10 Heppner Gazette Times, May 23, 1946 One Hour Parking On Main in Effect On March 4, the Common Coun cil of the City of Heppner enacted an ordinance providing for one hour parking on Main street from May street to Center street and one hundred feet east from Main street on May street, in the City of Hepp ner, and said ordinance is to be come effective with the placing of the parking signs. These signs will be in position within the next few days. It is not the intention of this or dinance to limit any person's right to park, but rather to extend that privilege to all. It is hoped that this ordinance will make more available to all the limited park ing space we have. The normal growth of the City makes limited parking necessary. It is not intended that this ordi nance will be enforced unreason' ably or too strictly, but it will be enforced. The person who has been in the habit of parking his car in the principal part of the city and going away and leaving it for all Persons who remain in their cars day, will have to change his habits while parked will not be molested, unless it be absolutely necessary, and double parking is to be discour aged altogether. There is a penalty which will be levied against persons too long over parked in one place, but the City docs not expect to pay off the na tional debt with' fines from this source. In fact, if everyone will co operate, with the spirit of this or dinance, very few fines will be col ected. ; J. O. Turner, Mayor Sgt Wade Bothwell, in "service for 30 months with 18 months over seas arrived in Heppner Monday morning. He has seen service in In dia, Burma, Siam, and Singapore. The trip home was Wade's first trip by ship and although he' miss ed a couple of meals was a good traveler most of the 26 days en route from Calcutta. He has his discharge papers and is glad to be home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Bothwel. While driving from the Claude White ranch to Lexington Monday morning, Mrs. Delbert Vincent had the misfortune to upset her car. Her children, Richard and Dorothy were with her but fortunately no one was hurt. Mrs. Anna Bayless has returned to the home of her son Howard Swick at Monument. Mrs. Bayless expects to be away at least a month. Forest and Range LeRoy Barrey, who is communi cation technician for the Forest service on all of the Blue Moun tains national forests, is on the Heppner ranger district this week. He is testing the performance of the present forest service telephone lines and is making necessary changes. While on the district he is going to study the possibility of installing a complete radio system, making complete use of the ultra high frequency (more commonly known as the Walkie Talkie.) Us ing this type of radio it makes it possible for a smoke chaser to talk directly to headquarters through a small portable set. On this district it would be necessary to install a relay on Madison Buttte, since the air waves from the Ultra high fre quency sets will not bend. The re lay makes it possible to talk across a mountain with the small portable sets. There have been a few inquiries recently for the building of summer homes and hunting lodges in the Ditch creek area. The forest ser vice policy is to group these sum mer homes in small coonies with each one having a lot, rather than permittitng the buiding of cottages and lodges promiscuously over the forest. In this area the number of suitable sites having an available water suppy is limited and in or der to accommodate the future de mand it is felt necessary to colon ize the building of homes. When there is sufficient demand for sum mer homes in small colonies with survey possible sites. Anyone wish ing to build a home in the Ditch creek area should call at the ran ger's office and make application. Cleve Van Schoiack has purchas ed 1200 yearling ewes from Oran Wright and will graze them on the Swale creek allotment this summer. Post and pole permits have been issued to Edgar Albert, Kinzua Pine Mills, Washburns and John Hanna. i A dead wood permit was issued to Ed McDaniel. Glenn Parsons returned last week from a three day school at Hem-, lock ranger station on the Columbia national forest. The school was a review of fire fighting technique on large fires and the training of personnel for fire overhead on large fires. Foresters attending the school will be sent to large fires in in the northwest this summer and some years they are sent to fires in southern California. undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator eta. of the estate of George E. Hendrick, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and has accepted such trust. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same to the administrator, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 23rd day of May, 1946. J. O. TURNER 9-13 Administrator eta attended the irrigation celebration at Madras and Culver Saturday. They visited with Joe Mason, for merly of lone. Joe O'Leary has completed his carpenter work at the Emert house and has gone to Elgin to build two school houses and a power plant. Miss Shirley Wilkinson has as her guest this' week a former classmate, Miss Carolyn Bauman, who arriV' ed Friday morning from her home at Nampa, Ida. Carolyn states that her family, the Harvey Baumans, are much taken with Idaho and are enjoying living at Nampa. Mayor and Mrs. J. O. Turner were among the visitors at Madras Saturday on the occasion of the big celebration marking the open ing of the North Unit of the Cen tral Oregon irrigation project. David and William Hynd left Wednesday for Portland to spend a week on business and pleasure They were accompanied by Miss Annie Hynd and Miss Nellie Doney. Henry Howell returned to Hep pner Saturday after spending sev eral months at the home of a son at Estacada. "Hank" says he thinks he will stay here as he was indis posed most of the time he was in the valley, and after all, this is home to him. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the Avoid Annoyance and Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and. am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Will ard and Goodyear Batteries For a!l Cars and Trucks BATTERIES RECHARGED New Fast Willard Safe Method RENTALS Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon IONE NEWS NOTES Continued from Page 5 visited their son Alton, student at the University of Washington and a nephew, Edward Walsh of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lendeken of Vancouver, Wash, were week-end guests at the Harry Yarnell home. Mrs. Ray Tatchell, nee Mabel Cool, of Boise, Ida. was an lone visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Green of Portland were guests at the Herbert Ekstrom home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree and famiy of Salem were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hal vorsen last week. Mr. Crabtree is a brother of Mrs. Halvorsen. Miss Grace Gadeken held a meet ing at the Congregational church Tuesday and demonstrated dry cleaning and care of clothing. Nine women were present and a pot-luck dinner was served at noon. This was Miss Gadeken's last demonstration here. Ernest Heliker and Ed Buschke REMOVAL SAL Prices on all vases and house plants will be cut thirty-three and one-third per cent STARTING FRIDAY One Lot Vases were $1.25 each Now 83c. each Cacti, Ivy, Table Ferns, -were 50c Now 33c each Azaleas, Fuch sias, Caladiums formerly $2.50 and $3.00- Now $1.65 and $2.00 Mixed Pots Value $7.50 were $5.00 Now $3.33 Various Figur ines, Shelves, Wall Brackets and vases, were 40c to $7.00 now reduced one third! Miscellaneous House Plants & Dish Gardens cut from regular prices of 35c to $4.00 now 20c to $2.50 Order your Memorial Day flowers early! We will have cut flowers and we send wire orders! Rachel Dick, FLORIST Phone 2502 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE-- DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE.... Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 3-Hudson Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 to 3 -Our Service Plan your shopping by phone. Save time and effort Our Deivery service will meet your needs. LET US SERVE YOU Locker Cutting Our Specialty Heppner Market S Lockers