IONE NEWS NOTES Continued from Page fix young philosopher from China, Curt Ludwig; radio announcer, Gene Rietmann. Pie and coffee were served by the lone P-TA after the performance. Mr and Mrs. Walter Dobyns re turned to their home in lone last weex. Save time and money Shop thru the Classified columns. A 4i For the Graduate fi-. Monogramed Stationery box . . $3.75 Saager's Pharmacy Heppner Gazette Times, May 16, 1946 7 irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOTO Gerge Pulley left Friday for Portland. He has been living with his daughter, Mrs. Chris Strouser. J. E. McCoy went to Portland Monday morning to be with Mrs. McCoy who is in a hospital there. The fifth, sixth, seventh and ! eighth grades went to Sacajawea I park Monday . for a school picnic. I They were accompanied by Miss I Crego. Roy Stamp of Heppner spent Sunday with his sisters, Mrs. C. W. Acock and Mrs. J. A. Shoun and their families. Mrs. Emma Stewart went to The Dalles Sunday. She accompanied her son Wayne that far on his way to Portland. Frank Lindsey loaded a band of yearling ewes on the railroad cars at Irrigon Friday. They drove them from Patterson, Wash. They were going to Emmet, Ida. for summer pasture. Fred Markham of Sunnyside vis ited Irrigon Friday. Mrs. June Cooper and son Billy of Eugene arrived Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stephens, and see her brother Clark graduated. High Hackenburgh and daughter Margaret of Portland left for home Friday after spending five weeks with relatives here. Mrs. George Russell had a re ception for the seniors and their parents after the commencement exercises, serving ice cream and cake for refreshments. The cake was decorated with blue and gold and bore 12 candles to represent the 12 years in school. The parents of the band members had a banquet Wednesday ior the band and Supt. Leroy Darling. They presented Mr. Darling with a gift. Rev. A. B. Turner preached the baccalaureate sermon in the high school auditorium Sunday night. The Ray Cosner family moved up to the Marlow house. They have been living with his parents, the P. D. Cosners. Mr and Mrs Wayne Stewart and small son of Portland arrived Fri day to visit is mother, Mrs. Emma Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus start ed to Portland Saturday to spend a few days with' relatives. Commencement exercises were at the high school auditorium Fri day evening with six seniors grad uating, including Clara Fraser, va ledictorian; Beth Russell, Leonard Aldrioh, Clark Stephens, Mae Cos- ner and Jack Zabranski. Mrs. Lucy I Rodgers, county superintendent was J the speaker. A. C. Houghton gave out the diplomas. Eighth graduates were Joan Slate, Patty Guerin, Bobby Adams, Donald Pou'son, Donald Dweek, Arlow Henderson, Bud Roberts and Lavern Marlow. All of the teachers except Miss Evelyn Scott and Mrs. Benny Mc Coy have accepted contracts to teach here next year. ; tV iy ; , H;. 1,1 vl; t I . I 1 J 'I v&et yTV yf? """" ' " . "T. - e A MB. i-N . that cost VSTI nenaTG U nvardayJ -Ycl PP&1 s. Ao last 6 Yew'- u-y' 1,1 . PP&L's average bot check . W hat itWas i 1940! 0 igbct.yetP" arc lower. rkfl0V, how a vears of electric than ever inn ttn ui emeu t iv nccjj iumu u36yfeleCT" ,od bud o. "-t 1 1 r, n, iM VuW vZZzs&ff. IT ENROUTE HOME A card from Claire H. Cox writ ten at the Raleigh hotel, Washing ton D. C, informs this newspaper that he was separated from the air corps at Pinecastle Army Airfield, Orlando, Fla. and that after a five day visit with friends in the capi tal would be Oregon bound via lialtimore, New York City, Detroit, Indianapolis (and tno ?00 race), and then Los Angeles, San Fran cisco and Seattle. "And so will be back to the hills of home Hepp ner, to see old friends in late June and surely look forward to it." Evangelist Ed Galloway is begin ning Revival Meetings May 21st in the Assembly of God, Every night except Saturday at 8 p. m. Featuring inspirational singing, so los and preaching. Pastor Shelby E. Graves m S REPUBLICAN-FOK CONGRESS Second District -MAY 17