Heppner Goiette Times, Moy 16, 1946 9 Idoco cn nchlns tho r.Toot of Vcd nsiu.ir rmm Mke 8 Servings 8 Servings r 8 GROUND VEAL MEAT BALLS WITH SPAGHETTI VEAL PUFFS VEAL PATTIES 5 Jv'hJT' 1 't Add eaaonlngt. onion. 1 cup Combine with 2 cup mashed Combine vail with 1 npi Jf f, bread crumb. 1 egg. Make into ff8' ?? "niaq. giated raw potato. Yt cup grated 5 SS?- BSl 16 balls, brown. Simmer in a to ?uU. Mute 2 cans tomato aoup; mioih M cup muobIm. ikf 5vSu- r&esxE on . . neat. Drop meat mixture into Shape into patties. Brown in (at, E ? T mmu,e8- Sorve soup by spoonfuls. Simmer 45 Add cup water. Cow. Sim- iJtfr J? over spaghetti minutes. mer 20 minutes. Bnuncee euui Makes 8 Servings ) or 8 Servings or 6 Servings OR H H MEAT BRA!SED VEAL mm m Hm CREAM mm ' ""L "CAT Cut into small servings, brown. Cube veal, season, flour and Slice meat into servings. Brown sJ&T'"''' add seasonings and small brown in fat. Dice carrots, in fat, with 2 tablespoons onion. tKte5 " f amount of liquid. Cover. Sim- onions and potatoes. Arranqe Season with paprika and salt 52!fffc t mer until almost done. Make meat and vegetables in casser- Add cup sour cream and Vi cup i''M drop dumplings and add to ole with sauce or gravy. Cover tomato sauce. Cover. Simmer " 'Sgjj' meat. Cover, cook 20 minutes. and cook in slew ovon. 30 minutes. RftMHPCC RncitCT Makes 8 Servings -or 8 Servings -or 6 Servings jgNELESS BREAST VEAL STEW WITH VEGETABLES VEAL POT-PIE GURRiEO VEAL (OVER RICE) 5S ' rSI a jI Cube veal and brown Cover Cook veal and vegetables for Cuba veal. Simmer 'til tender. GSZtrfgrVlm with water or tomato juice. Sea- slew-Season' ?Lace in cas?f role Plf 2 tabIes?na ' n.io? m 2 S ffsTSS W hjj . oijiu..iaoa j cover with qravy. Cover tablespoons fat. Add 1 cup M t EOn'A.vetabIesiniimeo withpastry. shortcakt or diced celery. 4 tablespoons W ' fSfiSffe- cook. Thicken gravy. Garnish mashed potatoes. Bake until flour, 1 tablespoon curry, 2 cups g gg-- Wllh or geen beans. brown. stock, seasonings. Cook. Add I pound Makes 6 Servings ' or 4 Servings or S Servings SHOULDER CHOPS VEAL CHOPS WITH NOODLES BRAISED VEAL CHOPS VEAL CHOPS-PRUNE STUFFING ggpgjj? Ij& Have chops cut thin. Brown with Flour chops. Brown in fat. Sea. Have choDS cut thin Brown in jdEf2S$0Z onion, add seasonings. Cook son with salt and pepper, garlic JT MnM LV tnTZuh noodIes 811(1 Place 511 cas- baV leaf. Place lemon slice 'at- t , r. stuffing wtth If seioIe- with o110?3 on P- on each chop. Add Vi cup wa- prunes to fit each chop. Place M Cover. Cook in slow oven 30 ter. Cover and simmer 45 min- eacn onoP on stuffing. Cover. "T' Jl minutes.' utes. Cook In slow oven 30 minutes. CASO Of IttAXXS preoions of lympmthy In our i W viab to thank our friend for rtAvtmeat the many beautiful cards and ex- Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ferguson In planning for veal in the meal , a good many home food buyers are in the habit of not thinking much further than veal roasts or chops. But veal has other cuts to offer cuts which may be less well known but, nevertheless, are just as de sirable, if properly prepared. An idea as to what can be done toward injecting variety into the menu with veal is set forth by the recipes given above. There are, of course, many other cuts of veal and many possibilities for their preparation that may be used to advantage. Governor Appoints Radio Committee For K O G Publicity Eight men from Oregon's radio industry were asked by Governor Earl Snell to serve as members of the Keep Oregon Green state radio committee, as it prepares its cam paign to combat man-caused fires in Oregon this summer. Named to this important com mittee in the fire prevention pro gram by the governor after nom ination by the Oregon broadcaster's association are these men: Glen Mc- Cormick,, president, KSLM, Salem; Charles Couche, vice president, KOIN; and James Mount, secretary, KXL, Portland. Lee Jacobs, KBKR, Baker and Jack Keating, KFJI, Klamath Falls are on the board of directors. Unless we get some unseasonally heavy rains early in the summer, this promises to be one of our worst fire seasons, the governor pointed out as he called attention to the low record of rainfall during April, which has permitted the forests to dry out much earlier than usual. "Let every person who uses our great outdoors observe the simple pecautions against fire," the governor urged. Austin Wilson is recovering from a major operaton performed Thurs day of last week at Pndleton. PUZZLED? You will lose that puzzled ex pression when you read our menu. It is easy to order a meal here, for no matter what you select you are bound to be satisfied. Join the well-fed ranks by taking your meals at HEPPNER CAFE i cal pastor, extends a hearty invi tation to all to attend this mission, We Now Have In Stock Five Steel Showers - Complete American all-steel Sink and Cabinet.. Chrome fittings Folding Drying Racks and Ironing Boards . Gal vanized Garbage Pail Galvanized Fly Screen by foot or yard. Heppner Hardware r Electric J. W. HEINY PASSES AT PORTLAND HOME Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ferguson re turned Friday evening from Port land where they were called ear. lier on account of the illness of Mrs. Ferguson's father, J. W. Hei ay. Mr. Heiny, nearly 84 years of age, passed away May 6 and fu neral services were held May .8. Mrs. Ferguson's brother, Neil Heiny arrived from Chicago to attend the funeral. METAL WEATHER STRIPS-- Rock Wool Insulation Insect Screens The fuel shortage is still on SAVE UP TO 35 KEEPS OUT DUST, SOOT, SNOW REDUCE summer temperatures Call E. D. Lehman, Salesman 1342 Heppner FOR FREE ESTIMATE Chamberlain Company of America 1226 S. W. Stark St. Portland, Oro. A mission, conducted by Father Francis Jelinek, C. S. P. will be held at St. Patrick's church be ginning Sunday, May 26 and clos ing Friday, May 31. He will also conduct a mission in lone for three days, June 1, 2 and 3. Timely topics of interest to Ca tholics and non-Catholics will be presented by Father Jelinek, who is a member of the Paulist Mission Fathers, whose spiritual work has received much national esteem. Questions on religion and on subjects affiliated with religion are invited and answers will be pre sented with deep understanding and good will. Morning mass with instruction, every morning at 7:30. Evening preaching and devotions at 8:00 p. m. Father McCormack, lo- We Are Receiving NEW ELECTRICAL APPPLIANCES Almost Every Day Immediate delivery on such things as Irons, Toasters, Radios, Vacuum Sweepers, also several Electric Heaters, just the thing this time of year to take the chill off the room. YES, we have on our floor two reach-in deep-freeze Boxes one 26V2 cubic feet, the other 12 cubic feet. Come in and see them. We will put your name on the list for anything we can't deliver now. HEPPNER APPLIANCE CO. Located Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg. Phone 403 Our business is to serve you . . Our stocks are as complete as the market affords . . . Our quality is our pride . . . Your satisfaction is our aim. Central Market and Grocery