8 Heppner Gazette Times,May 30, 1946 GAS AND AIR! A dance scheduled by the Amer- Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Siyht Spec ican Legion post for June 8 has ialist formerly of Pendleton will been postponed until June 15, ac- be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on cording to Willard Blake, manager j Sunday, June 9. Hours 10:00 a. of the affair. m. to 5 p. m. 10-llc FIDEI.IS UNREIN. Editor Howdy Folks: You know the awk ward afie of a kid is when he's too old to cry and too young to swear LEATHER HOT - ......:tAS3fci" s BIG AS THE W ...w the r01 i.u. H't so retrev" , day lo"9 A VMAJE thro Doro" SAAGER'S PHARMACY I What our $400,000,000 five-year expansion program means to you Mor than $100,000,000 Construction Planned for 1946 If you are waiting far tela phone . . . you may be certain that getting one to you just as rapidly as possible has top priority in our plans. We are working full speed on build ings, cables, switchboards and other equipment needed to pro Tide service for everyone who is waiting . . . and to make service even better for every telephone user. If yen or a farmer... ycm may expect the extension ol telephone service in rural areas. New methods and new develop-' menu will be used. Including high-strength steel wire, powet line carrier equipment and pos sibly radio for remotest loc' tions. You may also expect fewet parties on the fines, fewer ring for other parties and other serf ice improvements. If you us Lang Distance , . . you may look forward to an area better and faster service than ever before. We are work ing on our part of a nation-wide coaxial cable network for long distance calls and television transmission. Equipment will be provided for nation-wide oper ator dialing of toll and long dis tance calls and for -customer dialing of toll calls between some communities. Thousands of obt . , . milllonl of man hours of work , , , will be created by this program, the i largest in our company's hit tor;'. Our total plant investment will be increased to more than a billion dollars. For it is our pur pose to provide an ever-widening, ever-improving telephone' service ... to grow with the West and to help the West grow Every day we seek to m tkt telephone service even better 'ban it bus ever been beore The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company And someone has said that a baby is an alimentary canal with a loud voire on one end and no sense "f responsibility on the other. NOTE TO PARENTS There's no truth to the rumor that your son will turn out to be a earptnter if you send him to a boarding school. ONE OF OUR FRIENDS HAS A NEW BABY THAT HE CALLS THE "PRICE OF WAILS." He admits he's proud of the lit tle rascal, but as he says, there were a lot of other things he need ed worse- WHEN YOU NEED BAT TERIES. WE'D LIKE TO SELL YOU OUR Willard, Autolite, or Goodyear They're guaranteed values. rm FIDELIS UNREIN Former Delameter Building North Chase St Heppner ..... Oregon Top Prices Cattle - Hogs Sheep Ship to The ALBRIGHT COMMISSION CO. Union Stock Yards University 1661 North Portland STAR un REPORTER Show Starts at 7:8a Matinees Bvery Sunday, 1 p. m.- 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tux Requirement. Children's Admissions apply only to tnoae under the legal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects Wits All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. TUESDAY, June 4 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, May 31, June 1 Song of Arizona Western with music, with Roy Rogers, Gab by Hayes, Dale Evans, Lyle Talbot, Robert Mithcell, Boy Choir and Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers. PLUS Tokyo Rose The story of Tokyo Rose and what happen, ed to her told with action and suspense- SUNDAY. MONDAY, June 2 and 3 From This Day Forward Joan Fontaine, Mark Stevens, Wally Brown and Arline Judge. Excellent adaptation of Thomas Bell's "All Brides are Beautiful." Disney cartoon and a study of Guam in Technicolor; Pathe News and Flicker Flashback. Yolanda and The Thief Fred Astaire and Lucille Bremer. Technicolorful musical in a merry mood. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, June 5 and I Masquerade In Mexico Dorothy Lainour, Arturo de Cordova, Pat rick Knowles, Ann Dvorak Comedy with splendid musical background and specialties. Quarter Horses the wonder horses of the West; Newsreel and Sportreel. M.'M'.'Z mi ji im in i.r We are now equipped to handle All Kinds of Welding both arc and acetylene. We also have a charger for 24 hour service on batteries. We make trailer hitches to order Stock and light trailers and truck racks our specialty We are equipped to overhaul your motor. Willow Creek Welding Shop Harry Lindbloom and Bob Wagner Owners and Operators