Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 23, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, May 23, 1946
Mrs. Echo Palmateer
The Fjebekahs held a dinner in
their hall election day which was
well patronized and they wish to
thank the public for their help. A
light vote was cast in this precinct.
The hospital bill carried here.
The American Legion will have
a ciean-up day in the grove Satur
day, May 25. Everyone who can is
urged to help with the work. The
Legion and auxiliary are sponsor
ing a program at the school house
on Memorial day.
The Swanson elevator, Garland
Swanson proprietor, was sold last
week to Archer, Daniels and Mid
lands of Portland.
The Swanson and Lindstrom ser
vice station was recently sold to
the Standard Oil company.
Charles Chick, son of the late
Dr. Chick and a former resident of
lone visited here a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson
and family will attend the wedding
of their son Clifford Sunday, May
26. at Cottage Grove. The bride
to-be is Miss Marion Balch of that
Rev and Mrs. W, W. Head of
Cathlamet. Wash, spent several
days with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Linn.
Rev. Head came to deliver the bac
calaureate address. He has deliver
ed the address to the graduating
classes of lone since 1924 with only
three exceptions.
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman
and granddaughter Janice and Mrs
Ray Barnett attended a fellowship
dinner of the Assembly of God
church at Pendleton Thursday of
last week.
Pat Doherty, son of Mr. and Mrs
W. T. Doherty, is stationed at San
Antonio Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Heliker attend
ed the high school commencement
exercises in The Dalles last week.
Mrs. Heliker had a brother in the
graduating class there.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann
and family went to The Dalles Sat
urday and brought Johnny Peter
son home with them. Johnny is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peter,
son and a nephew of Mr. Rietmann.
Mrs. Tom White and son Dale
made a business trip to Portland
the first of the week.
Little Lona White, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White spent
several days last week in The Dal
les hospital with a throat infection
but has fully recovered.
Lowell Clark is working at Ordnance.
Bert Mason Jr. is working in the
mountains doing maintenance work
at present but will do timber cruis
ing for the government the first of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom are
the parents of a boy born in Pen
dleton May 20. The young man
weighed seven pounds.
H . ' 1
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White pur
chased the apartment house from
Verner Troedson last week.
The Ameca club held a picnic
supper Sunday evening on Rhea
creek. Their husbands were pre
sent. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Casselman and
family spent the week-end with
Mr. Casselman'i parents, Rev. and
Mrs. R. L. Casselman.
Rev. Carl Sondergren of the Em
anuel Lutheran church of Port
land will conduct services at the
Church of lone Cooperative at 11
a. m. Sunday, May 26, after which
a picnic will be held at Grant 01
den's farm. Everyone is welcome to
The eighth grade graduating ex
ercises will also be held Thursday
evening, May 23 with the follow
ing graduates, Gerald Peterson,
Robert Peterson, Jack Ball, John
Jepson, LeRoy Mead Joel Barnett,
Ruby Ann Rietmann, Lola Ann
McCabe, Patricia Drake, Carletta
Olden and Juanita Morgan.
Commencement exercises for this
year's graduating class will be held
at 8 p. m. Thursday May 23 at the
high school auditorium. Dr. J. W.
Ellison, professor of history from
Oregon State college will give the
address. Shirley' Smouse, valedic
torian, Aloha Painter salutatorian.
Those graduating are Stuert Aid
rich, Robert Crowell, Midred Carl
son, Gwen Coleman, Aloha Pain
ter, Gene Rietmann, Joyce Salter,
Winifred Zinter, Tom Doherty and
Shirley Smouse, Harold Snider,
Matt Doherty.
Baccalaureate services were held
at the Church of lone Cooperative
Sunday morning with Rev. W. W,
Head conducting the services. The
program was as follows: Proces
sional, Mrs. Cleo Drake; Invoca
tion, Rev. (R. L. Casselman, scrip
ture; and prayer, Rev. Head, an
them by choir, sermon, Rev. Head,
benediction, Rev. Casselman and
recessional by Mrs. Drake.
Evangelist Ed Galloway is begin
. ning Revival Meetings May 21st in
the Assembly of God, Every night
except Saturday at 8 p. m.
Featuring inspirational singing, so
los and preaching.
Pastor Shelby E. Graves
Those going to grand lodge of
the Rebekah assembly at Medford
are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely of Mor
gan, Mrs. Wallace Matthews, Mr.
and Mrs. Foster Odom of Morgan
and Mrs. Sam Esteb. Mrs. Mat
thews and Mrs. Esteb are delegates
from the lone Rebekah lodge and
Mr. Odom from the Morgan I. O. O.
F. lodge.
The lone high school lost to
Condon In a baseball game last
week but won from Heppner. The
town team played Arlington Sun
day and won with a score of 18
to 10.
Mrs. Orlo Martin of Moro is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Anne
Floyd Wiles returned home from
the Veterans hospital in Walla Wal
la last week.
Mrs. Minnie Forbes arrived in
lone last week from Oakdale, Cal
if. where she spent the winter with ,
her daughter, Mrs. John Osteen.
Miss Katherine White of Youngs-
town, Ohio, and Miss Thelma Mil
ler of Passaic, N. J. arrived in lone
Monday to be the guests of Miss
Eva SwansonAIiss White and Miss
Miller were recenty discharged
from the Waves at San Francisco
as was Miss Swanson. They are on
their way to their respective homes.
Among those from lone attend
ing Mrs. Carolyn Bergstrom's fu
neral in Heppner Saturday were
Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson and
son Carl. Mrs. Mary Swanson. Mrs.
E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Algott Lundell has been
hired to teach in the grades in
the lone school for the coming
year. Mrs. Lundell taught the Ejght
Mile school the past year and comes
highly recommended.
The H.E.C. of Willows grange met
at the home of Mrs. Marion Palmer
Thursday of last week with an all
day meeting and pot luck dinner
at noon.
Word was received of the death
of Gus Walker, former resident of
Berl Akers returned home front
a hospital in The Dalles last week.
Paul Thomas and Garland Wright
of Baker are guests at the Edmond
Bristow home. Mr. Wright is a
nephew of Mrs. Bristow.
Mrs. Hazel Benge and children of
Heppner spent the week-end with
her mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Mrs. Paul 0Meara and mother,
Mrs. Rieth and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Ray spent Saturday in The Dalles
and visited Mr. O'Meara who is in
the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell re
turned from Portland where they
Morrow County Classes of 46
For The Boys:
Bill Folds, Eversharp and Park
er Pen and Pencil Sets, Shaving
Sets, Cigarette Cases and
Lighters, Zippered Shav
ing Kits.
For The Girls:
Compacts, Stationery, Comb
and Brush Sets, Bill Folds,
Cosmetics by Dorothy Grey,
Helene Pessl, Revlon, Sach
ets, Powder Mits, 5-Year Dia
ries, Autograph Books.
pom so red
Saturday Night, May 25th
At the Pavilion
Music by
KUJ Orchestra
Tax Included
Hamburger-Coffee-Soft Drinks- On sale by V. F. W. Auxiliary after 1 1 :00 p.