Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 06, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette Times, Jung 6, 1946 3
Knowing Meat
Cuts Valuable
Ability to Identify the many cuts
of beef, veal, pork and lamb is ol
maker to every food jbuyer. No
less important is a knowledge of
i itTnnA rtr methods
VU9 i. w - , ,
best suited to each cut, since meat
must be pooked according to cut
for best results.
Chart is CuMe
This chart will serve as a guide
In selecting and cooking beef. I lie
methods recommended were
adopted following exhaustive moat
cookery studies at state colk-pes
and the United States Department
of Agriculture.
t .tw meat, the decree ol
tenderness is the governing factor,
c . d, ti nrs tender and
are prepared to best advantage ry
dry heat methods roasting, broil
ing, panbroiling and frying. Others
are less tender and must be cooked
by moist heat braising and sim
mering. Meat should never be
boiled, say the authorities.
A rule of meat cookery found
to be more important than any
other is: "Always use low tempera
ture." This applies no matter what
rat l beine prepared or what cook
ing method is being used.
Advantage of Low Ileal
Thousands of carefully con
trolled tests have shown that from
15 to 20 per cent more meat is
provided when it is cooked at low
temperature. Furthermore, the
meat is more tender, is juicier,
more uniformly cooked and more
In selecting meat cuts, it is im
portant to remember that there is
no difference in (he nutritive value
of the lean and fat of the lcss
popular cuts and the more pop
ular ones.
Mrs. Echo Palmateci
The Willows grange will initiate
in the third and fourth degrees
Saturday night June 15
Mrs. Ada Cannon spent a few
days last week at the Henry Gorger
home in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan Jr.
and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell
pent the week-end in Portland
and attended the "Ice Follies."
Mary Jean Bristow sprained her
ankle while skating Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carr and dau
Ainn. n( rnll. ment Memo
rial day with Mrs. Carr's mother,
M All Wilr. Tim Cnrrs mir-
rhased a erocerv store in The
Donald Bristow fell from his bi
cycle one day last wiek on the
Rietmann Rradc and broke a fin
ger and injured his hand and head.
The Maranatha society will meet
at the home of Mrs- Paul Pettyjohn
Clnn.v .Tuna ft.
Rev. Aifred Shirley of The Dalles
will conduct services next ounaay.
Mrs. Delbert Emert and ciaufin
tor Mary returned home from Cal
Mm Snv Ijndstrom and infant
son Stephen Roy returned home
What They Look like -How to Cook Them
Heel ot Round Standing Rump Boneless Rump Round Steak
. (full cut! .
IraiM; limmer lrob; rood Iroia; rocrt rllh
Top Kound Steak Bottom Round Rolled Rib
ponb'roil; fry; tralio broia twit i
fcb aeo Sirloin Steak PinBoneSteak Flank Steak
broil; ponbroil; fry broil; ponbroil; fry broil; sonbroil; fry j ttrohs
Blade Pot-Roast I Arm Pot-Roart Bonelesi Chuck Porterhouse Steak;
SStSr j0 2-
lrois, bro'M braise broil; ponbroil; fry
T Bone Steak' Club Steak I Brisket Corned Beef
broil; ponbroil; fry trail; pgn'uroil; fry broise; simmer rimmcr
English Cut Shank Cross Cuts Short K.bs Plate
(Limy -iS
h'.j brj'ss; simmer trcise; simmer braise; slmmw
the pea harvest in PendUton.
Mr- and Mrs. I'rud Ely of Mor.
pan returned from a trip thiough
southern Orcacn and wt-ii-rn
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thome of
Morgan ipint a week visiting in
e .stern Washington.
Funeral services for Carl Fred-,
eriek Troedson was held at the.
Church of lone Cooperative Mon
day at 2:00 p. m. with Rev. H. p.
Hukeson officiating. Mrs. Walter
Roberts and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn
sang "Abide With Me" and Eugene
Normoyle sang "Crossing the bar."
'the American Legion held s rvice
at tlie grave. Interment was in the
I. O. O- F. cemetery in lone. Pall
bearers were Victor Rietmann. Lee
Beckner. Charles Dare. Fred Nieh
oson, Cleo Drake, and Fred Man
kin, all World War I veterans.
Carl Troedson was born in Cali
fornia March 22, 1W9. He was the
son of the late Johannes and Chris
tina Troedson. He came to this
county wlien an infant. He was a
vr.tf.ran nf Wor d War 1. tie diea
May 29, 1W0 at San Louis O'uispo
and is survived by one sister, Mrs.
A nna RmmKp and one brother. Al-
fiua Carlson ol Kings Valley. Caiit.
Miss Marion Baich became the
u-iHi. nt f'.liftnrd Carlson at a
double ring ceremony at theMelho-
Hist church in Snrintmeld May 2b
uith Pmv F.Ikunrth Tiiton otticiat
ing- Mrs. Norman Richards sang
"Ich Liebe Dich" before the cere
rnonv. The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She was at
tended by Miss Mildred Carlson,
sister of the groom. Ted Peterson
was best man. Rev. Frank E. Brown
cuua "The Lord s Praver and Mrs
Leota Neat- presided at the organ.
a dinner wa oiven in the Mirror
room at the Eugene hotel fur the
mpmhers of the family and guests
from a distance. The couple leit
fur a short honeymoon at Ocean
Ijikr. The Broom is the son ol Mr
and Mrs Leonard Carlson and has
just recently been bei.n discharged
lrr,.n tlit. nnvv. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Carlson are former students of the
TT.iiut.rcnv nf fWaon. Those Dres-
ent at the wedding from here wait
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson, Mil
dred Carlson, Ted Peterson and
Rollo Crawford.
bride was be?t man. Ushers were
Joi.n Stanley Fish and Harry Nor
moyle. Mrs. Richard Lawrence of
Heppner played the wedding music
and Jvigene Normoyle sang rnt
iir.vrv ' Ptrir-ij arid Ann Law
rence and Patricia Kenny sang "On
uns uay and sweet sacrament.
Attf-r tri. r-eremrinv a reefcDtion
was held in the church for ap
proximately 200 guests. Mrs. mn-
men tsies and Mrs- J-e cecKner
fifmrfxl Thf.t. u.-hr rir.lTif.rl s-rve
were Mrs- Henry Clark, Mrs. M. E.
Cotter. Mrs- Joe La rortune, Mrs.
Byron Brinton. Mrs. Paul Petty-
Garland Swanson, Mrs. Franklin
Lindstrom. Mrs. James LincLay,
.Mrs- Well Rae, Mrs. Mary Swan
son and Miss Eva Swanson.
The bride served in the army
nursing corps in the European and
Pacific theaters of war. She is a
graduate ot bt. rrancis academy
of Baker Providence schooi cf
nurKtne and Seattle college. The
groom saw action in both theaters
oi war and was a captain in the
army signal corps. He is a graduate
of La Salle academy in electrical
t-iigineering. lne young couple met
in t-rnnrf. snH nlannwl tn ho mar
ried in the Philippics but due to
army movements the wedding was
postponed uniu mey reiurnea 10
tile States.
Aft.r c-Ur.-i ...r..l; tl.
Oregon beaches Mr. and Mrs. Gar
vey will make their home for the
summer in Hanover. N. H- while
Mr. uarvey is doing electrical con
tracting. In the fall they will move
Kills TJiTj-A
V re
from Pendleton Thursday ot last
m F.arl McTaSe and daughter
came homo from The Dalles Satur-
Komnrin! D.-iv services were held
at the school house Thursday af
ternoon wit" the following pro
gram with W. G. Ball as chairman:
Presentation of Hag and star
Spangled Banner; prayer, reading,
W. G. Bell; trumpet duet, oenc
Cho!pmn and Robert Drake; songs
Patricia Drake; address Rev- Flet
cher Forstir of Heppner; benedic
tion, and Taps.
George Griffith, son o Mr- and
Mrs. Elmer Griffith of Morgan, re
ceived his honorable discharge
from tl.e Marines and is home. He
was in the service 28 months with
the 5th division that landed on Iwo
Mr and Mrs Frank Young and
Mrs. Robert Allstott and children of
Hermiston were lone visitors Me
morial dav.
Miss Marjorie Peterson spent a
f. w davs in Portland last week.
Ionp was defeated in a baseball
r.:m nt Arlington Simdav 18-12.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani and
Miss Dorothy BerEstrom visited
Arthur Jr. at Hanford Sunday.
Mrs. Etta Bristow returned from
Walia Walla last week.
The Fred Buchanans have mov-
to Providence R. L for their perma
nent home.
Besides many friends from Hep
pner out-of-town guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Joe La Fortune. Mr.
and Mrs. Joe La Fortune Jr. Robert
La Fortune of Portland. Mrs. Em
mett E-:tes of Sottle and Mr. and
Mrs- Byron Brinton and daughter
Lynn of Baker.
225 Byers St. Pendleton, Ore.
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each
month at Dr. R. C. Lawrence's
Office in Heppner
Why Not Clean
Up Now?
Brush and Spray
Brush Painting
Our Hobby
"and SONS
General Delivery Heppner
ed into their home recently vacated
bv-tfie Casselmans.
Air onrl Mrs William LudwiE
and son Curtis have moved to Lex
ington where the Ludwigs win
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wentworth
have moved into their new home-
A. C. Swanson was a visitor in
The Dalles Monday. .
Rev. and ; s. Joe Stevens and
son Jimmy lei. for California Sun
rir.v afternoon due to t'.ie death of
Mrs. Stevens' father.
m Jalmw Knshi and dnurrhtct
Milly Jane of Tacoma and Mrs. Ted
Hall and daughter hue ivewion oi
South Bend, Wash, visited here
over the week-end. The ladies aic
nieces of Mrs. Frank Engkman,
Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Mrs- Fred
m and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
entertained over 20 guests Sunder
Mr- and Mrs. Leslie Kounoy aim
children of La Grande were lone
visitors Memorial day. Rodger and
Ralph Kincaid went to La Grande
with them.
Word was received of the mar
riage of Mrs. Lillian Balsiger and
C. F. Stretch of Newberg. Mi's.
Ch....u li,,nd in tnn manv vears.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Heliker left
for Baker Sunday to attend the
state convention ol ' the grange
Harlan Crawford is working in
Wedding Event of 1
Saturday at lone
Miss Betty Bergevin. daughter of
Mr :md Mrs T niis Rprt?pv:n. be
came the bride of Mr. John Gamy.
son of Mrs- Valeda Garvey ct Pro
vidence, R. I. in a beautiful ccic
mony at 9:30 Saturday morning
..unc 1 in the lone 'Catholic church.
Rev. Francis McCormack officiated
The bride was given in n-: uTk.jc
by her fathi. r. She wore a grey
wool suit with pink accessories and
a corsage of orchids, and carried
an orchid tied with while stream
ers, a gift of her godchild. Jean
Ann Swanson. who acted as flower
girl. Miss Maxine Worthington of
Pendleton was maid of honor, while
Denward Bergevin. brother of the
W. i ? r r ttt a r? m nni J
ViJ Y After Customers
Our Want Ads
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
For The Week
Omio Grapefruit Juice 46 oz 36c
Salad Dressing Pints 23c Quarts 39c
Biff, DDT Spray Quarts 31c
Shady Oak Mushroom Gravy 29c
O-So-Good Pears 32c
Cornflakes Giant Size He
Red and White Ripe Olives pints 37c
Chase and Sandborn Coffee lb. tins 32c
Riviera Chicken Raviolas 16c
Johnson's Wax Quart Size 89c
Phone 1512 Lexington, Oregon
Service men interested in aviation and wishing to take
advantage of lessons offsred under the C-l Bill, should
contact the Forsythe Flying Service at Lexington Airport
at the earliest posr'hh dits.
A primary cou.se leading n a private license is offered
Get :n on the .';: lsr.;:i ty sejing me now.
Forsythe Flying Service
Lexington Airport
diamond cJl
uiq n$,m
Yes, Cupid inspired designers to create the daintiness and the
charm in these rings which say this is for keeps because it is
made for long wearing-
These selected matched diamonds nestle in folds of 14 karat
gold in yellow or white, available in several styles
Score a hit with Dad by giving him a gift that will bring more
pleasure to his leisure hours-Here are a few suggestions - We
have dozens more
Bill Folds - Candy - Monogramed Watches Humidors - Pipes
Cigarette Cases - Cigarette Lighters - Eyersharp Pen and Psn
cil Sets - Charter Houss, Mem and Wrisley Shaving Sets
Hallmark Greeting Cards for Father's Day
-:- This Week Only -:-
$14.95 value $IO AC
for only IZ.yU
All wool satin bound blankets in rose,
winter rose, green or blue.
Case Furniture Co.
We are now equipped to handle
All Kinds of Welding
both arc and acetylene.1 We also have a charger for
24 hour service on batteries.
We make trailer hitches to order
Stock and light trailers and truck racks our specialty
We are equipped to overhaul your motor.
Willow Creek Welding Shop
Harry Lindbloom and Bob Wagner
Owners and Operators
SHI fEl Li Lb
Corner May and Chase in Heppner
A complete line of Shell Products, including the famous
SHELLUBRICATION SERVICE, is at your disposal. .
I have taken over Chuck's Service Station and
am prepared to give your motoring needs prompt
and efficient attention.
We carry U. S. ROYAL TIRES and give tire service.
Phone 682 for either Plant or Station
Farley's Service Station
James Farley, Proprietor
Like anychain-slore organization, we have
a volume business --taking only a small
profit on many transactions rather than
a big profit on a few. To maintain volume
we must buy cars. And we realize that
we can get them only by paying high
prices. But don't take our word for it
"Be from Missouri." Make us prove
this claim!
Get our offer! Be money ahead!
uminmiii.iiw u .u.i it
7th and S. E. Court - Phone 492
" '
j r