Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 30, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, May 30, 1946
Mrs. Echo Palmateer
Mr. and Mrs- L. Cooley of Nach
es, Wash, visited with Mrs. Cool
cy's mother. Mrs . Charles Botts
this week.
Orlo Martin and two sons came
up from Moro for graduation and
they and Mrs. Martin, who was
visiting her mother, Mrs. Anne
Smouse, returned home the first
of the week.
Rev. Alfred Shirley of The Dal
les will preach next Sunday at the
Cooperative church.
Mr. and Mrs. Erling Thompson
and sons of McMinnville spent a
few days at the E. M- Baker home
last week. The Thompsons were
former residents of lone.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson re
turned home Tuesday of last week
from Milwaukee. Their sOn-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs
Frank Lundell and children, Nor
ma Lou and Merle brought them
up and returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs- H. O. Ely of Mor
gan left for Portland Sunday to be
gone a week or so.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Henderson of
Seattle are the guests at the E. M
Baker home. Mr. Henderson is a
brother of Mrs. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Erickson of
Ellensburg Wash, were guests at
the John Ransier home for a few
days this week. Mrs. Erickson is a
sister of Mr- Ransier.
The Rod Wentworth family have
moved into rooms at the Oscar
Lundell home and will stay there
until their new house is completed.
from the Sea bees and arrived at
Rev. and Mrs. R- L. Casse'man
and granddaughter Janice are leav
ing for Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs- James Lindsay,
Er.rl McCabe and Mrs. Paul O'
Meara were The Dalles .visitors
Sunday. Mrs. O'Meara reports that
Mr. O'Meara who is in the hospi
tal there is improving.
The Ed Aldrich family arrived
Monday morning from Elk River,
Minn, and will move into the house
which they purchased from Mrs.
Lena Ray.
Miss Evelyn Clawn of Spokane
is the guest at the W. H. Zinter
home. Miss Clawn is a niece of
the Zinters.
Mr. and Mrs- Roy Lieuallen of
Cayuse and Fred Painter and
Robert DeSpain of Pendleton came
over for the graduation elercises.
Ted Peterson and Rollo Crawford
attended the Carlson-Balch wed
ding in Eugene Sunday. Curtis
Ludwig and Gerald Peterson ac
companied them as far as Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCabe are
the parents of a girl born May 22
at The Dalles. She weighed about I
1 . t 1 1 A 1 . !
eight pounds ana was named Ariet
ta Jean-
Glen Erwin of Baker spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Keithley.
Rev. and Mrs- H- N. Waddell
and children Charlotte and Willard
from Falls City are visiting in
lone this week.
Delmar Crawford, son of Mr
and Mrs.Waite Crawford has re
ceived an honorable discharge
Mr.Ely will attend Willamette uni-
home last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely left
for Salem Tuesday morning where
they will visit Mrs. Ely's parents.
versity this summer.
Lt. (jg) Norman Bergstrom is
enroute from San Pedro, where he
has been on duty the past month,
to Seattle where he wjll receive
his discharge from the navy in a
few days, he has informed his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berg-strom.
We H ave Sold Out
Having sold our bakery business to Mr. C. E. Aalberg
and Mr. R. C. Wirn of Portland, we wish to take this op
portunity to thank the people of Heppner and Morrow
county for their generous patronage during the. time
we have operated the Heppner Bakery. We have en
joyed living in Heppner and dealing with the people
of thiS'Community.
Our successors are up and coming young men who will
maintain a high quality of products and service. We be
speak for them a full measure of prosperity and a cordial
welcome from the citizens of the community.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sanders
We have moved from our former lo
cation at the Richfield corner to the Del
ameter building on Chase street, where,
after making alterations and installing our
equipment,, we will be prepared to care
for the needs of our customers.
We wish to thank the people of Mor
row county for their generous patronage
and to assure you that you will be ac
corded the same high class service in
our new location.
Fidelis Unrein