Official Navy Photo ' ..Mi i ?i f '-- 1 cr- .a--. ' FOR FATHER JUNE 16th Alett we've qo 111 mi I I M r MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS $2.25 Printed or woven stripes and figures. Sanforized' Fancies Sl-70 Cotton Sport Shirts $1.65 Gambler Shirts $4.98 3-button cuffs Hand Painted Ties 98c Panama Dress Straws $2.98 Western Style Belts $1.49 All-Elastic Garters 49c All-Elastic Suspenders 98c Shrinuage does not ex feed one per cent, votes in the republican caucus would win him the speakership and would be only 5 votes short of house vote election. COCAL PINBALL TAX City ordinances licensing slot machines, punch boards or other gambling devices are "absolutely unconstitutional and void", Attor ney General George Neuner held in an opinion requested by the dis trict attorney of Harney county. "It is clear that all slot machines, pinball devices, one-armed bandits and punch boards capable of being operated or played as a game of chance are lotteries," said Neuner. Under the Oregon constitution op eration of thtse devices cannot be legalized by a municipality, the legislature nor by the people of the state without first amending the constitution. HEAVY SNOWS REMAIN The opening of mountain pass highways will be later this year than usual. The Oregon state high way department reports reveal the deepest snows in the mauntains for many years. Those hiavy snows are slow in melting this year but five state highways are scheduled to open with the next seven days. The east and west Diamond lake route opens Friday, this week; the Mount Hood loop, June 10; McKen zic highway, June 15; crater lake and Crater lake-Diamond lake I highways, June 15. No daf.' has ! been set for the opening of the I Sand creek-Crater lake and the I Century drive highways, j MORE REAL ESTATE DEALERS I The annual tax levy o' one twen tieth of a mill for county fair pur poses produced $54,227 this year. This amount was distributed to the counties of Oregon Saturday by the state department through the offices of the secretary of state. With one exception, the distribu. tion is made on the basis of pro perty valuation within the various counties- Multnomah county is lim ited to a maximum of $16 500 a year out of the total. This year there was an excess for Multnomah of $2439 which was divided equally among the other counties, each re ceived $67.76 in addition to the pro perty proportion levy. NOTICE OF NON-HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with section 111-1244, O. C. L A., to the legal voters of the Nonhigh School District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in Hepp ner, Oregon, on the 18th day of June, at 2:00 o'clock .p. m. for the pur pose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. 1946, and ending June 30, 1947, hereinafter set forth. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made - . . $6,914 57 2. Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes ... 1.20000 Total ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ITEM Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years Next Pre ceding the Current School Year 1942-'43 1943-'44 1944-'45 Expenditures and Budget Allowance Estimated for 6 Months Expendi of Current hires for School Year 1546-1947 'turn Allowinc ! 1. Tuition $932688 11,585 35 2. Transportation 3.469.49 1,941.92 3. Personal Service (Clerical, legal 7. Travel 10. Emergency 45-20 13.341.57 15.46 1270 9.149 23 2.058.48 17.53 21.70 11.710.95 2.178.98 45 25 16.41 17 000 15.800 4.000 3.500 25 25 50 25 50 13.555.43 1U4B.94 13.951.58 22,100 19.955 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS, AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVY I. Total estimated expenditures 19.955 00 II. Deduct total estimated receipts and available cash baLances 8.114 57 III. Amount necessary to balance the budget 11.840.43 VII. Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing year ... 1L840 43 Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: Amount outside 6 limitation 11,840 43 Dated May 29, 1946. Signed: Lucy E. Rodgers Kathryn Rice Clerk Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by bodget committee May 29, 1946. Signed: L"cy E. Kodgers Sam J. Turner Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman. Budget Committee BASEBALL Heppner Rodeo Grounds SUNDAY, JUNE 9 Fossil vs. Heppner Game starts at 2:30 p. m. Admission 50c -25c Richfield Service Reestablished ... I have leased the Richfield Station and have reopened it for regular service to the people of Heppner and surrounding territory. In addition to the regular Richfield service I will offer Steam Cleaning, Car Washing, Car Polishing, and Light Mechanical Service. Richfield Gasoline and lubrication now available Tire Service. Richfield Service Station George Davidson