Services for Mrs. Bergstrom Held Here Saturday Afternoon Services for Mrs. Caroline Olson Bergstrom, whose death occurred Thursday morning, May 16, wre held Saturday afternoon from the Heppner Church of Christ with the Rev, Philip Elman officiating. In terment was in the Heppner Mason ic cemetery. A wealth of floral of ferings attested to the high esteem in which the deceased was held by friends and neighbors. Mrs. Bergstrom, who was Caroline Olson before her marriage, came to Morrow county in 1887. She was born in Sweden August 22, 18G6. She worked for the late Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Farnsworth for a time' and on June 13, 1888 was married to Olaf Bergstrom, who preceded her in death. She was a member of the Lutheran church and held an honorary life membership in the Valby Missionary society. A great lover of flowers, Mrs. Bergstrom worked in her garden up to her last illness. Survivors include Mrs. Hilma An derson, John Bergstrom, Heppner, Mrs. Emma Long, Portland; Mrs. B. O. Anderson, Heppner; Mrs. El len Allyn, Portland; Alfred Berg strom, Heppner, Edwin Bergstrom, lone; Carl V. Bergstrom, Esther Bergstrom and Florence Bergstrom, Heppner; nine grandchildren and two nieces in this country and one brother in Sweden. Heppner Gazette Times, May 23, 1946 9 State of Oregon that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at the City Hall; to be gin at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 17th day of June, A. D. 1946. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing one school board member for a three year term and voting on the budget and the trans action of business usual at such meetings.. In districts of the second and third classes the ballots shall not be counted until one hour after the time set for the meeting to begin. Until the count begins, any legal voter of the district shall be en. titled to vote upon any business before the meeting. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1946. ATTEST: Bonnie B. McClintock District Clerk C. N. Jones Chairman Board of Directors POTATO SEED GROWERS INVITED TO FIELD DAY Potato seed growers, seed dealers and all interested parties of Morrow county are invited to attend the potato test plot field day to be held in Corvallis, Wednesday, Junel2, reports USDA extension service. All new growers who are planning on making application for potatoes this year would find it very worth while to attend this field day and acquaint themselves with the var ious potato diseases which are of major importance and are necessary to rogue from certain fields. The extension service is asking that those attending assemble be tween 8:30 and 9 a. m. on the morn ing of June 12 at the north en trance of the Agricultural building on the Oregon State college cam pus. The group will leave the campus at 9 o'clock for the test plot which is located on the Children's Farm Home three miles north of Corvallis on the Albany-Corvallis highway. Transportation facilities will be available for those wanting a ride. . FOR SALE Fryers on foot. Mrs. W. P.' Hill. 9p NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Sec. 111-908, O. C. L. A., to the legal voters of School District No. 1, of Morrow County, PUZZLED? You will lose" that puzzled ex pression when you read our menu. It is easy to order a meal here, for no matter what you select you are bound to be satisfied. Join the well-fed ranks by taking your meals at HEPPNER CAFE NOTICE OF, SCHOOL ELECTION Upon Question of Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by Section IL Article XI, State Constitution Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in School Dis trict No. 1, of Morrow County, State of Oregon, at the City Hall in said school district, for the pur pose of submitting to the legal vo ters of said district the question of increasing the tax levy for the year 1946 over the amount limited by Section II, Article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The reasons for increasing such levy are: Increased cost of maintenance Increase in salaries Increase in cost of supplies Sinking fund for new equip ment and new buildings The amount of tax, in excess of the 6 percent limitation, proposed to be levied for said year is $22584.24. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1946. ATTEST: Bonnie B. McClintock District Clerk C. N. Jones Chairman Board of Directors nough, governor 110; Floyd Dover, secretary of state, 48; David Epps, same, 64; R. W. Peoples, abor com. missioner, 97. Snell received eight write-in votes, Farrell two, Black two Peterson eight, Tamblyn on the democratic ticket, 88. Summer Vacation . . Deveopment tests, including Albert Leon Bailey, Bernard Lyle Cox, Dick Nichols Edmonson, Kenneth George Hoyt, John Francis Mc Laughlin, Glen Edwin McMurtry, and Raymond F. Parrish. The program includes the pre. lude and processional by Mrs. J. O. Turner; invocation, O. Wendell Her bison, pastor of the Church of Christ; "Danny Boy" high school girls chorus directed by Miss Rose Hoosier; Commencement address, Dr. J. W. Ellison, head of history department, Orgon State cellege; "This Is My Country," girls chorus; "A Dream of Heaven" and "Steal Away", instrumental ensemble di rected by Everett Smith; presenta tion of Class of 1946, Leonard L. Pate; presentation of diplomas, C. N. Jones, chairman of board of ed ucation; presentation of G. E. D. diplomfes, Supt. George A. Corwin, and awards, Leonard L. Pate. At Lexington Wednesday evening four graduates will receive their diplomas Rena June Messnger, Truman Messenger Jr., Wanda B. Grant, and Clarence Buchanan. The exercises will be held in the high school auditorium and in clude the processional by Mrs. Eula Markle; invocation, Rev. E. L. Obert; salutatory, Wanda B. Grant; vocal solos "I Love Life" and O Lovely Night" Jean Rauch; vale dictory, Rena June Messenger; presentation of class gift, Clarence Buchanan; vocal solo, "The Vaga bond" Franklin Messenger; com mencement address; Dr. Roben J. Maaske; presntation of eighth grade diplomas Vernon Munkers; presen tation of high school class; presen tation of diplomas, W. E. McMillan, and recessional. tlUST eau de parfum Aniou's ravishing fragrance . . . new, lighter version of he famous perfume. 2.00 and 3.50 plus tax Humphreys Drug Co. METAL WEATHER STRIPS- Rock Wool Insulation Insect Screens The fuel shortage is still on SAVE UP TO 35 KEEPS OUT DUST, SOOT, SNOW REDUCE summer temperatures Call R. D. Lehman, Salesman 1342 Heppner FOR FREE ESTIMATE Chamberlain Company of America 1226 S. W. Stark St. Portland, Or. Hospital l Continued irom jnrst Page North Heppner 137 for, 15 against; South Heppner 83 for and 6 against. In the primary nominating elec tion, Robert Farrell, Jr., Secretary of State, topped the list of state candidates on the republican tick et with a total of 385 votes. Lowell Stockman came second with 373, and Governor Earl Snell was in third place with 365. Henry Black, Snell's opponent, received 43 votes W. E. Kimsey, labor commissioner, 260. In the senatorial and represen tative districts Rex Ellis 302; Giles French 217; Henry Peterson 381; Henry Baker for Senator 1; J. G. Barratt 3 and Ed Rugg 1. R. I. Thompson was accorded the highest vote on the county ticket receiving 361. W. O.' Dix received 359 and L. W. Briggs 358 for assessor and treasurer respectively. Harry Tamblyn received 30 writein votes for surveyor. On the democratic ticket: Lamar Townsend, Congress, 100; Carl Do- Retiring From Grain Business. . . . To My Friends in Morrow County: I wish to announce that I have disposed of my warehouse and elevator business at lone to the Archer Daniels Midland Company of Minneapolis and am retiring this week. Before severing connections with the business it is my desire to express my appreciation for the pleasant relations I have en joyed with the grain growers of this section during the past 13 years and to wish for you continued prosperity and happiness. I am sure you will find the new management congenial and accomodating and bespeak for them a good patronage. Sincerely yours, Garland Swanson FOODS And heading the list are Spring Fryers. We have them for you. Plan your menus and then come in. We have the foods you wantin plentiful quantities. Central Market and Grocery